Material Design Bottom Button in SwipeRefreshLayout - android

Look at the following example Layout from Gmail:
There is a button at the bottom of the listview with a pen as icon.
How can I create such a button?

Well it is called "FloatingActionButton", search it on GitHub you will get lots of library, for example:

That is very simple you just need to use ImageButton


Sliding down activity - Android Material Design App

I've been to make this effect in Android. I've achieved to make a Share Element Intent succesfully but don't have a clue on how to get back to the previous activity by sliding down the second one.
The example of what I'd like to do is this: (But implemented with native resources)
Thank you.
I think you're searching for "BottomSheet",
Please Refer below link
This is for custom create
Material guidelines
Create Bottom Sheet from This link

Can we collapse image like toolbar text in android..?

Is there any way to collapse image view just like we collapsing the toolbar text when we slide up the header, this can be done by using material design.But I need to collapse imageview instead of text.
Here is the images that we can easily do with the material design.
Below is what I required..
You can view this example set by excellent developer! or this
Check out this wonderful library : CollapsingTitleLayout written by Chris Banes in Android team:
Whatever you place inside Collapsing toolbar gets collapsed nothing required to be done.

How to get the Google Now searchbar into my app?

Google has just implemented their searchbar from Google Now into the play store application as you can see in the gif below.
How can I implement this actionbar searchbar into my own app?
I'd like to have the
hamburger animation
acess from toolbar button
microphone button
ripple effect on lollipop devices
What I already have is
the layout for a list item
the "old" searchview inside the actionbar
Any ideas? thanks in advance
I created this library to do this, the only thing it does not do is the ripples, but I expect you could implement them quite easily with other resources:
Here's a gif of its use:
for that you need to use material search bar.
Below is link for github.
Please download code.
And modify this code as you want.
it will help.

Creating Dynamic list in android?

i want like used listview in android and i want to create dynamic list like below to possible and i want to fix top toolbar and below toolbar .
You are looking for three keywords: custom listview, adding search button to actionbar and adding a tab bar.
1) For your custom listview you need to create a layout for each row. You could realize it with a simple nested LinearLayout or RelativeLayout for the following parts. I could highly recommend this tutorial. Just modify the layout to create a row for your snippet:
2) For the search button in the actionbar, check out this section of the Android developer guide. This should help you getting started.
3) A tab bar example can be found here or here.
Hope it helps you getting started.
For the list: Create a layout xml and a ListAdapter that knows how to inflate the layout and populate it with each list item's data. Doing a quick google I found this presentation on it that looks to be fairly comprehensive.
For the top and bottom bar: Look at the action bar developer guide.
As has already been said, nobody will write your code for you. But this stuff should enable you to learn how to do it yourself.

android facebook-foursquare style header

I want to implement a header which has gradient background and a right icon, as is facebook & foursquared android apps. I couldn't find any tutorials about this.
I looked into foursquared source code but couldn't find how they implement this. If you can show me a way to implement this in that foursquare source code, it would be helpful.
You can take a look at GreenDroid
Just make a custom component that consist of a LinearLayout or RelativeLayout where you set the background of it to your gradient color, and then just add the desired components of the header as child views of your layout.
Then include this layout in all your activities layout at the top.
Check out the iosched app source code. They build an action bar using a style.
Here's the layout for the home activity:
Here's the include for the action bar:
Here is the style that defines the action bar:

