Text Suggestions Popup - android

I am implementing a text editor (not using TextView or EditText components) and when a word is misspelled I would like to bring up a popup similar to what TextViews have after you tap on the word. Is this UI the TextView brings up available in the android framework to use or will I have to create my own custom UI for this?
I can't seem to find anything after searching through the documentation. All I can find is a spell checker framework which just tells you if a word is misspelled and gives you an array of suggestions. Is there something in the input method service that might provide this UI?
Edit: I also need the "Add To Dictionary" option in the context menu so the user can add new words to the user dictionary. Similar to how TextView does it.

I haven't implemented it myself yet, but it looks like using a ListPopupWindow will work. It also interacts with IME if you wish and anchors itself to a parent view.


Turn Words Inside an EditText Into a Contact Icon

I'm not quite sure what to even call this. Rather than plain text editing I'd like to implement the same system here, so when a user types in other users' names followed by a space the name is replaced with a view like below. What are the basic steps to get this effect?
They are called chips.
Here are some libraries that might do the trick:

Autocomplete/Autofill Edit Text Android

I am looking to achieve the functionality of an AutocompleteTextView but slightly different. Instead of getting a drop-down list with suggestions i want it to complete the sentence for me.
For example: i type abc and i get completed, with the rest of the text in grey: abc1#etc.etc and then click a button to keep this text or keep writing to filter this even further.
Do you think is is achievable somehow?
I have looked my problem up so far but all the answers i found involved a drop-down list, perhaps i haven't looked deep enough.
Why don't you try to implement a custom view?
Basically, you need to the same things that the AutoCompleteTextView does but instead of displaying N elements into the drop down list you have to add the first option to your EditText.
Have a look at:
TextWatcher in order to see how detect the user input and progress
You can then play with indexes and spannables in order to keep track of the data input by the user and the data that you are suggesting.
One thing that I don't like about this idea is the fact that if you have got:
You need to type a lot of letters without the possibility to choose something different from the solution that you are providing.
use below example ... i think help you...

What is the difference between text field types

I am new to android. I was stuck on a problem but I finally solved it.
I was using a TextField instead of CompleteTextViewField so whats the difference between these two and when should I use each one of them?
Neither of those classes you mention (TextField, CompleteTextViewField) exist. Do you mean EditText and AutoCompleteTextView? I think the documentation explains it pretty well:
[AutoCompleteTextView is] An editable text view that shows completion suggestions automatically while the user is typing. The list of suggestions is displayed in a drop down menu from which the user can choose an item to replace the content of the edit box with.
That is, use it rather than a normal EditText if you have a set of common autocompletions for what gets entered in the box. The docs also link to a full sample that shows how to populate that list of suggestions with an Adapter.

popup windows in android?

Pretty new to android so excuse me if this is a really obvious question.
Say my application has a bunch of TextViews, each one showing the attributes of a certain product (name, price, etc). I have a button next to each of these TextViews labeled "modify".
How do I make it so that when I press the modify button next to a certain attribute, a popup window with a space to enter text into comes up so that the user can enter text into this box and then have the actual attribute listing on the original page change? Actually I just need a push in the right direction with creating this popup text field... not sure if there is already some built in functionality for this or if not, what would be the best way to create this kind of thing.
Why not have the modify button set TextEdit.setEnabled(true); and then change focus with TextEdit.setFocus? Note that both of these are inherited from view
If you really want a dialog you might want to looking into the AlertDialog.Builder. I know you can use it with buttons and radio buttons, but I'm not sure you can get it to work with a TextView.
Use a code like this for the input popup: Android dialog input text
In the positive button handler, set your edittext content programmatically like this:
As simple as that. The only difference with a standard GUI framework is that you don't retrieve the value as a result of the popup function. Instead, you must provide an action handler.

How do i add words to the suggestions on top of the soft keyboard

Is there any way to add words to the suggestions in the soft keyboard?
For a specific Edittext field i would like to add a list of names to the suggestions that pops up on top of the soft keyboard in android 2.0.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Here is the source code of the soft keyboard.
If you go through the code, you will see that it uses a Suggest class which inside has different dictionaries.
If you want to add words for a specific EditText you would need to add and remove or change freq of a certain word from those dictionaries.
Some issues:
I couldn't find a way to get the InputMethodService's instance. (If you can, please answer my question here)
Android allows developers to program their own InputMethodService. I am working on one myself and my implementation doesn't use that dictionaries. So your feature will not work with my IME.
I would suggest using Auto Complete.
You can't add additional words to the ones the IME finds internally, however you can whole-sale supply your own completions via InputMethodManager.displayCompletions():
http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager.html#displayCompletions(android.view.View, android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo[])
This is what the auto complete text view uses to show its completions in the IME, when the IME is full screen so it can't be seen. Note that your app is still responsible for showing the completions itself, so they will be available to the user if the IME is not full screen.
(And sorry about the lack of documentation on that method.)

