Two rounded seekbars overlay each other - android

I need to place two rounded seekbars on the same circle area (like on the screenshot). I use SeekArc library. But even if I use only half of the circle for seekbar, view takes the same as full circle. Each SeekBar on the screenshot takes the whole screen and one of them is not active because it's under other one.
If I try to hardcode width then height changes automatically. Is there any way to leave the same height but crop not needed space around widget? Or any other way to place two SeekBard on the circle area?


Is there a good way to consistently position a TextView on an ImageView?

I have an ImageView, which is intended to take up the whole screen if it matters, and I intend to put several labels on it with TextViews. I need these labels to correspond to a precise position on the image.
I tried setting the margins in xml, but that won't work because the dp won't convert between devices. I am aware that I can set positions as a percentage of the screen size programatically but this poses a few problems:
I don't want to solve this problem programatically.
The aspect ratio of the image is being maintained, so on most screens there will be a little bit of white space given that the screen is a different shape from the image. Also, the app is not full screen, so the notification bar takes up space. This white space and the notification bar's space makes a percentage of the screen different from a percentage of the image.
How can i position TextView's on an ImageView in such a way that they will be in exactly the same spot (relative to the image) on every device?
I ended up figuring it out myself:
text.setX((int) (img.getX()+(img.getWidth()*pct)/100)
and the same for y, where text is the TextView, img is the ImageView, and pct is the location as a percentage of the image. Another problem is that this can't be called in onCreate(). I called it in onWindowFocusChanged().
To prevent your ImageView from being a different shape from the Image, which would break this solution, you can do:
and be sure to set at least one of the dimensions as wrap_content.

How to put the right border of a View onto horizontal center?

In my Android app, I am using a RelativeLayout to custom one of my Activitys.
I have a square ImageView that I want to set precisely. In other words, I want its right border to touch the horizontal center of the layout.
Is such a thing possible without doing weird things such as centering and then marging?
It's not a perfect solution but potentially you could use:
Where x is half of your screen width + half the width of your imageView?
I know it's not perfect but might help until some guru comes along

Android Nine patch Image [duplicate]

I would like to know why do we use nine-patch ? I know is to shrink or stretch images but if I want to resize an image can't we just do it on a dedicated image editor like gimp for example ?
What is 9-Patch?
9-Patch images are stretchable, repeatable images reduced to their smallest size; users draw a right and bottom, solid black 1 pixel border to tell the system how to place the content within the image.
The 9-Patch is a PNG image with an added extension to the file name (filename.9.png), which allows the Android system to determine how the image can be stretched and contorted to meet the specific layout constraints.
The Android operating system reads the borders of these images to understand how to properly stretch the image itself and the content within the image such as text and effects.
9-Patch Theory
9-Patch gets its name from the fact that the overlay created breaks the image up into nine defined regions. Each region has specific stretch properties:
Corner Regions (1, 3, 7, 9)
These regions are fixed and nothing inside them will stretch.
Horizontal Sides (4, 6)
The pixels in these region will stretch vertically when necessary.
Vertical Sides (2, 8)
The pixels in these region will stretch horizontally when necessary.
Center (5)
The pixels in this region will stretch in both horizontal and vertical directions equally.
here is Google docs
Nine patch image is very useful because it reduces your resource and one can maintain the curve shape which get stretch in normal .png.
Reduces resource : One can make a small NinePatch image and can stretch it as more as he can by repeating Pixel
Maintained border corner even if display size changes.
No need to give padding programmatically, you can reserve text area in NinePatch directly.
The top and left pixel border define the stretchable area. The bottom and right, however, define the CONTENT area. If you want the padding to go away, you need to make the bottom and right bar extend all the way to the edge of the artwork (not all the way to the corner pixels, though!). Basically, the right and bottom pixel border define your padding.
The advantage of using 9-patch images is that when using it as a background, for instance, the image won't stretch and loose proportions in different screen sizes. the center 'patch' will remain as is and the 'borders' patches will be stretched to fit the screen/view size.
one more and biggest advantage is memory. Same small size memory can be reused for different screen size devices.Well-designed 9-patch images are less error-prone and have high reusability. I had hard time optimizing the UI for different resolutions until I knew that Android supports 9-patch.
For padding as #hotveryspicy said you can use the padding box ( where your text button will be filled) to define your paddig values and they are defined like this:
padding-top: distance between the top edge of the padding box and the
top edge of your button
padding-bottom: distance between the buttom edge of the padding box and
the buttom edge of your button
padding-right: distance between the right edge of the padding box and
the right edge of your button
padding-left: distance between the left edge of the padding box and the
left edge of your button
Hope this will help you to have a clear idea and how important 9-patch drawable are
Nine-patch is used for dynamic stretching and shrinking of an image at runtime. That's the reason why it cannot be compared to statically resizing an image using an image editor.
Nine-patch is used for things like borders that dynamically size according to the content, so they have to stretch dynamically.
9-patch images aren't just scaled up; they're "stretched" in a defined way. The classic case is a button with rounded corners. If the button was just scaled, the radius of the corners would be enlarged too. With 9-patch images, the corners can be defined to stay the same size while the lengths of the edges are increased.
have you worked with css. if not then there is one property called repeat which gives you ability to repeat 1px image in to the width of 1040 and even more with out starching
9 path do the same, some time due to the different resolution of the images rather creating separate image for each phone create 9 patch image
Hope that help
Nine-patch allow you to strech just a part of an image, and not the whole image. It can be useful to design for example custom buttons, EditTexts, etc...
You can lean more here:
Nine-patch is to do the stretching on the run time... If you use an Button with a custom background for example and say width-> fill_parent... there is a lot of different devices out there with different resolution how are you going to prepare images for all of them... you give a nine patch and its stretch on the run.

EditText background image - align right

I'm trying to create an EditText that has the following background images (aligned right) when a user inputs valid/invalid text:
How can I achieve this in Android? I've tried setting the background image using:
editText.setBackgroundResource(, but when I do this, the whole image gets stretched to fit the EditText.
editText.setCompoundDrawables(left, top, right, bottom) where left, top, right and bottom are either drawables or null.
Why does it have to be a background image? Just make it a standard image and position it accordingly in your layout. Otherwise, you'll need to make a large image that actually takes up the entire background of your view (with your icons positioned where you want them). You'll also need to size this image accordingly for the various screen resolutions.
An alternative approach can also be found here:
Background Image Placement
Possible duplicate post.
You can make the drawable as nine patch image. Have some transparent area to the left of the tick mark and define it as stretchable area. That should do the trick.

Android: Stretching ImageView with background

I have a landscape layout that features a vertical LinearLayout of buttons on the left side of the screen and a user-defined picture on the right of the screen. The design I'm working from calls for a double-stroke border around it, which I implemented by creating a rectangular shape background with the border being the outer color and the background of the shape being the inner color. I then just put some padding around the picture, and you get the double-stroke border. The problem is expanding the picture to fill the space in the layout. I don't know the dimensions of the picture, since it is user defined, and I'd like it to expand to exactly fill either dimension while preserving the aspect ratio. Setting fill_parent for both width and height does that, but it also expands the background all the way to completely fill the cell, resulting in a sort of letter boxing effect. Is there any way, short of just adjusting the size of the view after layout, of getting this to only expand the view as much as necessary?
I never got this to work properly, and just ended up adjusting my layout to a different arrangement.

