SurfaceTexture/Surface mapping with ANativeWindow - android

Given a GraphicBufferProducer I create a Surface and then retrieve ANativeWindow. Using ANativeWindow_lock I get a pointer to the buffer. Using the buffer, I do a memcpy into the buffer. The problem is that whatever I draw on this buffer is restricted to less than 25% of the screen. Keep in mind that the dimensions of buffer.width and buffer.height are very close to the resolution of the screen itself.
My question is, why does the buffer only cover a small portion of the screen? And how do I make sure it covers most if not all of the screen? For reference here's the code:
ANativeWindow_Buffer buffer;
// window is created from a "new Surface(sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>)"
if (ANativeWindow_lock(window, &buffer, NULL) == 0) {
// For testing purposes just put grey in the buffer
memcpy(buffer.bits, 0x99, buffer.width * buffer.height);

I have a guess, although I've never used an ANativeWindow_Buffer. memcpy copies a certain number of bytes. How many bits per pixel is your image? If the value is greater than 8, you aren't transfering the full buffer. Since its probably 4 bytes per pixel (AARRGGBB), you probably need to multiply that by 4.


Saving off raw with Camera2 on a camera with rowstride > width

What I have developed thus far is the capability to write out various devices raw information using the standard DngCreator scheme as per below.
On one device that I am encountering however (HTC 10) the Image class contains planar information whose row stride is larger than the width. I so far have an understanding that this can happen with images, but I can't find out how to correct for it with the SDK available to us.
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(cameraImageF.getRawBytes());
dngCreator.writeByteBuffer(new FileOutputStream(rawLoggerFileF),
new Size(cameraImageF.getRawImageSize().getWidth(), cameraImageF.getRawImageSize().getHeight()),
byteBuffer, 0);
I have held onto the bytes from the original Image class and do some substantial calculations in between when I received them and when they were taken (this is the point of the application). So, I need to let go of the Image so that I can keep getting additional frames from the camera.
Now, this approach works fine for various devices (Samsung S7, Nexus 5, Nexus 6p, etc.). However on the HTC 10 the stride is 16 bytes longer per row and it seems as though I have no way of letting the DngCreator know that.
Underneath in the source code, the writeBuffer defaults to an internal rowStride = width * pixelStride. I do not have the capability to send in a different stride for a parameter. The rowStride does not equal the defaults.
The dngCreator.saveImage(Outputstream, Image) uses the internal Image's stride when it writes out to a buffer. However, I can't hold on to an Image class on the camera because it needs to be released and it is not a cloneable object.
I am a bit lost and trying to understand how to write out a valid .dng for a photograph that has rowStride > width.
You'll have to remove the extra bytes manually - that is, copy the raw image to a new ByteBuffer, and remove the extra bytes at the end of each row. So something like:
byte[] rawBytes = cameraImageF.getRawBytes();
ByteBuffer dst = ByteBuffer.allocate(cameraImageF.getRawImageSize().getWidth() * cameraImageF.getRawImageSize().getHeight() * 2);
for (int row = 0; row < cameraImageF.getRawImageSize().getHeight(); row++) {
row * cameraImageF.getRawImageRowStride(),
cameraImageF.getRawImageSize().getWidth() * 2);
dngCreator.writeByteBuffer(new FileOutputStream(rawLoggerFileF),
new Size(cameraImageF.getRawImageSize().getWidth(),
dst, 0);
That's of course not lovely for performance, but since DngCreator won't let you specify a row stride with the ByteBuffer interface, it's your only option.
Is there a reason you can't just increase your RAW ImageReader's maxCount to a higher one, so that you can hold on to the Image until you're done processing it?

