I have a question regarding why I cannot simply drop in new shared libraries in Android without recompiling via NDK-build. Heres what i do:
Using Android Studio and the recent release of the Android NDK, I have been able to compile an app that uses a C code, which refers to a shared library. I compile the shared library with:
GCC := /xxx/AndroidStudioProjects/android-ndk-r10d/toolchains/x86-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/i686-linux-android-gcc.exe
GPP :=/xxx/AndroidStudioProjects/android-ndk-r10d/toolchains/x86-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/i686-linux-android-g++.exe
AR := /xxx/AndroidStudioProjects/android-ndk-r10d/toolchains/x86-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/i686-linux-android-ar.exe
-ffunction-sections \
-funwind-tables \
default: all
all: obj
$(AR) r libmathadd.so mathadd.o
$(GCC) $(OPTIONS) -c mathadd.c
This gives me my .so file. I now run my ndk-build with the Android.mk makefile:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := mathadd
LOCAL_SRC_FILES :=./libmathadd.so
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := native.c
Following this, I have my ndk1 .so file and my mathadd .so which i then place in a folder directory:
app -> src -> jniLibs -> x86 -> libmathadd.so
app -> src -> jniLibs -> x86 -> libndk1.so
I compile and run on my emulator, and boom everything works!
Now heres my problem.
I slightly modify my shared library source (mathadd.c). I recompile it using the first make file and drop it straight into the app tree (without rebuilding the native c code) . I rebuild the app in Studio, and run on my emulator, and notice that my modifications did not occur.
I am not changing my native source, nor the api between native and my shared library.
If I rebuild the native with the ndk-build script, and drag the new native ndk1 in, everything works again, including the new modifcations. It seems I need to rebuild source via ndk everytime I tweak a shared library...??
Any ideas?
I opened up my libndk .so library with a RE tool. Turns out the ndk compiler is statically adding the libmathadd code into the libndk, despite it being listed as a local shared library. Im curious if this is because the optimization is by default set for fastest speed, and the libmathadd code is simplistic math.
So libndk1.so has a dependency on libmath.so ? That would then be logical to rebuild it when you touch to libmath source.
My project app depends on a library module alib. both app and alib build a c++ library with ndk. the app c++ lib, called app.so, depends on alib.so, which is the c++ lib for the library module. Inside the android.mk of app, i have:
LOCAL_PATH := $(the_right_alib_path)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := alibsdk
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libalib.so
Gradle sync fails on prebuilt-library.mk, with message Android NDK: Check that /the_right_alib_path/libalib.so exists or that its path is correct.
the file would be there if i build the module with gradle, it's naturally not there when I do gradle sync.
How can I skip the execution of prebuilt-library.mk?
Alternatively there is a way to tell ndk that the alib.so will be built by another gradle module?
Ps. This is more annoying cause in reality it checks all the libraries for different versions/flavor/dimensions, and i don't need to build all those libraries to work on the dev version on the app.
You can avoid the error by small modification of the Android.mk:
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := alibsdk
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libalib.so
ifeq ($(findstring n,$(MAKEFLAGS)),n)
This takes advantage of the -n flag that is passed to ndk-build during sync. You can create a custom define for that, if you wish. build-shared-library.mk will generate a warning about strange SRC, but won't fail.
Same can be achieved without touching the Android.mk files: in your build.gradle, use
if (project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.isEmpty()
|| project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames[0].contains(":generate")) {
android.defaultConfig.externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.arguments += 'PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY=$(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)'
Android Studio runs ndk-build many times: with no tasks (the Sync step), within a :generate[flavor][Debug|Release]Sources, and within :externalNativeBuild[flavor][Debug|Release].
To retrieve the current task, I followed https://stackoverflow.com/a/21603707/192373.
Maybe the easiest fix is to rely on an obscure implementation detail of prebuilt-library.mk*). Early in your main Android.mk, add the line
override prebuilt=$(if $(strip $(wildcard $(prebuilt_path))),$(prebuilt_path),.)
This can be done in gradle, if necessary:
android.defaultConfig.externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild {
arguments 'prebuilt=$(if $(strip $(wildcard $(prebuilt_path))),$(prebuilt_path),.)'
*) verified for NDK r19b and earlier.
