Http digest authentication on Android fails with 401 - android

I am trying to do http digest authentication from an android client. Here is a curl line that connects and does the digest successfully.
curl -i --digest --user '' -v https://localhost:8080/v1/resources/debug
Here is one attempt in my android client that returns a 401.
AndroidHttpClient httpClient = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance("user agent");
String url = "http://localhost:8080/v1/resources/debug";
URL urlObj = new URL(url);
HttpHost host = new HttpHost(urlObj.getHost(), urlObj.getPort(), urlObj.getProtocol());
AuthScope scope = new AuthScope(urlObj.getHost(), urlObj.getPort());
UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("", "500a436e-2d5d-4a2e-be82-19651f7ea904");
CredentialsProvider cp = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
cp.setCredentials(scope, creds);
HttpContext credContext = new BasicHttpContext();
credContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.CREDS_PROVIDER, cp);
HttpGet job = new HttpGet(url);
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(host,job,credContext);
StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();
System.out.println("#### " + status.toString());
Here is a second attempt in the client, also returns a 401.
DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
DefaultHttpClient httpclient2 = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("https://localhost:8080/v1/resources/debug");
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget);
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
Header authHeader = response.getFirstHeader(AUTH.WWW_AUTH);
System.out.println("authHeader = " + authHeader);
DigestScheme digestScheme = new DigestScheme();
UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("", "500a436e-2d5d-4a2e-be82-19651f7ea904
httpget.addHeader(digestScheme.authenticate(creds, httpget));
ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
String responseBody = httpclient2.execute(httpget, responseHandler);
System.out.println("responseBody : " + responseBody);
Can anyone see what I'm missing to get the authentication to work? We know it's not a server problem since the curl line works great.


nullToken scope not set. This request does not have the required privilege

In the use of Autodesk's AndroidSDK, the token was successfully obtained; but at Create Bucket, unexpectedly returned “nullToken scope not set. This request does not have the required privilege.”
HttpPost request = new HttpPost(BASEUrl+ upload_srv);
request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
//v2 changed the param name from 'policy' to 'policyKey'
String jsonstr ="{\"bucketKey\":\""+ newBucketName + "\", \"servicesAllowed\":{}, \"policyKey\":\"temporary\"}";
HttpEntity jsonent = new StringEntity(jsonstr,HTTP.UTF_8);
HttpClient httpclient = getNewHttpClient();
HttpContext localContext = new BasicHttpContext();
localContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, globalcookies);
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request,localContext);

Session Expired error in SSL HttpClient connection

I am working with converting website into android app.
Same code work for http URL & I can Re-use same Session id.
But in https I get session expired error.
HttpPost get3 = new HttpPost(titleURL);
entity = new StringEntity("{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"call\",\"params\":{\"model\":\"job.order\",\"fields\":[\"job_code\",\"sale_order_id\",\"partner_id\",\"ins_postcode\",\"client_order_ref\",\"cust_po_ref_blanket\",\"engineer_id\",\"appointment\",\"state\"],\"domain\":[[\"state\",\"=\",[\"draft\",\"confirmed\",\"installed\",\"onhold\",\"reject\",\"accepted\"]]],\"context\":{\"lang\":\"en_US\",\"tz\":false,\"uid\":1,\"search_default_open_job\":1,\"bin_size\":true},\"offset\":0,\"limit\":80,\"sort\":\"\",\"session_id\":\"3dcfe71efba0403ba454cef4d390f1fb\"},\"id\":\"r105\"}");
get3.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
responseBody3 = client.execute(get3, responseHandler);
My logcat error,
raise SessionExpiredException(\"Session expired\")\nSessionExpiredException: Session expired\n", "type": "client_exception"}}}
Note: My login URL executes correctly.But I cannot re-use my session id for other URL`s.
any body help me?
I have done this for downloading apk file from https url, you can modify according to your requirement
STEP 1: Created an instance of DefaultHttpClient in the first Activity when connection established.
public static DefaultHttpClient httpClient;
STEP 2: For the first time connection
URL url=new URL(urlToHit);
LoginScreen.httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url.toString());
HttpResponse response = LoginScreen.httpClient.execute(httppost);
xr.parse(new InputSource(url.openStream()));
STEP 3: Now for all further connections, used the same httpClient For example in the next activity:
URL url=new URL(urlToHit);
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url.toString());
HttpResponse response = LoginScreen.httpClient.execute(httppost);
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
InputStream instream = null;
if (entity != null) {
instream = entity.getContent();
xr.parse(new InputSource(instream)); //SAX parsing
That should be

