How to load a ListView using AsyncTask in android - android

I have a method called fetchData() to fetch some data from the database and load those to a ListView. But when the activity starts there is a small lag because of this. So I need to load the data in background. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to do this using AsyncTask.
This is my fetchData() method.
public void fetchData() {
database = helper.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor c;
Date cDate = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
final String fDate = sdf.format(cDate);
int thisMonth=Integer.parseInt(fDate.split("-")[1]);
Month mn=new Month();
String month=mn.getMonth(thisMonth);
Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance();
int today=Integer.parseInt(fDate.split("-")[2]);
int curTab=position;
String whereClause="";
String sort="";
else if(curTab==1){
whereClause=Database.MONTH+" = '"+month+"' and "+Database.DAY+" ="+today;
else if(curTab==2){
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
int monthn=cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1;
Month mnN=new Month();
String monthTomorrow=mnN.getMonth(monthn);
int tomorrow=cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
whereClause=Database.MONTH+" = '"+monthTomorrow+"' and "+Database.DAY+" ="+tomorrow;
else if(curTab==3){
whereClause=Database.MONTH+" = '"+month+"'";
whereClause=whereClause+" and "+Database.TYPE+"='birthday'";
else if(DrawerMain.pos==2){
whereClause=whereClause+" and "+Database.TYPE+"='anniversary'";
c = database.query(Database.TABLE_EVENT, null, whereClause, null, null, null, sort);
String[] fromDB={Database.NAME,Database.MONTH,Database.DAY};
int[] toView={,,};
CustomCursorAdapter adapter=new CustomCursorAdapter(getActivity(), c, 0, R.layout.events_list_item,fromDB,toView);

You should consider using AsyncTaskLoader instead. AsyncLoaders will handle orientation changes better than AsyncTasks.
You can find a tutorial here:
Code (copied directly from the tutorial)
public class SampleLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<SampleItem>> {
// We hold a reference to the Loader’s data here.
private List<SampleItem> mData;
public SampleLoader(Context ctx) {
// Loaders may be used across multiple Activitys (assuming they aren't
// bound to the LoaderManager), so NEVER hold a reference to the context
// directly. Doing so will cause you to leak an entire Activity's context.
// The superclass constructor will store a reference to the Application
// Context instead, and can be retrieved with a call to getContext().
/** (1) A task that performs the asynchronous load **/
public List<SampleItem> loadInBackground() {
// This method is called on a background thread and should generate a
// new set of data to be delivered back to the client.
List<SampleItem> data = new ArrayList<SampleItem>();
// TODO: Perform the query here and add the results to 'data'.
return data;
/** (2) Deliver the results to the registered listener **/
public void deliverResult(List<SampleItem> data) {
if (isReset()) {
// The Loader has been reset; ignore the result and invalidate the data.
// Hold a reference to the old data so it doesn't get garbage collected.
// We must protect it until the new data has been delivered.
List<SampleItem> oldData = mData;
mData = data;
if (isStarted()) {
// If the Loader is in a started state, deliver the results to the
// client. The superclass method does this for us.
// Invalidate the old data as we don't need it any more.
if (oldData != null && oldData != data) {
/** (3) Implement the Loader’s state-dependent behavior **/
protected void onStartLoading() {
if (mData != null) {
// Deliver any previously loaded data immediately.
// Begin monitoring the underlying data source.
if (mObserver == null) {
mObserver = new SampleObserver();
// TODO: register the observer
if (takeContentChanged() || mData == null) {
// When the observer detects a change, it should call onContentChanged()
// on the Loader, which will cause the next call to takeContentChanged()
// to return true. If this is ever the case (or if the current data is
// null), we force a new load.
protected void onStopLoading() {
// The Loader is in a stopped state, so we should attempt to cancel the
// current load (if there is one).
// Note that we leave the observer as is. Loaders in a stopped state
// should still monitor the data source for changes so that the Loader
// will know to force a new load if it is ever started again.
protected void onReset() {
// Ensure the loader has been stopped.
// At this point we can release the resources associated with 'mData'.
if (mData != null) {
mData = null;
// The Loader is being reset, so we should stop monitoring for changes.
if (mObserver != null) {
// TODO: unregister the observer
mObserver = null;
public void onCanceled(List<SampleItem> data) {
// Attempt to cancel the current asynchronous load.
// The load has been canceled, so we should release the resources
// associated with 'data'.
private void releaseResources(List<SampleItem> data) {
// For a simple List, there is nothing to do. For something like a Cursor, we
// would close it in this method. All resources associated with the Loader
// should be released here.
/** (4) Observer which receives notifications when the data changes **/
// NOTE: Implementing an observer is outside the scope of this post (this example
// uses a made-up "SampleObserver" to illustrate when/where the observer should
// be initialized).
// The observer could be anything so long as it is able to detect content changes
// and report them to the loader with a call to onContentChanged(). For example,
// if you were writing a Loader which loads a list of all installed applications
// on the device, the observer could be a BroadcastReceiver that listens for the
// ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intent, and calls onContentChanged() on the particular
// Loader whenever the receiver detects that a new application has been installed.
// Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment if you still find this confusing! :)
private SampleObserver mObserver;
Put your fetchData() method in loadInBackground(). Close your Cursor in the releaseResources() method. In your onCreate() call
getLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this);


