I'm building a 2 Player game on Android. The game works turnwise, so player 1 waits until player 2 made his input and vice versa. I have a webserver where I run an API with the Slim Framework. On the clients I use Retrofit. So on the clients I would like to poll my webserver (I know it's not the best approach) every X seconds to check whether there was an input from player 2 or not, if yes change UI (the gameboard).
Dealing with Retrofit I came across RxJava. My problem is to figure out whether I need to use RxJava or not? If yes, are there any really simple examples for polling with retrofit? (Since I send only a couple of key/value pairs) And if not how to do it with retrofit instead?
I found this thread here but it didn't help me too because I still don't know if I need Retrofit + RxJava at all, are there maybe easier ways?
Let's say the interface you defined for Retrofit contains a method like this:
public Observable<GameState> loadGameState(#Query("id") String gameId);
Retrofit methods can be defined in one of three ways:
1.) a simple synchronous one:
public GameState loadGameState(#Query("id") String gameId);
2.) one that take a Callback for asynchronous handling:
public void loadGameState(#Query("id") String gameId, Callback<GameState> callback);
3.) and the one that returns an rxjava Observable, see above. I think if you are going to use Retrofit in conjunction with rxjava it makes the most sense to use this version.
That way you could just use the Observable for a single request directly like this:
.subscribe(new Subscriber<GameState>() {
public void onNext(GameState gameState) {
// use the current game state here
// onError and onCompleted are also here
If you want to repeatedly poll the server using you can provide the "pulse" using versions of timer() or interval():
Observable.timer(0, 2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.subscribe(new Subscriber<GameState>() {
public void onNext(GameState gameState) {
// use the current game state here
// onError and onCompleted are also here
It is important to note that I am using flatMap here instead of map - that's because the return value of loadGameState(mGameId) is itself an Observable.
But the version you are using in your update should work too:
Observable.interval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.io())
.map(tick -> Api.ReceiveGameTurn())
.doOnError(err -> Log.e("Polling", "Error retrieving messages" + err))
That is, if ReceiveGameTurn() is defined synchronously like my 1.) above, you would use map instead of flatMap.
In both cases the onNext of your Subscriber would be called every two seconds with the latest game state from the server. You can process them one after another of limit the emission to a single item by inserting take(1) before subscribe().
However, regarding the first version: A single network error would be first delivered to onError and then the Observable would stop emitting any more items, rendering your Subscriber useless and without input (remember, onError can only be called once). To work around this you could use any of the onError* methods of rxjava to "redirect" the failure to onNext.
For example:
Observable.timer(0, 2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.flatMap(new Func1<Long, Observable<GameState>>(){
public Observable<GameState> call(Long tick) {
return mApiService.loadGameState(mGameId)
.doOnError(err -> Log.e("Polling", "Error retrieving messages" + err))
.onErrorResumeNext(new Func1<Throwable, Observable<GameState>(){
public Observable<GameState> call(Throwable throwable) {
return Observable.emtpy());
.filter(/* check if it is a valid new game state */)
.subscribe(new Subscriber<GameState>() {
public void onNext(GameState gameState) {
// use the current game state here
// onError and onCompleted are also here
This will every two seconds:
* use Retrofit to get the current game state from the server
* filter out invalid ones
* take the first valid one
* and the unsubscribe
In case of an error:
* it will print an error message in doOnNext
* and otherwise ignore the error: onErrorResumeNext will "consume" the onError-Event (i.e. your Subscriber's onError will not be called) and replaces it with nothing (Observable.empty()).
And, regarding the second version: In case of a network error retry would resubscribe to the interval immediately - and since interval emits the first Integer immediately upon subscription the next request would be sent immediately, too - and not after 3 seconds as you probably want...
Final note: Also, if your game state is quite large, you could also first just poll the server to ask whether a new state is available and only in case of a positive answer reload the new game state.
If you need more elaborate examples, please ask.
UPDATE: I've rewritten parts of this post and added more information in between.
UPDATE 2: I've added a full example of error handling with onErrorResumeNext.
