Remove code lines on release version using gradle in Android studio - android

I have build a SDK JAR project with a Logger class which notify about system logs.
for example:
Logger.log("error on line 123 please check", Logger.SDK_DEBUG);
At the moment there are few log levels that i can use.
I would on release build to remove all log messages that are with Logger.SDK_DEBUG in my code before the JAR build proccess. is it possible doing that with Gradle?

I wrote a gradle script which handle the deletion of all Logger lines in the project. You will want to run this before any Gradle build command.
task deleteJavaDebugLogs << {
description("This function will delete all SDK DEBUG log level from the project, be careful with it!")
//Put your project full path for exmple 'src/main/java/myproject' , the path must be with quotes
FileTree javaFiles = fileTree('[your_project_path]') {
// if you have more files that are not .java include them also.
include '**/*.java'
String regex = "Logger.log[^,]+[^L]+(.*)Logger.SDK_DEBUG[^;];"
javaFiles.each { File javaFile ->
println "Start replacing regex on $"
String content = javaFile.getText()
content = content.replaceAll(regex, "")
Good luck! :)

I havent tested it but from the definithion of code obfuscator, it should do this for you. Since it should find all unreachable code and remove it. If the Logger.SDK_DEBUG is final, he should know it is unreachable right?


How to generate OpenAPI sources from gradle when building Android app

What I'm trying to achieve
I'm trying to generate my REST API client for Android using OpenAPI Generator from the build.gradle script. That way, I wouldn't have to run the generator command line every time the specs change. Ideally, this would be generated when I build/assemble my app, and the sources would end up in the java (generated) folder, where generated sources are then accessible from the code (this is what happens with the file for example).
What I've tried so far
Following this link from their official GitHub, here's the build.gradle file I ended up with:
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'org.openapi.generator'
openApiValidate {
inputSpec = "$rootDir/app/src/main/openapi/my-api.yaml"
recommend = true
openApiGenerate {
generatorName = "java"
inputSpec = "$rootDir/app/src/main/openapi/my-api.yaml"
outputDir = "$buildDir/generated/openapi"
groupId = "$"
id = "$"
version = "$project.version"
apiPackage = "com.example.mypackage.api"
invokerPackage = "com.example.mypackage.invoker"
modelPackage = "com.example.mypackage.model"
configOptions = [
java8 : "true",
dateLibrary : "java8",
library : "retrofit2"
First, I've never managed to get the API generated with the build/assemble task, even when I tried adding:
compileJava.dependsOn tasks.openApiGenerate
assemble.dependsOn tasks.openApiGenerate
The only way I could generate the sources was by manually triggering the openApiGenerate task:
Then, when I do generate my sources this way, they end up in the build folder but aren't accessible from my code, and aren't visible in the java (generated) folder:
I then have to manually copy/paste the generated source files to my project sources in order to use the API.
Even though I'm able to work around these issues by adding manual procedures, it would be way more maintainable if the whole process was simply automatic. I was able to achieve a similar result with another tool, Protobuf. Indeed, my gradle task gets triggered every time I build the app, and the sources end up in the java (generated) folder, so I don't have to do any additional work. The task is much simpler though, so I assume the main work that I'm not able to replicate with OpenAPI Generator is handled by the Protobuf plugin itself.
You have to specify path to the generated sources as a custom source set for your Gradle module, which is app in this case, as described here – That way Gradle will treat your sources as accessible from your code.
Something like this:
android {
sourceSets {
main {
java.srcDirs = ['build/generated/openapi/src/main/java']
I solved the issue you described like this, I'm using gradle.kts however.
See my build.gradle.kts
plugins {
// Your other plugins
id("org.openapi.generator") version "5.3.0"
openApiGenerate {
// Your other specification
application {
// Your other code
sourceSets {
main {
java {
// TODO: Set this path according to what was generated for you
tasks.compileKotlin {
You need to build the application at least once for the IDE to detect the library (at least this is the case for me in Intellij)
Your build should automatically generate the open api classes , to refer the generated classes in your java project you should add the generated class path to your source directory like it was mentioned in the other answers
As far as the task dependency goes , in android tasks are generated after configuration thus for gradle to recognize the task , wrap it inside afterEvaluate block like
afterEvaluate {
I had this issue, and this answer led me to a more informative error:
error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to Annotation
Taking a look at the generated files that were causing this error, noticed:
import com.squareup.moshi.Json;
After including a Moshi in the app build.gradle, the build succeeded and the generated code was accessible.

