How to scale sprites in libgdx? - android

I made an app in libGDX. I have a sprite which is 256*256 pixels. But this is too big, so I want to scale it down to 160*160 pixels. How could I do that?

You can achieve it using a version of the draw method in the SpriteBatch class, which is
batch.draw(Sprite, float x, float y, float width, float height)
So you can scale to 160 * 160 pixels by calling:
batch.draw(yourSprite, 0, 0, 160, 160);
You should note that scaling is an expensive operation especially for low -end devices and should be used when absolutely necessary. Ideally, you should resize all your images/textures before using them in your project.

Instead of manually drawing the sprite using batch.draw(sprite...) you can use sprite.draw(Batch batch). Using the sprite's own method will do all of the object's transformations for you, which makes things a bit easier to handle. This is of course assuming you are using the actual Sprite class to hold your texture, which I would highly recommend.


What is measured in?

I'm using getWidth and getHeight a lot for scaling textures in my Libgdx project. What units are these in (pixels?)
Also, if I want the texture to look consistent on different phones, should I use getWidth/Height to scale, or some number value like width = 100, height = 50?
Yes, getWidth and getHeight are both measured in pixels. Although you can use these for your dimensions, usually what you'll want to do to get a consistent look across phones is to use a camera of some sort (for 2d games, generally an OrthographicCamera).
What you'll probably want to do is give the camera some fixed width and height, and then do all of your drawing through the camera's transformations. Something like:
SpriteBatch batch = new SpriteBatch();
OrthographicCamera camera = new OrthographicCamera(800, 600);
//some code here
//draw your textures here
This should keep the scale of your images consistent across phones. Keep in mind that if there is too much of a stretch/compress, your textures may look distorted.
#clearlyspam23 that's exactly what I'm looking for, thank you! Just a note, set it up like:
OrthographicCamera camera = new OrthographicCamera();
camera.setToOrtho(false, 800, 600);
The other way looks like it positioned the camera origin at 800, 600.
Thanks again!

is canvas in android proportional on different devices

I am trying to make an app using canvas and a surfaceview, and I am worrying that in the future I would have many problems with it because I am not sure if the canvas is proportional with every device. currently I can only use my emulator since my phone's usb cable doesn't work(I know.. I have to get a new one..).
anyways, i would like to know if the canvas would transfer my coordinates and make everything proportional, what I mean by that is that if i have something in point a, lets say (10, 10) on a device that the screen of it is 100 X 100 (this is just an example for easy calculation) it would be on point (1, 1) on a 10 X 10 device.
This is really bothering me...
No, this wouldn't be the case. If you have a coordinate (10,10), it would be the same on all devices. I'd suggest you scale your drawings.
To scale your drawings you simply define a bitmap (that will stay the same) you'd like to draw to (when screen sizes change, that bitmap will be stretched).
Define a constant bitmap:
Bitmap gameScreen = Bitmap.createBitmap(getGameScreenWidth(),
getGameScreenHeight(), Config.RGB_565);
Get the scale for both x and y
width = game.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getWidth();
height = game.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getHeight();
scaleXFromVirtualToReal = (float) width/this.gameScreenWidth;
scaleYFromVirtualToreal = (float) height/this.gameScreenHeight;
Define a canvas object based on the bitmap you defined earlier on (allowing you to draw to it eg. canvas.drawRect() [...]):
Canvas canvasGameScreen = new Canvas(gameScreen);
In your rendering Thread you'll have to have a Canvas called frameBuffer, which will render the virtual framebuffer:
frameBuffer.drawBitmap(this.gameScreen, null, new Rect(0, 0, width,
height), null);
No, the unit on the screen (whether you are using canvas or OpenGL) is a pixel. You can get the size of your canvas using Canvas.getWidth() and Canvas.getHeight() if you need relative coordinates, but your Canvas drawing methods are also in Pixels, so I guess you will need to convert coordinates in OpenGL only and not while using Canvas.

