How to set custom font to android toolbar's subtitle? - android

i want to get the subtitle´s textview in an android's toolbar to change it's font. Actually i'm doing it with the title, getting it on this way:
Field f = toolbar.getClass().getDeclaredField("mTitleTextView");
titleTextView = (TextView) f.get(toolbar);
I've tried with the same code but trying to get "mSubtitleTextView" but that's not the solution.

You can get the subtitle TextView like this:
View subTitleView = toolbar.getChildAt(1);
If you don't add any views to the toolbar, his default structure is:
[0] - (TextView) title
[1] - (TextView) subtitle
[2] - (ActionMenuView) menu
Hope it helps!

Definitely not the best way, but in a pinch this will work. You will have to figure out a way to implement myTypefaceSpan though; I'm using Calligraphy so it ties together decently for me.
CalligraphyTypefaceSpan myTypefaceSpan = new CalligraphyTypefaceSpan(
TypefaceUtils.load(this.getAssets(), "fonts/custom_font.ttf"));
public static void setToolbarSubtitle(String subtitle, Context context) {
SpannableStringBuilder sBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder();
sBuilder.setSpan(MainActivity.myTypefaceSpan, 0, sBuilder.length(),


How do I set a custom font in an AlertDialog using Support Library 26

I am using revision 26.0.1 of the Android Support Library to set custom fonts in my app. In my app's theme, I added:
<item name="android:fontFamily">#font/my_font</item>
It worked like a charm, converting the text in my whole app to my custom font. EXCEPT for my dialogs - specifically their titles, messages, and also their NumberPickers. In those places, fonts were not updated. (Radio buttons and checkboxes worked; so did the yes/no buttons)
Is there something I'm forgetting to add to my themes or styles? Or is this simply not supported yet by the support library?
A little more detail: I am using AppCompatDialogFragment to implement all my dialogs. In their onCreateDialog() methods, I create a dialog using AlertDialog.Builder then return it.
Thanks for the help!
Thank you everybody who answered, but unfortunately none of those solutions worked for me. I hope they will work for someone else.
I've concluded that this is a bug in the support library, and hopefully Google will fix. In the meantime, I developed this hacky workaround:
public static void applyCustomFontToDialog(Context context, Dialog dialog) {
Typeface font = ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.my_font);
if (font != null) {
TextView titleView = dialog.findViewById(;
TextView messageView = dialog.findViewById(;
if (titleView != null) titleView.setTypeface(font, Typeface.BOLD);
if (messageView != null) messageView.setTypeface(font);
This works by scanning the dialog's view tree for the title and message views by the IDs that the support library gives them. If the support library were to change these IDs, this would no longer work (which is why it's hacky). Hopefully Google fixes this issue and I won't need to do this anymore.
I've found a way that only requires a one-line change to Java code every time you create an AlertDialog.
Step 1
Create a custom, reusable layout containing a TextView with the correct font set. Call it alert_dialog.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:padding="#dimen/spacing_2x" />
Step 2
Create a reusable helper function somewhere that will inflate this layout and set the text to your desired string
public static TextView createMessageView(String message, Context context) {
TextView messageView = (TextView) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog, null, false);
return messageView;
Step 3
In every AlertDialog.Builder chain in your code, replace this line:
with this line:
.setView(createMessageView(messageString, context))
(Note that the same approach should work for the title TextView. You can apply a custom view for the title by calling setCustomTitle() in your builder)
You should use a ContextThemeWrapper when creating the dialog builder. Like this
ContextThemeWrapper wrappedContext = new ContextThemeWrapper(context,;
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(wrappedContext);
If you are supporting only SDK 11 and above, you may want to use
ContextThemeWrapper wrappedContext = new ContextThemeWrapper(context,;
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(wrappedContext,;
Perhaps not the case here, I had a similar issue and found that fontFamily would not be impimented using the AsyncLayoutInflater. This is also the case if the AlertDialog is nested inside the AsyncLayoutInflater. I had to convert to the conventional layout inflator in order for the custom font to show. For example,
This did not show fontFamily called from TextView XML.
AsyncLayoutInflater inflater =new AsyncLayoutInflater(activity);
inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog, null, new AsyncLayoutInflater.OnInflateFinishedListener() {
public void onInflateFinished(#NonNull View view, int resid, ViewGroup parent) {
final TextView tv = view.findViewById(;
tv.setText("Text with custom fontFamily called in XML, but won't work");
This did show fontFamily called from TextView XML.
final ViewGroup nullParent = null;
final View view = activity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.dialog, nullParent);
final TextView tv= view.findViewById(;
tv.setText("Text with custom fontFamily called in XML, and will work");
you can inflate a custom layout in your dialog like this:
final alertDialogBuilder = new,;
LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
View alertLayout = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.date_layout, null);
TextView tv= (TextView) alertLayout.findViewById(;
Typeface fc=Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"fonts/FONT");
You can use custom Alert Dialog and set the font using Typeface. Have a look at below code snippet.
AlertDialog dg = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage("Your Message").show();
TextView tv = (TextView) dg.findViewById(; // Your TextView of custom Alert Dialog
Typeface fc=Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"fonts/FONT"); // This is your font file name.