Thank you, I finally made it in a similar way based the post I referred to in my question. Here's my code for now:
Subscriber sub = new Subscriber<Long>() {
public void onNext(Long _EmittedNumber)
GameTurn Turn = Api.ReceiveGameTurn(mGameInfo.GetGameID(), mGameInfo.GetPlayerOneID());
Log.d("Polling", "onNext: GameID - " + Turn.GetGameID());
public void onCompleted() {
Log.d("Polling", "Completed!");
public void onError(Throwable e) {
Log.d("Polling", "Error: " + e);
Observable.interval(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.io())
// .map(tick -> Api.ReceiveGameTurn())
// .doOnError(err -> Log.e("Polling", "Error retrieving messages" + err))
The problem now is that I need to terminate emitting when I get a positive answer (a GameTurn). I read about the takeUntil method where I would need to pass another Observable which would emit something once which would trigger the termination of my polling. But I'm not sure how to implement this.
According to your solution, your API method returns an Observable like it is shown on the Retrofit website. Maybe this is the solution? So how would it work?
I considered #david.miholas advices and tried his suggestion with retry and filter. Below you can find the code for the game initialization. The polling should work identically: Player1 starts a new game -> polls for opponent, Player2 joins the game -> server sends to Player1 opponent's ID -> polling terminated.
Subscriber sub = new Subscriber<String>() {
public void onNext(String _SearchOpponentResult) {}
public void onCompleted() {
Log.d("Polling", "Completed!");
public void onError(Throwable e) {
Log.d("Polling", "Error: " + e);
Observable.interval(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.io())
.map(tick -> mApiService.SearchForOpponent(mGameInfo.GetGameID()))
.doOnError(err -> Log.e("Polling", "Error retrieving messages: " + err))
.filter(new Func1<String, Boolean>()
public Boolean call(String _SearchOpponentResult)
Boolean OpponentExists;
if (_SearchOpponentResult != "0")
Log.e("Polling", "Filter " + _SearchOpponentResult);
OpponentExists = true;
OpponentExists = false;
return OpponentExists;
The emission is correct, however I get this log message on every emit:
E/Pollingļ¹ Error retrieving messages: java.lang.NullPointerException
Apperently doOnError is triggered on every emit. Normally I would get some Retrofit debug logs on every emit which means that mApiService.SearchForOpponent won't get called. What do I do wrong?
I want to implement place autocomplete in Android application, and for this I'm using Retrofit and RxJava. I want to make response every 2 seconds after user type something. I'm trying to use debounce operator for this, but it's not working. It's giving me the result immediately without any pause.
mAutocompleteSearchApi.get(input, "(cities)", API_KEY)
.debounce(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.flatMap(prediction -> Observable.fromIterable(prediction.getPredictions()))
.subscribe(prediction -> {
Log.e(TAG, "rxAutocomplete : " + prediction.getStructuredFormatting().getMainText());
As #BenP says in the comment, you appear to be applying debounce to the Place Autocomplete service. This call will return an Observable that emits a single result (or error) before completing, at which point the debounce operator will emit that one and only item.
What you probably want to be doing is debouncing the user input with something like:
// Subject holding the most recent user input
BehaviorSubject<String> userInputSubject = BehaviorSubject.create();
// Handler that is notified when the user changes input
public void onTextChanged(String text) {
// Subscription to monitor changes to user input, calling API at most every
// two seconds. (Remember to unsubscribe this subscription!)
.debounce(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.flatMap(input -> mAutocompleteSearchApi.get(input, "(cities)", API_KEY))
.flatMap(prediction -> Observable.fromIterable(prediction.getPredictions()))
.subscribe(prediction -> {
Log.e(TAG, "rxAutocomplete : " + prediction.getStructuredFormatting().getMainText());
Here is my current code. The problem with this code is I need to wait get the data sequentially. The loading time is poor because of this. I want to use something like .enqueue() to get asynchronously several data at once, but I want to wait until I get all the data before continuing the process. Is it possible to do it with Retrofit?
List<Data> datas = new ArrayList<>();
for (long dataId : mDataIds) {
Response<T> response = resource.getData(dataId).execute();
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
//do something else
You can solve this problem very elegantly using RxJava.
If you never heard of RxJava before, it is a solution to many of your problems.
If you don't use java8 or retrolambda I recommend you to start using it, as it makes working with RxJava a piece of cake.