Changing colors from specific parts of a bitmap image

I am writing an Android application that must paint determined parts of a loaded bitmap image according to received events.
I need to paint (or change the current color) of a single part of a bitmap image, without changing the rest of the image.
Let's say I have a car, which is divided by many parts: door, windows, wheels, etc.
Each time an event (received from the network) arrives, I need to change the color of that particular part with the color specified by the event data.
What would be the best technique to achieve that?
I first thought on FloodFill, as suggested on many threads in SO, but given that the messages are received quite fast (several per second) I fear it would drag performance down, as it seem to be very CPU intensive algorithm.
I also thought about having multiple segments of the same image, each colored with a different color and show the right one at the right time, but the car has at least 10 different parts and each one could be painted with 4-6 colors, so I would end up with dozens of images and that would be impractical to handle, not to mention the waste of memory.
So, is there any other approach?
The fastest way to do it is with a shader. You'll need to use OpenGL ES 2 for that (some Androids only support ES 1). You'll need a temporary bitmap the same size as the image you want to change. Set it as the target. In the shader, retrieve a pixel from the sampler which is bound to the image you want to change. If it's within a small tolerance of the colour you want to change, set gl_FragColor to the new colour, otherwise just set gl_FragColor to the colour you retrieved from the sampler. You'll need to pass the desired colour and the new colour into the shader as vec4s with al_set_shader_float_vector. The fastest way to do this is to keep 2 bitmaps and swap between them as the "main one" that you're using each time a colour changes.
If you can't use a shader, then you'll have to lock the bitmap and replace the colour. Use al_lock_bitmap to lock it, then you can use al_get_pixel and al_put_pixel to change colours. Then al_unlock_bitmap when you're done. You can also avoid using al_get_pixel/al_put_pixel and access the memory manually which will be faster. If you lock the bitmap with the format ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_ABGR_8888_LE then the memory is laid out like so:
int w = al_get_bitmap_width(bitmap);
int h = al_get_bitmap_height(bitmap);
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
unsigned char *p = locked_region->data + locked_region->pitch * y;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
unsigned char r = p[0];
unsigned char g = p[1];
unsigned char b = p[2];
unsigned char a = p[3];
/* change r, g, b, a here if they match */
p[0] = r;
p[1] = g;
p[2] = b;
p[3] = a;
p += 4;
It's recommended that you lock the image in the format it was created in. That means pick an easy one like the one I mentioned, or else the inner part of the loop gets more complicated. The ABGR_8888 part of the pixel format describes the layout of the data. ABGR tells the order of the components. If you were to read a pixel into a single storage unit (an int in this case but it works the same with a short) then the bit pattern would be AAAAAAAABBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRR. However, when you're reading a byte at a time, most machine are little endian so that means the small end comes first. That's why in my sample code p[0] is red. The 8888 part tells how many bits per component.

GC With Android videogames

I'm developing a 2D videogame in Android, using JAVA and OpenGL-ES.
I'm having an issue with I think it's the Garbage Collector. Every few seconds, the game freezes, no matter what I'm doing.
I have been reading some documentation and so on about it, and I removed all the loop iterators I had, now I use for(i=0,...), among others solutions. The case is, it didn't do anything with the perfomance...
I have been looking my code and I found something I think that could be making problems, and it's the way I change between sprites in an animation.
For instance, I have a hero which can move pressing some keys. When it walks, his sprite changes between frames. To do this, I move the texture buffer to aim the part of the image I want. And every time it does, I use this function:
protected void SetTextureBuffer(float xo, float xf, float yo, float yf) {
float textureVertexs[] = {
xo, yf, // top left
xf, yf, // bottom left
xf, yo, // top right
xo, yo // bottom right
// a float has 4 bytes so we allocate for each coordinate 4 bytes
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(textureVertexs.length * 4);
// allocates the memory from the byte buffer
textureBuffer = byteBuffer.asFloatBuffer();
// fill the vertexBuffer with the vertices
// set the cursor position to the beginning of the buffer
It allocates memory to create the buffer every time is called, which could be a lot of times every second, since there are more entities with animations...
Do you think this could be a problem? Or Am I looking this wrongly? If this is a problem... how could I solve this in another more efficient way?
Try removing these lines:
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(textureVertexs.length * 4);
textureBuffer = byteBuffer.asFloatBuffer();
Allocate textureBuffer once in your class constructor/initializer. No need to recreate the buffer again since you don't need to keep previous data. So you just overwrite the old data in the same buffer.