Gradle task for Sentry not compiling

I have to add the Analytics tool Sentry to our Android project. In order to make it work, one needs to create mappings for the obfuscated code (from Proguard/R8) and upload it later to Sentry.
On the website it is even described how to do that.
There it is written that one needs to create a gradle task looking like this:
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
android.applicationVariants.each { variant ->
def variantName =;
def proguardTask = project.tasks.findByName(
def dexTask = project.tasks.findByName(
def task = project.tasks.create(
name: "processSentryProguardFor${variantName}",
type: Exec) {
workingDir project.rootDir
commandLine *[
"${project.rootDir.toPath()}/app/build/intermediates/assets" +
dexTask.dependsOn task
task.dependsOn proguardTask
This shall wait until Proguard is finished, than copy this properties file to the assets. However, when I add this to my Android gradle script I get the error:
Could not create task
No signature of method: java.util.ArrayList.multiply() is applicable for argument types: (ArrayList) values: [[sentry-cli, upload-proguard,
--write-properties, {Application-Path}/app/build/intermediates/assets/playStoreStaging/debug/,
...]] Possible solutions: multiply(java.lang.Number),
I assume there is something wrong with the multiplication symbol * before the commandLine array. But when I remove it I get the error
Could not create task
Cannot cast object 'sentry-cli' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'int'
So I tried to test this with only that line
commandLine "sentry-cli", ...
Which gave me another error
What went wrong: Cannot invoke method dependsOn() on null object
Thus I assume something went really wrong with that gradle script since it seems the dependend task can't be found. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this (or optionally have any other idea how to copy that file to my assets in another way, once Proguard/R8 is finished)?
-------- EDIT --------
I noticed something important.
The gradle tasks are defined in a different name than what was defined in the manual. Looking at my tasks I have them named
However, I print the variantName then for checking but it seems my tasks are incomplete.
In my tasks list there exist
but not
and thus the task can't be found. I think that is the real problem here. So where are these gradle tasks defined?
------- EDIT 2 --------
Okay I noticed something strange here. Some variants don't have tasks. It makes sense that DEBUG tasks don't have R8 tasks but I found this here:
Variant: PlayStoreStagingRelease DexTask is null
Variant: PlayStorePreviewRelease DexTask is null
Variant: HockeyAppRelease DexTask is null
Variant: LocalServerRelease DexTask is null
Variant: PlayStoreProductionRelease DexTask is null
So how can this be?
I'd recommend using the Sentry Gradle integration (Gradle plugin) which is described here
The official Android Gradle plugin changed its task names over versions, Gradle version also affects those code snippets.
Google also replaced Proguard with R8 and it also affected those code snippets.
Is there a reason why not using the Sentry Gradle integration? if so, We'll be looking into updating them.
java.util.ArrayList.multiply() hints for that * in front of the [ ] list, which looks strange to me. Try removing the *[ ], only keeping List<String> (there's no ArrayList expected, to begin with):
commandLine "sentry-cli", "upload-proguard", "--write-properties", "${project.rootDir.toPath()}/app/build/intermediates/assets/${variant.dirName}/", variant.getMappingFile(), "--no-upload"
You'd have to look up how your tasks are actually being called, but it should be something alike:
def r8Task = project.tasks.findByName("transformClassesAndResourcesWithR8For${variantName}")
def d8Task = project.tasks.findByName("transformClassesWithDexBuilderFor${variantName}")
With a null check, because not every variant might have minifyEnabled true set:
if(r8Task != null) {
d8Task.dependsOn task
task.dependsOn r8Task
Maybe even a previous null check is required, because variant.getMappingFile() needs R8.
And that some flavors have no D8 task might be based upon the absence of code (nothing to do).
Here's a summary of the steps that I followed for integrating Sentry with my Android app. These steps are to ensure the sentry gradle plugin works as expected and automatically uploads the proguard mapping files, without you having to worry about uploading using cli. I assume you would have setup the Sentry SDK as described here:
Ensure you have Android Studio gradle plugin 3.5.0 (Not 3.6.x, that seems to break the sentry plugin. I observed that the sentry proguard or native symbol upload tasks are not configured or executed at all). This value should be in your root project's build.gradle in dependencies block
Provide a file the root folder of your project. The file should have the following values at minimum:
You can get info about generating auth tokens here:
(Optional: If you have build flavors) In my case, I have different flavors for my app. So, I had to put the inside my flavor specific folder in /app/src/ folder. Then, I wrote a gradle task to copy the flavor specific file into the project's root folder during gradle's configuration phase. Example:
task copySentryPropertiesTask {
if (getBuildFlavor() != null && !getBuildFlavor().isEmpty()) {
println("Copying Sentry properties file: ${getBuildFlavor()}")
copy {
from "src/${getBuildFlavor()}/"
include ""
into "../"
def getBuildFlavor() {
Gradle gradle = getGradle()
String tskReqStr = gradle.getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString()
Pattern pattern;
if (tskReqStr.contains("assemble"))
pattern = Pattern.compile("assemble(\\w+)(Release|Debug)")
pattern = Pattern.compile("generate(\\w+)(Release|Debug)")
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(tskReqStr)
if (matcher.find())
else {
println "NO MATCH FOUND"
return ""
Note 1: You can place this task in your app/build.gradle anywhere (I had placed it at the end).
Note 2: If you followed step 3 for build flavors, you can also add the root folder's in .gitignore. Since, it will be copied everytime you create a build.
Sentry should now be able to upload the proguard files for any release builds (or if you set minifyEnabled=true for any buildType).

