I am migrating from Eclipse to Android Studio. I have a project that I imported into Android Studio that uses Google Play Services, so I am following the documentation I found here: http://developer.android.com/google/play-services/setup.html
This documentation says that I need to edit my build.gradle file. They give the example:
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:6.5.87'
Also the documentation mentions, "Be sure you update this version number each time Google Play services is updated.", which I assume is 6.5.87 in the above example. So how do I determine the "version" Google Play Services I have installed with my Android SDK manager. Here is a screen shot of my android sdk:
So my Android SDK Manager tells me I have installed "Revision" so what do I put in my build.gradle file?
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:6.5.22'
... or maybe ...
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:22'
Any help appreciated!
UPDATE: Thank you for all your answers.
I was able to find the version like so:
Leila001#win8 ~/Windows_Home/AppData/Local/Android/android-sdk/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/res/values
$ cat version.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<integer name="google_play_services_version">6587000</integer>
You have the right idea by checking to make sure you do not have any updates.
The easiest way to check is simply when you have the latest downloaded in the Android SDK(locally).
I am using Mac OSX:
If you look where you have YOUR-ANDROID-SDK/extras/google/m2repository/com/google/android/gms/play-services/, you will see all the versions downloaded that you have.
The latest one being 6.5.87. (compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:6.5.87')
For you, the directory path on Windows would be:
You can see which version you have in project structure - dependecies - click on plus in right cornner - libary dependencies
and just add it to build.gradle with click or manually:
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:6.5.87'
I am trying to add google play service to my project but it gives me error when I try to edit build (Gradle).
How can I fix it?
In your configuration there some issues.
You are using the wrong build.gradle file.
It is your top-level file.
You should add this line in your app/build.gradle
There is a typo. You are missing the ' at the end of the line compile.
Use an updated version.
For example use:
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
dependencies {
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:8.1.0'
Finally refer this official doc for more info.
In versions of Google Play services prior to 6.5, you had to compile the entire package of APIs into your app. In some cases, doing so made it more difficult to keep the number of methods in your app (including framework APIs, library methods, and your own code) under the 65,536 limit.
For example if you need to make only your app aware of location updates add
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:8.1.0' only in gradle or if you need only map choose compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:8.1.0'.
Please replace
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:3.1.36
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:3.1.36'
One thing you can try is Right Click on app open module settings on Dependencies Tab click '+' icon and add there 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:8.1.0' and click search icon and add that dependency,
So i don't want to elaborate what you had done wrong as my colleagues figured it out.I like to say, while playing with Google Play Service
Selectively compile APIs into your executable
In versions of Google Play services prior to 6.5, you had to compile the entire package of APIs into your app. In some cases, doing so made it more difficult to keep the number of methods in your app (including framework APIs, library methods, and your own code) under the 65,536 limit.
For example if you need to make only your app aware of location
updates add compile
'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:8.1.0' only in gradle
or if you need only map choose compile
Thank you.
Visit for more.
I'm new to Android Studio and i want to implement Urban Airship in one of my projects. I followed the example on their website with the .aar file and I ended up getting this error.
Error: [/Users/AndroidstudioProjects/MyApplication/app/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/com.urbanairship/urbanairship-lib/5.1.0/AndroidManifest.xml:8]
Invalid instruction 'overrideLibrary', valid instructions are : REMOVE,REPLACE,STRICT
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this mean that they have issues in their manifest file? Or am I completely out in the blue? If so, do anyone have a good example on how to implement it?
The Urban Airship SDK builds against Google Play Services that requires Android API 9, while Urban Airship is compatible with 6+. That is why we need the override library version. What android gradle plugin version are you using? You need to use 13.3 or greater. See http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system.
In the projects build.gradle file:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.13.+'
I just had the same problem, and was able to fix it and build my project:
The offending line is line 8 of the AndroidManifest.xml
I just removed this line and changed some SDK versions.
You can open the file urbanairship-lib-5.1.0.aar using WinRar.