Getting a scale factor of a Bitmap after rotating it with a matrix

I've got the following problem which I tried to solve the whole day.
I load a Bitmap picture with his corresponding height and width into an ImageView.
Then I use a matrix for moving,scaling and rotating the image.
For scaling I'm using the postScale method.
For moving I'm using the postTranslate method.
Only for Rotating I'm using the preRotate method.
Now I need to get the factor I scaled the image with, because I later need this factor in another program.
Using the MSCALE_X and MSCALE_Y values of the matrix only fits until I did no rotation. If I rotated the image, the scale values don't fit anymore (because the matrix was multiplied with the formula which is shown in the api).
Now my Question is:
How can I still get the scale factor of the image after rotating it?
For the rotation factor (degrees) it is simple, because I store it within an extra variable which is icremented/decremented while rotating.
But for the scale factor it does not work, because if I first scale an image down to 50% and then rescale it up to 150% then I scaled it with a factor of 3 but the original scaling factor is only 1.5).
Another example is. Even if I did not rescale the picture it even changes its scaling factor if I rotate it.
Finally I solved the problem on my own :) (doing a bit math and then I figured something interesting (or lets say obvious) out).
Here my solution:
I figured out that the values MSCALE_X and MSCALE_Y are calculated by using the cosinus function (yeah the basic math...). (Using 0° rotation leads to the correct scalingWidth and scalingHeight within X and Y). (90 and 270° results in a scalingWidth/Height of 0 and 180° results in a scalingWidth/Height multiplied by -1).
This leads me to the idea to write the following function:
This function saves the current matrix within a new matrix. Then it rotates the new matrix to the startstate (0°). Now we can read the non violated values MSCALE_X and MSCALE_Y in our matrix (which are the correct scaling factors now)
I had the same problem. This is a simple way and the logic is sound (in my mind).
For: xScale==yScale
float scale = matrix.mapRadius(1f) - matrix.mapRadius(0f);
For: xScale != yScale
float[] points={0f,0f,1f,1f};
float scaleX=points[2]-points[0];
float scaleY=points[3]-points[1];
If you are not translating, you may be able to get away with just with 1f vector/point. I've tested the xScale==yScale (mapRadius) variant and it seems to work.
I had a similar problem with an app I'm writing. I couldn't see an obvious an simple solution so I just created a RectF object that had the same initial coords of the bitmap. Then, everytime I adjusted the matrix, I'd apply the transformation to the RectF as well (using Matrix.mapRect() ). This worked perfectly for me. It also allowed me to keep track of the absolute position of the edges of the bitmap.

how is a matrix associated with a canvas in android?

i was just going through the documentation given on and when i was going through the canvas class if i found this method named scale, so i searched for its documentation and found the following:
public void scale (float sx, float sy)
Since: API Level 1
Preconcat the current matrix with the specified scale.
sx The amount to scale in X
sy The amount to scale in Y
what matrix are they talking about over here? How is the matrix associated with canvas and how does it matter if i scale my canvas or not?
Canvas makes a lot of native calls under the covers and delegates its work to GL. I believe there is a default Matrix already associated with it. If you want in-depth knowledge of what's happening I'd recommend looking through the source code for the graphics stuff.

