I am working on a download manager . for managing notifications every second it calls two methods sequentially which build notification by getbroadcast . updateActiveNotification(downloads) And then updateCompletedNotification(downloads) . the first method checks my download list and builds an appropriate notification which is supposed to show the download progress(it builds the notifications every second and so it looks like ongoing notification!) , the second one checks for completed downloads and builds their notifications. Now the problem is that I set data through putExtra in these two methods for both on-going download and completed downloads, but when I get the intents in my receiver I can't get the putExtra data from the completed download intents and actually the data keys are from the first method .
I'm confused like hell! . these are two different methods which make different intents for different notifications . How is this possible.
Can anybody help me?!
Here is the example code :
first method :
Intent intent = new Intent(action);
Intent.setclass(receiver class)
intent.putExtra("someName1", boolean);
second method :
Intent intent = new Intent(action);
Intent.setclass(receiver class)
intent.putExtra("someName2", boolean);
now on reciever:
Bundle mybundle = intent.getExtras();
if(mybundle != null) {
for (String key : mybundle.keySet()) {
//Object value = mybundle.get(key);
Log.d("ALA-Dev", key);
for both intents (from the first method or the second one) it prints someName2 as the key ,meaning it dose's not get the second data at all!
Difficult to give a qualified answer without code examples. If you provided an extra like this:
Intent intent = new Intent(context, SomeActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("someName", someString);
Then you can get the data back using soemthing like this:
Intent intent = getIntent();
String yourExtra = intent.getStringExtra("someName");
On my Application level I receive null for getExtras(), but on Activity level i can see them correctly.
public class MyApplication extends Application
public void onCreate() {
Intent intent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.example.MyApp");
if (intent != null){
String mStaticWorldUrl = intent.getStringExtra("arg1Name");
String mStaticWorldIconUrl = intent.getStringExtra("arg2Name");
Log.i("LOG", mStaticWorldUrl + " --- " + mStaticWorldIconUrl);
I'm calling the app from some shortcuts that were created by this code:
(- each shortcut has different Extras sent to the Intent)
// create a shortcut for the specific app
public static void createShortcutForPackage(Context context,
String packageName, String className, String shortcutName,
String arg1Name, String arg1Val, String arg2Name, String arg2Val,
int iconID) {
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(packageName, className));
PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
Context pkgContext = createPackageContext(context, packageName);
if (pkgContext == null)
Intent shortcut = new Intent("com.android.launcher.action.INSTALL_SHORTCUT");
Intent shortcutIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageName);
if (arg1Name != null)
shortcutIntent.putExtra(arg1Name, arg1Val);
if (arg2Name != null)
shortcutIntent.putExtra(arg2Name, arg2Val);
shortcut.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT, shortcutIntent);
shortcut.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME, shortcutName);
shortcut.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE,Intent.ShortcutIconResource.fromContext(context, iconID));
shortcut.putExtra("duplicate", false);
how can I read these Extras on the Application level?
or is there any other way to create different shortcuts for application and read its' "parameters" data on Application?
The Application class is static for the application: there is only ever a single instance of it for your app's process. If your app has been launched with a normal launch Intent, rather than a shortcut you created, then no extras would be present. The app process does not die when HOME or BACK is pressed, so the Intent used to launch the package may not be what you think it should be.
You should not need to look at the Intent at the Application level. Intent objects are not intended to be "sent" there, but rather to an Activity, Service or BroadcastReceiver.
This is conceptual error which facing to get data in application class using getExtra which is the method of Intent
Reason for this issue:
No extras is because the queried intent was one that was generated
one line earlier, it is the intent that the OS has generated for the
package as requested in the following code: Intent intent =
Intent objects within an Application class instance: they are not
delivered there
Let's understand following things to use in upcoming usage while anyone want to get data in application level
What is Intent ?
What is the Use of Intent?
What other things can we use to achieve this?
What is Intent?
An Intent provides a facility for performing Late runtime binding between the code in different applications . Its most significant use is in the launching of activities, where it can be thought of as the glue between activities. It is basically a passive data structure holding an abstract description of an action to be performed.
extras - This is a Bundle of any additional information. This can be used to provide extended information to the component. For example, if we have a action to send an e-mail message, we could also include extra pieces of data here to supply a subject, body, etc.
What is the Use of Intent?
Use to intents facilitate communication between components in several ways, Followings are standard use
To start an activity.
To start a service.
To deliver a broadcast
What other things can we use to achieve this?
There are lots of things we can use to achive this and solved this
But right now here i mentioned only one which is standard and secured
to use application
Content provider: To offer a file from your app to another app is to
send the receiving app the file's content URI and grant temporary
access permissions to that URI. Content URIs with temporary URI
access permissions are secure because they apply only to the app that
receives the URI, and they expire automatically.
Here i am trying to build a simple sms receiving app. In Broadcast receiver class,
I have the onReceive method which contains a custom intent which is not working in Samsung Mobile(4.1.2) but it works in kitkat 4.4(moto e).
Intent in = new Intent("SmsMessage.intent.MAIN").putExtra("get_body", sms_body);
How do I do this in Android 4.1.2?
