I'm trying to get a NavigationDrawer working with sliding tabs inside a fragment (just like google play music or the google i/o app). In all my reasearch I found that you can't use Action bar tabs + Navigation Drawer together because the Navigation drawer will look like in the back of the tabs (I notice that). Can anyone help me telling me how to get that done without use an external library such ActionBarSherlock or TabHost (according to the documentation is recommended the use of actionbar)?
Yes, you're right. It won't be possible using ActionBar tabs as the navigation drawer won't overlap them. I recently implemented a library called ViewPagerAddons which has a custom view called SlidingTabLayoutColors imitating the behavior seen in Google Play/Music.
But as you said you don't want to use any libraries, you can still have a look at the source code. Here's the link with instructions: https://bitbucket.org/enthusiast94/viewpageraddons
I have an android app that uses legacy TabHost, its deprecated but still works fine.
Requirement is to add a sliding Navigation Drawer to the TabHost. Menu in the Nav drawer will be a combination of tabs in the tabhost plus additional items.
Can anyone provide examples of how to integrate Navigation Drawer with TabHost?
Section 3.2 in this article explains quite well how to implement the navigation drawer. In this example they set it up with a header and a RecyclerView, but you can really build it however you like.
I hope this helps
I have followed exact steps in the following tutorial for making navigation drawer using design support library. But i want to replace the default hamburger icon (using drawerToggle.syncState()). How can i do it?
Also I want to make Navigation drawer switch activities instead of fragments. For this, i have made a BaseActivity following above tutorial and extended all other activities from this BaseActivity. I am able to get the result but when a new activity is launched unable to preserve the highlighting of selected item in navigation drawer. Please suggest any solutions?
I use this library:
I would like to have a right NavigationDrawer with a ListView (or a lot of items) inside and I get items from DB inside the Fragment and when user click on items on the NavigationDrawer I get data from another DB and show it on Fragment.
and I have a questions:
is possible to create a right Drawer inside a Fragment? or is better to create a new right Drawer in MainActivity and change the navigation item inside the Fragment?
Just use brand new Navigation View from recenlty released Android Design Support Library by Google.
Here are links for you:
official documentation, always a good read: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/design/widget/NavigationView.html
nicely written blog post about Navigation View: http://antonioleiva.com/navigation-view/
and last but not least, sample app using new Android Design Library: https://github.com/antoniolg/MaterializeYourApp
To have Navigation View on the right, just set android:layout_gravity to end.
As from design point of view, you should always use left sided Navigation Drawer, it is possible to make it right sided, but its recommended to leave it at the left side.
Another thing is that you do not need to use 3rd party navigation drawer libraries.Since there is a Design library by google, which supports the material design navigation view.
Here is a link for the library:
And here is another useful link:
Here is the link for the Navigation Drawer: https://guides.codepath.com/android/Fragment-Navigation-Drawer
As for your question the appropriate way is to create the drawer always in the main activity onCreate() method.
I am working on an application, in which I need to implement navigation drawer. We have two different ways of implement navigation drawer in android as shown in attached screen shots :
In first way the sliding list is over main content. In second type, sliding list becomes visible and make main content to slide left to right with Navigation Drawer list.
I goggled a lot about this and only got solution of first type. I want to implement Navigation drawer like second type in attached screenshot. So please tell me what changes I need to make.
For the first case google's official Navigation Drawer is there.
And for the second case there's a third party library on github.
here's the link: https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu
Also I feel you've to use ActionBarSherlock (again a third party library) in order to implement the second case.
Moreover the google's drawer method is the recommended one as it supports a stable action bar, from where you can choose items even when the drawer is open. Also the design + app flow is slick and faster in this case as compared to the third party lib.
Does anyone of you know of a sub navigation pattern in Android that uses a tabbed ActionBar navigation with pageable Fragments for its main navigation? (ViewPager)
I have looked at Spinners in the ActionBar which could work quite well if it wouldn't take ages to get the submenu rendered in the ActionBar while swiping from one tab to the next. (in the end you have jumping action items which look pretty ugly)
The other approach would include a segmented control widget which is known from the iOS platform. (like the TED application has it at the moment)
But what would be the Android way of doing it?
Why can't you try menu's for different tabs? I dont know whether it helps or not.Surf google for creating menus for each tab.