Is there a way to change the file in Unity

Unity has a default file that gets added during the build process. While its possible to change the build.gradle and the settings.gradle files as mentioned
there is no mention of being able to change within the unity docs. The file also gets recreated every build attempt so editing it within the temp/gradleOut after a build and building again doesn't work. I know exporting the project is possible as well, but I'm looking for a solution where the project can be run directly from unity.
Btw this question is NOT a duplicate of this question How to use Gradle in Unity
The answer here has nothing to do with modifying the file.
This is a duplicate of this question that got incorrectly marked as a duplicate how to change default of Unity?
Maybe my answer is a bit outdated but in Unity 2020 you can do it in:
Player Settings -> Tab Android (with robot obviously) -> Publishing Settings -> Custom Gradle Properties Template (checkbox).
After enabling the checkbox you will see the path to (usually it appears in Assets/Plugins/Android directory) file which will be merged with final
Everything you need you can write to the end of file after **ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES** string.
android.useAndroidX = true // I added this property to fix error: This project uses AndroidX dependencies, but the 'android.useAndroidX' property is not enabled. Set this property to true in the file and retry.
Also on screenshot:
This was something that was slightly hard to discover. I was going to do a regular post build processor like I had for my iOS build, but as I was searching for a manner to load and determine where the properties file was, I ran across the following interface in the documentation : IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject.
According to the documentation:
Implement this interface to receive a callback after the Android
Gradle project is generated.
So below is my initial brute force implementation for turning on androidX and jetifier.
public class AndroidPostBuildProcessor : IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject
public int callbackOrder
return 999;
void IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject.OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject(string path)
Debug.Log("Bulid path : " + path);
string gradlePropertiesFile = path + "/";
if (File.Exists(gradlePropertiesFile))
StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(gradlePropertiesFile);
Theoretically you should be able to manipulate the generated gradle project in any manner to your choosing during the post build processor. Some additional tools might be helpful, like the PBXProject support on iOS, but until then, this will do.
IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject is a new Interface added after Unity2018.
As my project based on Unity2017, it's not a good solution. Then I found this. A solution with Gradle.
([rootProject] + (rootProject.subprojects as List)).each {
ext {
it.setProperty("android.useAndroidX", true)
it.setProperty("android.enableJetifier", true)
Although this is not a perfect solution, you can use the "Export Project" option.
Build Settings
After exporting the project, you can modify and build using AndroidStudio or command line.
In the newer Unity versions (2019.4+) it is possible to generate a custom gradle properties template by going to Project Settings > Player > (Android Tab) > Other Settings > and marking "Custom Gradle Properties Template".
After selecting that a file is generated at "Assets/Plugins/Android/".
This is the best way of generating the file since it is git friendly and preserves other settings.