AsyncLoaderTask stops loading randomly (loadInBackground() stops getting called)

I have a class that extends AsyncTaskLoader and which frequently receives updates. Now when the app initially starts everything works fine, the UI (a SherlockListFragment (so I am using the compatability library) that implements LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<List<Item>>) updates accordingly as updates are received. At some random point however the UI simply stops updating. So far I haven't noticed any type of pattern to ascertain when it will stop updating; it can happen when very few updates are occurring or when many updates are occurring.
Below is my custom AsyncTaskLoader (I simply edited class and variable names to be highly generic so as to hopefully make the code slightly simpler to understand):
public class CustomLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<Item>> {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "CustomLoader";
private List<Item> items;
public CustomLoader(Context context) {
public List<Item> loadInBackground() {
return ItemModel.getItemList();
public void deliverResult(List<Item> data) {
if (isReset()) {
if (data != null) {
Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Warning! An async query came in while the Loader was reset!");
// Hold a reference to the old data so it doesn't get garbage collected.
// We must protect it until the new data has been delivered.
List<Item> oldItems = items;
items = data;
if (isStarted()) {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Delivering results to the LoaderManager.");
// If the Loader is in a started state, have the superclass deliver the
// results to the client.
// Invalidate the old data as we don't need it any more.
if (oldItems != null && oldItems != data) {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Releasing any old data associated with this Loader.");
protected void onStartLoading() {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onStartLoading() called!");
if (items != null) {
// Deliver any previously loaded data immediately.
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Delivering previously loaded data to the client");
//Initialises the loader within the model
if (takeContentChanged()) {
else if (items == null) {
// If the current data is null... then we should make it non-null! :)
protected void onStopLoading() {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onStopLoading() called!");
// The Loader has been put in a stopped state, so we should attempt to
// cancel the current load (if there is one).
protected void onReset() {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onReset() called!");
// Ensure the loader is stopped.
// At this point we can release the resources associated.
if (items != null) {
items = null;
// The Loader is being reset, so we should stop monitoring for changes.
// We do this by making the loader instance null
public void onCanceled(List<Item> data) {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onCanceled() called!");
* So... we were having problems with the loader sometimes simply not refreshing. It was found
* that when receiving two updates in quick succession, the loader would call onCanceled() after
* the second update (in order to try to stop the previous load). Whenever onCanceled() was called,
* the loader would stop refreshing.
* And the reason for this?? The support library version of Loader does not support onCanceled() !!!
* Thanks to this answer on stack overflow for bringing up the issue -
* By examining the API for the support library and the API 11 versions of Loader, it is clear that
* we shouldn't be receiving onCanceled() calls here, but we still do!
* Also important to note is that even on Android 3.0 and up, the framework will still use the
* support library methods for Loader.
* So we simply swallow this onCanceled() call and don't call the super method. This seems to fix
* the issue - it may also work if we simply remove onCanceled() completely, but not 100% sure.
// Attempt to cancel the current asynchronous load.
// The load has been canceled, so we should release the associated resources
//Uncommenting this line of code does not resolve my issue
public void forceLoad() {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "forceLoad() called!");
private void releaseResources(List<Item> data) {
// All resources associated with the Loader should be released here.
if (data != null) {
data = null;
Now, while the UI is still updating properly the Logs show the following sequence of events:
03-03 17:23:33.859: I/CustomLoader(20663): forceLoad() called!
03-03 17:23:33.859: I/CustomLoader(20663): Load in background called...
03-03 17:23:33.864: I/CustomLoader(20663): Delivering results to the LoaderManager.
03-03 17:23:33.864: D/CustomFragment(20663): onLoadFinished() for loader_id 0
03-03 17:23:33.869: I/CustomLoader(20663): Releasing any old data associated with this Loader.
whenever the data is updated.
At the point that the UI stops updating it seems as though forceLoad() keeps on getting called every time the data changes it doesn't seem to actually accomplish anything (i.e. loadInBackground() doesn't get called). I have done a lot of research, looking at other implementations of AsyncTaskLoader and the overall logic of my implementation is similar to everything I've found so I'm at a bit of a loss here.

