Download .apk with DownloadManager - android

Hi I'm facing a little problem here. For updates of my App (that isn't available in Play Store) I download it via DownloadManager to the Donwload directoryof the device. The .apk file is on a ftp server.
After downloading I pop up a dialog if the user wants to install the update (not malicious or something, no root needed). Everything works fine except the user cancels this dialog and wants to "manually" install the apk by clicking on the downloaded file in the Download diretory. If so, I don't get the Package-Installer to choose to open the file. On some devices "HTML Viewer" is opened without a question. If I download the apk via QR-Code (direct link) from browser everything is fine, so I guess it's a failure coming with the DownloadManager.
How can I download a file from ftp with DownloadManager, so that it is recognized as .apk and I can install it from the download region?
Here's the code for downloading and installIntent:
String url = "http://www.test.xx/myApp.apk";
Uri mUri = Uri.parse(url);
DownloadManager.Request r = new DownloadManager.Request(mUri);
r.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, "myApp.apk");
DownloadManager dm = (DownloadManager)activity.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
And on download receive:
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
try {
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
long myDownloadID = DashboardActivity.this.mSharedPref.getLong(PreferenceIdentifier.DOWNLOAD_APK.toString(), 0);
long downloadCompletedId = extras.getLong(DownloadManager.EXTRA_DOWNLOAD_ID);
DownloadManager.Query q = new DownloadManager.Query();
if (myDownloadID == downloadCompletedId) {
DownloadManager mManager = (DownloadManager) MyActivity.this.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
Cursor c = mManager.query(q);
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
int status = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_STATUS));
if (status == DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) {
Intent promptInstall = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/download/myApp.apk")),
As you can see I did
promptInstall.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/download/myApp.apk")),
I thought that would set the file type to apk so it is handles as one.
Hope I made my point clear, can anyone help?

Yeah, well... kinda stupid..
promptInstall.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/download/myApp.apk")),
just affects the way android want to open the file..
DownloadManager.Request r = new DownloadManager.Request(mUri);
will do it...


Clear cache of Download Manager programmatically in Android

I have an Android app that has a feature of downloading files. After using the app for some time, downloading files not working.
I came to know after some research, after a clear cache of download manager of the system, downloading files work completely without any issue.
That means this solution works perfectly. But that doesn't mean application users have to do that to use the app. So I want to do that using code.
I need any solution that can clear the cache of Download Manager of the system using the code.
Here it is template code for downloading:
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE);
context.registerReceiver(downloadReceiver, filter);
downloadManager = (DownloadManager) context.getSystemService(DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
Uri Download_Uri = Uri.parse(url);
DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(Download_Uri);
//Restrict the types of networks over which this download may proceed.
request.setAllowedNetworkTypes(DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_WIFI | DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_MOBILE);
//Set whether this download may proceed over a roaming connection.
//Set the title of this download, to be displayed in notifications (if enabled).
//Set a description of this download, to be displayed in notifications (if enabled)
//equest.setDescription("Android Data download using DownloadManager.");
//Set the local destination for the downloaded file to a path within the application's external files directory
request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(download_path, savedFileName);
//Set visible and shows in the notifications while in progress and after completion.
//Enqueue a new download and same the referenceId
downloadReference = downloadManager.enqueue(request);
// receiver
private BroadcastReceiver downloadReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
DownloadManager.Query query = new DownloadManager.Query();
Cursor c = downloadManager.query(query);
if (c.moveToFirst()) {

Open a Downloaded file (pdf) from the Downloads folder in the INTERNAL STORAGE

I have downloaded a file (133465.pdf) using the Download manager and now it is stored in the Downloads folder of the mobile phone (Internal storage).
How should i try and retrieve the downloaded pdf from the Downloads folder?
I am using the below code to try and retrieve the pdf from the downloads folder but i am getting an error on the Toast, saying "Cannot display PDF (133465.pdf cannot be opened)" .
String file = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).getPath() + File.separator + "133465.pdf";
Log.i("Fragmentadapter1", file);
File videoFile2Play = new File(file);
Intent i = new Intent();
i.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(videoFile2Play), "application/pdf");
I don't know if i am using the right file location to access the file.
Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.
If you are working for Lollopop and Below: You don't have to ask the user for permission on run-time. The manifest Permissions will do.
If you are working for Marshmellow and up: You have to ask the user for permission on run-time and act according to the users output.
Remember: You still have to give the Permissions on the Manifest too.
To Download a PDF on users Downloads folder :
DownloadManager downloadmanager;
downloadmanager = (DownloadManager) getApplication().getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
String url = hardcode + bb ;
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(uri)
.setTitle(bb )
Log.i("Download1", String.valueOf(request));
To View the Downloaded PDF from the Downloads folder of the Users device:
File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).getPath() + File.separator +
Uri path = Uri.fromFile(file);
Log.i("Fragment2", String.valueOf(path));
Intent pdfOpenintent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
pdfOpenintent.setDataAndType(path, "application/pdf");
try {
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
Note: Make sure u get the permission granted before downloading the Viewing the PDF file for Marshmellow and UP.