I have a shared library in C. I want to compile and run a test application on my android device.
As for as my understanding goes, here is what I think I have to do:
Cross compile the library for the arm device using its tool chain
Make an android.mk file and compile using NDK (I followed this link : build-cc-executables-for-android-using-ndk)
I modified the android.mk file to add a shared library,
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# give module name
LOCAL_MODULE := depend1
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libdepend1.so
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# give module name
LOCAL_MODULE := depend2
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libdepend2.so
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# give module name
# list your C files to compile
# this option will build executables instead of building library
The project compiles. I get my executable in the libs folder.
On running the executable on android shell using adb I get the following error:
Init: Error opening /data/local/project/depend1.so: dlopen failed: could not load library "depend2.so" needed by "depend1.so"; caused by could not load library "libgcc_s.so.1" needed by "depend2.so"; caused by library "libgcc_s.so.1" not found
(NOTE: dlopen is part of my code)
It is not able find a library that is part of the toolchain, I didnt find this library in /system/lib of the device, which leads me to my first question - Am i using the right toolchain (the one I used is arm-none-linux-gnueabi)
Secondly am I building it correctly for android?
This library use Cmake or automake?
For Cmake you just need to properly confugure it (how to)
Example: cmake -DANDROID_NDK=path/to/ndk -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$NDK/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake --DANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a -DANDROID_PLATFORM=android-21 ..
For automake you should use prebuilt GCC toolchains (but GCC deprecated in NDK) or create new own standalone toolchain (how to)
This toolchains are 100% valid for cross-compiling for Android
If you still want use ndk-build you can read this link (I don't use it, so I can help further only with Cmake and automake)
I have an NDK project where I build the shared libraries using the cross-compiler and standard gnu make utils. That is done with a separate script. But for the purpose of using the libraries in my project, I would like my Android.mk process to call my script to generate the shared library if it hasn't already been built, and then have Android.mk wrap it using the PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY process.
Currently, if I run my script offline to generate libmy_so.so, then the following makefile will work. However, if I don't run the script explicitly first, I get the following error:
Android NDK: ERROR:/path_to_project/Android.mk:my_module: LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file
and my script is never called, so the make process is failing before even trying to resolve the dependency.
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := my_module
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libmy_so.so
LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS := # some stuff
LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS := # some stuff
echo "generate file"
$(shell run_script_that_creates_libmy_so.so)
Is there a clean solution to this? I am even ok with running the script automatically as a preprocessing step (I can always have my script quietly exit if the file exists already), but I have not found an incantation that allows the LOCAL_SRC_FILES variable to point to a non-existent file. I have considered placing a dummy libmy_so.so to start, but that is an ugly hack.
Found a hack -- better way?
I found a hack. The makefile prebuilt-library.mk in the NDK contains the following lines:
ifndef prebuilt
$(call __ndk_info,ERROR:$(LOCAL_MAKEFILE):$(LOCAL_MODULE): LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file)
$(call __ndk_info,Check that $(prebuilt_path) exists, or that its path is correct)
$(call __ndk_error,Aborting)
I created a copy of this file (and prebuilt-shared-library.mk to which I reference my copy of prebuilt-library.mk) and commented those lines out to stop the error. Then the trick is to make some target that is evaluated first depend on the file I want to generate. After digging through the .mk scripts in the NDK, I found that libraries serves the purpose. By adding libraries: $(LOCAL_PATH)/libmy_so.so to Android.mk, it will finally do what I want.
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := my_module
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libmy_so.so
LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS := # some stuff
LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS := # some stuff
echo "generate file"
$(shell run_script_that_creates_libmy_so.so)
libraries: $(LOCAL_PATH)/libmy_so.so
include /path/to/my/mk/files/prebuilt-shared-library.mk
This is obviously less than ideal as I would like to make sure my makefiles mature with newer versions of the NDK, but it does the trick. Still interested in more elegant solutions.
I have two Android projects, one is a shared library and one is my application's project. Both projects contain some Java and some native code. When I try and run my APK I receive the following error:
Error generating final archive: Found duplicate file for APK: lib/armeabi/libOEShared.so
My shared library is marked as a library project (Properties->Android->'Is Library') so that I am able to use it's Java code. This presumably copies libOEShared.so for me once.