Navigate to the Manifest. Open it and edit within your favourite text editor.
Save and close the manifest. WinRar asks if you want to update the archive. Choose Yes!
According to this page, overrideLibrary is used for when you have minSDK version in a library > minSDK version in your project. So it allows a different version to be compiled instead, without errors.
Remove, replace etc do something a bit different (also described on that page - scroll up).
Then in my projects build.gradle file I changed the version numbers to match my project:
From this
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:21.+'
To this
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:19.+'
Would be good to know what's the outcome of the OP's support ticket. Please keep us posted!
I ran into this issue as well evaluating the 5.1.0 version of the Urban Airship SDK. I am using Android Studio Beta 0.8.14. I contacted Urban Airship support and they told me to increment the version of gradle to 0.13.3. Android Studio 0.8.14 is defaulting to 0.13.2. After changing the version of gradle to 0.13.3 in the project build.gradle file I was able to successfully compile and import the new SDK.
I have a question very similar to Gradle build fails looking for Google Play Services in Android Studio
I have a working android project but when I add
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:5.0.77'
I get a gradle build error
Error:Failed to find: com.google.android.gms:play-services:5.2.8
Open File<br>Open in Project Structure dialog
I have added the SDKs through the manager. Other threads have suggested that there might be a second SDK library on the computer causing the issue, but I have not been able to resolve this. I am using a mac (and normally a PC user so please bear with me) and looking at the SDK manager and the project structure dialog both say the SDK is located at:
/Applications/Android Studio.app/sdk
Given they are pointing to the same place it must be some other cause of the error?
Maybe I have a version other than 5.2.8 (although unlikely, as andoid studio says this is the most up to date and I have just updated the SDK)? How can I check the version installed on my machine - its not in the file names?
If you are going to use version 5.2.8 you have to set on your build.gradle
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:5.2.08'
Because it is store on the directory :
You can use '+' instead '08' and you will be using the last minor version
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:5.2.+'
OK so it looks as though my version number was off and thats all that was causing the problem. If anyone else has this issue check your version number in the AndroidManifest.xml file in the google_play_services_lib directory
There is a problem with the 5.0.77 release version. Change com.google.android.gms:play-services:5.0.77 to com.google.android.gms:play-services:5.0.89 and things will work fine.
Google pulled out 5.0.77 from the Maven repository due to some critical bugs. Read More.
I had a different problem altogether. I'd put the line
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
at the start of the file. Even before:
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
And had to scratch my head for half an hour.
So the final (working) condition looked like:
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
Im working on simple map app, I added google-play-services.jar and its reference to gradle
dependencies {
compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar', 'libs/google-play-services.jar')
The main activity:
GoogleMap map = ((MapFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.map)).getMap();
layout file
<fragment xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
But the app crashes on the device
E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.google.android.gms.R$styleable at
Source) at com.google.android.gms.maps.MapFragment.onInflate(Unknown
I tried several ways, same issue, I just want to add google services to Android Studio 0.3 with Gradle 0.6+
Add this line in the dependencies section of your build.gradle file:
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:3.2.+'
You don't need to add a .jar to your libs folder.
As Varun pointed out, you also need to update the SDK to contain the most recent version of the play services.
You can do this by opening up the Android SDK Manager (under the Window tab) from Eclipse+ADT, checking the box next to Google Play services in the Extras folder, and clicking install.
Hit check on all tools, to be safe
Hit check on API you are working with
Hit check on all extras to be safe
Go to file -> project structure
Finally go to build at the top of the screen and hit rebuild project
As #Matt said, it is correct, I am here covered also which I did not find in the answer.
To add the Google Play Service library in your application project, follow below steps :-
1) Open the build.gradle file of your application module directory. See screenshot
2) Add new in your dependecies, here you to update the version number whenever you update the Google Play Service.
dependencies {
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:4.2.42'
compile files('src/main/libs/gson-2.2.4.jar')
3) Now Lastly important save your file and click on Sync with Gradle Files in the toolbar.
