How do I test specific android application with CTS? [closed] - android

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want test my application or specific apps with CTS but I can't find any way!!
Please help me.

CTS has nothing to do with testing your application. It has nothing to do with testing "specific apps". It is for testing an Android device build, for compatibility confirmation. This is used by device manufacturers (and, perhaps, by ROM modders) for confirming that changes they made to Android do not break any Android SDK APIs. Passing the CTS is a requirement for licensing the Play Store and other commercial apps.
For testing "my application or specific apps", you are welcome to use the various test tools and frameworks in the Android SDK.


Is it possible to change API level of mobile and test our app by using android app? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to make an app in which we can change API level of mobile temporarily and test our apps.So,
Is it possible to change API level of mobile and test our app by using android app?
If it is possible then how we can do this in android applications by using Java.
No deployed version of OS of any sort contains its previous releases (don't confuse this with OS backward compatibility). The simplest way to test on various versions of given platform is to use emulator(s).
For Android see either stock one or 3rd party ones like Genymotion or Blue Stacks.
You can do that via emulator.
I don't think that it's possible to do with mobile.

Disable permission in android [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to create Application which disable other application permission. for example I Don’t want Facebook or Viber to access my location. there are 2 application (in my knowledge) which can do something like this
1.this is a open source application.
but this is not for all android version.
so my question is how can i disable other application permission?
please guide me.
Thank you.
You have source, what else you want?
App Ops were introduced in 4.3 and were disabled/removed in 4.4.3. You can't change permissions in other versions of system, because these options are simply not present there (before 4.3 and above 4.4.2, including 4.4.3 and 4.4.4).
Thats why this linked app is "not for all android version". Some of them (these with root) porting these methods from original App Ops or are using present, hidden in system. In >=4.4.3 it needs root permission level for execution.
This is fairly impossible without rooting, and shouldn't be possible afterwards (though it seems it is)
Basically, when you install an app, you accept the permissions it needs. Something as a terms and conditions.

Webconnex Ticket Details API [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to develop an app like this. Is there an API for this?
The TicketScan app is made specifically for the Webconnex platform (i.e someone buys tickets on Webconnex). So it isn't intended for other platforms, which is why it only provides a ticket number.
We do not, as of yet, have an Android app. When we first created TicketScan it only supported the Linea Pro (iPod accessory, now also for iPhone), but we later added support for QRCodes for the camera.
If you are wanting to make an Android app that works with our platform, we do have an internal REST based service the app uses. This service isn't documented, and we don't intend to release it publicly in its current form, partly because it may be changed in the near future.
Currently we are working on a revamp of our platform, which will have a slew of API's available.
I recieved the reply to my mail from Webconnex. They said that there is no API open for us to use.

android opensource [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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is android fully open source????
Depends on your definition of "open source". The base platform is open source, lincensed under a mix of licenses. However:
some functionality is missing from it and is available only if you sign Google license (access to the app market)
you can't use the Android trade mark unless you sign Google license (why Nook is not marketed as Android device)
key parts of a mobile platform are kept proprietary by Google, like Maps, and competitive solutions are actively blocked by Google (SkyHook for example)
Update: Google is not releasing Honeycomb sources "at least for the foreseeable future"
Yes. Go wild:
Also, really, you could not have Googled that?
The following links can be useful

Can I sell my SL4A app on Android Market [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to develop an application in Python for Android using SL4A and I want to know whether is possible to sell it as an application on Android Market.
I believe you should be able to after you have embedded your script into an APK. Take a look at this on the android-scripting wiki.
But this APK still requires an installed interpreter which makes it not really comfortable. The APK includes a bootstrap installer but that does not work for me on the emulator.
I've done this, and users seem okay with downloading the interpreter.