Anyway here's what you need to do:
// 1. Stream each value from mDataIds
// 2. Create a network request for each of the data ids
.flatMap(dataId -> resource.getData(dataId))
// 3. Collect responses to list
// Your data is ready
.subscribe(datas -> {}, throwable -> {});
1) First add RxJava2 dependencies to your project
2) Define retrofit api interface methods which return RxJava observable types
public interface DataApi {
Observable<Data> getData(#Query("id") String id);
3) Call api passing input data like below.
.flatMap(id -> {
return retrofitService.getData(id).subscribeOn(Schedulers.io());
.observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).subscribe( listOfData -> {// do further processing }, error -> { //print errors} );
For reference : http://www.zoftino.com/retrofit-rxjava-android-example
Define interface with callback Model type.
public interface LoginService {
Call<List<Login>> getLogin();
In you calling method override the callback method.
LoginService loginService = ServiceGenerator.createService(LoginService.class);
Call<List<Login>> call = loginService.getLogin();
call.enqueue(new Callback<List<Login>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<List<Login>> call, Response<List<Login>> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
// Login successful
} else {
// error response, no access to resource?
public void onFailure(Call<List<Login>> call, Throwable t) {
// something went completely south (like no internet connection)
Log.d("Error", t.getMessage());
I would recommend using RxJava and try it. You have something called FlatMap to combine the results.
To Start here is the tutorial start for RxJava2 and Retrofit2.
I am new at RxJava and I have some pain to execute my first 'difficult' query.
I have two Observables generated from Retrofit, one that 'ping' a new api, the other the old one. The first one will query 'http://myurl.com/newapi/ping', the second one 'http://myurl.com/oldapi/ping'. Result from this request doesn't matter, I just want to know if the server is using the new or old api.
So I would like to call both observables at the same time, and finally have a boolean at the end to know if I'm using old or new api.
I tried something like that
.observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread(), true)
.subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(String s) {
But onError will be called once (I would like it to be called only if both request failed) and when onNext is called, I don't know from which request it came (old or new api ?).
Thank you for you help
For simplicity, let say that you'll received "NEW" or "OLD" regarding which api is available.
The difficulty of your operation is to manage errors : RxJava deals errors as terminal state. So you'll have to ignore this error, using .onErrorResumeNext() for example.
Observable<String> theOld = oldApi.map(r -> "OLD")
// ignore errors
Observable<String> theNew = newApi.map(r -> "NEW")
Observable.merge(theOld, theNew)
.first() // if both api are in errors
.subscribe(api -> System.out.println("Available API : "+api));
I added the operator first : it will take only the first result ("OLD" or "NEW") but trigger an error if the previous Observable is empty, which is the case if both API are unavaible.
I have an API call and I want to wrap it using Observable:
private Observable<RealmResults<Account>> getAccounts() {
final Observable<RealmResults<Account>> realmAccounts =
Observable.defer(new Func0<Observable<RealmResults<Account>>>() {
public Observable<RealmResults<Account>> call() {
return RealmObservable.results(getActivity(), new Func1<Realm, RealmResults<Account>>() {
public RealmResults<Account> call(Realm realm) {
return realm.where(Account.class).findAll();
return Observable
.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<RealmResults<Account>>() {
public void call(final Subscriber<? super RealmResults<Account>> subscriber) {
DataBridge.getAccounts(Preferences.getString(Constant.ME_GUID, ""), new OnResponseListener() {
public void OnSuccess(Object data) {
Log.d("Stream", "onSuccess");
public void onFailure(Object data) {
subscriber.onError(new Exception(data.toString()));
and I use it like
Observable<Accounts> accounts = getAccounts().flatMap(
new Func1<RealmResults<Account>, Observable<Account>>() {
public Observable<Account> call(RealmResults<Account> accounts) {
return Observable.from(accounts);
How can I use the accounts observable multiple times without calling the API each time. I need to process the stream of accounts and extract different sets of data out of it.
The easiest method is to use operator cache, which internally uses ReplaySubject. It cache the source observable items and then serve the results from cache.
