I am using gradle script for building the app in Eclipse . By using gradle I can run the application to the device, by using the script in gradle.
task run(type: Exec, dependsOn: 'installDebug') {
def adb = "$System.env.ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb"
commandLine "$adb", 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', 'com.example.multidexproject/.MainActivity'
and it is working fine .Now I would like to write a task for debugging the app . So there is any command for this in adb ?
You can simply use adb logcat to show the logs. Check this page for all the options.
Because android apps are written in java and run in a (custom) JVM, you can debug your app via command line using adb and Java Debugger: jdb.
JDB is a simple command-line debugger for Java classes.
For more explanations and tutorials, take a look to here and here.
Using adb logcat is the preferred method. You will have to print out the log messages to logcat by writing additional code in your app, like:
Log.d("Tag Name", "Log Message")
log.d in your app is what allows Debug level logging to logcat.
and then use:
adb -d logcat <your package name>:<log level> *:S
adb -d logcat com.example.coolapp:D *:S
to view that valuable debugging information.
Also see, for reference:
Filter LogCat to get only the messages from My Application in Android?
You can add this task:
runDebug {
if (System.getProperties().containsKey('DEBUG')) {
jvmArgs '-Xdebug',
and run:gradle -DDEBUG runDebug
More info here
What the question says really - can you issue any commands directly to gradlew via the command line to build, package and deploy to a device?
$ gradle installDebug
This will push the debug build apk to device, but you have to manually start the application.
Since you are using Gradle, you could simple add your own task in build.gradle
task appStart(type: Exec, dependsOn: 'installDebug') {
// linux
commandLine 'adb', 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', 'com.example/.MyActivity'
// windows
// commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'adb', 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', 'com.example/.MyActivity'
then call it in your project root
$ gradle appStart
If you are using applicationIdSuffix ".debug", add .debug to the appId only but leave the activity untouched:
1. Build project, install generated apk to device
# at the root dir of project
$ gradle installDebug
2. Open app on device
$ adb shell am start -n yourpackagename/.activityname
One line sentence:
Build project & Install generated apk & Open app on device
$ ./gradlew installDebug && adb shell am start -n com.example/.activities.MainActivity
There are three commands to accomplish this:
./gradlew assembleDebug #To build the project
adb install -r ./app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk #To install it to the device
adb shell am start -n $PACKAGE/$PACKAGE.$ACTIVITY #To launch the application in the device, where $PACKAGE is the development package and $ACTIVITY is the activity to be launched (the launcher activity).
I've been writing a bash script to do this, with other few features.
A more flexible way to do it is by using monkey:
task runDebug (type: Exec, dependsOn: 'installDebug') {
commandLine android.getAdbExe().toString(), "shell",
"-p", "your.package.name.debugsuffix",
"-c", "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER", "1"
Some advantages to this method:
getAdbExe doesn't require adb to be on the path and uses the adb version from the sdk pointed to in local.properties.
The monkey tool allows you to send a launcher intent, so you aren't required to know the name of your activity.
Build -> uninstall old verion -> install new version -> run application.
echo "Build application" && ./gradlew clean build &&
echo "Uninstall application" && adb uninstall [application package] &&
echo "Install application" && adb -d install app/build/outputs/apk/<build type>/[apk name].apk echo "Run application" &&
adb shell am start -n [application package]/.[application name]
Or if you want install and run application in debug type.
./gradlew installDebug && adb shell am start -n [application package]/.[application name]
I wrote this task to be able to install and also open the application on the device. Since I had multiple buildTypes and flavors with different application ids, it was not feasible to hard code the package name. So I wrote it like this instead:
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
task "open${variant.name.capitalize()}" {
dependsOn "install${variant.name.capitalize()}"
doLast {
exec {
commandLine "adb shell monkey -p ${variant.applicationId} -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1".split(" ")
This would give you open{variant} for every install{variant} task you already have.
task appStart(type: Exec, dependsOn: 'installDebug') {
commandLine android.adbExe, 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', 'com.example/.MyActivity'
I've had 0 exposure to BASH scripting and this is something I would love to learn. I can't figure out how to run a conditional statement based on the output of ant debug on an Android build.
I would like to essentially say something like
if(`ant debug` == SUCCESS) {
} else {
How can I determine if the ant debug has passed or failed in shell script?
Okay here is what I have:
ant clean
if ant debug; then
echo "success"
echo "failure"
I'll give a quick summary for you.
In Bash, conditionals are based around the exit codes of programs. An exit code of 0 is accepted as true, while everything else is accepted as false.
For example, the true program always exits with an exit code of 0, which means that something like this is possible:
if true;
echo "It is true"
Most commands honor this system, but not every program does. The first thing to check is what exit code ant returns on success and failure. You can check the exit code of the previous command with $?.
Here is an example:
$ true
$ echo $?
$ false
$ echo $?
If ant does honor the exit code system properly, then something like the following should be possible:
if ant debug; then
echo success
echo failure
I know nothing about Ant debugging, but there are two approaches to doing what you want to do in Bash. The first is to test output like you've shown:
if test $(ant debug) == 'SUCCESS'; then
# do stuff
# do other stuff
You can make your shell script portable to other variants on the Bourne shell by using backticks instead of $(.....) like you wrote in your question, but that starts to become a hassle if your commands later involve nested quotes.
The second way, which is a little more robust, is to test the exit value of the commands instead of their output. This depends on Ant (or whatever) having exit codes that are documented and stable, but it means that if the output of the commands changes, your scripts will continue to work. For example, the POSIX standard says that if a programs succeeds in doing whatever it's supposed to do, it should exit() with a value of zero:
ant debug > /dev/null
# other commands can safely go here now that $? is captured
if test $ant_exit_code -eq 0; then
# do stuff
# do other stuff
And yes, Bourne shell really does end an if block with "fi". :-)
A quick man ant shows that ant debug invokes Ant with the debug task. Ant's tasks are kinda of user-defined XML scripts, and by default Ant searches a build.xml file in the current directory. You can generate the file with the android tools, however a template is kept in android-sdk/tools/ant and you can view it online (line 1005 defines the debug target).
So ant debug isn't really a command, and should not be put in a script toolchain. However, if you find your output to be stable and feel brave, you can always compare string. This is the definitve guide.
if [ `ant debug` = $SOMETHING ]; then
echo Success
echo Failure
I'm trying to debug and step through an Android application that segfaults. I've tried ndk-gdb, but with little luck. I've also referred to Android NDK Debugging without being able to debug my app.
When I try ndk-gdb --start, and I get:
$ ndk-gdb --start --verbose
Android NDK installation path: /opt/android-ndk-r7
Using default adb command: /opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb
ADB version found: Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.29
Using final ADB command: '/opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb'
Using auto-detected project path: .
Found package name: com.example.native_plasma
ABIs targetted by application: armeabi armeabi-v7a
Device API Level: 10
Device CPU ABIs: armeabi-v7a armeabi
Compatible device ABI: armeabi-v7a
Found debuggable flag: true
Found device gdbserver: /data/data/com.example.native_plasma/lib/gdbserver
Using gdb setup init: ./libs/armeabi-v7a/gdb.setup
Using toolchain prefix: /opt/android-ndk-r7/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
Using app out directory: ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a
Found data directory: '/data/data/com.example.native_plasma'
Found first launchable activity: android.app.NativeActivity
Launching activity: com.example.native_plasma/android.app.NativeActivity
## COMMAND: /opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n com.example.native_plasma/android.app.NativeActivity
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.example.native_plasma/android.app.NativeActivity }
## COMMAND: /opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb shell sleep 2
Found running PID: 0
ERROR: Could not extract PID of application on device/emulator.
Weird, this probably means one of these:
- The installed package does not match your current manifest.
- The application process was terminated.
Try using the --verbose option and look at its output for details.
This indicates that the application segfaulted more less, but I don't know how to set a breakpoint here since gdb never actually gives a prompt.
I also tried this command:
$ ../../toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line -f -e libs/armeabi/libnative-plasma.so
I have debug symbols I believe.
ndk-build -B V=1 APP_OPTIM=debug
Android.mk in jni/ has LOCAL_CFLAGS := -g
ant debug
I've also ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=1 but I still get where it looks like I don't have debug symbols.
Here's an image of the stack trace. It doesn't get any more informative:
Well NDK_DEBUG=1 and debuggable flag in manifest set to true are required. When you build the app,in your project/libs/armeabi, there should be a gdb.setup file. There is symbol search path there, check whether it is valid. And did you try this:
ndk-gdb --start --verbose --force
And looks like you are getting a null pointer exception.
In latest versions of NDK and Eclipse plug-in you can right click on package and choose Debug as -> Android Native Application
Make sure that you load your native library in either a launchable activity or in your Application class. Otherwise it wouldn't work and you'll get the following error No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command..
For example in Application class:
import android.app.Application;
public class MyApp extends Application {
static {
public static native int doSomething();
Name is the name of your library (.so file) without the lib part.
I resolved putting --nowait option to the shell command:
ndk-gdb --start --verbose --nowait
I was trying to run a a sample python program using monkey runner but unfortunately throwing an error of this type :
Can't open specified script file
Usage: monkeyrunner [options] SCRIPT_FILE
-s MonkeyServer IP Address.
-p MonkeyServer TCP Port.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
so any one can guide me how to resolve this and how to use monkey runner to execute this type of things
I've found that making the path to the script absolute helped monkeyrunner.
I am invoking the runner from a Python script where a helper class has a startMonkey method:
def startMonkey(self, monkeyScript):
command = [ self.env + '\\tools\\monkeyrunner.bat' ]
command.append( os.path.abspath( monkeyScript ) )
return startProcess( command )
This seems to be working for me.
Script file should be a full path file name try below monkeyrunner c:\test_script\first.py
So go to the folder \ sdk \ tools
and press shift and right click to open command prompt and type monkeyrunner c:\test_script\python_file_name.py
I'm trying to run unit tests on the android platform in accordance with tutorial. Say, for example, I want to run tests for Email application. I open /apps/Email/tests/AndroidManifest.xml file, look for the <manifest> element, and look at the package attribute, which is com.android.email.tests, and in the <instrumentation> element I look at the android:name attribute, which is android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner. Now I open the console, and run
$ . build/envsetup.sh
$ lunch 1
$ adb shell am instrument -w com.android.email.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
But that fails:
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: id=ActivityManagerService
android.util.AndroidException: INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED: com.android.email.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: Error=Unable to find instrumentation info for: ComponentInfo{com.android.email.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner}
So.. What am I doing wrong?
Please run
python development/testrunner/runtest.py email
and then you will see it works :).
Basically you do not have com.android.email.tests package installed.
You can see what is available for instrumentation
pm list instrumentation
And you should see
And when doing
pm list packages
You may need to setup a test project with the android create test-project command first. Check this page on the Android Dev site: Testing In Other IDE's for more info. I've used this method to enable command line testing with ant.
What I actually forgot to do was building and installing that test packages onto my device/emulator. Discovered that after doing:
$ adb shell
# cd data/packages
# ls
And no com.android.email.tests package there.
My issue was this tag:
android:label="Tests for app.under.test.package"
android:targetPackage="app.under.test.package" />
Firstly I had the android:name attribute wrong then the target package wrong (above is the correct solution)
Test Package Not Installed on the Emulator
I had the exact same issue and realized that the test package hadn't been installed on the emulator, which is what #marekdef is saying.
Instead of using the command found in the generated test file, I used the following:
ant debug install test
*I had my test project in <project_home>/tests so the following command is what I ended up using from my project home directory:
(cd tests && ant debug install test;)
Hope that helps.
I received the "Unable to find instrumentation info" error under this condition: I defined my test project with a src package name that was the same as that of the project-under-test. For example, the source for both projects was in package com.mycompany.android. This parallel-src-package setup worked fine in Eclipse, but on the emulator it very much appeared that the test apk was overwriting the app apk.
Fix: I changed the src packge of the test project to test.mycompany.android.
Note that, in either case, the Android manifest for the test project defines:
< manifest package="pkg-of-project-under-test" ...>
< instrumentation android:targetPackage="pkg-of-project-under-test" ...>
For gradle user you can use the following tasks:
$ gradle :project:installDebug :project:installDebugAndroidTest
I have this run_all_test.sh script to run all unit and instrumented test:
./gradlew --no-daemon clean test connectedCheck --stacktrace;
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "tests are successful"
echo "tests FAILED"
exit 1
test -> execute all unit test
connectedCheck -> execute all instrumented test
You can start from here to customize it based on your needs following the documentation here: https://developer.android.com/studio/test/command-line
[Android test types]
To run all tests from Command Line using gradlew[About]
JUnit test (UnitTest suffix)
./gradlew test
./gradlew :<moduleName>:test<variantName>UnitTest
Instrument test(AndroidTest suffix)
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
./gradlew :<moduleName>:connected<variantName>AndroidTest
If you want just to build tests and don't run them use assemble
./gradlew :<moduleName>:assemble<variantName>UnitTest
./gradlew :<moduleName>:assemble<variantName>AndroidTest