implementing GCM communication - android

I want to implement GCM communication in order to create push notifications, from my application server to all the devices that my app is installed via GOOGLE's servers.
I have found a library that helps me do this the Parse library and using the dashboard given I've sent a push notification from server to device and vice-versa.
The thing is that I want to be able to use the push notification (server side) from my website and not having to log in in Parse's. I'm pretty clueless about this, So I'd appreciate any direction and suggestion given

You may start with these tutorial
Redth/PushSharp - A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS (iPhone/iPad APNS), Android (C2DM and GCM - Google Cloud Message), Windows Phone, Windows 8, Amazon, Blackberry, and (soon) FirefoxOS devices!
Push Messages to GCM server using visual application (server side).
And using PHP and MySQL
Android Push Notifications using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), PHP and MySQL
And using Parse API
if you want to send pushnotification from parse API (not dashboard) then see
Push Notification Guide

There are docs in Parse for sending push notification from Ios,Android,.net,Javascript,php and REST services, use one them which is appropriate for you.


Push Notification From Nodejs REST Api to android mobile device

I am working on an Ecommerce application which is deployed on the web using MERN and on mobile using Android SDK. The android application is using the REST Api made with node, express and mongo. The issue is I am unable to find a way to send push notifications to mobile devices from the node backend. I don't want to use third party push notification services such as pubnub or firebase FCM etc. On the web application I am using service worker on the client side for push notification which was easy to implement, but on the mobile side it is turning out to be a bit difficult and every where on forums and articles FCM, GCM or pubnub etc are being used.
Is there any way to avoid these services and make my own custom mobile push notification service using node REST Api I have made? If so how?

How to send notification through GCM to Java EE web app?

Recently I had to port my Android app to Java EE enviroment . But I'm struggling with the notification process . For now I use Google Cloud Messaging to send notification from "Server A" to Android devices and can't find any clear method to send the same notification to the Java EE web app .
Here's a diagram to clarify what I want to do :
Any body came through this before ? Please share your thoughts .
Choosing Google Cloud Messaging to send notification is a googd decision. You may implement the XMPP Connection Server protocol. It can receive upstream messages from user's device to cloud. When GCM receives an upstream messaging call from client app, it generates the necessary XMPP stanza for sending the upstream message.
I did some research and found out a java-based server:
Here's the link for starting GCM with explanation of code:
You can't implement push notification for you web app itself.
However you can implement them for different client(browsers).
It's easy to implement gcm push notification on Chrome, you can check Google's Doc on that.
But I don't think Firefox/Safari support gcm.

The difference between GCM and PARSE push messages

I am buiding an android app which will be receiving notifications from my server. This means all my users which is above 1 million, will receive notifications from my server. I know parse and google cloud messaging(GCM) can do the push messages but please I want to know the best out of this two (parse and GCM) so I can implement it. Thanks in advance.
If you look at you can see:
The Parse library provides push notifications by using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).
So you have to register your app to GCM console to send push notification in anyway.
When to NOT use
If you already have a backend service, you can easily implement push notification since there are plenty of third part libraries for different platforms such as node.js, php etc.
When to use
If you don't have backend-service and you just want to send push notifications also if you don't want to spend your time by setting up server stuff then you can go with
NOTE: Facebook shuts down parse by January 2017 so please consider it.(
Android push notification is a service used to send messages directly to the Android Mobile Devices.
There are several ways we can implement Android push notification.
Google Cloud Messaging(GCM)
Parse Notification(
You are asking which one is the best way to implement :
The standard way is using GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) but there are some alternatives like Parse Notification,Which is easier to use.
If you need to handle Json Push messages,Refer this link
Steps involved in send Push notifications:
Developing the application involves two parts:
GCM Server Application – Create Web application using Php to send message to User via GCM Cloud server
GCM Client Application – Create Android application which receive message sent from GCM Server Web App
For More Informations regarding to GCM server and Client Application
Parse uses GCM and uses own service for Kindle
Please Go with google cloud messaging(GCM) .It is very easy to integrate in android app. the problem with parse in some case device token or registration id is not register at their database so User of parse does not get push notification.In case of GCM we can sure for device token
So my recommendation is GCM
Hope this will help you.

Apple push notifications on GCM

I'm trying to create application for Android and iOS and, i want to use push notification on both the application. I'm going to have a server app that will be sending the notification.
but i am trying to APNS and Parse SDK it's common to use ,but i want GCM through push notifications on iOS ,can you please how can it possible ,any such information about GCM to iOS push notifications ,i am googling but i want some suggestions for GCM through iOS device notifications.Can you help me.thank you.
There is very good descriptive instructions in Google Cloud Messaging for iOS guide. It shows whole flow from registration of device token to receive push from server with code example.
After go through above guide, you may go for Setting up a GCM Client App on iOS and you are almost done to use GCM with iOS application
Update: GCM now supports IOS. See Grigo´s comment.
GCM is Android specific. If you want to avoid dealing with 2 different services for IOS and Android, you can use something like Amazon SNS for example. SNS now supports pushing cloud notifications to Android, IOS and Windows devices via the AWS Mobile SDK.

Communicate between Android phones using GoogleCloudMessaging

I'm new in android development. I'm trying to develop an app in which a user can send a request to another device running the same app and it should return a response/notification to the sending device.
I googled it and found that GoogleCloudMessaging can be used for that. But all the tutorials say that it can be used to send messages from server to apps. I need to know how the reverse can be done, ie send messages from app to server..
Please provide some tutorial.
Any help is appreciated.
If you want to send data to your server, you can use rest communication.
Here a tutorial
Step 1: Call a server side script*(REST api/ Webserices)* from your android application using HttpPost/HttpGet,
Step 2: Wait for response coming from server and use it.
Note: don't forget send all needful data for your request from your app to server by httppost.
Go through these link this will help you.
Get started with push notifications in Mobile Services.
Android Push Notifications using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), PHP and MySQL
Google android doc on GCM,
Google Cloud Messaging GCM for Android and Push Notifications

