what does "?" mean in Android styles.xml files mean? - android

in Android Framework source code ~/core/res/res/values/styles.xml
there's one line:
<item name="android:textColor">?textColorPrimaryInverse</item>
Could anyone tell me:
What does "?textColorPrimaryInverse" mean?
Where is "textColorPrimaryInverse" referenced ?

Please check this link. So, you can get the idea about the textColorPrimaryInverse: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.attr.html#textColorPrimaryInverse


btsnooz.py not parsing android BT log

I'm trying to follow the instructions found here:
and here:
I am able to get the log, run the python code to parse it and and it runs successfully (on my Mac) however when I open the file it looks like a bunch of gibberish. Which I'll paste below. Is there a special log viewer I need to open this up with? I might be doing something dumb, anyone run into this? Thanks!
‚xcƒc7f3‚xcƒc8]‚xcƒc< Ö  C‚xcƒc<˘ 
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The comment at the top of the btsnooz.py script explains how to open the generated file:
This script extracts btsnooz content from bugreports and generates a
valid btsnoop log file which can be viewed using standard tools like
Wireshark can be obtained from here.

Porting a Java SDK to Xamarin.Android, binding Library error regarding types

I am working on porting a Java SDK to Xamarin.Android.
After solving numerous errors, I am stuck in this one:
/Users/alejandro_l/Projects/KontaktBeaconSDK/KontaktBeaconSDK/obj/Debug/generated/src/Com.Kontakt.Sdk.Android.Ble.Configuration.Scan.EddystoneScanContext.cs(65,65): Error CS1715: Com.Kontakt.Sdk.Android.Ble.Configuration.Scan.EddystoneScanContext.EventTypes': type must beSystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection' to match overridden member `Com.Kontakt.Sdk.Android.Ble.Configuration.Scan.AbstractProfileSpecificScanContext.EventTypes' (CS1715) (KontaktBeaconSDK)
For solving the error I though that it should be OK to use the following line in the metadata.xml telling the generator to change the type of the method to match with the abstract class:
<attr path="/api/package[#name='com.kontakt.sdk.android.ble.configuration.scan']/class[#name='EddystoneScanContext']/method[#name='getEventTypes' and count(parameter)=0]" name="managedType">System.Collections.Generic.ICollection</attr>
Based on: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/advanced_topics/binding-a-java-library/customizing-bindings/java-bindings-metadata/#managedType
The generated output still has the wrong shape:
static IntPtr id_getEventTypes;
public override unsafe global::System.Collections.ICollection EventTypes {
// Metadata.xml XPath method reference: path="/api/package[#name='com.kontakt.sdk.android.ble.configuration.scan']/class[#name='EddystoneScanContext']/method[#name='getEventTypes' and count(parameter)=0]"
[Register ("getEventTypes", "()Ljava/util/Collection;", "GetGetEventTypesHandler")]
get {
if (id_getEventTypes == IntPtr.Zero)
id_getEventTypes = JNIEnv.GetMethodID (class_ref, "getEventTypes", "()Ljava/util/Collection;");
try {
return global::Android.Runtime.JavaCollection.FromJniHandle (JNIEnv.CallObjectMethod (Handle, id_getEventTypes), JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef);
} finally {
As you can see System.Collections.ICollection is generated and not System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.
Note: I even still did not figure it out how to also set the generic type, but that is the next step.
I am a newbie in binding and I cannot figure it out. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Am I trying an impossible here? Do I need to change the source code of the SDK? (Notice that if I use "Build" and change manually the output I may get the dll in a future (still 49 errors left though) but I wonder if I can solve in a proper way).
Another useful link I used: https://gist.github.com/brendanzagaeski/9607158
Found it:
<attr path="/api/package[#name='com.kontakt.sdk.android.ble.configuration.scan']/class[#name='EddystoneScanContext']/method[#name='getEventTypes' and count(parameter)=0]" name="return">System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Com.Kontakt.Sdk.Android.Ble.Discovery.EventType></attr>
It seems the error has disappeared due to name="return". I do not know why return does not appear in the documentations but it appears in the api.xml so it should be OK.

Android Add PinIt Button using Pinterest Jar NoClassDefFoundError

I am trying to add the Pinit button to my Android App. I have downloaded the SDK and copied the pinit-sdk-1.0.Jar into my Project/libs folder. I'm even able to make the necessary PinItButton import to my code. But for whatever reason, my XML isn't finding the Button widget, and so I tried to add it just using Java with this code:
LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout)findViewById(R.id.pinterest_layout);
PinItButton pinit = new PinItButton(this);
I know this is the correct way to add something using code because I tested it by adding a generic Button first. I run my project then, and it crashes on the line where I set up the PinItButton. This is the error that my logcat spat back at me:
07-22 01:19:52.160: E/AndroidRuntime(32367): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.pinterest.pinit.PinItButton
I believe that I'm understand what it is telling me, but what else should I be attempting then to create the PinIt button? Any help would be great. Thank you!
It was #Kai who helped me figure out my problem. I needed to check my libraries. I did that by going to project --> Properties --> Java Build Path --> Order and Export tab, then checking the library and clicking OK. My problem was then solved!

ADT18 update but some style have mistake

i have update my ADt18.when i run my early app and sdk2.3,the eclipse give me mistake,the mistake appear at res\value\style, the detail is:
<style name="RatingBarSmall" parent="#android:Widget.RatingBar.Small">
<style name="ListSeparator" parent="#android:style/Widget.TextView.ListSeparator.White">
i found the RatingBar.Small have not support,how to modify it. why update the adt
the style not to useful
Google doesn't allow anymore these kind of parents...

android phonegap if timeout fallback

i'm trying to do a fallback on a timeout event!
ive set super.setingeterproperty("loadurltimeoutvalue", 60") so i can simulate it. Been searching around and havent found alot of answers to this.
I'm trying to do this: if timeout event -> load page from assets folder.
this so i can hide the error message that occurs on timeout. that error message contains the address to the site being loaded, and i dont want that at all to show up anywhere.
if (mWebView.loadUrlTimeout == currentLoadUrlTimeout) {
//super.loadurl("android_assets bla bla")
Found that code here, but cant get it to work. i think there are lots of parts missing, to the code, as i tried stripping it.
I am still pretty fresh to this, so there might be really logical flaws which i just dont see.
Any help greatly appreciated :)
Try setting following property in the activity before loading the page, it should work:
super.setStringProperty("errorUrl", "file:///android_asset/www/error_page.html");
setStringProperty has been deprecated in 3.0. Use config.xml instead:
<preference name="ErrorUrl" value="myErrorPage.html"/>

