External Library and Android Manifest - android

Does External Android Library have their Android Manifest merged with the main app?

Actually it depends on the API you are using. Suppose you are using external API that doesn't require any hardware or network permission from OS than you don't need to add anything new in the manifest file. And if you are using external API that requires such permissions, then you must have to add them in your manifest file.

Only if you specify manifestmerger.enabled=true in your project.properties file if you are using eclipse.
With android studio i think it's the default behaviour


Correct way to use <uses- library> to create module that depend on an external JAR library

In this page: https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/android-library.html#Considerations
It states that:
You can develop a library module that depends on an external library. (for example, the Maps external library). In this case, the dependent app must build against a target that includes the external library (for example, the Google APIs Add-On). Note also that both the library module and the dependent app must declare the external library in their manifest files, in a element.
So I tried to do what the paragraph says above.
1- I created a module that has this in its gradle:
compile 'com.twitter.sdk.android:twitter-core:3.0.0'
compile 'com.twitter.sdk.android:tweet-ui:3.0.0'
2- and I added this in my manifest.xml
3- I imported my .aar file to my main app.
4- I added the same code into my main app manifest.xml
But of-course it shows an error:
Delete <uses-library> from your manifest. It it only for cases where you are trying to use a "library" that is part of a device's firmware. The "Maps" example that they cite is from the long-obsolete Google Maps V1 for Android implementation.
I am not aware of any device manufacturer that has advised its developers to add <uses-library> elements to their manifest for com.twitter.sdk.

Location of a permission

I am making an AAR for licensing functionality. I plan to use it in multiple applications.
As per documentation, licensing implementation needs a permission in manifest file: "com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE"
I am not sure where should this permission be kept,in application's manifest file or library project's manifest file.
All your library related permissions/metadata/activities relevant info should be declared in your library manifest file

Android manifestmerger.enabled does not work for sharedUserId

In my Android library manifest file I have set sharedUserId property.
I have referenced to this lib project in my app1 and app2.
I have added manifestmerger.enabled=true to project.properties files of both apps.
However sharedUserId does not work (note: it works ok if I set thisproperty to app manifest file directly).
While looking app/bin/AndroidManifest I dont see this property - so looks like merge didn't happen.
I am using Eclipse ADT build22.3.0
Any idea what is the problem?
Basically what I want is to have ability to expose propery from my jar library.
This is not intended to work.
From the inline documentation of the ManifestMerger class
- root manifest: attributes ignored, warn if defined.
The Android Manifest documentation lists android:sharedUserId under the root element of the Manifest file, so it will be in the group of things which cannot be merged in from a library.
You may of course have additional issues preventing merging from working in general but even after those are corrected it should not work for sharedUserId (and other root level attributes) in specific.

How to get version of referenced internal library from apk

I've created apk by maven + eclipse.
It is a single file and has internal references to libraries given by mvn dependencies. On my android everything works great, but I need to display in runtime version of referenced libs. I know how to display version of my application (from androidManifest.xml), but the problem is to get version of other used library, which in some way is included to my apk.
Inside apk I don't see my referenced jars, I suppose it is made by class.dex.
I found the way to get version from jar lib, but it doesn't work for apk.
Can we found version of internal reference library at run-time?
Let me rephrase your question.
You have developed a mobile app which uses third party library and your goal is to find the version of that third party library from APK.
If i have understood it correctly,
then i faced a similar requirement recently.
Firstly the third party jar's manifest will have version information.
When you built APK this manifest info that contains the version info wont be merged with APK's AndroidManifest file.
AndroidManifest schema does not seem to provide this facility.
In our case we ship the library ,so one probable solution is that we can probably add the version info into metadata element inside activity element in Android Manifest file of the library so that apk when it is built it will copy the activity element from the library's android manifest to the app's android manifest.This way we can pass that version info of a library to main APK's Android Manifest.
May be we can make a request to modify the schema of Android manifest to give provision to include version info of internal library.
Please check the following link.
The other solution could be one can possibly use jarsigner to insert custom entry (that contains info on version of third party library into APK's manifest file after building APK.
Thats again not a standard solution.

Applications manifest and librarys manifest in Android

I'm developing an application, with another project as my library.
What properties are merged in the manifest files?
Example - If the permissions are already specified in the Library's manifest file, do they need to be specified again in the applications manifest?
Also, if there is a service in the Library project, do I need to specify again manually in the Applications manifest too (additional to library's manifest).
There is a section of this page: http://developer.android.com/tools/projects/projects-eclipse.html#SettingUpLibraryProject that says you must (re)declare all of the bits of the library project that your application will be using in the manifest file.
Declaring library components in the manifest file
In the manifest file of the application project, you must add
declarations of all components that the application will use that are
imported from a library project. For example, you must declare activity, service, receiver, provider, and so on, as well as permission, uses-library, and similar elements.
Declarations should reference the library components by their
fully-qualified package names, where appropriate.
Personally, this seems redundant, but it may be because the app doesn't need to use all of the components of the library project, and the app shouldn't assume it will.

