WebRTC error on voe_audio_processing_impl.cc:857 - android

When in a call using the Sinch SDK on Android, the following error is thrown:
09-14 17:06:38.223 28454-28484/com.callcasual.callcasual E/sinch-android-rtc﹕ ERROR ; (17: 6:38:237 | 1) 28493; (voe_audio_processing_impl.cc:857): GetEcMetricsStatus: not supported
When searching for that error it appears to be an issue with WebRTC, however I cannot find a way to solve the issue.

This is only indicating that echo metrics are not available, the voice will go through fine during the call anyway. Why WebRTC logs this as an error I'm not sure but we are looking at disabling this in a future release of the Sinch SDK.


React-native-ble-plx unable to read with Android version less than 9

I am using React native version "0.63.3" and "react-native-ble-plx" version "2.0.2".
I am unable to read the characteristics in Android version less than 9.
It throws an error "Disconnected from {deviceId} with status 22 (UNKNOWN)"
If I debug, I could find this in BleError.js is thrown
"Error: Unknown error occurred. This is probably a bug! Check reason property"
Any help is appreciated!
I was recently working on an app requiring bluetooth functionality, I found this library to be much better than react-native-ble-plx, make sure to also check out their example to get a better understanding of how it works.

Raygun client unable to send - failed resolution of InetAddressUtils

Is anyone who is using Raygun in their Android apps seeing this error exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lorg/apache/http/conn/util/InetAddressUtils;
at main.java.com.mindscapehq.android.raygun4android.messages.NetworkInfo.readIPAddress(SourceFile:117)
at main.java.com.mindscapehq.android.raygun4android.messages.NetworkInfo.<init>(SourceFile:20)
at main.java.com.mindscapehq.android.raygun4android.messages.RaygunMessageDetails.setNetworkInfo(SourceFile:61)
at main.java.com.mindscapehq.android.raygun4android.RaygunMessageBuilder.setNetworkInfo(SourceFile:81)
at main.java.com.mindscapehq.android.raygun4android.RaygunClient.buildMessage(SourceFile:508)
at main.java.com.mindscapehq.android.raygun4android.RaygunClient.send(SourceFile:221)
This exception is very intermittent, but when it does happen, it always occurs when the app calls RaygunClient.send(...). I'm using Raygun in my app to report error conditions such as a failed webservice call, however, when I report this to Raygun it crashes my app!
The release of v3.0.6 includes fixes that address the problems seen with InetAddressUtils NoClassDefFoundError exceptions. Please update to release v3.0.6 and let us know if the problems persist.
Please see our documentation on how to update. https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/android/crash-reporting/installation/

Why Android 7 devices show error messages related to native shared libraries

My Android app is using 3rd party library that uses native libraries.
It is built with targetSdkVersion 21.
When running my app on Android 7 phones (in my example, LG G20), users start getting a visible error message upon process initialization.
The error message screenshot is attached.
When running the same app on Android 5.x and 6.x, there is no error shown to the user, although there is still a matching warning message in the log. Log message looks like:
library "/data/app/org.iotivity.base.examples.simpleclient-1/lib/arm/libocstack-jni.so" has invalid DT_NEEDED entry "./obj/local/armeabi/libocprovision.so"
ךibrary "/data/app/org.iotivity.base.examples.simpleclient-1/lib/arm/libocstack-jni.so" has invalid DT_NEEDED entry "./obj/local/armeabi/libocpmapi.so"
So it looks likes Android 7 "decides" to show to the end user a warning which is kept for the log only in previous versions.
I would appreciate:
1. Ideas on how the error message can be suppressed
2. Hints on what is the right solution for the issue (this is a 3rd party code, but I may try to tweak the build process)
Thanks in advance

Millenial Media [5]: [LOAD_FAILED] No additional details available

I am trying to implement ads into an android app with Millenial Media SDK Version 6. I followed the instructions for integrating with Android at http://docs.millennialmedia.com/android-ad-sdk/inline-ads.html.
But I get an error in adb logcat:
[5]: [LOAD_FAILED] No additional details available.
And the ad doesn't show up.
I found some documentation that mentions the error at http://docs.millennialmedia.com/android-ad-sdk/apidocs/classcom_1_1millennialmedia_1_1_inline_ad_1_1_inline_error_status.html, but there is no description on what this error means.
I was able to figure it out by adding a line:
To my code and then using
adb logcat | grep MMSDK
The output explained the problem, and it wasn't hard to understand. Hopefully this answer helps someone else.

"OAuthException - An unknown error has occurred" when commenting articles through the Graph API

We have been getting a new error in our Android app since beginning of October. We can reproduce it using curl, so have something changed regarding commenting articles through the API?
Here is an example of a call that fails using a valid access_token
curl.exe -k https://graph.facebook.com/comments?ids=http://www.cnn.com
-F "access_token=AAACwlRNQEK4BAPr3ByJBVLN8uwDjDOk1JFhIWNB4xiH..."
-F "message=Test from curl"
And the result is:
{"error":{"message":"An unknown error has occurred.","type":"OAuthException"}}
I really hope someone can help out here as this is causing a lot of negative feedback in the Android Market :-/
This is a bug in the Facebook SDK:

