i know how to set and get a value in shared preferences:
But this works only while the app is started.
I wonder how i can set some values as standard so they are set even by starting the app the first time. So not the code is setting them, instead its just like writing something in strings.xml.
Is this possible?
where is your SDK ROOT? check the samples on shared Prefs....
is the sample u want.
example in Main_Activity.onCreate():
PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.your-defaults, false);
PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getString("default_user_oid", "default").equalsIgnoreCase("default")
I used Mark Murphy's code to built a custom preference, a TimePreference with a TimePicker in particular. I have a problem with getting and storing the default values in onSetInitialValue method, where null is returned. I also read that PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.preferences, false); does not work with strings, which in fact does not work in my case. Is there a way to get and set the default values without using the PreferenceManager's getDefaultSharedPreferences method?
I deleted the preference file from the emulator and everything is back to normal
When I originally wrote and published my app, I was using a custom written activity to handle application settings. I used custom file name to store shared preferfences, like this:
But now I'm refactoring my app and I would like to implement PreferenceActivity or PreferenceFragment and an xml file with PreferenceScreen section. Every tutorial or example that I've seen is using
to retrieve shared preferences, because PreferenceActivity assumes default filename to store preferences and there's no way to tell it to use a different one(at least I couldn't find one after an hour of searching and reading documentation).
So now I have a problem. If I just simply use the new default file, existing users of my app will lose their settings when they update the app, because the new application will not know anything about "custom_settings_file". What would be the best way to move the data from an old file to a new one on app update?
Here are the possible options that I could come up with:
Extend Application class and implement a piece of code in onCreate() so that every time my app is launched, it would check for existence of "custom_settings_file" and move it's contents to the new one. But running a block of code on every app launch seems like wasting too much processing resources for an operation that only needs to run once.
Just notify the user that their old settings are gone. But obviously this is not acceptable.
Is there a better solution, than option 1? Perhaps someone has already faced a similar problem?
What is preventing you from doing number 1 only once?
Just add a "migration" boolean to the new sharedpreferences.
If you also load the xml preference file then you can try this:
PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(context, YOUR_PREFERENCE_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE, R.xml.preference_file, false);
If not (you want to add each preference item dynamically in your code) then you can do like this:
PreferenceManager pm = getPreferenceManager();
In case you still want to use the defaultSharedPreference and process the migration then ... I'm writing this and I see Nicklas's answer, so I'm done here.
Could you add value in your new SharedPreferences that records whether you are a new install or an upgrade. If you don't have the setting in your sharedpreferences, check to see if you have an old preferences file in the way you were before. Then convert those preferences to your new method, and set your private setting indicating that it's been upgraded. Then just set the new value indicating the new state and you won't need to check your old preferences any more.
Android Guide recommends defining preferences in XML files, And from there, these can be loaded in PreferenceActivity/PreferenceFragment etc for viewing and editing by user. But in real scenario, User Interacts with other activities first, then (maybe) with Preferences UI.
What if the starter activity needs some of these preferences ? They'll be not loaded yet, because preferences resources has not been inflated yet. Is there a way to pre-access preferences in XML files ?
Yes. When you first request the preference you can provide it with a default value. E.g. if you are loading a preference of type Int, then you can do so in the following manner from an activity:
SharedPreferences defaultSettings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
int preferenceValue = defaultSettings.getInt("PreferenceName", 7);
This would load your preferenceValue to be 7 (without this preference ever being initialized yet). This is assuming that in your XML preference file, you have a preference of key "PreferenceName". If you plan on editing this preference in the activity before the Preference activity has been ran, be sure you commit your changes with a SharedPreferenceEditor:
// ... change to preferenceValue occurs prior to this code
SharedPreferences.Editor defaultEditor = defaultSettings.edit();
defaultEditor.putInt("PreferenceName", preferenceValue);
We probably want to avoid "PreferenceName" in a hardcoded matter though, and instead use it as a string in the strings.xml file. This way it can be grabbed both from the initial code when the preference has not been saved yet and from the Preference XML file as well. This means that our above code would substitute the string "PreferenceName" with something like the following:
And in your Preference XML file you may would reference the key in the following way:
This should cover "pre-loading" the preference as well as trying to keep most of the application settings within one place. There may indeed be overlap in terms of whether or not the XML preference was created/loaded before the initial Activity occurred, but I haven't tested that out yet.