Android downloading file through DownloadManager not working correctly

I'm trying to download files thru DownloadManager, it works perfectly on most of the phones (Nexus family, S3, etc) but on Galaxy S2 for some reason the download works, but the name of the file is set wrong and when I try to open it (either from notification, either downloads app) it says that the file cannot be opened, even for files like jpeg, gif, png, etc.
Here is the code:
DownloadManager downloadManager = (DownloadManager) service
DownloadManager.Request downloadReq = new DownloadManager.Request(
| DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_MOBILE);
Also please note that all the URLs are https, and the phone's android version is 4.1.2
Any idea?
Many Thanks!
Update: if I add the file name in this call:
Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, attachment.fileName);
the good name is displayed in the notification center.
You should register yourself to receive a broadcast when the file download is complete. Over there you can also grab the filename. This will need some changes to the code:
Retain the ID returned from enqueue call:
long enqueue = downloadManager.enqueue(downloadReq);
Register a receiver to get the broadcast:
getApplicationContext().registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter(DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE));
declare the receiver:
BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
if (!DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE.equals(action)) {
Query query = new Query();
Cursor c = dm.query(query);
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
int columnIndex = c.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_STATUS);
if (DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL == c.getInt(columnIndex)) {
String uriString = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_LOCAL_URI));
Log.i(TAG, "downloaded file " + uriString);
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "download failed " + c.getInt(columnIndex));
Assuming a filename for download is not good practice. If you download it again without removing the previous one it will automatically get a suffix.

How to save downloaded file on sd card from download manager programmatically on android

In my application i have download(Image) feature which is used to download file from urls. The download happen should be shown in notification bar so that i used Download Manager class to download file. This is working fine but the downloaded image does not stored no where in the sdcard.
i have referred the url for the download manager.
my requirement is i need to save the download image to sdcard with notification bar indication. What to modify on the code to get save image on sdcard on the above link
i have some doubts regards the code in the above link is Can i use the same code to download audio or video file?
please help me.
Edited question:
I have tried
filepath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+"/download/cm.png";
Uri destinationUri = Uri.parse(filepath);
before the preference manger on the button click. but i could not get the file on sdcard.
This is what i used.
Uri downloadUri = Uri.parse(DOWNLOAD_FILE);
DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(downloadUri);
request.setDescription("Downloading a file");
long id = downloadManager.enqueue(request.setAllowedNetworkTypes(DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_WIFI |DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_MOBILE)
.setTitle("File Downloading...")
.setDescription("Image File Download")
.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, "cm.png"));
In the code you refer to, the file is opened at the end. At this point, you can consider copying it to the SDCard.
Otherwise (better) use setDestinationUri( to specify where you want to download the file.
downloadmanager = (DownloadManager) context.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
Toast.makeText(context, "Downloading...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Uri uri = Uri.parse("---- url here ------");
request = new DownloadManager.Request(uri);
request.setAllowedNetworkTypes(DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_WIFI | DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_MOBILE);
request.setTitle("---- title here ------");
String mimeType = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl("---- url here ------");
request.setDescription("---- descripation here ------");
if("---- titlehere ------" != null){
request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, "---- title here ------");
Long reference = downloadmanager.enqueue(request);

Downloaded file from Android App not visible in Downloads directory

I am in process of developing an app wherein I am downloading pdf files from a remote server. I am so far successful in downloading the PDF files on my phone via the app. The problem that I am facing is that the downloaded file is not visible in the Downloads directory on my Galaxy Nexus. When I use the file manager app I can see the file there and it opens up real nice.
I tried using the following options in my code but none of them seems to solve my problem (both these options successfully download the file and its visible in the file manager) :
outFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + fileName);
outFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS), fileName);
Can someone please help me with some clues ? Any hint or clue will be of great help.
I was able to do it using the DownloadManager in the following way :
dm = (DownloadManager) getSystemService(DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
Request request = new Request(
enqueue = dm.enqueue(request);
BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
if (DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE.equals(action)) {
long downloadId = intent.getLongExtra(
DownloadManager.EXTRA_DOWNLOAD_ID, 0);
Query query = new Query();
Cursor c = dm.query(query);
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
int columnIndex = c
if (DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL == c
.getInt(columnIndex)) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Download Complete!!!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter(

