I have written test cases using JUnit and PowerMockito. IntelliJ IDEA is showing 100% coverage for lot many classes but Sonar is showing just 19%
I am using following versions:
PowerMockito: 2.0.2
JUnit: 4.12
Jacoco: 0.8.5
Sonar: 7.3
i have gone through multiple posts but nothing solved this issue.
This sounds like you're running into the issue that Powermock replaces the Jacoco annotation during its instrumentation, so Jacoco has nothing to report against. You may be able to change the instrumentation type to overcome this, but it's currently a know limitation when using Powermock.
In my android unit testing file, I am doing this import:
import rx.plugins.RxJavaHooks;
as I need to use RxJavaHooks.
In my gradle file, i have added the dependency for RxJava and RxAndroid:
compile "io.reactivex:rxandroid:$RXANDROID_VERSION"
compile "io.reactivex:rxjava:$RXJAVA_VERSION"
Still, I get an error that RxJavaHooks cannot be resolved. Can someone help me with this. Thanks
rx.plugins.RxJavaHooks is an artifact of RxJava 1.x.
the group part of the coordinates of your dependencies (io.reactivex) indicates you are using RxJava 2.x, which is why the class you're looking for isn't available.
(fyi - RxJava 1.x classes uses the rx namespace)
according to the docs you should use RxJavaPlugins:
The class-based RxJavaObservableHook and friends are now gone and
RxJavaHooks functionality is incorporated into RxJavaPlugins.
So I have a Database class that has a dependency that extends SQLOpenHelper and I am testing using Android instrumented tests and Mockito to mock dependencies. We are noticing that Mockito isn't actually mocking the implementations when doing Mockito.mock(class) instead the actual code is running and throwing null pointer exceptions as we would expect. On API 19 devices the tests run as expected and the mocks work correctly.
Does anyone have any suggestions or things to try? I've tried real devices and emulators with similar results. Could this be a Mockito issue, or a dex-maker issue? I haven't found any information while searching for it.
After some more testing any class I mock with Mockito actually just uses the implementation. Here are my dependencies
androidTestCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19'
androidTestCompile 'com.google.dexmaker:dexmaker-mockito:1.2'
Note: This is also in a library module if that makes any difference.
So getting rid of our old Mockito dependencies and dexmaker and using the new: Mockito-android
Fixed our issues
I have read around, there are a number of extensive answers (like this one) but the Android world evolves so fast that they seem to be a bit outdated and the official documentation still refers to Eclipse with ADT.
I am running AS 1.1 and I am trying to setup simple junit tests to run on the emulator, without Robolectric. If I don't include junit in my build.gradle, it can't find #After, #Before and #Test and I get package org.junit does not exist. Upon adding
// unit tests
androidTestCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
the error becomes
Error:duplicate files during packaging of APK
Path in archive: LICENSE.txt
Origin 1: [...]/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3/42a25dc3219429f0e5d060061f71acb49bf010a0/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar
Origin 2: [...]/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/junit/junit/4.11/4e031bb61df09069aeb2bffb4019e7a5034a4ee0/junit-4.11.jar
You can ignore those files in your build.gradle:
android {
packagingOptions {
exclude 'LICENSE.txt'
Following the console suggestion of excluding LICENSE.txt, it then works but it feels like a hack. So I'm wondering, am I maybe missing something? Thanks.
Android Studio unit testing support comes in 1.1 Beta 4 (release announcement) with Gradle plugin version 1.1.0-rc1.
More info in official document.
However it is experimental feature for now. E.g. it breaks installDebug gradle task.
For using JUnit in instrumentation tests there is good guide for Espresso library and another covering new AndroidJUnitRunner.
If it's any use I set up a boiler plate project allowing the use of Unit tests and Espresso tests by the use of switching build variants. You won't need the use of any third party plugins with this.
I am trying to use Mockito in my Android project.
I have found very nice tutorial that deals with it: http://www.paulbutcher.com/2012/05/mockito-on-android-step-by-step/
Basically it uses new version of Mockito + Dexmaker and everything works as expected.