EDIT: It turns out instead of using the above code, you can directly load the XML file (with its default preference) by the following method:
PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.preference, false);
More information about this method can be found in the documentation for the PreferenceManager: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/preference/PreferenceManager.html
If you look at SharedPreference API, you will see this
getString(String key, String defValue)
So, you can actually in fact define a default value if it's not already existed.
Source: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/SharedPreferences.html
You can also predefine default value in XML using
I just curious. There are 3 method:
1. getPreferenceManager().setSharedPreferencesName(String PrefName);
2. PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(Context context)
3. Context.getSharedPreferences (String name, int mode)
As I know, the third method is only used when the first method is used, right?
But with 3 method we also use addPreferencesFromResource(int resID);
so, what is the difference? When can we use one of these method?
Let's go one step at a time:
setSharedPreferencesName() is method that allows to set the name of the preference group for later use. This is helpful for example when using the helper class of
PreferencesActivity before loading a preferences from XML resource file by calling addPreferencesFromResource(). It is therefore not as common as the other 2 methods you mentioned above.
getDefaultSharedPreferences() uses a default name, usually stored as /data/data/com.package.name/shared_prefs/com.package.name_preferences.xml.
It is commonly used. Note that this default is set per application.
The alternative method - getSharedPreferences() requires to indicate a specific preference (file) name and an operation mode.
As appears also in another answer about shared preferences,
getDefaultSharedPreferences() in fact uses Context.getSharedPreferences, so the result is the same, but without the flexbility to split to multiple preference files, that is offered by getSharedPreferences(). Sharing the preferences between apps using
a MODE_WORLD_READABLE operation indicator is also something possible using getSharedPreferences(), but is rarely used.
IMHO, getDefaultSharedPreferences() can be safely used without going into the confusion of multiple preference file names that are prone to typos and confusion.
If someone knows of a good reason to use getSharedPreferences() and not getDefaultSharedPreferences(), please let me know by commenting here.
getDefaultSharedPreferences() uses a default preference-file name like "com.example.something_preferences". This default is set per application, so all activities in the same app context can access it easily as in the following example:
SharedPreferences spref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
if (spref.contains("email")) {
String sEmailAddr = spref.getString("email", "");
The preferences are usually stored at /data/data/com.package.name/shared_prefs/com.package.name_preferences.xml
getSharedPreference is the best way because using getDefaultSharedPreferences has some flaws
Actualy getDefaultSharedPreferences doesn't work correct on some
devices when build with targer api 13
Starting app from shortcut and from menu gives me different
DefaultSharedPreferences. After removing DefaultSharedPreferences
from my code - it works perfect. I can't just say: people dont make
shrotcuts, so I had to change code
This link may also help
I am looking for a way to create dynamic preferences where I don't need to hard code the preference key and I could have a variable number of preferences.
Basically, my application will let the user create a multiple number of profiles and each of these profiles will save custom values for a fixed number of preferences.
So this way, the user does not have to change the preferences every time he wants this app to run differently, he can just switch the profile.
One way I think will work is by subclassing all the standard Preference classes and calling their setKey method with my custom preference key, containing the profile name, but this is ugly.
So is there a cleaner and more standards compliant way to do this?
You can save different preferences in a different file for each user using the getSharedPreferences method:
getSharedPreferences() - Use this if you need multiple preferences files identified by name, which you specify with the first parameter.
That way, you can do something like this:
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences("prefs_user_"+user_id, 0);
// from now on you can use use the normal way to set or get the preferences
I'm assuming you are using an id in order to identify them users.