I just wanted to use the genymotion Emulator and now nothing works anymore. I downloaded genymotion and added the plugin for eclipse. Now I'm getting every time these errors:
First a dialog appears with "Failed to parse the output of 'adb version'". Then the console shows this:
The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
You must restart adb and Eclipse.
Please ensure that adb is correctly located at
'.../android-sdks/platform-tools/adb' and can be executed.
I restart my computer 2 times, restart eclipse 6-7 times. Tried to kill-server and start-server in the terminal (I was wondered, because if i'm say ./adb start-server nothing appears in the terminal, that he's something doing. He just accept the line and directly then i could enter a new line)
I checked 10 times, that the adb is in the right folder and i do any other stuff, which i could found (Update,...)
After 3,5 hours i don't feel like it. So pleeeeeeaase help me!! I really don't know, what i should try anymore!!
(I'm using a mac :D )
just go to the program files and open genymotion.exe
go to settings
go to adb
change to choose custom sdk
browse to your sdk
click ok
You can try cleaning all your projects in Eclipse?
Project -> Clean
Answered myself :) -> "Just" reinstall android sdk :) .. If you doing that, you can clean up your computer and reinstall eclipse, too :) I did all and now all work's fine and fast :)
I know this question is asked multiple time and there are some alternative answer also.So please don't close with some other link because i have added that link below.
[2014-01-23 16:19:44 - adb] ADB server didn't ACK
[2014-01-23 16:19:44 - adb] * failed to start daemon *
[2014-01-23 14:48:10 - My App] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
[2014-01-23 14:48:10 - My App] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
[2014-01-23 14:48:10 - My App] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'E:\Chintan Khetiya\Android KIT\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.
Some of the grate Answer
Kill from Task Manager - In this case i am not able to delete my process. When i just delete it will automatically create new.(showing me more the one adb in task manger)
Kill from ADB - This works me some times but I have to do this process at least two or three times. So at least i have to restart my eclipse two or three times minimum and its very time consuming.
Copy /Platform-Tool to /Tool- I don't know but i have tried this one also.
Finally I am looking for some solution in which i can solve this issue because i am facing this issue at least four times in a day so i am irritate now to restart again and again. I am wasting my 1 hours for this issue in a day.
Anyone have some permanent solution for my issue.?
I don't know why this error showing me in console.
System Requirements:
Operating System - Windows - 7
Processor - Core 2 Duo
RAM - 4 GB
Android SDK - Up to - 4.4.2 - 19 API level (All most latest)
Environment Path:
E:\Chintan Khetiya\Android KIT\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\sdk\platform-tools;
E:\Chintan Khetiya\Android KIT\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\sdk\tools
Thank you.
I Face this problem many time i solve in my way like this and it is working
First of all Close your eclipse .
Then End Process of adb.exe from Task Manager.
Then in command line go to your directory of platform-tools like
Then write following command step by step
C:\AndroidSetup\sdk\platform-tools>adb kill-server
C:\AndroidSetup\sdk\platform-tools>adb start-server
After successfully message come your adb is running now .
Now you can start your eclispe your.
Hope your adb is runnig now.
Below steps worked for me.
Close the Eclipse if running
Go to the Android SDK platform-tools directory in Command Prompt
Go to Tak manager and kill adb.exe
From command prompt type adb start-server
If No error message is thrown while starting ADB server, then adb is started successfully.
Now you can start Eclipse again. Restart phone.
I had face this problem and got solution too.
Follow these steps after close your adt -
1.Re install java I will suggest jxpiinstall to be install
2. Execute that file adb.exe
3. Set the envirnoment path again
4. And Here you can have your working adt
I hope this will help you.
add the path to SDK tools and platform tools in your classpath from
Environment Variables. Then restart Eclipse.
Kill adb.exe from task manager and restart Eclipse. It worked for me.
Along with the above all suggested answer try this one also, it worked for me
copy the hprof-conv.exe from C:\adt\sdk\tools to C:\adt\sdk\platform-tools
copy the adb.exe from C:\adt\sdk\tools to C:\adt\sdk\platform-tools
Ok I solved my issue. I go to Task Manager in windows7 -> processes -> selected the adb.exe -> End Process. After that I go to cmd prompt and type adb start-server. This time adb statred succefully. I run eclipe and it was showing no error.
Close your Eclipse
Go to your adb.exe in my case it is located at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
click on adb.exe
Start Eclipse and Happy Coding
I am using Eclipse 4.2.1 (Juno).
My Android Virtual Device Manager does not launch. I press on the button and literally nothing happens (no error message).
I've tried reinstalling the Android SDK, ADT and Eclipse but nothing helps to fix this issue.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
I ran into the same problem when relocating my entire developement directory. Deleting the folder and relaunching Eclipse resolved it.
Had the same problem. After several reinstalls, restarts and what not, I finally figured it out:
open cmd, run android avd from sdk\tools folder. You'll probably get an exception that you can google, which is already better than no response at all...