Android: HttpClient, cannot retry request with a non-repeatable request entity

Trying to send file content to server from Android application like this:
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("");
final InputStreamEntity reqEntity = new InputStreamEntity(
gdFileSystemDelegate.openFileInput(openFileInput(FilePath), -1);
But its throws an exception:
cannot retry request with a non-repeatable request entity
What does it mean ? how to fix that ?
Try to set protocol param http.protocol.expect-continue to true in DefaultHttpClient:
protected HttpParams createHttpParams() {
HttpParams params = super.createHttpParams();
HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(params, true);
return params;

Upload image from android to python appengine blobstore

I have struggled for quite some time to upload photo images from android to python appengine
This is what I have tried, in Android:
void apachePost() throws Exception {
File image = new File("/sdcard/image.jpg");
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("");
try {
MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity();
entity.addPart("type", new StringBody("photo"));
entity.addPart("data", new FileBody(image));
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
Log.v(Constants.DATA, "received http response " + response);
} catch (ClientProtocolException e){
In appengine:
class UserPhoto(db.Model):
user = db.StringProperty()
blob_key = blobstore.BlobReferenceProperty()
class UploadHandler(blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreUploadHandler):
def post(self):
upload = self.get_uploads()[0]
user_photo = UserPhoto(user="test", blob_key=upload.key())
return user_photo.key()
My logged server error is "Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)"
I assume the headers are incorrect - I have tried many variations
Some of the links are have tried:
Ika Lan's snippet
tacticalnuclearstrike blog
I would really appreciate any help, I don't seem to be asking the right questions atm
This is what I have that works (Changed to a HttpGet), the Android code:
void apachePost(String url, String filename) throws Exception {
HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
HttpResponse urlResponse = httpClient.execute(httpGet);
String result = EntityUtils.toString(urlResponse.getEntity());
Uri fileUri = Uri.parse(filename); // Gets the Uri of the file in the sdcard
File file = new File(new URI(fileUri.toString())); // Extracts the file from the Uri
FileBody fileBody = new FileBody(file, "multipart/form-data");
StringBody stringBody = new StringBody("Arghhh");
MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE);
entity.addPart("file", fileBody);
entity.addPart("string", stringBody);
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(result);
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
Log.v(Constants.DATA, "received http response " + response);
Log.v(Constants.DATA, "received http entity " + entity);
The Appengine Code:
class GetBlobstoreUrl(BaseHandler):
def get(self):
upload_url = blobstore.create_upload_url('/upload/')
class UploadHandler(blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreUploadHandler):
def post(self):
upload_files = self.get_uploads('file')
text_files = self.get_uploads('string')
blob_info = upload_files[0]
user_info = "text_files"
photo = clockin.UserPhoto(blob_key=blob_info.key(), user=user_info)
One thing that eludes me is what happened to the "entity.addPart("string", stringBody);"
it doesnt seem part of get_uploads in the blobstore object

how to send rest data using httppost in android

I am developing a hotel booking app using expedia. I need to send the following rest data to server using the httppost
http:/[current minorRev #]
String urlToSendRequest = "";
String targetDomain = "";
DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpHost targetHost = new HttpHost(targetDomain, 80, "http");
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(urlToSendRequest);
httpPost.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity("<input>test</input>", "UTF-8");
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(targetHost, httpPost);
Reader r = new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent());

