Parse Exception: Connection to refused - android

I have an application that is working on 2 out of 3 phones. On the third phone, Note 3, I am receiving the following error:
com.parse.ParseException: i/o failure: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to refused
All 3 phones are rooted and are connected to the same wifi network. I have also attempted to use a data connection.
Any help is appreciated.

OK I had the same problem for some time and guess what? Bjorn was right. I just reverted the Hosts file in adfree and problem solved


Realm PermissionManager.getPermissions() error after connection reset

I am facing this issue and would like to know if someone facing it too and maybe have solution.
I also opened issue on Github but no answer so far
link to issue
After connection reset or dropped connection PermissionManager.getPermissions() return this error:
E/REALM_SYNC: Connection[4]: Reading failed: Connection reset by peer
E/REALM_JAVA: Error in __permission:
CONNECTION_RESET_BY_PEER(realm.basic_system:104): Connection reset by
peer E/REALM_SYNC: Connection1: Reading failed: Connection reset by
peer E/REALM_JAVA: Error in __wildcardpermissions:
CONNECTION_RESET_BY_PEER(realm.basic_system:104): Connection reset by
peer E/REALM_SYNC: Connection[2]: Reading failed: Connection reset by
In other words, after connection reset (even manually disable and enable network) it is not possible to get user's permissions anymore.
This issue have big impact on the our app, since we need to show/hide UI components based on this permissions.
Also, does PermissionManager.getPermissions()not support offline mode?
Closing and re-opening the PermissionManager should fix the issue (at least it does for me).

Error showing while connecting to localhost

While trying to connect to the localhost, an error is showing. Please find the error below
BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 404 for
Please check the connection like, if get anything displays on the page your connection is good. then the problem is with your parameters
some time due to anti virus and firewall can causes this problem. So disable your anti virus and firewall it can solve your problem.
Also make sure is working in your mobile browser as well

BluetoothGatt returns empty service list after connection

I am building an app to read data from a ble device. After connecting to a device I call mBluetoothGatt.discoverServices() and in onServicesDiscovered(..) I am reading the list of service by calling getServices().
The problem is sometimes the list is empty.Has anyone faced this issue.The issue is random and not 100% reproducible.
Yes,this is a Common problem.If you get empty services,you can retry discover .
If you get empty more than 3 or 5 times,you should restart you Bluetooth,because it is may be unstable
I just run into this, but even retrying the discovery, gatt services were empty. For me the solution was to restart both BLE and Android devices.

Android Unknown Host Exception (DNS Problem) !

i'm trying to connect to the server from my android device in order to get XML inputStream to do that i'm using XmlPullParser
my server Url is:
so, when i'm trying to get the inputstream from this url, I'm getting an unknown host Exception, the screen become black... (although it works for me in localhost)
Then, to check my config I tried to ping the server from the ADB shell, but there is no connection established !!!
I check an other server (, but i faced the same problem.
PS : I'm getting Streams from these URLs in Navigator
I think that .TN (Tunisia) domain name are not known by Android devices !!!!
i googled this problem and I found a solution, that i should lauch my application in -dns-server mode with putting as dns server... so it works
but pinging my URL server does not !!! please any one can understand this problem !!!
please help...
How are you loading the data? URLConnection, HttpClient? does http 302 redirect to
In most cases you will need to handle redirect in your code.

Network Connection

I am trying to call a webservice from an android app (Testing from an Emulator)
Now, i keep on getting "request time failed : : Address family not supported by protocol"
So, went to 'Browser' app of Android-Emulator and wasn't able to open any website
Also, then wrote a java code (J2SE) for network connection and got a " Connection timed out: connect"
Then looked here and there and guys had a say that some setting are to be done in eclipse and android-emulator to get the network connection going
Like in one of messages here --> ""
But how and where is what i am looking for ?
Any suggestions ?
put this line<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission> in Manifest.xml file. I think it will work for u.