Check transparency existence & load only RGB values

In order to minimize the memory usage of bitmaps, yet still try to maximize the quality of them, I would like to ask a simple question:
Is there a way for me to check if a given image file (.png file) has transparency using the API, without checking every pixel in it?
If the image doesn't have any transparency, it would be the best to use a different bitmap format that uses only the RGB values.
The problem is that Android also doesn't have a format for just the 3 colors. Only RGB_565, which they say that degrade the quality of the image and that should have dithering feature enabled.
Is there also a way to read only the RGB values and be able to show them?
For me bitmap.hasAlpha() works fine to check first if the bitmap has alpha values. Afterwards you have to run through the pixels and create a second bitmap with no alpha I would suggest.
Let's start a bit off-topic
the problem is that android also doesn't have a format for just the 3 colors . only RGB_565 , which they say that degrade the quality of the image and that should have dithering feature enabled.
The reason for that problem is not really Android specific. It's about performance while drawing images. You get the best performance if the pixeldata fits exactly in 1 32bit memory cell.
So the most obvious good pixel format is the ARGB_8888 format which uses exactly 32bit (24 for the color 8 for alpha). While drawing you don't need to do anything but to loop over the image data and each cell you read can be drawn directly. The only downside is the required memory to work with such images, both when they just sit in memory and while displaying them since the graphic hardware has to transfer more data.
The second best option is to use a format where several pixels fit into 1 cell. Using 2 pixels in 32bit you have 16bit per pixel left and one of the formats using 16bit is the 565 format. 5bit red, 6bit green, 5bit blue. While drawing this you can still work on memory cells separately and all you have to do is to split 1 cell in parts. Due to the smaller memory size required for images, drawing can sometimes be even faster than using 32bit colors. Since in the beginning of android memory was a much bigger problem they chose this format to be the default.
And the worst category of formats are those where pixels don't fit into those cells. If you take just the 3 colors you get 24 bit and those need to be distributed over 2 cells in 3 out of 4 cases. For example the second pixel would use the remaining 8 bit from the first cell & the first 16bit of the next cell. The extra work required to work with 24bit colors is so big that it is not used. And when drawing images you usually have alpha at some point anyways and if not you simply use 32bit but ignore the alpha bits.
So the 16bit approach looks ugly & the 24 bit approach does not make sense. And since the memory limitations of Android are not as tight as they were and the hardware got faster, Android has switched it's default to 32bit (explained in even more details in
Back to your real question
is there a way for me to check if a given image file (png file) has transparency using the API , without checking every pixel in it?
I don't know. But JPEG images don't support alpha and PNG images usually have alpha. You could simply abuse the file extension to get it right in most cases.
But I would suggest you don't bother with all that and simply use ARGB_8888 and apply the nice image loading techniques detailed in the Android Training documentation about Displaying Bitmaps Efficiently.
The reason people run into memory problems is usually either that they have way more images loaded in memory than they currently display or they use giant images that can't be displayed on the small screen of a phone. And in my opinion it makes more sense to add good memory management than complicating your code to downgrade the image quality.
There is a way to check if a PNG file has transparency, or at least if it supports it:
public final static int COLOR_GREY = 0;
public final static int COLOR_TRUE = 2;
public final static int COLOR_INDEX = 3;
public final static int COLOR_GREY_ALPHA = 4;
public final static int COLOR_TRUE_ALPHA = 6;
private final static int DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
private final static int HEADER_DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
/** given an inputStream of a png file , returns true iff found that it has transparency (in its header) */
private static boolean isPngInputStreamContainTransparency(final InputStream pngInputStream) {
try {
// skip: png signature,header chunk declaration,width,height,bitDepth :
pngInputStream.skip(12 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1);
final byte colorType = (byte);
switch (colorType) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
} catch (final Exception e) {
return false;
Other than that, I don't know if such a thing is possible.
i've found the next links which could be helpful for checking if the png file has transparency . sadly, it's a solution only for png files . rest of the files (like webP , bmp, ...) need to have a different parser .

Opengl es 1.1, texture compression ETC1 and Mipmaping (complete set of mipmaps error)

When I activate the mipmaping on uncompressed texture, all is working perfectly.
When I do it on ETC1 texture, the texture is blank, certainly because le complete set of mipmaps was not given.
The code is very simple and works on iPhone (with PVR compression, of course).
It doesn't work on Android. The mipmap was build with an external tool, and past together.
I stop making mipmap at the size of 4, because glCompressedTexImage2D return an opengl error if try using mipmap lower.
for(u32 i=0; i<=levels; i++)
size = KC_TexByte(pagex, pagey, tex_type);
glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, type, pagex, pagey, 0, size, ptr);
pagex = MAX(pagex/2, 4);
pagey = MAX(pagey/2, 4);
ptr += size;
KC_Error(); // test openGL error
The reason your texture is blank is because it is required that the mipmap go all the way to 1x1.
I would imagine that the error you're getting with small compressed textures is because the texture format you're attempting to use (etc1?) doesn't support those sizes. You'd have to use non-compressed images at those small sizes...
Thanks, but your solution is not the right one; I found another solution.
you're right when you explain that all the mipmap is requiered, until size 1x1
you're wrong, we can't have different format between mipmap
The right way is:
using size to 1x1
keep in mind it's compressed data with bloc, so the size in BYTE doesn't divide by 4 each step. after 8x8, the size stay at the same value.
sx = size in X
sy = size in Y
byte = ((sx+3)/4)*((sy+3)/4) * 8 * 2; // 8 = bit per pixel
for(u32 i=0; i<=levels; i++)
Seems you'd want i < levels instead of <=.

