How to get image name and display it in a textbox?
I used arraylist that generates random images.
String ImageName = getResources().getResourceName((Integer)list.get(position));
The output I get from this code is R.drawable.image1. How to get the image name image1?
try this,
String name = getResources().getResourceEntryName(image[position]);
Try this
String name = "image1";
int imgId = getResources().getIdentifier("drawable/" + name, "drawable", getPackageName());
I have some photos in my drawable folder res that name of them is like
and so on.
I have a table in my database which has a field to store photo ID.
I have a selected list of items (in my case movement), that I want, user see the proper photo based on the Id of photo.
movements = db.getAllMovements(true);
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
Dialog movement_image_dialog = new Dialog(getActivity());
ImageView movement_imageView = (ImageView) movement_image_dialog.findViewById(;
**int photoId = finalMovements.get(position).getPhotoId();**
My question is how I can set the Image resource with the photoId that I have?
I need something like this
You can use resource getIdentifier(String name, String defType, String defPackage) as
int drawableResourceId = this.getResources().getIdentifier("nameOfDrawable", "drawable", this.getPackageName());
this is an Activity.
nameOfDrawable is move1, move2 etc in your case.
drawableResourceId is the one you can pass in
we get dinamically images from like this.
String imageId=yourImageId;
Drawable drawable = getResources().getDrawable(getResources()
.getIdentifier(imageId, "drawable", getPackageName()));
I think you should try this..
int photoId=R.drawable.move1;
I have a image in res folder like this
I want to access this one dynamically like this
holder.Viewcover.setImageDrawable(Drawable.createFromPath("" + CoverimgUrl.get(position)));
CoverimgUrl is a list which have two image name one is book_cover & and another is blank_image this array is generated dynamically so how can I set this image from that list
In One word how to access a image dynamically which is in drawable folder and I need get that image name from an array list ?
Resources res = getResources();
String mDrawableName = "image_name";
int resourceId = res.getIdentifier(mDrawableName , "drawable", getPackageName());
Drawable drawable = res.getDrawable(resourceId);
icon.setImageDrawable(drawable );
First Make CoverimgUrl list of integer
List<Integer> CoverimgUrl =new ArrayList<Integer>();
createFromPath expects a path to the file, not it's ID.
You can use the following:
int id = getResources().getIdentifier(CoverimgUrl.get(position), "id", getPackageName());
getIdentifier() gets the ID from the string. When you use the "R" class, it contains static integers for ids. So is actually an integer, which is the id of the some_name resource.
once you get this integer with getIdentifier, you can use getResources().getDrawable() to get the drawable with the given ID.
Let me know if this works.
i have string like #string/screen_enable_auto_mode. I know that i can use:
String mess = getResources().getString(R.string.screen_enable_auto_mode);
and i will get a message.
But i have whole string as #string/screen_enable_auto_mode. How can i parse it to
String mess = getResources().getString(R.string.screen_enable_auto_mode);
that i will get a message from xml?
You can use Resources.getIdentifier for this.
int resId = getResources().getIdentifier(
"screen_enable_auto_mode", "string", "");
String mess = getResources().getString(resId);
Replace "" with the actual package of your app, of course.
I am dynamically loading images in image view by setting
// cards is the image array
cards[] = {R.drawable.image1,R.drawable.image2....}
is there any way I can know the image name or image id associated with image view in android?
You can use the name of a resource like
getIdentifier (String name, String defType, String defPackage);
int id = getResources().getIdentifier("us","drawable","");
The above function will return an integer value same as
This is how you access with resource names.
To access the resources name
String resName = getResources().getResourceName(R.drawable.imagename)
I want to use a variable instead of R.drawable.myimage because I have a database with the image's names. I get the name from the database and I want to use the drawable resource with this name.
String flagimage = "R.drawable." + myHelper.getFlagImage(5);
int resourceId = Integer.parseInt(flagimage);
Bitmap flag = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), resourceId);
You can use the name of a resource like
getIdentifier (String name, String defType, String defPackage);
The above function will return an integer value same as
This is how you access with resource names.
You can use this code to get the identifier...
Resources res = this.getResources();
int resID = res.getIdentifier(imagename, "drawable", this.getPackageName());