Android Push notifications not recieving - android

This is driving me really crazy. I am new to Android development but experienced in iOS development. I wanted to implement Parse Push notifications to an Android app and all is going fine:
The devices are registered at Parse
While sending a test Push message the Parse system tells me that the message is received
BUT: I don't receive anything on my Android test devices.
I have already created new Parse Apps and Android Studio projects but without any luck. Any help on debugging this or is this a Android studio related issue?
EDIT: I just followed the Push service quick guide so I added some lines to the Manifest and added this to my code
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Parse.initialize(this, "xxx", "xxx");
<receiver android:name="com.parse.GcmBroadcastReceiver"
<action android:name="" />
<action android:name="" />
IMPORTANT: Change "com.parse.starter" to match your app's package name.
<category android:name="com.pootentieel.andrew.sbpootentieel" />

Did you changed com.parse.starter to match your package name and have you registered push callback receiver activity?
goto this link and import the android project and change the keys. Then run the android project and send a push to see if it works. If it works check both the projects side by side to see what is causing the problem. Please mark this answer as correct if it helped thanks :)


Firebase notifications not received on Android app

I am trying to send notifications from Firebase to an Android mobile app developed in Visual Studio 2015.
I tried to implement each step that is presented in this tutorial, but I still can't receive notifications.
One weird thing that I noticed is related to this part of the tutorial:
Log.Debug(TAG, "google app id: " + Resource.String.google_app_id);
The google_app_id value logged to the output window should match the mobilesdk_app_id value recorded in google-services.json.
The result of the log that I quotted above doesn't match the mobilesdk_app_id value recorded in google-services.json, although I made every step presented in the tutorial.
Also, when I try to send notification that has the target set to "single device" and I write in the FCM registration token the result of the FirebaseInstanceId.Instance.Token, the message status is "failed" (Unregistered registration token).
How can I fix this issues?
Later edit:
The difference between the possible duplicate post and mine is that my FirebaseInstanceId.Instance.Token is not equal to mobilesdk_app_id value recorded in google-services.json.
Any ideas?
Content of manifest file (between application tags):
<application android:label="RTSD_Firebase">
android:exported="false" />
<action android:name="" />
<action android:name="" />
<category android:name="${applicationId}" />

Cannot receive search queries from Google Now

I am trying to connect Google Now SEARCH_ACTION with my searchable activity using this piece of code in my AndroidManifest.xml:
<activity android:name=".SearchableActivity">
<action android:name=""/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
I am following instructions on and
This is just not working. The search from Google Now is not launching my app. I have verified that:
This works for Eat 24 app, confirming that there's no issue with right version of OS/Google app/Locale.
I can launch app from inside my app and receive typed search queries, confirming that my SearchableActivity code doesn't have any issues.
Anyone has gotten this to work? Could you please let me know what I am missing here?
Well... looks like the app needs to be published on Play Store: - look for comments by Jarek Wilkiewicz. Going to try this next.

Can I open Google Glass native app using GCM

I have an idea to open the Google Glass native application using GCM service.
Could anybody help me with this. Is that possible.
As of right now, there is no Google Play Services on Glass. Thus you can't register for GCM messages on Glass.
However, I do see GCMBroadcastReceiver in GlassHome's apk manifest, so I assume, they added (or in progress of adding) some pieces of Play Services. Will see what's gonna happen when they officially release Glass :)
Just to summarize, no, it is not possible to open native Glass app using GCM. At least right now
You can achieve the same thin using the Mirror API to insert a card that can then be used to launch a GDK app. Specifying a menu item as like below will insert a card with a menu that the user can tap to launch
You'll need this intent filter on your Android manifest file:
<data android:scheme="" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
And can then access the query params passed in the payload as Intent extras.

Amazon In-App Not Proceeding

I am trying to implement Amazon In app Purchasing in android. First I downloaded the sample code from Amazon "ButtonClicker" from this site. When I run the code on my Kindle Fire I received these messages on my Eclipse Logcat:
After sending request nothing happens. No response received.
Is there any problem due to SKUs? But no error is being shown on Invalid SKU. Please help me out in solving this problem.
Have you registered the Amazon ResponseReceiver in the manifest? If you haven't than you will not be able to catch any response.
<receiver android:name="" >
<intent-filter >
android:permission="" />
Also check the amazon.sdktester.json which you must have put in mnt/sdcard folder. Make sure it is not missing and does not has json compilation errors.

On InMobi Addtracker My application is not getting reported

I am using inmobi in my android application.
For that i am using InMobiAdTrackerAndroid.jar with this jar i am following documentation.
1: We are using following codes inmy application Launcher class
2: We are using this constants in place of above bold text
public static final String INMOBI_APP_ID = "5cd90875-04c7-476d-aa6e-ee7cf0ac70f6";
3: In AndroidManifest.xml class we add following code
android:exported="true" >
<action android:name="" />
4: InMobiAdTrackerAndroid.jar is the library which we are using for inmobi and this library is added in build path.
On InMobi site in Reporting i am not getting an Application's name.(Application is present in DashBoard not present in Reporting)
I tested application using qrcode of my application and it forwarded me to google play where my application is present.
So what is the reason my application is not showing on Reportings.
here i a using samsung Tablet with sdk version 11.
You need to make a call to
IMAdTrackerAnalytics.getInstance().reportGoal("Any custom goal").
Then you will see the reports in the UI.
Install goal and all other custom goals defined by you,needs to be reported by the api call.
Also dont miss the following activty in the manifest
and the required permissions.
Hope this helps.

