Images in the 'drawable' folder are resized automatically? - android

I have a 1280x720px image in the res/drawable folder (not the drawable-hdpi, drawable-ldpi, etc. folder). But at runtime the size is 2560x1440px. How is this possible? Does android resize the images in the drawable folder?
Here is the code:
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.start_image_left);
int h = bitmap.getHeight(), w = bitmap.getWidth();
I'm testing this on a Motorola Moto G gen2.

There's really no reason you should ever put a bitmap into the root drawable directory. It should typically be used for XML drawables only. Bitmaps in the drawable directory will essentially be handled as if they were in drawable-mdpi (scaled up proportionally for other densities).
If your goal is to have a bitmap image that is the same pixel size on all densities, you need to put it in drawable-nodpi. This will cause it to not be scaled.

You are correct, Android automatically scales your image based on the current device configuration. If however, you dont want that behaviour, you can create a bitmap resource file, put in the drawable folder and point it to the drawable you want to use like this
<bitmap xmlns:android="
android:gravity="center" />
By specifying the center gravity, android will not scale your image no matter what.
To use this bitmap resource file, in your code, retrieve it like this
Drawable drawable = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.yourBitmaoResourceFileName);


Android: Same Image needs to be added in all drawable folders?

I am directly adding images in drawable folders and it is coming fine with ImageView tag android:src="#drawable/image_name" but I wonder what to do with the other drawable folders as shown below.
Do I need to add same image in all drawable folders or my way of adding images in drawable folders is wrong?
Please help me!
The image is same, but the size should be different for each folders.
If you add the image only in drawable folder, same image will be loaded for all screen resolutions. So for eg: if the image size is small, this may result in bad image quality.
You can find a similar question here
I use Android studio plugin Android Drawable Importer
All these drawable folders represent different android phone densities. The best folder to put your images is drawable-xxhdpi as android automatically downscale or upscale the images depending on your devices density and most phones these days are on xxhdpi density.
If you put a image in drawable folder only there are chances that image may get distorted(as it upscales) in xxxhdpi density.
If you are putting images in xxhdpi ,make sure you create your images acc. to xxhdpi resolution.
If you don't feel the image is looking right in some phones than check the density of that phone and put an image in that specific density folder acc. to it's size(reduced or increased).
Just put it in the drawable folder, no need to put it in other drawable-... folders because those folders and contents inside are created automatically by android studio.

Another bitmap's sizes

I added bitmap image to drawable folder with 64x64 sizes. Then I get a reference to this by Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.brick); The problem is in output I get an image with 128x128 sizes. I dont use any BitmapFactory.Options. Why it happens?
I added bitmap image to drawable folder with 64x64 sizes
I am going to assume that you mean this literally, and you put the images in res/drawable/. That is a synonym for res/drawable-mdpi/.
The problem is in output I get an image with 128x128 sizes.
That would occur if your device is an -xhdpi device. Android will resample the drawable from -mdpi (~160dpi) to -xhdpi (~320dpi).
Try moving your image to res/drawable-nodpi/.

How to create BitmapDrawable from a file for different screen densities?

Well know that if we put an image 96x96 pixel in folder xxhdpi of project, it will be displayed in 32dp.
Now I have an image file 96x96 pixel, which is located on storage. I create a BitmapDrawable object from that image. All I want is: the image should be displayed in 32dp.
Here is what I tried:
BitmapDrawable bmd = (BitmapDrawable)BitmapDrawable.createFromPath(localFile.getAbsolutePath());
But it doesn't work. It looks smaller than 32dp. Can anybody show me how to do it?

setImageDrawable don't scale correctly with no resource images

I'm trying to load a image stored in filesystem into a imageButton. But it not scaling correctly. The file is the same (t700.png) in drawable resources and in filesystem, but the result is diferent.
This work fine:
This change scale / size and get bigger image:
String filePath = VideoActivity.this.getFilesDir()+File.separator+EPGApiService.LOGOS_DIR+File.separator+channel.getLogoFile();
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath);
BitmapDrawable imgDrawable = new BitmapDrawable( this.getResources(),bitmap);
I need same result..
if I do
BitmapDrawable logoBitmapDrawableFromDisk = new BitmapDrawable(VideoActivity.this.getResources(),logoBitmap);
BitmapDrawable logoBitmapDrawableFromDisk2 = new BitmapDrawable(logoBitmap);
BitmapDrawable logoBitmapDrawableFromRes = (BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.t700);
The Drawables Bitmaps sizes are not the same!
logoBitmapDrawableFromDisk size is 410x123
logoBitmapDrawableFromDisk2 size is 205x62
logoBitmapDrawableFromRes size is 820x246
The real file is the same. I need the same size on this two ways.
BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap)
Create drawable from a bitmap, setting initial target density based on the display metrics of the resources.
It looks bigger because it is using the resource object to adjust the image to your screen's density.
To avoid that use BitmapDrawable(bitmap)
Or resize your png to look right in a mdpi device.
Then BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap) will give you the correct look in all devices.
The correct way to have same look in all devices is create different icons for each device density.
Start with the dimension for mdpi density. The dimensions for each the other densities should be calculated based in the following values:
hdpi multiply by 1.5
xhdpi multiply by 2
xxhdpi multiply by 3
Each icon should be put under separate folders with the appropriate name depending on density:
mdpi -> res/drawable_mdpi
hdpi -> res/drawable_hdpi
xhdpi -> res/drawable_xhdpi
xxhdpi -> res/drawable_xxhdpi
Set the ImageButton source in xml or use getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.t700); the device will automatically select the right one.
For more information see this

Load and scale images in raw folder

Suppose I have an image, named "image.jpg" inside res/raw/ folder.
Then I load it with :
InputStream imageIS = this.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.image);
Bitmap myImage = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageIS);
Looks like they're not scaled according to screen densities (ldpi/mdpi/hdpi/etc..).
How can I scale those images according to different screen densities ?
(I know that there is an easy way doing so, by placing it into drawable folder, but for some reasons, I'd like to place my image in raw folder)
By placing it in the raw folder, you've told Android you want the image exactly as it is. If you really want the system to scale your image according to size and density of the device, you have to place it in one of the drawable folders under res. If you just like to use the raw folder, then you apparently just like to keep your images as they are.