How to change a strings color?

I want to change this string to the color red
String isFalse = False;
For some reason every tutorial seemed more complicated than I expected and I don't understand them. Is there a simple way to do this? Also, would this override the color of a textview? Because I would like it to.
String is not View, so it has no color at all.
Maybe what you want is to change the appearance color of it host TextView. To achieve this you can use:
TextView text;
//the initialize of this TextView
The parameter of the color could be resource from your color XML values file or android.R.color resource file, or from Color class, etc.
Please use this code.
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();
String isFalse = "False";
SpannableString redSpannable= new SpannableString(isFalse);
redSpannable.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED), 0, Tru_score.length(), 0);
TextView text1 = (TextView)findViewById(;
text1.setText(builder, BufferType.SPANNABLE);
It is not complicated or hard
Addressing both possibilities..
You want to change the color for your text at runtime.
that would be like TextView.setTextColor()
if you wanted a segment of the same textview to have a different color,by which I mean that the isFalse string is only apart of the content of your TextView ,you need to use as mentioned in the other answer.
Try this...
<string name="isFalse"><![CDATA[<b><font color=#FF0000>False</b>]]></string>
TextView textView1 = (TextView)findViewById(;
And result, you might get like this...

Change the text of textview based on its ID

I am dynamically adding a textView into a layout and giving it ID's. Based on some conditions I want to change the text of the TextView based on its ID assigned.
Something like this: personOne.setText("abcd"); where = buttonID;
personOne = new TextView(this);
int buttonID = 2000 + personCount;
Help / Suggestions much appreciated.
Thank you
Use something like this:
TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(yourId);
Assuming the TextView is a child of the Activity's content view.
You can use the buttonID to find and manipulate TextView dynamically as follows:
TextView dynamicTextView = (TextView) findViewById(buttonID);
dynamicTextView.setText("The text you want to set");

AppCompat SearchView icon can't be GONE

I'm using and i need to make this search icon GONE.
I have custom ActionBar layout with SearchView:
initialize SearchView :
searchView = (SearchView) findViewById(;
AutoCompleteTextView searchText = (AutoCompleteTextView) searchView.findViewById(;
searchText.setPadding(0, 0, 0, -padding);
View searchPlate = searchView.findViewById(;
View close = searchPlate.findViewById(;
I was trying to customize searchIcon like this:
ImageView icon = (ImageView)searchView.findViewById(;
trying to set everything from here Android SearchView Icon but it's not that ImageView.
Can anyone help me plz?
public static void setSearchViewEditTextHint(Context context, SearchView searchView, int stringId){
int searchMagIconId = context.getResources().getIdentifier("android:id/search_src_text", null, null);
TextView textView = (TextView) searchView.findViewById(searchMagIconId);
if (null != textView) {
Function call:
setSearchViewEditTextHint(this, searchView, R.string.emptyString);
Hey Sorry I'm a little late to the party. I am having to do a similar thing. I need to change the icon. It's a bit of a hack but I think its the best possible solution. Looking in the support library code AOSP uses "Search_mag_icon" as the icon you are looking for. In your code you can do something like:
int searchMagIcon = getResources().getIdentifier("search_mag_icon", "id", "android");
ImageView SearchHintIcon = (ImageView) searchView.findViewById(searchMagIcon);
and that will save that ImageView. Then you can simply change it or set it to null in your case.
Edit There is also a mSearch.getSearchView().setIconifiedByDefault() as well as a mSearch.getSearchView().setIconified() that you can use. I find that you MUST set the bydefault one to see results.
Hope that helps. :-)

CardsUI library setTextSize by clicking on an actionbar button

I am usin the CardsUI library taken from here:
and trying to change the textview size for all the cards by pressing a button.
At the moment i haven't used any buttons, just wanted to check if my approach is correct by setting a fixed textsize.
I have created:
MyCard androidViewsCard = new MyCard("Title","Description");
public void setSize(float f) {
View view = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.getAppContext()).inflate(R.layout.card_layout, null);
TextView tv = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
The text does not change size though. Am i missing something?
Just add a unit with it.
You need to use the function setTextSize(unit, size) with unit SP like this,
tv.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, f);//tv is textView