This is what I got:
at com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdInfo.getDeviceName(AvdInfo.java:158)
What did the trick for me was deleting the folder C:\Users\<User>\.android\avd.
In this case reinstalling will help
get the android development package from developers site.....
and you can try by running in a new User Account in your PC
some times it workss!!!
all the best!
Close Eclipse
Kill adb through command line with command adb kill-server
Now start task manager and kill adb process also from there if running from the process tab
Now start your adb again from command line with adb start-server
-Now start your Eclipse again and run your application
In my case this was a problem with old /tmp/android-username/emulator-* files.
I found it out by running manually my predefined arm AVD named "Test"
$ cd adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20130522/sdk/tools
$ ./emulator64-arm -avd Test
NAND: could not write file /tmp/android-username/emulator-gKbQ19, File exists
Removing old emulator files from /tmp/android-username resolved the problem.
rm /tmp/android-username/emulator-*
I've spent days trying to launch any Android program. Even "Hello World" gives me the same error:
"The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred".
I'm running Eclipse v3.5 (Galileo), Google APIs 2.2.8, on a Windows XP machine.
I've used all the tricks I can find on the web: the command line "adb kill-server", the DDMS "reset ADB", I started the emulator both before and after Eclipse, and searched for ports being used by other programs.
What is going on here? Is there a magic combination of versions of Eclipse, Java, ADB, emulator, and whatever else that works?
Try the below steps:
Close Eclipse if running
Go to the Android SDK platform-tools directory in the command prompt
Type adb kill-server (Eclipse should be closed before issuing these commands)
Then type adb start-server
No error message is thrown while starting the ADB server, then ADB is started successfully.
Now you can start Eclipse again.
It worked for me this way.
Restart your phone as well!
Open Task Manager → Processes → adb.exe → End Process → restart Eclipse
This worked for me.
Open Task Manager → Processes → eclipse.exe → End Process → restart Eclipse
Open up the Windows task manager, kill the process named adb.exe, and re-launch your program.
[2012-07-04 11:24:25 - The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred.
[2012-07-04 11:24:25 - You must restart adb and Eclipse.
[2012-07-04 11:24:25 - Please ensure that adb is correctly located at '/home/ASDK/platform-tools/adb' and can be executed
I realized the folder of the project in Eclipse was closed. I expanded the directory and the project launched. I know this may sound like a "no-brainer". I had the .java files open on the workspace, and that was enough to make me think the project was open.
I tried this using Eclipse Juno and it worked fine:
From the dropdown of the Run icon, select option Run Configuration.
Make sure your project is selected
Go to tab Android
Under section Launch Action, select Launch Select the package name
and voila! try running your application.
UPDATE: It also helps to kill the process adb.exe from the task manager and restart it. adb.exe can be found here: Android\android-sdk\platform-tools.
Good luck
Update your Eclipse Android development tools. It worked for me.
Make sure it's not running in the task-manager processes. If so, end the process and then start it from a command prompt as in a previous answer. This worked for me.
In my situation: I have the same warning:
The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured
I have found the solution:
The adb.exe was moved from: android-sdk-windows\tools\adb.exe to
Only thing. Move file adb.exe to \tools. And restart Eclipse.
I know this question has already been answered, but thought I might add that I found the problem to be folder permissions on my android-sdk directory.
I tested it out by granting Full Control to Everyone (dodgy, I know...), and the problem went away. I am not sure yet what the specific mix of permissions might be that it was looking for, but I assume some or other service in Eclipse didn't have execute permissions on adb.exe. That said, I'm a complete noob to this - just wanted to put it out there in case someone else had some insights into this.
I am running Windows 7, 64-bit, 4.2.0 Eclipse, and 20.0.0v201206242043 ADT.
Go to the folder platform-tools in cmd folder platform tools available in the Android folder where you have Android backup files.
Type the following
adb kill-server
adb start-server
then type
adb devices
adb kill-server
You can now see your device.
This problem has been plaguing me for days until I finally figured out what was causing it. It got so bad I couldn't even update my apps even after trying all the above suggestions.
HTC Sync also runs a process called adb.exe. HTC Sync is an optional program available when installing the HTC USB driver. I had recently updated my installation of the HTC bundle and apparently hadn't installed HTC Sync before. Checking properties on adb.exe in the Task Manager showed it to belong to HTC Sync, not Android.
As soon as I uninstalled HTC Sync from the control panel the problem disappeared! (It's listed separately from the USB driver so that can stay.) I never saw more than one instance of adb.exe running. I'm curious to know if people having to kill the process from Task Manager, check to see if it's actually the Android process you are killing?
Please read user comments (I too have a HTC Thunderbolt):
Simply go in Task Manager (windows users) and kill the abd.exe (it is remaining active somehow).
After that start Eclipse.
The error
"The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured"
happened after installing plugin for Android of Netbeans. After closing Netbeans the process abd.exe remained active. When you want to start again Eclipse ... you will get the error.