This didn't work for me, I had to download the Goople Repository in the Android SDK Manager - Extras, to fix it.
Try to avoid including entire google play services, when you use more library then you get Multidex exception:
The number of method references in a .dex file cannot exceed 64k
So best way to use:
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:9.8.0'
if you wish to include other services, please refer here:
https://developers.google.com/android/guides/setup (scroll down)
Go to Android SDK Manager, go to Extras, select Google Play Services and Google Repository and then click on 'Install Packages...' button.
Click on 'build.gradle' file, in the code window in editor, then click on 'try again' link button...
Wait until gradle build finish.
Go to the setting -> apps in your android testing phone and search for google play services and click on it, there you will find the version number installed on your device.
For me it was 9.6.83
then just add your version number to this command below :-
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:9.6.83'
Add this to you build.gradle(app)
Gradle sync
Later you may get a gradle error saying that the particular repository needs to be installed, Go ahead and download it ! Voila your next gradle sync is successfull.
Add this line to your app gradle
in dependency block
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:15.0.1'
Add Google Play Service ads and their feature in your android Project
Open your Android Studio build.gradle file
In Dependency add Google Play Service
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:20.5.0'
sync your build.gradle file
I'm trying to test Google Play Services with the new Android Studio.
I have a project with a dependency to the google_play_services.jar.
But when I try to Rebuild the project I get the following errors:
Information:[TstGP3-TstGP3] Crunching PNG Files in source dir: C:\Users\ans\AndroidStudioProjects\TstGP3\TstGP3\src\main\res
Information:[TstGP3-TstGP3] To destination dir: C:\Users\ans\AndroidStudioProjects\TstGP3\build\classes\res-cache\TstGP3-TstGP3
Information:Compilation completed with 2 errors and 0 warnings in 2 sec
Information:2 errors
Information:0 warnings
Error:Error:line (4)error: duplicate class: com.example.tstgp3.BuildConfig
Error:Error:line (10)error: duplicate class: com.example.tstgp3.R
It seems that it has two BuildConfig files and also two R classes. How can I resolve the issue?
I have noticed that the compiler compiles two R.java files: the one that is in my project folder and another one that is located in the folder %USERPROFILE%.AndroidStudioPreview
So, I tried to exclude this "Preview" folder in the compiler settings and now it's working.
This issue only occurs after I have started to use Google Play Services classes in my project.
I will appreciate if someone can explain the reason behind this problem.
All those answers are wrong, since the release of gradle plugin v0.4.2 the setup of google play services under android studio is straight forward. You don't need to import any jar or add any project library nor add any new module under android studio. What you have to do is to add the correct dependencies into the build.gradle file. Please take a look to those links: Gradle plugin v0.4.2 update, New Build System, and this sample
The Correct way to do so is as follows:
First of all you have to launch the sdk manager and download and install the following files located under "extras": Android support repository, Google play services, Google repository.
Restart android studio and open the build gradle file. You must modify your build.gradle file to look like this under dependencies:
dependencies {
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:6.5.87'
And finally syncronise your project (the button to the left of the AVD manager).
Since version 6.5 you can include the complete library (very large) or just the modules that you need (Best Option). I.e if you only need Google Maps and Analytics you can replace the previous example with the following one:
dependencies {
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-base:6.5.87'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:6.5.87'
You can find the complete dependency list here
Some side notes:
Use the latest play services library version. If it's an old version, android studio will highlight it. As of today (February 5th is 6.5.87) but you can check the latest version at Gradle Please
After a major update of Android Studio, clean an rebuild your project by following the next instructions as suggested in the comments by #user123321
cd to your project folder
./gradlew clean
./gradlew build
Go to File -> Project Structure
Select 'Project Settings'
Select 'Dependencies' Tab
Click '+' and select '1.Library Dependencies'
Search for : com.google.android.gms:play-services
Select the latest version and click 'OK'
Voila! No need to fight with Gradle :)
EDITED: This guy really brought it home and has a good little tutorial
one side note: I had played around so much that I needed to do a gradlew clean to get it to run succesfully
If you have imported your project or are working from the Sample Maps application located in \extras\google\google_play_services\samples\maps check out this tutorial.
