Android: Tabbed Layout or Android Tabs without having an Action Bar? - android

So I created my app to have tabs on the action bar which direct to three fragment windows. I decided to change the theme of the app to "#android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar.Fullscreen" and suddenely my app started crashing with a nullpointer exception. After sometime I realized that the theme change, which disabled the action bar might have caused this.
Is there a way to implement tabbed layout without an action bar? A custom action bar? I badly want to use that theme. OR is there a way to customize the action bar: change the color or add custom icons and search function to make it more visually appealing?
Thank you!

Is there a way to implement tabbed layout without an action bar?
Use ViewPager and any one of several tabbed indicators, such as PagerTabStrip, the TabPageIndicator from the ViewPagerIndicator library, PagerSlidingTabStrip, etc.
Or, use FragmentTabHost.
is there a way to customize the action bar: change the color or add custom icons and search function to make it more visually appealing?
You are responsible for your own icons, so if you do not like your icons, talk to yourself about having yourself come up with better ones.
You can change the color of the action bar via a custom theme, such as one you might set up with Jeff Gilfelt's Action Bar Style Generator. Or, switch to using the appcompat-v7 edition of the action bar (with ActionBarActivity) and you can use a simpler custom theme where you just set some tint values.

as you have not provided code here i think you are using API 21 or less.. so you should change theme of your android application.
change styles.xml file as follows
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">


Theme.Holo with Dark Action Bar

I am making a daydream application and I want the settings activity to follow the same interface as the standard settings. For right now I want to make the app use the Holo theme but have a dark action bar like you can get with the Holo.Light.DarkActionBar theme. I've googled around and have not found anything similar, and I tried looking through the android source code to find out how they do it for the Settings page, but it is too big for me to handle and I cannot find the styling system.
I've got my styles set up but I cannot find the correct value to use for actionbar style. I do not have interest in adding more libraries like actionbar sherlock.
NOTE: Dark Action Bar =/= Holo actionbar.
My app only works with 4.2 and up so the Holo.Light.DarkActionBar theme should exist.
For reference, I want my app to have this theme:
The settings app uses the Widget.Holo.ActionBar.Solid for its actionBarStyle. As in:
<style name="Your.Theme" parent="#android:style/Theme.Holo">
<item name="android:actionBarStyle">#android:style/Widget.Holo.ActionBar.Solid</item>

How to hide app title in action bar

i have an action bar scherlock where i want to show logo without app title. I've just added in manifest android:logo tag and some code getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false) in my activity thats hide my title. It seems to work fine, but when app was started a title displays in a few seconds, how i can resolve this?
just try this in order to hide title bar.
Use this in styles.xml file
<style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="android:Theme.Light.NoTitleBar">
I suggest use custom title bar.
you can customize it as you like.
but use 45dip instead of 35dip

make android HomeAsUp icon disappear on demand

In my android app, in the Action Bar, next to the < image is an icon. I want to make it invisible/gone ondemand dynamically. How do I do that? The icon is actually defined as follows (this should help you realize where in the action bar I am talking about).
<style name="MyAppName.LogoTheme.LogoActionBar" parent="MyAppName.Theme.ActionBar">
<item name="android:displayOptions">showHome|homeAsUp</item>
<item name="android:icon">#drawable/my_icon</item>
I tried the following, but nothing.
In Java, call setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false) and setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false) on your ActionBar.

Custom Title bar with Holo Themes

Like a lot of people, I would like to use a custom title bar in android but also use the Holo theme. I've seen a lot of posts recommending using Theme.Holo.NoActionBar but it still gives me the same error as when I change my custom theme to use Theme.Holo. I want to resolve once and for all, is it possible to use a custom title bar like this:
which seems to be the most common way to do it.
Well you can create another element layout which looks like title bar for you and in the current activity you can set requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE)
This way you get the holo theme aswell as custom title. This is commonly used practice in this scenario.
you can define parent="#android:style/Theme.Holo"
then just disable the windows action bar
like this
<item name="android:windowActionBar">false</item>
in theme.
It's working for me...

How To Enable Menu in a Custom Theme in Android?

I'm creating an Android app using the theme "noTitlebar" and all the design changes are done and approved. Now I need to add a menu, so I have to add title bar. But, if I change the theme, the whole design for pop up, border, etc. will be affected.
So I created a custom theme by extending the theme
I enabled the title by
<item name="android:windowNoTitle">false</item>
Now I got the title bar, but menu is showing up. The control is not coming to
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
How can we enable menu in this theme? Help will be greatly appreciated.
Since your are targeting Honeycomb (right?), when you say titlebar you probably mean Action Bar? Follow the link to read the docs.
In a nutshell:
You need to set targetSdkVersion="11" and your build target (in eclipse) to v11.
Just use Theme.Holo. Action bar is by default enabled. Theme.Holo is a default theme for v11 so you even don't need to define it.