Detecting if a refresh button has been selected while AsyncTasks are still running

Iv'e got an Android app that is using a list activity to display a list of items pulled from the internet. I First use an AsyncTask to load the list and that Async task finishes it calls a different async task to start loading the thumbnail pictures that go along with the list items. The problem I am having is that the user has access to a refresh button that they can press at any time and when it is pressed, the whole list of items is delete and the loading starts over. The Async task that loads the thumbnails could potentially still be running if this happens and may try to add a thumbnail to a non existing list item then. Iv'e tried synchronizing on the list, using a Boolean which after researching I realized would not work. I have also tried using a static atomic boolean to check if refresh has been hit to cancel the thumbnail loader. Any ideas?
public class LoadItems extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> {
private Activity activity;
private static boolean loading = false;
public static final AtomicBoolean refreshing = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private static final String TAG = "LoadItems";
private int start;
private List<ListItem> items;
public LoadItems(Activity activity) {
this.activity = activity;
protected void onPreExecute() {
loading = true;
start = ItemViewer.itemList.size();
protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... arg0) {
items = WebFunctions.getMoreItems(activity);
return (items != null);
protected void onPostExecute(Boolean success) {
if (success) {
for (ListItem item: items) {
Log.d(TAG, "added item " + item.getTitle());
LoadThumbnails thumbnailLoader = new LoadThumbnails();
thumbnailLoader.execute(start, ItemViewer.itemList.size());
loading = false;
public void protectedExecute() {
if (!loading)
public void refresh() {
if (!refreshing.getAndSet(true)) {
public class LoadThumbnails extends AsyncTask<Integer, Void, Drawable> {
private int position;
private int end;
protected Drawable doInBackground(Integer... params) {
position = params[0];
end = params[1];
Drawable thumbnail = null;
synchronized(ItemViewer.itemList) {
if (LoadItems.refreshing.get())
String url = ItemViewer.itemList.get(position).getThumbnailUrl();
if (!url.isEmpty())
thumbnail = WebFunctions.loadDrawableFromUrl(ItemViewer.activity, url);
return thumbnail;
protected void onPostExecute(Drawable d) {
synchronized (ItemViewer.itemList) {
if (LoadItems.refreshing.get())
if (d != null)
ItemViewer.itemList.setThumbnail(position, d);
if (position < end) {
LoadThumbnails lt = new LoadThumbnails();
lt.execute(position, end);
This is pretty simple to solve. Whenever the user hits the refresh button, make sure you call cancel() on the last async tasks you have created before you create new tasks. For example,
private void onRefreshClick(View v) {
if(mLastLoadItemTask != null) mLastLoadItemTask.cancel(true);
if(mLastLoadThumbnailTask != null) mLastLoadThumbnailTask.cancel(true);
mLastLoadItemTask = new LoadItems(...);
Then, in the onPostExecute of each of your async tasks, first check to see if they were cancelled by calling isCancelled(). If they were cancelled, make sure the onPostExecute method does no work by just returning. For example,
protected void onPostExecute(...) {
if(isCancelled()) return;
//Adding items to list
//Or start load thumbnail task
As you can see that should prevent any unintentional or stale updates because the onPostExecute methods and your cancel calls will all happen on the main therad. The last thing I would suggest is to alter your loadThumbs task to be able to stop doing work as soon as possibly by checking isCancelled() whenever it makes sense to do so.
The following steps might help:
cache the results, whatever you have previously pulled from the net should be saved and quickly restored back when your application is launched. this way you avoid long delays and empty screens on application startup, which, in turn, stops the user from pressing 'reload'
make a boolean variable reload_in_progress, set it to true when you start pulling data from the net, and set it to false when all thumbnails are ready. 'reload' click handler should ignore clicks when reload_in_progress is true.
show some king of progress bar to the user, so (s)he knows it's already reloading and does not push reload again.
almost forgot, never update data shown to the user "live", this leads to wonderful situations, when the user clicks on item while it's changing and doing something completely different from what (s)he expected. long updates should keep its data to themselves and quickly swap old data for the new one only when everything is ready.

