I'm trying to create my first app with Android but I've encountered some problems.
Following a tutorial and making:
new android application -> blank activity
The default result should be:
With MainActivity.java and R.Java inside it.
But instead I've got this:
There are a lot of errors and the R.Java file is missing.
I can obtain a result similar to the tutorial one (with no errors), creating a new android application and unchecking create activity, but this time MainActivity.java under src is totally missing.
Maybe I could copy the MainActivity.java of the first project and put into the second one, but I prefer understand why it doesn't work.
Thanks for the help.
Best regards.
its import library problem
Right click on you application----->Android
under library view ,
check if you have this red error then remove the library and add it again
I have a big problem. Last I copied a CardView with RecyclerView from a video. After that I created a new empty activity, but the Javafile didn't want to accept the corresponding XML file. And if I go with ALT + ENTER he suggests to me to create your xml file, but afterwards he tells me it already exists. So I can open the XML file, the program recognizes it but it is not recognized in the Java data and I cannot select it there either. There a screen shot, There a picture from solution research, And There a photo of the xml File.
Can someone help me there? Thank you in advance!
I was facing the same problem but you just need to close your project and open it again, the error related to activity file will bee removed!!Just try it.....
maybe you need to rebuild your app
1- Build > clean project
2 - Build > Rebuild project
I hope it will work with you .
Delete those two files. Copy the code first.
Go to File ->new activity then create that activity and paste the code there, besides those lines.
I'm newbie to android and must use image as Pinterest. i am using staggeredgridview using etsy demo but as soon as project is imported to eclipse it shows many errors is there any step to implement staggered demo?
Try Below code..
Hope Help you.
if the Existing Code is Correct, and It shows An error when you import the Project You need to Take Care of two things..
If you want to seed Demo... if a Existing Projects... it Depends on the Way You Import.
1.Some Existing Source codes can Be imported directly..
Like :
Import >
Android >
Existing Android Code Into Work Space> Browse file..
But For Some Source Code In the Above Way you will Get Errors Definitely.. Due to incomplete Import..(I mean Eclipse may not import Complete Functionality)
If you Get Errors in First Way choose Second Way..
2.Second Way to Import
Android >
Android project from Existing Code> Browse file..
I hope this is Problem..
Or Else Please Mention Your Log Cat Code so that the Error will be Fixed..
One More thing If you are Using Android Build Tools.. It may a problem for some old codes..
So you need to Use Separate Eclipse J2EE kepler IDE and Android SDK ...
See here for Reference...
One Place Your Log Cat.. I will Solve Problem...
You can go with this link:
It explains few steps as follows:
Just Use a Grid List
Try a Modified GridView with Staggered Grid View
Try a Modified List with Pinterest Like Adapter View
Or Try Two Synced List Views with Pinterest List View
You might not have change your Package Name or i would be good if you have posted error.
Quite new to Android dev so there is a good chance I made a dumb mistake. But for some reason I cant reference a ImageView I created in a second Activity using the findViewById method. When I went and checked the 'R' file I could see that an Id was not created for all 3 ImageViews I am trying to reference that is in the same activity.
What could the possible reason be for this? Could it be something to do with data I put in the Manifest file? My java class? Because my syntax for the containing activity is 100%....
I'm suspecting is has something to do with the new activity/manifest. How can all the ImageViews in the same Activity not be referenced...?
Clean the project and try again. To clean you project Project -> Clean select your project and clean. Some time it happens while developing the project. I've faced many times.
How do I fix this? I already tried removing the R.java and cleaning the project via eclipse, but it doesn't help.
FYI I am trying to get PhotoStream from here: http://code.google.com/p/apps-for-android/, but so far it has been very difficult to get things work.
Okay..... 5 mins later google tells me the correct answer...
I just didnt search hard enough.
"The type R is already defined"
That's the message you get in Eclipse if you try to build the Funambol Android Sync Client.
Reason is that you have checked two Builders that try to generate the same class.
You just have to uncheck the Java-Builder from Project->Properties->Builders.
Then the application even works fine in the Emulator.
Delete the R.java from the src folder and rebuild the project. This file will be automatically rebuit during this process.
click right to project click properties
unckeck java Builder
delete file R.java
You may want to change your package names. It looks like you are using a 'PhotoStream'.jar which has it's R.class defined at the same package structure as you.
Here is a link to the R.java from the project on Google Code. Notice you are using the same package:
I had the same issue when I imported a project from work. Turning off the Java builder as suggested in the article you found fixed my problem, but when I made code updates they were not reflected in the running app. In my case there was an R.java in my source which I deleted and that fixed my problem.
In my case,
as i m not using any IDE for programming but using command line Android..
i had two xml files, one in layout and other in layout-land. i was using same id "XXX" for both but while declaring i made small mistake
android:id="#+id/XXX" (in layout xml)
android:id="#+id/XXX " (in layout-land xml)
please observe extra space in second id declaration, so while creating R.java they were different and in R.java i had
public static final int XXX=0x7f040046;
public static final int XXX =0x7f040045;
which are same, so please be aware of extra spaces. Thank you
I'm working through a book samples programs and i get the same problem whether I create and type the code or whether i download the code already typed, so i'm thinking it's a setup problem.
I get this error in each each class:
setContentView(R.layout.menu) where the "R" is underlined in red and the code won't compile. If i add import android.r like "QuickFix" suggests, the red line goes away from the "R", but then the red line appears under "menu" (in this example). The same behavior occurs in each of the 5 classes that make up the project.
I do have matching layouts for "menu" etc. And (to the best of my knowledge) I registered them as Application Nodes in the manifest file.
It's driving me nuts. Thanks for any suggestions.
You are not supposed to import android.R as it won't resolve your resources. Just remove that import and try to compile again.
If you are working off a tutorial then also check to have the same resources as in the tutorial and also if you decide to name thing different then keep that in mind an reference them by your names.
The R class is generated by Android and contains IDs for all resources in your res folder. Go to your AndroidManifest and locate the package= attribute on manifest. R is in this namespace. So if the namespace is com.yourpackage.blah, you'll want to import com.yourpackage.blah.R;
The problem was that for some reason Eclipse was not autogenerating the gen/R.java file. I don't know why. One time it did generate the file, and a after Project..Clean and Build All everything resolved. Thanks for the input.
Also make sure your file names under res, eg drawables, are OK. I had a file name with capital letter and that prevented the creation of R with the same reference errors that you got. I did not check the error messages and it took me a good 10-20 mns to find this out.
Sometimes this happens to me.
It usually happens that I have been working with some xml element, and before clicking to a java document to hit "run" i just hit "run" while on the xml. I don't really know what happens when you "run" an xml, but it makes this horible file called some_xml_name.out.xml.
This file is the reason why you get so many R related errors, since the Resources library is never really created, or something like that.
That is my advice, without actually seeing the error you're getting in the console.