All you need to do if send some data via an intent right?
If no please do explain what you mean by broadcast not working.
If yes the put the following inside your onReceive() method.
Intent in = new Intent(context, ****Name of your activity****.class)
in.putExtra("get_body", sms_body)
Please do take note that where I have mentioned _****Name of your activity****_change it to the name of your activity
Inside your activity create a method onNewIntent ()
Inside which input the following code:
String textInSms = intent.getStringExtra("get_body")
That's it now you can do whatever you want with the textInSms string. It holds the value of whatever extra you passed to it.
I have recently started a new Android project and I'm working off the previous developer's code. I'm relatively new to Android and I've come across something that I'm unsure of.
What is the difference between this:
Intent intent = new Intent("com.example.project.MENU");
and this:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayMenu.class);
I understand what the 2nd code snippet does, I just can't get my head around as to what the first one is doing? Is it referencing the file in the package? Thanks
The first one is an implicit intent, while the second is an explicit intent.
The first one fired an Intent for the action com.example.project.MENU. If you look inside you project AndroidManifest.xml you can see some <intent-filter> balise. This baslise register activity, service or broadcast receiver to different actions.
This mecanism can be used to allow third party app to launch some of your activities.
You can see more on this tutorial http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/AndroidIntent/article.html#intenttypes
Basically an Intent carries some information that are used by the system in order to determine which component should be called for executing the action.
These information are:
Component name: the name of the component that should be launched. (If present the Intent is Explicit)
Action: it specifies the generic action that should be executed (es. ACTION_VIEW, ACTION_SEND). It determines how the rest of the intent is strucutred.
Data: represents the URI that refers to the object that should be associated with the action. For example with the action ACTION_EDIT, the Data should contain the URI of the document that you want modify.
Category: Additional infromation (for example if you want that your app is shown in the launcher you can use CATEGORY_LAUNCHER)
Extras: keys-values pairs that carries additional information
Flags: it is like a metadata that specify how the intent should be managed by the system.
The Intent class provides a lot of different constructors.
The first one you asked for is public Intent (String action)
So, this sets the Action, and lets null all other fields.
The second one public Intent (Context packageContext, Class<?> cls) creates an intent for a specific component by its Component name. All other fields are null. This is a Explicit Intent, since you declare exactly which component should receive it.
The first one is used when you need to call Intent from System
such as Open Camera, Gallery, or Share something to other Application
for example
// this one call Camera to Capture Image
Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
// this one call gallery to let you select image
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
and That MediaStore.something here is just a Path to the system
for example
MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE = "android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE"
Intent.ACTION_PICK = "android.intent.action.PICK"
The first type of intent is mostly used if you want to open another application from your application while the second type of intent is used to open another activity in your application.
I m creating an app which opens another app in the background and my first app will be sending some string as a data to another app, so can I send Intents to another app's like we usually send intents to other classes containing data?
If we can then how can I send it?
Yes , you can send the intent to any app you like but its upto the receiving application to handle it.
Few apps may crash receiving it.
The way
Make an intent
Intent i=new Intent(yourContext,Activity_to_which_you_to_send.class);
Put some data-if you want to
or put using a bundle
Bundle b=new Bundle();
Starting the activity
Set the package of the app
if you want to find out the main Activity of an app
go to command line
type adb shell pm -lf
pick any one and try it by passing as a second argument to the intent constructor defined above and then call startActivity method.
hope it helps you.
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
} catch (Exception ActivityNotFoundException){
Use this code to send an intent to another app and specify the name value and string in putExtra function.
Yes you can send Intent to another app like we send to other classes with passing data as a string so you can see it HERE
Yes. "App" is not so well defined on Android, it's a loose term. Intents are used to start an Activity, among other things.
I've been reading the sample code from the dev docs on Android's site, specifically this:
Which is the sole activity of the sample app. It refers to an intent in the onCreate method. I don't understand where this intent is coming from, or what it should contain if this is the only activity the app utilizes.
Log.i(TAG, "loading data from Intent");
final Intent intent = getIntent();
mUsername = intent.getStringExtra(PARAM_USERNAME);
mAuthtokenType = intent.getStringExtra(PARAM_AUTHTOKEN_TYPE);
mRequestNewAccount = mUsername == null;
mConfirmCredentials = intent.getBooleanExtra(PARAM_CONFIRM_CREDENTIALS, false);
That's the block of code working with the intent. Why would you have an intent for the only activity in the app? Is this app called in an unusual way? The Manifest does not include an intent filter for the activity... I guess I'm just a bit lost on this whole thing! If someone could set me straight that'd be great, thanks.
Why would you have an intent for the only activity in the app?
getIntent() gets you the intent that started this activity.
Is this app called in an unusual way?
I guess this activity is called programmatically from another app or activity, since it has been passed some extra data: getStringExtra() is used to extract some data from the intent that started it. putExtra.. and getExtra.. is a way to pass data between activities when they are started.
In that specific example, the intent is sent from the addAccount method in Authenticator.java. That method is called by the OS when you click the Add Account button in the Accounts & sync settings screen and choose your account type.