Lost reference to variable after configuration change

I have an acitivty which looks for user location (MyLocation class), then with the geopoint or without it it runs an AsyncTask to connect to server and get list of cities from my server. When the list is ready it saves them in ArrayList cities. Once the cities ArrayList is filled I would like it to be saved for good (proof to configuration changes). CityItem implements Parcelable. I save them in onSaveInstanceState and retrieve them onCreate.
Now, everything works fine if the task has completed and the cities list is filled. Then I rotate my device back and forth and Log.i("StartActivity", "Cities list downloaded:"+cities.toString()); gets called.
But if I rotate the device before the geopoint was found (or the task finished - hard to tell because it happens fast), then
public void gotCities(ArrayList<CityItem> _cities){
cities = _cities;
Log.i("StartActivity", "gotCities("+cities.size()+"): "+cities.toString());
gets called (and cities are perfectly fine in the log) but when I rotate it once more ArrayList cities appears to be null again.
It appears that if the configuration changed and the savedInstanceState.cities was null, the ArrayList cities is somehow created again and it's not the same ArrayList as the one in gotCities() function.
I'm pretty sure it's something easy but I've been searching for answer for hours and I simply can't do it.
Code of the Activity:
public class StartActivity extends Activity {
public static final String PREFS_NAME = "PrefsFile";
MyLocation myLocationObject = null;
LatLngPoint point = null;
ArrayList<CityItem> cities = null;
FindCityTask task = null;
Activity startActivity;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if(savedInstanceState!=null) if(savedInstanceState.containsKey("cities")) cities = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList("cities"); if(cities!=null) Log.i("Cities retrieved", cities.toString());
startActivity = this;
//check if the configuration (orientation) has been changed
NonConfigurationObject nco = (NonConfigurationObject)getLastNonConfigurationInstance();
if(nco!=null) if(nco.myLocationObject!=null) myLocationObject = nco.myLocationObject;
if(nco!=null) if(nco.task!=null) task = nco.task;
Log.i("StartActivity", "Cities list is empty - retrieve them.");
} else {
Log.i("StartActivity", "Cities list downloaded:"+cities.toString());
private void getGeopoint(){
if(isOnline()){ //there is internet connection
myLocationObject = new MyLocation();
//calls function to check user location (returns false if no providers are enabled
if(!myLocationObject.getLocation(this, locationResult)){ /*TODO handle */Log.i("StartActivity", "Location providers disabled");}
} else { //not online - show msg
Log.i("StartActivity", "No internet connection");
//waits for user geopoint. then starts FindCityTask
LocationResult locationResult = new LocationResult(){
public void gotLocation(final Location location){
// location found
Log.i("StartActivity", "Received location: "+location.toString());
point = new LatLngPoint((float)location.getLatitude(), (float)location.getLongitude());
} else {
// location not found
Log.i("StartActivity", "No location received after 20 seconds");
point = null;
//RUN TASK to connect to server to get cities list (even if there's no geopoint)
task = new FindCityTask(startActivity);
public void gotCities(ArrayList<CityItem> _cities){
cities = _cities;
Log.i("StartActivity", "gotCities("+cities.size()+"): "+cities.toString());
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.i("onSaveInstanceState", "onSaveInstanceState");
if(cities!=null) savedInstanceState.putParcelableArrayList("cities", cities);
public NonConfigurationObject onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() {
NonConfigurationObject nco = new NonConfigurationObject();
nco.myLocationObject = myLocationObject;
nco.task = task;
return nco;
static class NonConfigurationObject{
MyLocation myLocationObject;
FindCityTask task;
gotCities() method is called from AsyncTask onPostExecute:
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
((StartActivity) activity).gotCities(cities);
When orientation cnange hits, your activity is stopped, destroyed and created anew, and the only callback which is guaranted to be called is onPause(). The same happens when screen lock kick in - it forces your activity in portrait mode.
I recommend you to read about android activity lifecycle. Rule of thumb is:
onCreate() is for initalizing interface objects and services
onResume() is called when your activity comes on top and is about to be presented to user
onPause() when it loses focus and is not presented to use anymore.
Since obtaining location takes long time, it is better to move it away from activity to background service, ( start it in onCreate() if necessary ) and decouple its lifecycle from activity. Service can pass results to activity via broadcast messages, or java method calls
And look into your onSaveInstanceState() - first you are calling super.onSaveInstanceState(), and then you modify bundle to include your data. This way they are never saved.
I finally got it. It's the AsyncTask which pointed to wrong (the one before configuration change) activity. The trick is to attach to the task the reference to activity (and to do it in the right moment).
So the first thing to do is to put these functions in the AsyncTask:
void attach(Activity activity){
this.activity = activity;
void detach(){
this.activity = null;
When the task is first called we should attach the activity to it.
Then onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() detach it.
public NonConfigurationObject onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() {
//normally it would return only the task, but i have to return another object
//hence the NonConfigurationObject which holds reference to both the AsyncTask and MyLocation
//(as seen in the original question)
NonConfigurationObject nco = new NonConfigurationObject();
nco.task = task;
return nco;
And finally attach it again when we call getLastNonConfigurationInstance() in onCreate().
//check if the configuration (orientation) has been changed
NonConfigurationObject nco = (NonConfigurationObject)getLastNonConfigurationInstance();
if(nco!=null){ //not created for the first time
Log.i("StartActivity", "NCO: "+nco.toString());
task = nco.task;
if(task!=null){ //nco can be present but task still null
} else {
task = new FindCityTask(this);
} else {
Log.i("StartActivity", "NCO: null");
task = new FindCityTask(this);
Please share your thoughts on this solution if you have any. I'll modify the question so it better suits the problem.

