I'm new to android and don't know how to make a ListView with more than 1 layout. I need 5 different layouts in the same ListView. The list won't have more than 5 items each with a different layout.
Also will there be a problem if one layout is a VideoView?
I don't have any code to post, sins I didn't know where to start.
Thanks in advance!
You need to override the getViewTypeCount() and getItemViewType() in your adapter.
The getViewTypeCount() would return 5 and getItemViewType() would determine what type of view (out of the 5) is to be displayed.
If you are using Eclipse, go to the relevant xml layout in the /res/layout folder (for MainActivity.java it might be activity_main.xml). From here you can add views/layouts inside your ListView by dragging them onto the ListView in the 'stucture' window to the right of your screen. They will be in the order you place them, top to bottom.You can get your viewslayouts from the widgets panel or add them programatically in Java (do this in the corresponding Java file).
Alternatively, you can write your views/layouts in using xml, make sure they are between the ListView tags so it contains them.
I'm working on an android project where I have a set of views (2 TextViews and some checkboxes in a checkbox group) to replicate many time in the same activity.
Is it possible to define the layout only for one set and instantiate it many time?
Also, the views are grouped in a Relative layout, is it possible to position the without the id attributes (to avoid id duplication)?
I would use a ListView for this. Even if you got like 5 items it workd fine. If you got many more items it still works perfect. Take a look at this example.
You can do this by defining the fields you want to reuse in their own xml. you can then use the 'include' tag for where you want them to display.
You do need to define the id's to position them in the relative layout. What is your concern about replicating the id's.
The other thing worth mentioning is how to use findById() when using 'include'. You can put a id on the include tag (which is effectively the relative layout viewgroup). Find that group first (Cast to viewgroup) and then do a findbyId on that group for what ever view you are after.
I am developing an activity with a ListView in which I need to change the current row by another layout by clicking on the row, and I'm not finding any way to do as much as I look (I take hours searching for possible solutions and I have not seen any reference to this problem). I do not know if this can be done in Android, but if anyone has an idea of how to do this would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
PS: The ListView control is normal and just want to replace a layout with a different layout. I'm using the API 15.
Use a ViewSwitcher
A ViewSwitcher is -
ViewAnimator that switches between two views, and has a factory from
which these views are created. You can either use the factory to
create the views, or add them yourself. A ViewSwitcher can only have
two child views, of which only one is shown at a time.
I suggest merging the two layouts in a single one and hide the second one. In your adapter data you should have a flag or something to indicate which layout to display. When you click a row, toggle that flag for the selected item and notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter. This will make sure the changed layout remains even if you scroll up and down and the row goes off screen.
A more optimized solution is to have different item types in the adapter.
I was wondering how to implement the listview like the android market.
in the right hand panel a listview is divided into the two rows. This is very useful because it saves lot of space and user can look at almost double items in the listview at a time. how can I implement this ? any suggestions?
you can use GridView instead of ListView of two columns..
1. GridView
2. GridViewExample
Sample design :
The Android Market also uses the ViewPager to scroll between the pages. Here is an example on how you could implement it.
There is another question that is related to this one.Check the folling link, it might help you:
How to display a two column ListView in Android?
Modify you *.xml file to get what you want.
Good luck!
If you want to do this using listView, then each item (row) in the list view should consist of two views. You can do this using a relative layout (or linear layout) with two items side by side.
You can also implement this using a gridview having two columns.
I am trying to create a screen where I get two items from SharedPreferences and display them to the screen, and then display a list via an adapter.
What I am not sure about is how to structure the layout xml file for this. Any suggestions how to do that?
You can have the main layout with a listview. Then you can have a sub layout for each row of your list. This row layout, let's call it row_layout.xml may have two text areas if your items are text or it may have a text area and a checkbox button if that's what you want. Basically, whatever you want to display in a single row of your list.
Read up a tutorial, here's one: http://www.vogella.de/articles/AndroidListView/article.html
Take a look # MergeAdapter, you can also create a view only listitem and add these item as header to the list
I am not sure what you mean. Are you asking for examples of layouts with two textviews that can be updated via sharedprefs, with a ListView in the activity? Or just suggestions? An easy way to get started would be to use the Eclipse Android plugin that has a layout designer in it. Here is a tutorial on how to use it http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/android/android-layout/ Its pretty easy and straight forward.
Things are simple, I want to make a widget with 4 lines and 4 rows in it, on each cell there would be a click-able image and an action set by the user via the Settings page.
The layout is like this:
What layout element is recommended to be used for this scenario ? Should I use a GridView, TableLayout, more Linearlayouts ? Keep in mind that the spacing between items must be the same. I want to make it as light as possible. So, what layout ?
If I decide to use a GridView do you have any simple tutorial about
this? I can't manage to find a way of accessing the GridView from
AppWidgetProvider and set it's Adapter. Thank you.
LE: It seems that GridView is supported starting from Android 3.0.. please correct me if I'm wrong. In this case the only remaining thing to do is add 16 images and for each image add a onClickListener ? Brrr...
If you use a GridView then half of your work is done for you - The only layout and formatting elements you need to consider are on a Global (GridView) and Item level.
Using a GridView will also give your Scrolling functionality and the ability to change your row/columns count based on your device (4x4 on tablet, perhaps 2x8 on a phone).
Creating an extension of BaseAdapter to attach the Grid's children will also give you the flexibility to check items, multi select and will allow you to quickly modify the implementation in future by adding and removing items at will.
If this is simply a 4x4 grid which will always ALWAYS remain the same independent of device and each "Item" will always be the same, Use a RelativeLayout as it will be the most lightweight and efficient ViewGroup.