I want to get product info by using barcode and want to query it in https://www.factual.com. How can I use factual API for Android and how I configure it ?
Start from factual's developer website .
You can follow up the get start in the documentation,
Here is the link: http://developer.factual.com/get-started/
Do it step by step, and on the step 4, you will get some example you need to try it out.
Go This page and download the relevant example
and start exploring.
You have to use http call to query the factual.com tables.
Here are some http examples you have to call on your code: (after you have your api key)
You can look on this page for more examples:
I think you are looking for this table field: upc_e = The UPC-E barcode used for identifying products. 8-digits in length.
The product table schema is here:
I solved my issue by placing php driver of factual in root directory of WAMP server.Instead of android, i use php driver. Now i am sending barcode form android device to WAMP (server) PHP driver.
I am trying to download a doc.google file to my device, however I can't figure the best way for that..
First: I created an Auth key to my Drive following this tutorial
Then: I am trying to follow this tutorial to download the file, but It is not going well
I want to connect to this Auth key through the app and download/Export the file automatically without prompting the user to choose account or anything..
This is the URL for the doc file:
Thanks in advance
Try the method used in this SO post.
It was cited that to overcome the google problem when setting the file publicly. As in the post:
If you set the file permissions to be publicly available and
create/generate a direct access link by using something like the
gdocs2direct tool or just crafting the link yourself:
https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=<your file id>
You will get a cookie based verification code and prompt "Google could
not scan this file" prompt, which won't work for things such as
wget or Vagrantfile configs.
The code that it generates is a simple code that appends GET query
variable ...&confirm=### to the string, but it's per user specific,
so it's not like you can copy/paste that query variable for others.
The specified web page hosting method will suffice.
I am starting to implementating a RazorPayment Gateway in one of my cordova application. and I am using this
https://github.com/razorpay/razorpay-cordova plugin. According to Razor Docs.
Step1: Payment is created when a user (the customer) fills up and submits the payment information and it is sent to the Razorpay API. : Successfully Implementaed
Step2:Authorized payment Details: Not Done
How can it possible using ajax. kindly tell me. event I completed my first step.
Can anyone share with me any knowledge how can I successfully completed this implementation.
After successful step 1:
you will get a [token] from razorpay.
Send the [token] to your server via ajax and save it in database.
The step 2: is done via the server using their SDK in php, java, etc. using the [token]stored in database.
usually step 2 is done with background jobs by the server.
Hope this helps
I need to verify the spam score of mobile numbers using Truecaller API .I found documentation here . In the API URL , I need to send a APPKEY , But how to get that ? there is no registration page for Truecaller API .
Any help will be appreciated...
You should Read this Document for Name Search API
it Says that....
The one thing to keep in mind is that all requests to our API require
authentication. For that, you will need to use a User Key (userKey)
along with your requests. These access details basically associate,
your server, script or program with a specific application. All
requests to the API must be made over SSL (https:// not http://).
It means you have registered Truecaller developer account then Do Login and get your Access Key(USER KEY) and pass it everytime you request to access API..
But I Think Truecaller API is not accessible for public users...
Read This Article for More Details : http://www.3scale.net/2013/05/truecaller-api-search-among-over-600-million-phone-numbers-worldwide/
Why don't you try this?
Here is the explanation from the developer:
Truecaller Name Retriever.
Since my request for the API was rejected, I commenced using python parsing libraries.
Callerpy emulates the process one would encounter if using a web-browser.
I tried it, and it works like a charm from the command line.
I am trying to develop a Moodle Android app. I am using MoodleREST source code for my reference.Is there any other documentation on Moodle site which documents moodle core webservice functions with their required params.
I have found list of functions here http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Web_services_Roadmap but could not get proper documentation on how to call these functions with required params from mobile client using REST.
I am new to moodle and still learning it, so my question can be a little naive so please bear with it :)
This could be helpful http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Creating_a_web_service_client
And if you have some administrator access to Moodle, go to
yourmoodle/admin/webservice/documentation.php , or
Administration > Plugins > Web services > API Documentation.
There is API with documentation. (Dont know if there is better way though :/)
AIUI you need admin to access the most comprehensive web service API, as described by #Dolfa. You'll need these docs and/or the source if you're developing against their REST API. The API docs are generated from the source, presumably so they accurately reflect the API in the installed version.
You could:
Browse the code on github
Clone the version you intend to program against so you can browse the code locally
Install it and give yourself admin so you can browse the API docs.
If you don't want to go through the hassle of setting up a local Moodle instance, you may be able to figure out a way to run the php that generates the docs.
Once you have a rough idea of an API call, you can often find out the details by looking at responses to command-line requests e.g.
curl 'https://your.domain/webservice/rest/server.phpmoodlewsrestformat=json' --data 'wsfunction=core_enrol_get_users_courses&wstoken=[your_ws_token]' --compressed | python -m "json.tool"
gives the response
"debuginfo": "Missing required key in single structure: userid",
"errorcode": "invalidparameter",
"exception": "invalid_parameter_exception",
"message": "Invalid parameter value detected"
indicating that the function requires a userid=[userid] argument.
See am doing an android application,it has a web back end,am using wordpress as the web back end,but how can i code web services in wordpress?suppose i need to fetch some contents from database and pass it as json to android phones.So where should i place the php script or how can i do this?Is it possible to do web services using wordpress?
Here is the code:
$select_qry="select * from admin_details where username='$uname' and password='$paswd'";
How can i do this in wordpress?
Please help me..
You can follow these steps:
Create a template with your PHP code
Create a page. Let's say the admin page is /my-service. Assign the template you created in step 1 to this page.
Your adroid application can now call your wordpress service via the URL . mydomain.com/my-service.
I assumed you meant a REST service.
Creating web services in WP is possible, but not ideal because URL pathing would be very hard. i.e. Wordpress wouldn't know how to parse /player/id vs /player/id/status .. the first asks for all the player data, the second asks for a particular attribute of a player.