How to create a chart for a hierarchical database? - android

I want to create a hierarchical chart of a hierarchical database, and I have not found any way to create it. Please help me.

If you want to create graphical chart like bar chart, line chart, pie chart etc. Then use aChartEngine library click here, there are so many other libraries but I used this personally and its very good and easy to implement.
Hope this helps you :)


Android customised box plot chart

How do I implement a box plot graph on Android like this? It seems to be similar to CandleStick Chart of MPAndroidChart. Is there any other good way?
The CandleStickChart is the closest match to your requirement for that library in MPAndroidChart although you could have a look at the other chart libraries here
to see if there is anything closer.
The CandleStickChart from MPAndroidChart looks like this:
CandleStickChartActivity in the example GitHub project is a good start for you to base your implementation.
If you need to customise the appearance of the chart further (e.g., to use circles instead of boxes) you will need to write a custom renderer. See this question for how to do that.

Is that possible to create negative bar chart using GraphView library in Android?

I'm looking library that allow to build bar charts with negative values like on picture below.
I tried already AndroidPlot(impossible to achieve this on version 0.6.0) and GraphView(look like impossible, actually i get same result as in AndroidPlot)
Greatly appreciate any help.
It is impossible via GraphView library but possible using AChartEngine library.

Interactive graphs in android

I am doing an android application where i need to implement interactive graphs.Can any one suggest good libraries to use.
I have gone through achartengine.
I need some interactive charts libraries.
Following two links will help you out :
If you want to create custom graph like change the background color then you have create it on canvas
There are many libraries.
The simplest one is this

Displaying clickable pie charts in android app

Can any one please tell me is it possible to display pie chart in our application.
Do we need to use any third party api. I want to display pie chart with click event to each slice in the chart.
May this can helps: GraphView
Is a library to create charts on Android. On the same page you can find code examples. Source code here
Other option is: achartengine
Related questions:
Hope it helps!
You can use AChartEngine for clickable pie charts.
An example showing this usage can be found here.

Give some links or source code of Line chart which is embedded into application

I want to add line chart in my application , which has two view 1st view is image 2nd view is line chart, i want to add x values dynamically chart has to grow after adding each x values.
please suggest some link or code.
I don't fully understand the issue of 2 views in the question. What should the image represent ? How is it related to the chart ?
As for rest (i.e. having a dynamic line chart) - I have successfully achieved that with the AndroidPlot library (, and I think it might do the trick for you.
I use Jonas's GrapView lib to show charts. Take a look on this lib, it very simple and easy to use. He shows ho to use it with a lot of example.
Good Luck!