In order to link my Applications native code with libOEShared I use the NDK Prebuilds feature. Here is my Android.mk:
#include shared library
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../../../Shared/OEShared/libs/armeabi/libOEShared.so
#build App library
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -lGLESv2 -lz
However, the NDK also copies libOEShared into my Application project's lib folder, resulting in two copies being present in the final APK.
How can I link my Application's native code to libOEShared without it being automatically duplicated?
Thank you for you time, this has caused me a lot of frustration so far.
Only linking is required here, instead of build. Linking can be done by using LOCAL_LD_LIBS flag. You can try this.
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../Shared/OEShared/libs/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/ \
I have a problem getting the native debugging support to work for my Eclipse project under Windows for Android.
Google unfortunately didn't help after more than 1 day of research.
I am pretty much a beginner with eclipse, so the solution might be easy because I do also some non-standard things I guess.
My android project is already functioning and running fine on my devices (Acer Iconia A500 Android 3.2.1, HTC Incredible S Android 4.0.4 etc.).
I created the project with the ADT Plugin Wizard and then added native support by using the project context menu entry added by ADT.
I then added the java files I already had (previously I used to compile with CMake and the Android stand-alone toolchain, though I never tried to remote debug this way). I created a new package for that "com.x.y" where I dropped them on to (I don't want to reveal the real package name as the project will be part of a commercial product).
Then I added my Sources by dragging them into the jni folder. The sources are not located inside the jni folder but are linked to a location "../../" below the project (Its part of a cross platform application so I can reuse the source files accross different toolchains).
I also link against 4 static libraries that will be shipped with the product by adjusting the Android.mk the following way:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
LOCAL_PATH := $(MY_SDK)/lib/Android/armeabi-v7aD
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(my_SDK)/include/
LOCAL_PATH := $(MY_PATH)/../../..
LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wno-format -DANDROID -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions #And many other flags If they are important I will post them later, too
LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := Android/Main.cpp # Some other sources..
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lstdc++ -lEGL -lGLESv2 -llog -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -Wl,--no-undefined
I also have a Application.mk:
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a
APP_PLATFORM := android-9
APP_STL := stlport_static
APP_CFLAGS += -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
Then I added under Debug Configurations a new "Android Native Application" launching the default Activity and using
Debugger "${NdkGdb}"
Command File "${NdkProject}\libs\${NdkCompatAbi}\gdb.setup"
Shared Libraries (Added automatically) ${NdkProject}/obj/local/$NdkCompatAbi}/
The rest is also added automatically and I think should work this way.
One thing that I think is odd is that I get the console Output
[2013-03-08 10:50:36 - Unable to launch cygpath. Is Cygwin on the path?] java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "cygpath": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
But I can build the project fine this way and later I don't get any warnings trying to attach gdb (I am using Msys, I also have cygwin installed so I don't know why Eclipse is complaining here).
When I launch the application, it starts up on the device and then I get the following Console output([Android Native Application] gdb):
(no debugging symbols found)
Error while mapping shared library sections:
/system/bin/linker: No such file or directory.
Error while mapping shared library sections:
libstdc++.so: No such file or directory.
... And alot more of that type
(no debugging symbols found)
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
warning: shared library handler failed to enable breakpoint
No line 219 in file "jni/../../../MySourceFile.cpp".
I definitely build with NDK_DEBUG=1, my static .a Libraries are build with -g
AndroidManifest.xml has an entry android:debuggable="true".
When I run "sh /ndk-gdb --verbose" in the eclipse project directory (using Msys) I get the following output:
Android NDK installation path: /c/SDK/android-ndk-r7
Using default adb command: /c/SDK/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb.exe
ADB version found: Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31
Using final ADB command: '/c/SDK/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb.exe'
Using auto-detected project path: .
Found package name: com.x.y
ABIs targetted by application: armeabi-v7a
Device API Level: 13
Device CPU ABIs: armeabi-v7a armeabi
Compatible device ABI: armeabi-v7a
Found debuggable flag: true
ERROR: Non-debuggable application installed on the target device.
Please re-install the debuggable version!
I really want to have native debugging support for this project. So I really appreciate any help.
Is it true that I have to use cygwin? I don't get any reasonable error message for that while trying to attach the debugger.