Observable<<RealmResults<Account>> cachedResult = getAccounts().cache();
Observable<Accounts> accountsObservable = cachedResult.flatMap(...);
Observable<X> xObservable = cachedResult.flatMap(...);
If you would like to avoid caching results you should use Connectable Observables. Usually it only does matter for Hot Observables. Connectable observable does not begin emitting items until its Connect method is called. You can use publish operator to convert to Connectable Observable.
ConnectableObservable<<RealmResults<Account>> connectebleObservable = getAccounts().publish();
Observable<Accounts> accountsObservable = connectebleObservable .flatMap(...);
Observable<X> xObservable = connectebleObservable .flatMap(...);
//You must subscribe before connect
//start emiting data
The important catch here is that you must subscribe before connect - to avoid data loss - otherwise you must use replay operator, which is similar to cache operator, but used for connectable observable
And what about share ?
It create ConnectableObservable and exposes it as regular Observable. First subscription automatically causes connection and emission.
Share used in your case, without replay may cause data loss or multiple executions depending on timing.
for example for 2 subscribers and one item int the stream you may have fallowing cases:
2 subscriptions created before onNext - works as expected.
second subscription created after onNext but before onComplete - second subscription gets only onComplete
second subscriptinon created after onComplete - 2 executions wihtout caching
I'm playing around with RXJava, retrofit in Android. I'm trying to accomplish the following:
I need to poll periodically a call that give me a Observable> (From here I could did it)
Once I get this list I want to iterate in each Delivery and call another methods that will give me the ETA (so just more info) I want to attach this new info into the delivery and give back the full list with the extra information attached to each item.
I know how to do that without rxjava once I get the list, but I would like to practice.
This is my code so far:
pollDeliveries = Observable.interval(POLLING_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.from(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR))
.map(tick -> RestClient.getInstance().getApiService().getDeliveries())
.doOnError(err -> Log.e("MPB", "Error retrieving messages" + err))
.subscribe(deliveries -> {
This is giving me a list of deliveries. Now I would like to accomplish the second part.
Hope I been enough clear.
Finally I found a nice way to do it.
private void startPolling() {
pollDeliveries = Observable.interval(POLLING_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.from(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR))
.flatMap(tick -> getDeliveriesObs())
.doOnError(err -> Log.e("MPB", "Error retrieving messages" + err))
.subscribe(this::parseDeliveries, Throwable::printStackTrace);
private Observable<List<Delivery>> getDeliveriesObs() {
return RestClient.getInstance().getApiService().getDeliveries()
.toSortedList((d1, d2) -> {
if (d1.getEta() == null) {
return -1;
if (d2.getEta() == null) {
return 1;
return d1.getEta().getDuration().getValue() > d2.getEta().getDuration().getValue() ? 1 : -1;
Let's go step by step.
First we create an Observable that triggers every POLLING_INTERVAL time the method getDeliveriesObs() that will return the final list
We use retrofit to get an Observable of the call
We use flatMap to flattern the resut list and get in the next flatmap a Delivery item, one by one.
Then we get the estimated time of arrival set inside the Delivery object and return it
We sort the list to order by estimated time of arrival.
In case of error we print and retry so the interval does not stop
We subscribe finally to get the list sorted and with ETA inside, then we just return it or whatever you need to do with it.
It's working properly and it's quite nice, I'm starting to like rxjava :)
I haven't spent a lot of time with Java 8 lambdas, but here's an example of mapping each object to a different object, then getting a List<...> out at the other end in plain ol' Java 7:
List<Delivery> deliveries = ...;
Observable.from(deliveries).flatMap(new Func1<Delivery, Observable<ETA>>() {
public Observable<ETA> call(Delivery delivery) {
// Convert delivery to ETA...
return someEta;
.toList().subscribe(new Action1<List<ETA>>() {
public void call(List<ETA> etas) {
Of course, it'd be nice to take the Retrofit response (presumably an Observable<List<Delivery>>?) and just observe each of those. For that we ideally use something like flatten(), which doesn't appear to be coming to RxJava anytime soon.
To do that, you can instead do something like this (much nicer with lambdas). You'd replace Observable.from(deliveries) in the above example with the following:
apiService.getDeliveries().flatMap(new Func1<List<Delivery>, Observable<Delivery>>() {
public Observable<Delivery> call(List<Delivery> deliveries) {
return Observable.from(deliveries);