You have to manually kill the adb.exe and then start Eclipse.
It worked for me.
I had the same problems, and it turned out that my antivirus program (Comodo) sandboxed the adb.exe, and that is why it didn't work. I closed the antivirus, and it worked just fine. Consider that.
My problem was that my firewall was preventing ADB from binding to the port it wanted to.
I had the same problem
I entered Task manager -> find adb.exe -> end process
Go to the Android SDK tools directory in Command Prompt double click adb.exe
That's all
I am running Eclipse Neon2. on Mac OS 10.12.4 and I experienced this issue after recently upgrading my Android SDK to the latest "SDK Tools" (v 25.2.5), "Platform tools" (v 26) and "Build Tools" (v 26) and moving one of my development projects to Android Studio.
Unfortunately none of the many answers here worked for me.
What did work was to create a separate copy of the Android SDK in a different folder and then point Eclipse to it via "Preferences --> Android". You will have to use an older version of the SDK as indicated in this SO answer.
Once you've downloaded the separate version of the SDK and put it in a different folder than your main Android SDK, launch the SDK Manager (via <separate-sdk>/tools/android) and install the required "Platform tools", "Build-tools" and Android versions. There are two important things to observe here though:
Make sure that you do not upgrade your "SDK Tools" beyond the version that's already installed!
Make sure that you install a version of the "Build tools" that is less than 26!
Otherwise you may run into this issue.
Go to the tools folder of your Android SDK
Run emulator.exe -avd <your avd>. It will take some time for the emulator to run.
Once you see the homescreen on your emulator, open Eclipse and run your program again...
I had a similar problem. I found out that there was another adb.exe running which was started from BirdieSync (Sync Tool for Thunderbird). I found out with Process Explorer from Sysinternals, that Windows was running another incompatible adb.exe. Just put the mouse cursor above the process (in Process Explorer), and you'll see which adb.exe is started.
I had to kill the BirdieSync process as well, because it started the wrong adb.exe again.
Then I could start the right adb.exe, and it worked fine.
The killing of the mysteriously running abd.exe worked. This sudden roadblock stopped me for a long time. I was doing all sorts of command line stuff and removed the lock icon from my user folder, but nothing worked until your simple suggestion of looking for the abd in the running processes of the task manager and killing it.
Another newbie roadblock I discovered an answer to: don't run Eclipse when any file other than the main .java file is active. If you run it when, for example, the main.xml file is active, you will get unhelpful error messages, an odd file created like main.xml.out, and it wont run.
I found the path of the SDK (Preferences* → Android → SDK Location) was the cause. My SDK path was the following:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk
The spaces in the path is the problem. To get it to work, you must change Program Files (x86) to Progra~2
The complete right path is C:\Progra~2\Android\android-sdk.
Now it should work.
The previous solutions will probably work. I solved it downloading the latest ADT (Android Developer Tools) and overwriting all files in the SDK folder.
Once you overwrite it, Eclipse may give a warning saying that the path for SDK hasn't been found, go to Preferences and change the path to another folder (C:), click Apply, and then change it again and set the SDK path and click Apply again.
Close Eclipse
Use this in the terminal:
sudo killall -9 adb
Run Eclipse.
If you are using the Genymotion emulator:
Make sure that the SDK path used for Genymotion is also the same path used for the Eclipse.
This error also occurs if those two paths are different.
I've tried the above methods, end the adb process through task manager and all, it didn't work. But when I ran the adb.exe file as admin it worked fine.
Here is a script I run to restart adb (Android Debug Bridge) server:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## Summary: restart adb (Android Debug Brdige) server.
## adb binary full path
if pgrep adb >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "adb is running"
echo "terminating adb ..."
$ADB_BIN kill-server
if pgrep adb >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "did not work"
echo "kill adb processes by killall"
killall -9 adb
echo "terminated"
echo "adb is not running"
echo "starting adb ..."
$ADB_BIN start-server
echo "adb process:"
echo `pgrep adb`
echo "done"
Last time I faced this problem, was solved with adb restart. If you have tried adb kill-server and adb start-server with no luck you might want to try this. When again I faced the same issue I tried all the above answers, with no luck, and this was the last option to try. It did work like a charm.
Goto Android SDK Manager >> Install the essential packages.
maydenec is correct (in my case...). The file was moved.
I even found this file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools\adb_has_moved.txt
Which explained this issue.
Suggestions in this file:
Install "Android SDK Platform-tools".
Please also update your PATH environment variable to
include the "platform-tools/" directory.
It worked for me to start my AVD emulator first (from the AVD manager), and then to run my program. The other stuff mentioned here.
(Restarting the ADB server didn't work though.)
Eclipse → preferences → Android → NDK
Check the "NDK Location" path is set correctly, and use the browse button to set it.
AndroidSDK → Platform Tools → Kill did not work.
But after restarting my computer, it worked.