Remove SearchView search voice button line - android

Thanks to other SO related posts regarding SearchView customisation I was able to customise my SearchView to this point:
Now I'm trying to add voice search and I was able to change the voice button background resource:
int searchVoiceIconId = searchPlate.getContext().getResources().getIdentifier("android:id/search_voice_btn", null, null);
ImageView searchVoiceIcon = (ImageView) searchView.findViewById(searchVoiceIconId);
However, I can't seem to get rid of the line under the voice search button.
any suggestions????

This is a late reply but it might be helpful for future.
Add the following line:
<style name="AppTheme.SearchView" parent="Widget.AppCompat.SearchView">
<!-- Gets rid of the "underline" in the mic button-->
<item name="submitBackground">#null</item>
To your values/styles.xml file and it will remove the line.


int submitAreaId = searchView.getContext().getResources()
.getIdentifier("android:id/submit_area", null, null);
View submitAreaView = searchView.findViewById(submitAreaId);
if (submitAreaView != null) {
This should remove any underline of the non text input area.


How to read a TextAppearance attribute programmatically [duplicate]

Currently I'm using either a WebView or a TextView to show some dynamic data coming from a webservice in one of my apps.
If the data contains pure text, it uses the TextView and applies a style from styles.xml.
If the data contains HTML (mostly text and images) it uses the WebView.
However, this WebView is unstyled. Therefor it looks a lot different from the usual TextView.
I've read that it's possible to style the text in a WebView simply by inserting some HTML directly into the data. This sounds easy enough, but I would like to use the data from my Styles.xml as the values required in this HTML so I won't need to change the colors et cetera on two locations if I change my styles.
So, how would I be able to do this? I've done some extensive searching but I have found no way of actually retrieving the different style attributes from your styles.xml. Am I missing something here or is it really not possible to retrieve these values?
The style I'm trying to get the data from is the following:
<style name="font4">
<item name="android:layout_width">fill_parent</item>
<item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
<item name="android:textSize">14sp</item>
<item name="android:textColor">#E3691B</item>
<item name="android:paddingLeft">5dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingRight">10dp</item>
<item name="android:layout_marginTop">10dp</item>
<item name="android:textStyle">bold</item>
I'm mainly interested in the textSize and textColor.
It is possible to retrieve custom styles from styles.xml programmatically.
Define some arbitrary style in styles.xml:
<style name="MyCustomStyle">
<item name="android:textColor">#efefef</item>
<item name="android:background">#ffffff</item>
<item name="android:text">This is my text</item>
Now, retrieve the styles like this
// The attributes you want retrieved
int[] attrs = {android.R.attr.textColor, android.R.attr.background, android.R.attr.text};
// Parse MyCustomStyle, using Context.obtainStyledAttributes()
TypedArray ta = obtainStyledAttributes(, attrs);
// Fetch the text from your style like this.
String text = ta.getString(2);
// Fetching the colors defined in your style
int textColor = ta.getColor(0, Color.BLACK);
int backgroundColor = ta.getColor(1, Color.BLACK);
// Do some logging to see if we have retrieved correct values
Log.i("Retrieved text:", text);
Log.i("Retrieved textColor as hex:", Integer.toHexString(textColor));
Log.i("Retrieved background as hex:", Integer.toHexString(backgroundColor));
// OH, and don't forget to recycle the TypedArray
The answer #Ole has given seems to break when using certain attributes, such as shadowColor, shadowDx, shadowDy, shadowRadius (these are only a few I found, there might be more)
I have no idea as to why this issue occurs, which I am asking about here, but #AntoineMarques coding style seems to solve the issue.
To make this work with any attribute it would be something like this
First, define a stylable to contain the resource ids like so
<declare-styleable name="MyStyle" >
<attr name="android:textColor" />
<attr name="android:background" />
<attr name="android:text" />
Then in code you would do this to get the text.
TypedArray ta = obtainStyledAttributes(, R.styleable.MyStyle);
String text = ta.getString(R.styleable.MyStyle_android_text);
The advantage of using this method is, you are retrieving the value by name and not an index.
The answers from Ole and PrivatMamtora didn't work well for me, but this did.
Let's say I wanted to read this style programmatically:
<style name="Footnote">
<item name="android:fontFamily">#font/some_font</item>
<item name="android:textSize">14sp</item>
<item name="android:textColor">#color/black</item>
I could do it like this:
fun getTextColorSizeAndFontFromStyle(
context: Context,
textAppearanceResource: Int // Can be any style in styles.xml like
) {
val typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(
R.styleable.TextAppearance // These are added to your project automatically.
val textColor = typedArray.getColorStateList(
val textSize = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(
val typeface = typedArray.getFont(R.styleable.TextAppearance_android_fontFamily)
// Do something with the typeface...
} else {
val fontFamily = typedArray.getString(R.styleable.TextAppearance_fontFamily)
?: when (typedArray.getInt(R.styleable.TextAppearance_android_typeface, 0)) {
1 -> "sans"
2 -> "serif"
3 -> "monospace"
else -> null
// Do something with the fontFamily...
I took some inspiration from Android's TextAppearanceSpan class, you can find it here:
I was not able to get the earlier solutions to work.
My style is:
<style name="Widget.TextView.NumPadKey.Klondike" parent="Widget.TextView.NumPadKey">
<item name="android:textSize">12sp</item>
<item name="android:fontFamily">sans-serif</item>
<item name="android:textColor">?attr/wallpaperTextColorSecondary</item>
<item name="android:paddingBottom">0dp</item>
The obtainStyledAttributes() for android.R.attr.textSize gives String results of "12sp" which I then have to parse. For android.R.attr.textColor it gave a resource file XML name. This was much too cumbersome.
Instead, I found an easy way using ContextThemeWrapper.
TextView sample = new TextView(new ContextThemeWrapper(getContext(),, null, 0);
This gave me a fully-styled TextView to query for anything I want. For example:
float textSize = sample.getTextSize();
With Kotlin, if you include the androidx.core:core-ktx library in your app/library...
implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.6.0") // Note the -ktx can have either of the following (no need for you to recycle the TypedArray):
// Your desired attribute IDs
val attributes = intArrayOf(R.attr.myAttr1, R.attr.myAttr2, android.R.attr.text)
context.withStyledAttributes(, attributes) {
val intExample = getInt(R.styleable.MyIntAttrName, 0)
val floatExample = getFloat(R.styleable.MyFloatAttrName, 0f)
val enumExample = R.styleable.MyEnumAttrName, MyEnum.ENUM_1 // See Note 1 below
// Similarly, getColor(), getBoolean(), etc.
context.withStyledAttributes(, R.styleable.MyStyleable) {
// Like above
// attributeSet is provided to you like in the constructor of a custom view
context.withStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.styleable.MyStyleable) {
// Like above
Note 1 (thanks to this answer)
For getting an enum value you can define this extension function:
internal inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> TypedArray.getEnum(index: Int, default: T) =
getInt(index, -1).let { if (it >= 0) enumValues<T>()[it] else default }
Note 2
The difference between -ktx dependencies like androidx.core:core and androidx.core:core-ktx is that the -ktx variant includes useful extension functions for Kotlin.
Otherwise, they are the same.
Also, thanks to the answer by Ole.
If accepted solution not working for try to rename attr.xml to attrs.xml (worked for me)

