Android parse value from .sqlite file - android

How to parse value from .sqlite file, i n my sqlite file there are more than 1000 records now i need to retrieve all the values and need to show that in a listview, i have saved that file in to my asset folder, is there any way to do as like parsing csv file
All the suggestions are most welcome
Thanks in advance

You had database which has more than 1000 of records and it's in assets folder of application...
For that you need to copy asset database to installed app folder and then use it using SQLiteOpenHelper..
For more details with example you can take reference from here..
Ship an application with a database

I would recommend:
Save your data into SQLite, create ContentProvider to allow querying/updating data
Use CursorLoader and CursorAdapter to load data from ContentProvider and bind them to your list view asynchronously
The whole process seems to be overwhelmed at first with a lot of things need to be created, but once done you will get the flow.


How to update UI from sqlite database according to current date?

I have a daily devotional reading application that i am working on. I have some data structured in my sqLite database for each day for a period of one year. I want to update the UI from my database according to each present day. I have already inserted my data in the database but i am stuck on how to update the UI according to current date. Please i need helpful ideas.
You need to write select query with where class fetch record equal to today. Get the result cursor and read all fields and bind on UI.
In your case, the DB2 file is having static data. You can add this to project as part of assets folder but application can not considered it as secured db file. Please follow the link to copy the DB file from asset folder to application folder.

Which file type should I use to store database data

I'm developing a little Android app which is going to be offline, and I need to store the SQLite base's data into a file, that I want to put into the apk's resources, I could use XML or JSON files, but I was wondering if there weren't a better solution.
Thanks in advance :)
If I understand you right you have some prepared data to include in app to use.
If you don't want to parse xml, json or raw file every time you need it in the app you could:
1. Parse the file and put contents into SQLite database on the first run of the app.
Then you can use SQLite to query for data.
You can check if this is first run by checking boolean flag in SharedPreferences upon start of application (in onCreate of your main activity or in Application class)
2. If data is not very big you could parse it once and keep it in memory in your custom data structure.
You can create a singleton to query for this data and parse it in case it is not loaded yet.

Inserting too much of data in sqlite database

I am creating Dictionary Android Application.This app create database of 235883 words that takes to much time to be inserted on database on first time app run.Is there any other solution to make it faster or install direct database file in root folders??
Yes u can create sqlite database file for your words and put it into assets folder and than you can access it at the time you launch your app.

SQLite database file upload at server in SQL format

I want to upload local sqlite database file at server but in sql format. Is it possible to directly save it in mysql supported format? The file is uploaded successfully on server but its just a flat file of sqlite db. When i open it in editplus or import it in phpmyadmin, it shows error. But when I manually export the database from sqlite manager in .sql extension, it successfully gets open in readable format in editplus. Please help me with this problem. Thanks in advance !
AFAIK you are talking about two completely different things.
Its like comparing a DB dump file to a properly exported file like an xml file with schema and data information from Oracle or MySql
When you export you get a file with or without .sql extension and it means a file with set of queries like DDL or DML create,insert etc. That may be sequentially run to execute all the commands in it and provide you with the right schema and data present in that file.
Whereas a DB file that is created via app is specific to the device and is an .sqlite file which is specific to sqlite browser and that may read it and not a set of queries only that you may open in edit-plus or a text editor.
Sqlite DB file that you find on your device is dynamically generated pages to maintain the integrity of the db.
For more info you must read,
Format of sqlite database
Sorry I don't have code but the idea is,
--Edit with algo--
Assuming you have the create commands for all tables and constraints with you , as they are not going to change most of the time.
You may use this function as a Utility to create and maintain the sql
command list for you parallel to the db you have.
void createExportCommands()
- Read all tables one by one using a `Cursor`
- Based on specific tables/columns create queries
i.e. String query="insert into "+your_table+" values("+cursor.getString(0),....+");";
- Write this data into a file called export_data.sql and keep updating it in background
Perhaps its not the best approach but it will solve your issue.

How to add database to device?

I have sqlite database in my system i need to add this data base to the device(in the application location).How to do this ????
You basically add code in your application that creates the database the first time it's used (Android will take care of the internals):
If your database is not very big - just place your DB file into assets and then during first run your application should just copy SQLite DB file from assets directory to your application data storage. See here