However, when I try to mock some Android specific object i.e:
Context context = mock(Context.class);
I receive this exception:
dexcache == null (and no default could be found;
consider setting the 'dexmaker.dexcache' system property)
at com.google.dexmaker.DexMaker.generateAndLoad(DexMaker.java:359)
at com.google.dexmaker.stock.ProxyBuilder.buildProxyClass(ProxyBuilder.java:252)
at com.google.dexmaker.mockito.DexmakerMockMaker.createMock(DexmakerMockMaker.java:54)
at org.mockito.internal.util.MockUtil.createMock(MockUtil.java:26)
Any idea how to fix it?
From #rjath's comment of #MrChaz's answer, this works better for me:
I put it in my setUp() method.
I've managed to piece together a fix that seems to be working for me.
To the manifest I added read and write external storage.
To the test I added System.setProperty("dexmaker.dexcache", "/sdcard"); to the test.
To the emulator image I added an SD card.
I believe this works because by default mockito tries to use the apps cache directory but I never run an activity so I suspect the directory is never created by the OS
So the problem is with Dexmaker not being able to find the cache path on Android >= 4.3 as other people mentioned and as described in this dexmaker issue.
I went with implementing the workaround in a custom instrumented test runner instead of in every test (or their superclass) setUp(), because it feels a bit less hacky (it really is in only one place - and not inherited in every subclass) and more flexible.
For the sake of documentation these are the necessary changes to do this:
public class CustomInstrumentationTestRunner extends InstrumentationTestRunner {
#Override public void onCreate (final Bundle arguments) {
// temporary workaround for an incompatibility in current dexmaker (1.1) implementation and Android >= 4.3
// cf. https://code.google.com/p/dexmaker/issues/detail?id=2 for details
System.setProperty("dexmaker.dexcache", getTargetContext().getCacheDir().toString());
And set up your project (or test project) to use this class as the instrumented test runner in its AndroidManifest.xml when building with ant:
android:targetPackage="my.target.package" />
or its build.gradle when building with gradle:
android {
defaultConfig {
// ...
testInstrumentationRunner 'my.package.CustomInstrumentationTestRunner'
// ...
If you have other instrumentation entries, you can switch between them either on the command line or select one in your IDE running configuration.
I had this issue for an Android Library project but NOT for the application project! Setting the System property "dexmaker.dexcache" as mentioned above worked around the issue.
I'm running Android 4.3 Nexus 4 device, building with 19.0.3 tools, target api 19,
my dependencies:
androidTestCompile "org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5"
androidTestCompile "com.google.dexmaker:dexmaker:1.0"
androidTestCompile "com.google.dexmaker:dexmaker-mockito:1.0"
It looks like the dexmaker project has moved from Google Code to GitHub.
In the maven central repository there are versions 1.1 and 1.2 published in March 2014 and December 2014.
I've verified this "dexcache == null" issue still exists through version 1.2 - but only on certain devices. For example, a Galaxy S5 with Android 5.0 has the problem, and a Galaxy S4 with Android 4.4.2 does not.
I cloned the GitHub repository (last commit March 12th 2015 - ca74669), and ran locally, and the problem has been fixed (there are also commits in the history that back this up). So once there is a 1.3 release, hopefully this problem is gone for good!
Anyone else wanting to run a local copy of 1.3-SNAPSHOT, here's how I did that (on a Mac, but other platforms should work too, you'll need mvn, adb, and dx on PATH):
git clonehttps://github.com/crittercism/dexmaker.git
cd dexmaker
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
cp -R ~/.m2/repository/com/google/dexmaker $ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/m2repository/com/google
Then change version in app/build.gradle: androidTestCompile 'com.google.dexmaker:dexmaker:1.3-SNAPSHOT'
Or pom.xml if using maven to build, or overwrite your libs/dexmaker.jar with ~/.m2/repository/com/google/dexmaker/dexmaker/1.3-SNAPSHOT/dexmaker-1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar if you are using eclipse/ant
Also, FYI, the original issue report for the same issue on Google Code as well.
You can add the mockito core as a dependency instead. Then, that error will not happen and you won't need a workaround.
dependencies {
testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19'
I observed this issue when did manipulations with resources and folders inside test folder. Actually just restarting Android Studio helped. Simple, but worked.