I am building an app with ai2 but I have spend hours trying to get their emulator to work, so I have exported myapp.apk and I am trying to launch it on android studio emulator.
I have followed several tuto included the answer proposed by Tarek on that thread But I am getting and error on cmd.
Here is what I tried:
run android studio as administrator, run the emulator via the AVD manager, waited until it's started.
move myapp.apk in the sdk/platform-tools folder
created a run.bat file in this folder and wrote CMD in it5. copy your desired apk to the same folder
double click on run.bat and wrote: adb install r- "myapp.apk"
Here I am getting an error on CMD: error device not found -waiting for device-. I don't understand because my emulator is running.
I have also tried to launch the emulator without starting android studio with this command emulator -avd <avd_name> [<options>] but I get this message "the system cannot find the file specified".
The error message appears because adb cannot connect to the device although it is running. This is not supposed to happen, but it does from time to time.
You can always check if adb can see the emulator by running adb devices, which should result in a list of devices it can see. If this list is empty, the device is not found. You can resolve this by adb kill-server, waiting a couple of seconds and then running adb start-server. Try running adb devices again, and the device should be listed, and the installation should succeed.
Starting an emulator can be done by running emulator #<device-name> [options]. The device name can be found by running android list avd. This will result in a list of devices of which the <device-name> will also be listed.
I've tried every proposed solution on the internet and nothing is working. Android studio was working fine then one day out of nowhere it kept giving me this error on every project
unable to locate adb
I tried navigating to my adb.exe and kill-sever and restart it but the adb.exe directory is not in my platform-tools folder under sdk.
I've tried uninstalling android studio and reinstalling it. A post suggested that it could be my AVG security but that was not the issue. I've tried updating the platform-tools and it freezes here
Close android studio.
open a command window.
type adb devices
no devices?
trouble shoot connection and drivers and device developer option
see a device?
type adb shell
type ls -l
type su
su not found? download or activate your superuser app
no problems with any step?
open android studio and try again with it's terminal emulator
When building the app, it builds fine, but when it comes to installing the app, it's not working.
This is my log when building and trying to install the app.
10/29 20:17:47: Launching app
$ adb push C:\Users\(Removed)\AndroidStudioProjects\MyFirstApp\app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk /data/local/tmp/com.example.(Removed).myfirstapp
$ adb shell pm install -r "/data/local/tmp/com.example.(Removed).myfirstapp"
pkg: /data/local/tmp/com.example.(Removed).myfirstapp
Error: Could not access the Package Manager. Is the system running?
$ adb shell pm uninstall com.example.(Removed).myfirstapp
Unknown failure (Failure)
Error while Installing APK
The (Removed)'s are my computers name(Not actually, just don't want to spread its real name on the internet)
Now before you go and answer "Unlock your phone!" or "Type adb stop-server", I will list you what I have tried so far.
Restarted the ADB server
UNLOCKED my phone
Restarted my phone
Restarted Android Studio
Restarted my laptop
"Clean build" the project
ADB devices does show my device(can browse it's files in the explorer)
Turned on/off the "Instant Run" thing
My code is the Hello World when creating a new project or activity, nothing changed(Not even the IDE(Fresh Install)). I would love it if someone would help me answer this question as for all the other answers have to do with an emulator(Which none of the answers worked).
I have one emulator actively running at the moment but I see two emulators running when I run the app. One of them is an Unknown Emulator.
When I choose the Unknown emulator, the console shows this error:
Error: Could not access the Package Manager. Is the system running?
How do I terminate this Unknown Simulator? I think it's using my system's resources and degrading the performance.
Well, it was the BlueStacks emulator running in the background. Android Studio automatically detects it. The unknown simulator was there because BlueStacks was running in the background at the Notification Tray in my windows 8.1
When I closed BlueStacks from the Notification Tray, the Unknown emulator vanished for good.
First reason if your emulator in offline.
To resolve this you need to run command kill-server from adb.
Open Command prompt->navigate to android sdk-> go to platform-tools-> adb kill-server -> adb start-server
You need to run above command to remove unknown
Second reason if your project configuration not match with emulator configuration
Change your emulator configuration with your project requirement. May be your application version not match with emulator configuration
It was very simple to fix for my case :) Just need to type the following 2 commands using CMD:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
Make sure that the windows PATH variable contains "adb.exe" file's directory location. Normally, it should be:
//For example: D:\sdk\platform-tools
When trying to run my program on an emulator I get this error:
Device connected: emulator-5554
Device is online: emulator-5554
Target device: avd1 [emulator-5554]
Uploading file
local path: C:\Users\peter\AndroidStudioProjects\MyApplicationProject\MyApplication\build\apk\MyApplication-debug-unaligned.apk
remote path: /data/local/tmp/com.bat.myapplication
Installing com.bat.myapplication
DEVICE SHELL COMMAND: pm install -r "/data/local/tmp/com.bat.myapplication"
Error: Could not access the Package Manager. Is the system running?
any ideas? my paths, javahome etc, seem right....
Just wait until emulator be loaded completely, once it finished then you could simply run your application.
I had the same issue once.
First run only the emulator (it takes several minutes), and once it's loaded (the UI will change), then you run your program.
As other have said, this error occurs because the emulator is still in the process of launching. An attempt to access the package manager, for the device, at this time causes an error.
It's just a simple timing issue. Here are the steps to avoid this error:
Wait until the emulator 'lock screen' is showing.
Run the 'app' again (^R in most IDE's).
Choose the running device (Should be the same emulator).
App should install without error.
I've gotten it to work before but now the android emulator on eclipse refuses to open. No new window, nothing. Most of the time the console says nothing when I tell it to launch, other times it says "The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured." but if I try again after waiting a bit it goes away then it says Launching.... and does nothing.
I try to delete the avds and it says they are currently running in emulators and cannot be deleted even though there are no windows open. I tried re-installing the (1.6) SDK and that didn't work.
Oh and I'm using Ubuntu
Edit The console is finally working, after complaining about adb, I ran it again and I got
"Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device "XXX" and then nothing
then I tried to launch a different project with the same emulator and got:
Automatic Target Mode: Preferred AVD "XXX" is not available. Launching new emulator.
Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device "XXX"
Run adb kill-server and then sudo adb start-server and then adb devices and see if you see the emulator. Sometimes the emulator is running but it hides somewhere. Also trying running the app in debug mode. Also the emulator can be just damn slow sometimes. adb is a command located in the sdk tools directory I think. Add it to your path and it will save you a lot of time. You can also do install and uninstall of your apps using command. Then tell us what you see.
I did have the same issue and I solved it by running the emulator from the command line. Go to the tools folder in the SDK package and start the emulator from there, use the name of the emulator you setup in Eclipse (in Virtual Device Manager):
./emulator -avd [the name]
The GUI should either come up (the GUI comes up fairly quick but will "idle" quite a bit) or you'll probably get an error on the command line. For me it was a missing library, namely libGL.so. Install a lib with apt-get containing libGL and retry.
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev:i386
./emulator -avd [the name]
I did some googling and I'm not the only one, and of course those libs are missing in a 64 bit environment. Here's another one with the same problem.
Hope it helps!