Avoid restarting threads on orientation change

There are some threads in my activity's oncreate() method. When the orientation changes the threads are restarting again (new instance of threads gets created on every orientation change).
I don't want to use android:configChanges or android:screenOrientation. Because the Activity is orientation dependent.
Use android:configChanges, but in overrided onConfigurationChanged() method only call super.onConfigurationCanged() method (or don't override it, generally).
In time of rotation onCreate() not be called and your treads not be restarted, but your layout will be rotate.
I am using this approach:
I have a field in the activity which stores the thread. In onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() answer this field. It gets saved this way and it is available to the fresh instance of the activity later.
In onStart() I get the thread from getLastNonConfigurationInstance(). This is either null (thread not jet started) or its the reference to the thread saved by onRetainNonConfigurationInstance().
If you are showing (and need to restore) a progress dialog you should also have a state in the thread (e.g. STARTED, RUNNING, DONE, and so on) to handle restoring the progress display in onStart().
If you need to communicate with the thread you might want to inject a handler (e.g. as parameter to the thread's constructor).
Here is an example. The thread reads GPS data from a database for later post-processing. I tried to only show the relevant code here, method names of omitted methods should speak for themselfes,
This is all from the activity class:
private ProgressDialog progressDialog = null;
private LoadGpsDataThread loadGpsLogThread = null;
This is the handler used to communicate:
* This handler updates the progress dialog when the logged GPS data is loaded.
final Handler progressHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(final Message msg) {
Bundle b;
switch( msg.arg2 ) {
// Update from GPS data loading thread
final int total = msg.arg1;
if( GpsPostprocessingActivity.this.progressDialog != null )
if( GpsPostprocessingActivity.this.loadGpsLogThread != null && GpsPostprocessingActivity.this.loadGpsLogThread.state == STATE_DONE ) {
case IGpsDataPostProccessor.STATUS_ANALYZER:
case IGpsDataPostProccessor.UPDATE_ANALYZER:
int sample;
switch( msg.arg1 ) {
// ...
case IGpsDataPostProccessor.GRAPH_UPDATE:
Here is the method, which starts the thread, note the handler as constructor parameter:
* Load the GPS data from the database.
* #param loading if <code>true</code> the load thread is already
* running. In this case only the progress dialog is opened.
private void loadGpsData(final boolean loading) {
if( DEBUG )
Log.d( TAG, "loadGpsData: Loading GPS data, already loading = " + loading);
final int dataSize = this.gpsFlight.size();
final String title = this.globalState.getString(R.string.titel_load_gps_data);
final String msg = this.globalState.getFormattedTemplate(R.string.msg_tmpl_loading_gps_data, this.flightDesc);
this.showProgress(title, msg, dataSize);
if( ! loading ) {
this.loadGpsLogThread = new LoadGpsDataThread(this.progressHandler);
public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() {
// Dialog is removed in onSaveInstanceState(), see comment there
// Check that there is a worker thread that
// needs preserving
if (this.loadGpsLogThread != null) {
// remove reference to this activity (important to avoid memory leak)
this.loadGpsLogThread.handler = null;
// Return the instance to be retained
if( DEBUG )
Log.d( TAG, "onRetainNonConfigurationInstance: saved process");
return this.loadGpsLogThread;
return super.onRetainNonConfigurationInstance();
Here is the start logic:
protected void onStart() {
if( DEBUG )
Log.d(TAG, "onStart");
// graphView is set asynchronously by the GPS data loading thread
// Get the last load thread and check whether it is still running
if (this.getLastNonConfigurationInstance() != null) {
this.loadGpsLogThread = (LoadGpsDataThread) this.getLastNonConfigurationInstance();
this.loadGpsLogThread.handler = this.progressHandler;
switch (this.loadGpsLogThread.state) {
// Show the progress dialog again
// Close the progress dialog in case it is open
this.loadGpsLogThread = null;
// Close the progress dialog in case it is open
// Close the progress dialog in case it is open
// Get rid of the sending thread
if( DEBUG )
Log.d(TAG, "Unknown progress thread state");
else {
if( ! this.globalState.detectorState.isGpsDataCacheAvailable(this.gpsFlight) ) {
this.analysisResult = null;
// data already loaded
This is the thread as inner class:
* This thread loads the GPS data from the database and
* updates the progress dialog via the handler.
private class LoadGpsDataThread extends Thread {
Handler handler;
int state;
int stepsDone;
LoadGpsDataThread(final Handler h) {
this.handler = h;
this.state = STATE_NOT_STARTED;
public void run() {
this.state = STATE_RUNNING;
this.stepsDone = 0;
final Cursor c = GpsPostprocessingActivity.this.queryGpsData();
try {
while (c.moveToNext() && (this.state == STATE_RUNNING)) {
final TrackData row = GpsPostprocessingActivity.this.globalState.getDb().readGpsData(c);
GpsPostprocessingActivity.this.globalState.detectorState.gpsData[this.stepsDone] = row;
this.stepsDone += 1;
if( this.handler != null ) {
// can be null if the activity has been destroyed
final Message msg = this.handler.obtainMessage();
msg.arg1 = this.stepsDone;
msg.arg2 = UPDATE_LOADER;
finally {
this.state = STATE_DONE;
if( DEBUG )
Log.d(TAG, "Data load thread finished");

