Seen as now the DrawerLayout is included in the support libraries, I have been looking for a tutorial or guide for migrating from SimonVT MenuDrawer to the official DrawerLayout.
I have only found questions like this:
Navigation drawer (menudrawer) Android 5 (lollipop) style
The problem I see is that implementing DrawerLayout implies changing/reorganizing ALL of my layouts xml.
I'd like some guidance about the best way to proceed.
Creating a Navigation Drawer
The unfortunate truth is that you'll have to update all of your layout files.
The typical (recommended) setup for the navigation drawer is to define a single layout file and swap out the content (current content fragment) with another one.
I want to include a drawer that slides up (using gestures) over the main activity in my app, but I don't know how I would implement this.
I've tried searching, but it seems as though Sliding Drawer was deprecated in API 17. I do not want to use third party libraries.
How should I go about this? Will a fragment with custom animations work?
You can use the design support library to help you achieve this.
There's more on the blog post but essentially you would be using a BottomSheetBehavior on a CoordinatorLayout (the root ViewGroup of that layout).
I have made my navigation drawer and it is working all fine , it is according to new design rules. but now I have a problem and after a couple of search I have found no note over it so far. So I end up with asking question here.
What I have done so far is some thing like
the picture shows you the demo , How ever I have made some thing like this its just the demo to give you people hint about what is header in the navigation drawer and where my menu items list lies
You can clearly see that there is a header in the navigation drawer and the menu item list beneath it .
Problem 1
now do to some reasons I have deleted the header , but my menu Items goes upwards to the top starting point. I know I can give margin up , but this is not the good way
Is there any good way I can just centralized them vertically ? I am wondering How to do it , Please Help me .
and Problem 2 is , I want to minimize the distance and margin between the menu items and menu icons in navigation drawer How to do this. I have not seen any of the discussion over it.
Please help me in solving both problems.
On screenshot you attached to your question, the navigation drawer doesn't look fine and according to the new desing rules :-/
Just have a look at the official guide:
Luckly for you nowdays we are provided by Google with Android Design Support Library that helps us with creating Navigation View (that replaces Navigation Drawer)
Here are links for you:
official documentation, always a good read:
nicely written blog post about Navigation View:
and last but not least, sample app using new Android Design Library:
I know it's not the answer you were looking for, like "just change true to false in the line number 10" but stay assured that using official Navigation View is a way to go in modern Android world.
You can use the new NavigationView from the Android Design Support Library in making your navigation drawer. NavigationView make s creating material design-compliant navigation drawer.
You can read about it at
Read these three articles
Take a look at this code
Use the design support library
I made an app using the library: jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu. But this library is a little bit old and I want to use Appcompat library.
So my question is if it is possible to use the drawerLayout for sliding the content away and making the menu fixed? istead of the normal drawerLayout implementation, where the Menu slides in front of the content view.
Like in the facebook app:
Brother for that you need to create your own library just like Jeremy Feinstein who created SlidingMenu library ,google'android uses the concept of navigation drawer ( which is similar to the one created by Jeremy. Creating a drawer layout with the menu fixed is a tough concept and is not available on the internet due to facebook copyright issues; So I am really sorry to say you have to be satisfied with the SlidingMenu library you presently have.
For example, please view this image from the Android Developers site.
Basically, I want to replicate this navigation drawer, currently I have it all except the sub items (Option 1, Option 2, in the example). There is no documentation on how to get this on the developers site. This is what I have currently:
Drawer Item/Header.xml:
That's all I think is needed. I'm aware that typically a expandable list view is used for the child items, though I'm unsure how to combine that with the current separated list adapter so I can still get titles.
Thanks, David.
There are a lot of third party libs for sliding menus.
Why not use one of them instead of trying to recreate Android's?
For example:
Have you checked out the Navigation Drawer tutorial in the Android docs?
Uses classes in the support library to make implementing the nav drawer pretty straightforward.
I don't think these examples use viewpager, but visually they look a little like viewpager.
See Evernote's settings:
And Pocket Casts' handheld control pane:
Basically, a panel is swiped in from left, but the left edge of the previous panel is still visible.
So my question is, is this UI pattern featured in an example you have seen, or did these two make it out of whole cloth and now I have to, too?
Edit for posterity:
As of Google I/O 2013, this is now built into Android. They call it the Navigation Drawer:
This library might help you out. I think this is what you're trying to achieve.
I've updated the link to another SlidingMenu library but as of 2015/09/16, I wouldn't use the library referenced here anyway. Google has provided the DrawerLayout in the v4 support library to achieve this. Inside the drawer, for a more standard structured navigation, the design support library has also provided the NavigationView that can be placed inside the DrawerLayout and use standard menu resource to inflate the items contained within. This SO can help out with the details of the implementation.