Access project related data from Gradle command

I need project related data like project name,app version and its main module from gradle based android project. I have tried various tasks like project,properties but none of it giving me specific information i need.
Is there a way to find version code,app name and main android module using gradle in command line?
Using "BuildConfig" global variable you will get
boolean DEBUG
eg :- BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID
and if you defined any global data in gradle like
debug {
buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", '""'
debuggable true
you will get this details also
You can probably write your own custom gradle task for doing that. Add this code snippet in your app build.gradle, where you define your android plugin and run it from console. You can format output like you need it and use other data from build script.
task hello<<{
println("versionCode = ${android.defaultConfig.versionCode}")
println("applicationId = ${android.defaultConfig.applicationId}")
println("minSDK = ${android.defaultConfig.minSdkVersion}")
you can use resValue for that to get value
defaultConfig {
//other config
resValue "String","versionCode","1"
your class
I don't know if it suits, you can create one common init gradle file, which you run from command line, so it is not a source code manipulation, where you print out all necessary data. But gradle output is dirty.
This is snippet of init.gradle which is in /Users/username
afterEvaluate({//listen for project evaluation
println( is supposed to be 2 projects "ProjName" and "app"
if("app")){//or any other condtion to check if it is inner android project
println("versionCode = ${android.defaultConfig.versionCode}")
you start this script like ./gradlew --I /Users/username/init.gradle
This is what I have as an output
versionCode = 1
Welcome to Gradle 2.4.
To run a build, run gradlew <task> ...
To see a list of available tasks, run gradlew tasks
To see a list of command-line options, run gradlew --help
To see more detail about a task, run gradlew help --task <task>
Total time: 6.929 secs
This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon:
So this is what could be done, another available option is to parse build.gradle file or manifest.xml in bash, or write own console utility that will do it with a cleaner output.
I hope I helped.

Custom Class Loading in Dalvik with Gradle (Android New Build System)