Trouble with Custom AsyncTaskLoader callbacks

I'm having a couple of problems with my AsyncTaskLoader, not sure if they're related as they both happen when attempting to restart the Loader. In my application I have 3 instances of a custom CursorAdapter, backed by 3 instances of a custom AsyncTaskLoader managed by 1 singleton LoaderManager. The problems relate to two differenct Adapter/Loader pairs, but the code used is the same in each case:
getLoaderManager().restartLoader(loaderId, bundle, loaderManager);
Problem 1: I call restartLoader() and the LoaderManager registers a call to onCreateLoader, but not one to onLoaderReset(). The Loader gets to deliverResult(), but onLoadFinished() is never called. The Loader has neither the 'reset' or 'started' flags set (see code below).
Problem 2: I call restartLoader() and the LoaderManager registers a call to onLoaderReset(). The Loader gets to onReset(), but doesn't get any further. The Cursor is set to null, but no new Cursor is loaded.
Any ideas what the problem could be? Here's some of the code for the Loader and Loader Manager:
protected void onStartLoading() {
Log.v(TAG, "Starting Loader");
if (lastCursor != null) {
if (takeContentChanged() || lastCursor == null) {
public void deliverResult(Cursor cursor) {
Log.v(TAG, "Delivering result");
if (isReset()) {
Log.v(TAG, "reset");
if (cursor != null) {
Cursor oldCursor = lastCursor;
lastCursor = cursor;
if (isStarted()) {
Log.v(TAG, "started");
if (oldCursor != null && oldCursor != cursor && !oldCursor.isClosed()) {
protected void onReset() {
Log.v(TAG, "Reset");
if (lastCursor != null && !lastCursor.isClosed()) {
lastCursor = null;
public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int loaderId, Bundle bundle) {
return new CustomCursorLoader();
public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor cursor) {
public void onLoaderReset(Loader<Cursor> loader) {
What you are calling a 'LoaderManager' is actually an implementation of the LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D> interface. You might want to use a different name, this one is confusing. Why is it a singleton? It usually is tied to an Activity or Fragment, possibly just the Activity/Fragment implementing the interface. Where are you creating your Loaders (activity/fragment)? Also make sure you call LoaderManager.initLoader() from onCreate()/onActivityCreated(), otherwise the loader may not be started properly.
When you create a cursor and point it at a database, you can't just set it to null. You have to explicitly close the cursor, or it will lock the database until it times out.
I recommend taking advantage of the Android lifecycle and your existing callbacks to implement this fix.
Hope this helps!

