I'm trying to make use of SignalR in Android Studio and while it apparently has added the projects and dependencies to my application project I'm getting constant
Error:(11, 39) error: package microsoft.aspnet.signalr.client does not exist
The import for these packages was dynamically added by Android studio as I started typing code to make use of it
Platform.loadPlatformComponent(new AndroidPlatformComponent());
So there is something there.
However when I try and actually build my main project I keep getting the package error.
I've run out of ideas now as to why it can know enough about the project to build it and reference the packages but then not actually find those packages for the main project to use.
Any ideas?
I never did find out how to do it via Android Studio. In the end I had to use Eclipse (and don't forget to change your workspace to use Java 1.6 or greater)
Please forgive the vague sounding title
I am trying to get this project to compile in android studio:
Downloading the github project and compiling it as it is did not work, I am getting this error, and redownloading dependencies and syncing as suggested in the error message did not work
UPDATE: I have upgraded android studio, gradle and kotlin plugin to latest version and it's still the same problem.
I can use the library version of this project just fine, using the steps described in the github page. I want to compile the source code of this component together with my project so that I can tweak the bubble animation itself. Since the github project itself does not compile, I created a Hello World project first, then manually copied in the bubblepicker folder in the Hello World project. Inside the bubblepicker folder, I changed the name of the folder tree java/com/iglata/bubblepicker to java/com/test/app/bubblepicker, and changed the package name of the files inside this folder to reflect this. I then copied the code in DemoActivity.kt to my MainActivity.kt and changed the package names and made few minor adjustments to make the compiler errors go away.
I have made some modifications in the gradle files as well so that gradle syncing does not give any errors. However, anything inside bubblepicker does not seem to be detected in the MainActivity.kt, or it's activity layout xml file. For example,
import com.test.app.bubblepicker.BubblePickerListener
is marked with red colour in android studio and the error is unresolved reference. If I remove all references to bubblepicker and replace the code in MainActivity.kt with the Hello World code, then it compiles and runs fine, so it's as if bubblepicker is not getting picked up by the compiler at all.
What could be the problem here?
Or at the very least, how can I compile the bubblepicker github project? Simply loading the whole project in Android Studio is giving me compiler errors. I am doing this on Android Studio 3.5 on macOS with Kotlin version latest as of September 4.
I didn't get any error while import Github project.
Kindly update your android studio and kotlin Gradle version and check same.
I was developing an android app (using Eclipse, not Studio) following some example, which makes use of Github/CircleImageView. Hence, I wanted to compile that first into a jar library.
So on my Linux machine I installed gradle and since its my first time with gradle, I followed the tutorial on gradle. So, in the root directory of the project ~/Downloads/CircleImageView-master/, I :
Run gradle wrapper. Got Build Success
Run ./gradlew build, gives the following error
CircleImageView.java:21: error: package com.nineoldandroids.animation does not exist
import com.nineoldandroids.animation.ObjectAnimator;
Though, I can see that there is one jar file in the project ~/Downloads/CircleImageView-master/circleimageview/libs/nineoldandroid-library-2.4.0.jar. Can anyone please help in resolving the issue. I am trying since past 10 hours and reached so far here after resolving all the issues, and stuck just at the last point.
I opened the jar in a package manager and the required classes are there, including ObjectAnimator.
I am trying out android crosswalk project. I am having problems adding crosswalk webview to andriod studio though. I am not sure where I am going wrong nor do I understand most terminology yet.
I read https://crosswalk-project.org/documentation/embedding_crosswalk.html but I refers to https://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/eclipse-adt.html which is no longer supported. This seems to be outdated but I tried anyway with Android Studio 1.2.2.
I tried making a project with https://crosswalk-project.org/documentation/downloads.html Android webview (ARM) 13.42.319.11 as told in the documention. I am not sure what is meant with 'open ADT' but I assumed Android Studio instead of the plugin of eclipse. I opened from an 'existing android studio project' (the download unzipped). But didn't come across the option 'set root directory'.
I then tried to create a new android studio project and ran it. It showed the basic hello wold example on my phone. Then I followed the remaining steps by pasting in the code they provided. I ran it again and got 3 errors:
Error:(3, 22) error: package org.xwalk.core does not exist
Error:(9, 13) error: cannot find symbol class XWalkView
Error:(15, 23) error: cannot find symbol class XWalkView
I am not sure what to do from here as this is all very new to me.
Basically I am trying to run there example but can't figure out why the import isn't working.
I am having the same problem but I finally fixed it by placing the xwalk_core_library.jar in the libs folder, together with arm64-v8a and x86_64 subfolders and I have removed compile 'org.xwalk:xwalk_core_library:x.x.x.x' from dependecies.
Updated Links 19-07-2016
maven {
url 'https://download.01.org/crosswalk/releases/crosswalk/android/maven2'
And In dependencies add this
compile 'org.xwalk:xwalk_core_library_beta:'
I am using Android Studio 0.8.14, and I have included the module from https://chris.banes.me/2012/10/12/photoview-v1-1/ but it always show me
Error:(27, 29) error: package uk.co.senab.photoview does not exist
But within the program the import uk.co.senab.photoview.PhotoViewAttacher; without any error.
That's puzzled me.
I have been trying to resolve this without any success.
you should check first: Package does not exist when using separate App as a dependency
then - if this does not fix your issue you should create a dependancy of your library:
reference which helped me to solve this problem:
in this case you should add : [your-photo-library-name] dependancy for your main app in Project Structure Screen.
Hope it helps.
On Windows 7 (64 bit) with the Android SDK working perfectly with Eclipse - my first android application, using the first "Hello World" sample (found here - http://docs.xamarin.com/android/getting_started/hello_world - from Xamarin)
fails with the error "the OutputPath property who is not set for project NameProject.csproj".
I have tried re-runing the installation program from Xamarin and this error still occurs.
Could someone please suggest what may be causing this problem?
Thanks a lot.
the exact error:
Error: The OutputPath property is not set for project 'helloWorld3.csproj'.
Please check to make sure that you have specified a valid combination of
Configuration and Platform for this project.
This error may also appear if some other project is trying to follow a
project-to-project reference to this project, this project has been
unloaded or is not included in the solution, and the referencing project
does not build using the same or an equivalent Configuration or Platform.
I think we've seen this before. Your system manufacturer installed an environment variable called Platform onto your system. This breaks all msbuild based stuff, since msbuild automatically imports that as $(Platform), conflicting with the real $(Platform) that msbuild uses to compile.
Try removing the environment variable and try again.