As per the introduction of Custom Class Loading in Dalvik by Fred Chung on the Android Developers Blog:
The Dalvik VM provides facilities for developers to perform custom
class loading. Instead of loading Dalvik executable (“dex”) files from
the default location, an application can load them from alternative
locations such as internal storage or over the network.
However, not many developers have the need to do custom class loading. But those who do and follow the instructions on that blog post, might have some problems mimicking the same behavior with Gradle, the new build system for Android introduced in Google I/O 2013.
How exactly one can adapt the new build system to perform the same intermediary steps as in the old (Ant based) build system?
My team and I recently reached the 64K method references in our app, which is the maximum number of supported in a dex file. To get around this limitation, we need to partition part of the program into multiple secondary dex files, and load them at runtime.
We followed the blog post mentioned in the question for the old, Ant based, build system and everything was working just fine. But we recently felt the need to move to the new build system, based on Gradle.
This answer does not intend to replace the full blog post with a complete example. Instead, it will simply explain how to use Gradle to tweak the build process and achieve the same thing. Please note that this is probably just one way of doing it and how we are currently doing it in our team. It doesn't necessarily mean it's the only way.
Our project is structured a little different and this example works as an individual Java project that will compile all the source code into .class files, assemble them into a single .dex file and to finish, package that single .dex file into a .jar file.
Let's start...
In the root build.gradle we have the following piece of code to define some defaults:
ext.androidSdkDir = System.env.ANDROID_HOME
if(androidSdkDir == null) {
Properties localProps = new Properties()
localProps.load(new FileInputStream(file('')))
ext.androidSdkDir = localProps['sdk.dir']
ext.buildToolsVersion = '18.0.1'
ext.compileSdkVersion = 18
We need the code above because although the example is an individual Java project, we still need to use components from the Android SDK. And we will also be needing some of the other properties later on... So, on the build.gradle of the main project, we have this dependency:
dependencies {
compile files("${androidSdkDir}/platforms/android-${compileSdkVersion}/android.jar")
We are also simplifying the source sets of this project, which might not be necessary for your project:
sourceSets {
main {
java.srcDirs = ['src']
Next, we change the default configuration of the build-in jar task to simply include the classes.dex file instead of all .class files:
configure(jar) {
include 'classes.dex'
Now we need to have new task that will actually assemble all .class files into a single .dex file. In our case, we also need to include the Protobuf library JAR into the .dex file. So I'm including that in the example here:
task dexClasses << {
String protobufJarPath = ''
String cmdExt = Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS) ? '.bat' : ''
configurations.compile.files.find {
if('protobuf-java')) {
protobufJarPath = it.path
exec {
commandLine "${androidSdkDir}/build-tools/${buildToolsVersion}/dx${cmdExt}", '--dex',
"${buildDir}/classes/main", "${protobufJarPath}"
Also, make sure you have the following import somewhere (usually at the top, of course) on your build.gradle file:
Now we must make the jar task depend on our dexClasses task, to make sure that our task is executed before the final .jar file is assembled. We do that with a simple line of code:
And we're done... Simply invoke Gradle with the usual assemble task and your final .jar file, ${buildDir}/libs/${archivesBaseName}.jar will contain a single classes.dex file (besides the MANIFEST.MF file). Just copy that into your app assets folder (you can always automate that with Gradle as we've done but that is out of scope of this question) and follow the rest of the blog post.
If you have any questions, just shout in the comments. I'll try to help to the best of my abilities.
The Android Studio Gradle plugin now provides native multidex support, which effectively solves the Android 65k method limit without having to manually load classes from a jar file, and thus makes Fred Chung's blog obsolete for that purpose. However, loading custom classes from a jar file at runtime in Android is still useful for the purpose of extensibility (e.g. making a plugin framework for your app), so I'll address that usage scenario below:
I have created a port of the original example app on Fred Chung's blog to Android Studio on my github page over here using the Android library plugin rather than the Java plugin. Instead of trying to modify the existing dex process to split up into two modules like in the blog, I've put the code which we want to go into the jar file into its own module, and added a custom task assembleExternalJar which dexes the necessary class files after the main assemble task has finished.
Here is relevant part of the build.gradle file for the library. If your library module has any dependencies which are not in the main project then you will probably need to modify this script to add them.
apply plugin: ''
// ... see github project for the full build.gradle file
// Define some tasks which are used in the build process
task copyClasses(type: Copy) { // Copy the assembled *.class files for only the current namespace into a new directory
// get directory for current namespace (PLUGIN_NAMESPACE = 'com.example.toastlib')
def namespacePath = PLUGIN_NAMESPACE.replaceAll("\\.","/")
// set source and destination directories
from "build/intermediates/classes/release/${namespacePath}/"
into "build/intermediates/dex/${namespacePath}/"
// exclude classes which don't have a corresponding .java entry in the source directory
def remExt = { name -> name.lastIndexOf('.').with {it != -1 ? name[0..<it] : name} }
eachFile {details ->
def thisFile = new File("${projectDir}/src/main/java/${namespacePath}/", remExt(".java")
if (!(thisFile.exists())) {
task assembleExternalJar << {
// Get the location of the Android SDK
ext.androidSdkDir = System.env.ANDROID_HOME
if(androidSdkDir == null) {
Properties localProps = new Properties()
localProps.load(new FileInputStream(file('')))
ext.androidSdkDir = localProps['sdk.dir']
// Make sure no existing jar file exists as this will cause dx to fail
new File("${buildDir}/intermediates/dex/${PLUGIN_NAMESPACE}.jar").delete();
// Use command line dx utility to convert *.class files into classes.dex inside jar archive
String cmdExt = Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS) ? '.bat' : ''
exec {
commandLine "${androidSdkDir}/build-tools/${BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION}/dx${cmdExt}", '--dex',
task copyJarToOutputs(type: Copy) {
// Copy the built jar archive to the outputs folder
from 'build/intermediates/dex/'
into 'build/outputs/'
include '*.jar'
// Set the dependencies of the build tasks so that assembleExternalJar does a complete build
For more detailed information see the full source code for the sample app on my github.
See my answer over here. The key points are:
Use the additionalParameters property on the dynamically created dexCamelCase tasks to pass --multi-dex to dx and create multiple dex files.
Use the multidex class loader to use the multiple dex files.