Help me configure OpenGL for 2D

I'm writing my first 2D app for Android using OpenGL. I'm writing it on my Desire, so my screen coords should be 0,0 to 799,479 in landscape mode. I'm trying to get OpenGL to use this range in world coordinates.
The app, such as it is, is working fine so far, but I've had to tweak numbers to get stuff to appear on the screen and I'm frustrated by my inability to understand the relationship between the projection matrix, and the rendering of textures in this regard.
Setting the projection matrix:
gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
float ratio = (float) width / height;
float size = .01f * (float) Math.tan(Math.toRadians(45.0) / 2);
gl.glFrustumf(-size, size, -size / ratio, size / ratio, 0.01f, 100.0f);
// GLU.gluOrtho2D(gl, 0,width, 0, height);
I want to understand 0.01f and 100.0f here. What do I use to describe a 2D world of 0,0 -> 799,479 with a z value of zero?
Also, I'm not sure what is 'best' - using glFrustumF or GLU.gluOrtho2D The latter has simpler parameters - just the dimensions of the viewport - but I've not got anywhere with that. (Some sites have height and 0 the other way around but that makes no difference.) But shouldn't this be the natural choice for 2D usage of OpenGL? Do I have to set something somewhere to say to OpenGL "I'm doing this in 2D - please disregard the third dimension everywhere, in the interests of speed"?
Drawing my textures:
I'm drawing stuff using 2 textured triangles. The relevant parts of my init (let me know if I need to edit my question with more detail) are:
gl.glTranslatex(nXpos, nYpos, nZoomin);
gl.glRotatef(nRotZ, 0, 0, 1);
gl.glScalef((float)nScaleup,(float)nScaleup, 0.0f);
gl.glVertexPointer(2, GL10.GL_FIXED, 0, mVertexBuffer);
gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, mTextureBuffer);
gl.glDrawArrays(GL10.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
mVertexBuffer is an IntBuffer and contains:
int vertices[] =
-1, -1,
1, -1,
-1, 1,
1, 1
I don't intend, ultimately, to have to pass in nZoomin - I've done it this way because it was how I found the 'magic numbers' needed to actually see anything! Currently I need to use -1000 there, with smaller numbers resulting in smaller images. Am I right in thinking there must be some way of having a value of zero for nZoomin when the projection matrix is set correctly?
My textures are currently 128x128 (but may end up being different sizes, perhaps always square though). I have no way of knowing when they're being displayed at actual size currently. I'd like to be able to pass in a value of, say, 128 for nScaleup to have it plotted at actual size. Is this related to the projection matrix, or do I have two separate issues?
If you're working in 2D, you don't need glFrustum, just use glOrtho. Something like this:
void glOrthof(0, 800, 0, 480, -1, 1);
That'll put the origin at the bottom left. If you want it at the top left, use:
void glOrthof(0, 800, 480, 0, -1, 1);
For 480 and 800, you should obviously substitute the actual size of your view, so your app will be portable to different screen sizes and configurations.
I'm passing -1 and 1 for the z range, but these don't really matter, because the orthogonal projection puts (x, y, z) on the same place on the screen, no matter the value of z. (near and far must not be equal, though.) This is the only way to tell OpenGL to ignore the z coordinate; there is no specific "2D" mode, your matrices are still 4x4, and 2-dimensional vertices will receive a z coordinate of 0.
Note that your coordinates do not range from 0 to 799, but really from 0 to 800. The reason is that OpenGL interprets coordinates as lying between pixels, not on them. Think of it like a ruler of 30 cm: there are 30 intervals of a centimetre on it, and the ticks are numbered 0-30.
The vertex buffer you're using doesn't work, because you're using GL_FIXED format. That means 16 bits before the decimal point, and 16 bits after it, so to specify a 2x2 square around the origin, you need to multiply each value by 0x10000:
int vertices[] =
-0x10000, -0x10000,
0x10000, -0x10000,
-0x10000, 0x10000,
0x10000, 0x10000
This is probably the reason why you need to scale it so much. If you use this array, without the scaling, you should get a 2x2 pixel square. Turning this into a 1x1 square, so the size can be controlled directly by the scale factor, is left as an exercise to the reader ;)
Do I have to set something somewhere to say to OpenGL "I'm doing this in 2D
I think the problem is that you're using a projection matrix for perspective projection.
Instead you should use parallel projection.
To get this matrix you can use the glOrtho() function.
gl.glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, 0, 128);
Now the z-value have no influence over an object's size anymore.
I want to understand 0.01f and 100.0f here. What do I use to describe a 2D world of 0,0 -> 799,479 with a z value of zero?
It's right that in a 2D world, you don't really have about z-values. But you have to decide
which of your objects you want to draw at first.
There are two ways to decide that:
Deactivate GL_DEPTH_TEST and everything is drawn in the order you choose
Activate GL_DEPTH_TEST and let OpenGL decide