If you are creating a new project from scratch then note Xav's comments on that same post. He describes that Android Studio uses a different compiler and that you have to modify the build.gradle file manually. I did this with success. I copied
into my lib directory and added the following to my build.gradle file
dependencies {
compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar')
compile files('libs/google-play-services.jar')
Also, if this is a new project check out this post, too.
Most of these answers only address compile-time dependencies, but you'll find a host of NoClassDef exceptions at runtime. That's because you need more than the google-play-services.jar. It references resources that are part of the library project, and those are not included correctly if you only have the jar.
What worked best for me was to first get the project setup correctly in eclipse. Have your project structured so that it includes both your app and the library, as described here: http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/user-guide#TOC-Multi-project-setup
Then export your app project from eclipse, and import into Android Studio as described here: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/migrate.html. Make sure to export both your app project and the google play services library project. When importing it will detect the library project and import it as a module. I just accepted all defaults during the project import process.
Google Play services Integration in Android studio.
Step 1:
SDK manager->Tools Update this
1.Google play services
2.Android Support Repository
Step 2:
chance in build.gradle
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 8
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:+'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:4.0.+'
Step 3:
android:minSdkVersion="8" />
Step 4:
Sync project file with grandle.
wait for few minute.
Step 5:
File->Project Structure find error with red bulb images,click on go to add dependencies select your app module.
Please put comment if you have require help.
Happy coding.
None of the above solution worked for me. Not sure if it is specific to my setup or new release.
I am using Android Studio Beta 0.8.9 and I was not getting any com.google.android.gms:play-service in the library list on following this instruction:
Go to File -> Project Structure -> Select Project Settings -> Select 'Dependencies' Tab Click '+' -> 1.Library Dependencies -> Select com.google.android.gms:play-services:+
I had already done this:
First of all you have to launch the sdk manager and download and install the following files located under "extras": Android support repository, Google play services, Google repository.
What resolved it was to add from SDK Manager, "Google play services for Froyo" then repeating the first step.
Did not understand the reason properly but this worked.
PS: I just observed that even now when I search for play-services this does not come, but when I directly scroll and look through the list it is right there.
Follow this article -> http://developer.android.com/google/play-services/setup.html
You should to choose Using Android Studio
Example Gradle file:
Note: Open the build.gradle file inside your application module
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
android {
compileSdkVersion 20
buildToolsVersion "20.0.0"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "{applicationId}"
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 20
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
buildTypes {
release {
runProguard false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:20.+'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:6.1.+'
You can find latest version of Google Play Services here: https://developer.android.com/google/play-services/index.html
I've got this working after doing the following:
Have the google-play-services-lib as a module (note difference between module and project), then add the google-play-services.jar to your models "libs" directory.
After that add the jar to your build path through making a library or add the jar to another library. I generally have a single IDEA library which I add all my /libs/*.jar files to.
Add the library to your modules build path through Module Settings (F4).
Add the google-play-services-lib as a module dependency to your project.
Note: This doesn't give me the runtime exceptions either, it works.
Open your project build.gradle file and add below line under dependencies module.
dependencies {
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:7.0.0'
The below will be add Google Analytics and Maps if you don't want to integrate full library
dependencies {
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-analytics:7.0.0'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:7.0.0'
In my case google-play-services_lib are integrate as module (External Libs) for Google map & GCM in my project.
Now, these time require to implement Google Places Autocomplete API but problem is that's code are new and my libs are old so some class not found:
following these steps...
1> Update Google play service into SDK Manager
2> select new .jar file of google play service (Sdk/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs) replace with old one
i got success...!!!
I copied the play libs files from the google-play-services_lib to my project libs directory:
Then selected them, right-click, "Add as libraries".