Error message text for TextInputLayout is cut off

Hey anyone know why this (see in the picture) happens?
It's happens for Xiaomi MiA1, while on Nokia 7.1 works fine.
My xml view layout
FrameLayout - root
I think that putting TextInputLayoutTheme is not relevant here, since I only manipulate with view's colors
The error message text gets cut off if you are setting the error on a TextInputLayout more than once.
So every time you are setting TextInputLayout error message text, just set it to null first.
textInputLayout.setError("Error Message");
Layout Inspector shows that even if there is some space for the error it doesn't draw view in all of it. Everything there is in LinearLayouts (and one simple FrameLayout) so there is no way something would overlap it, paddings are set to 0, there is no code changing height or something suspicious in the implementation, so I don't know what might be a reason of such behaviour.
Although I've found some solution which works. You need to find in TextInputLayout a view holding error (with id textinput_error) and add some small padding to it. I've done it by extending TextInputLayout and adding such code into init.
val errorTV = findViewById<TextView>(
errorTV.updatePadding(top = 4)
There is already issue on issue tracker - so lets hope Google will fix it some day.
I resolved issue by saving and restore LayoutParams:
final ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = textInputLayout.getLayoutParams();
I resolved issue by increasing size of error font to 14sp (orginal is 12sp)
<style name="MyProfile.Error" parent="TextAppearance.Design.Error">
<item name="android:textSize">14sp</item>
Although as Shabbir Dhangot said I may be that setting TIL.setErrorEnabled(true) may help for some else.
As some have already pointed out, this is a known bug. See
I solved this by doing something like this (note that below code is Kotlin, so != works on Strings):
if(myInputLayout.error != error){
myInputLayout.error = error
I know it is not the best solution, but you can add a \n to the beginning of your error message.
For example, if your error is Error, just change it to \nError.
If you want to change the size of the \n you can use:
String newLine = "\n";
String errorMessage = "Error";
SpannableString spannableErrorMessage = new SpannableString(newLine + errorMessage );
spannableName.setSpan(new TextAppearanceSpan(activity,,0,a.length(), 0);
spannableName.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(2.0f), a.length(), a.length() + 1, 0);
You can use this Kotlin extension:
* Fix a bug with [TextInputLayout] that cut the error text when setting the same text twice.
fun TextInputLayout.setFixedError(errorTxt: CharSequence?) {
if (error != errorTxt) {
error = errorTxt
yourTextInput.setFixedError("Your error text")

Android: Change color of Switch that is added dynamically

Android beginner here, so please bear with me...
I'm using a drawer where the menu items are added dynamically.Currently, this is what my code looks like:
val menu =
val selectedCatalogIsEmpty = selectedCatalogs.isEmpty()
for (catalog in catalogs){
val menuItem = menu.add(, Menu.FIRST + catalog.catalogId, Menu.NONE, catalog.catalogName)
val switch = Switch(applicationContext)
menuItem.actionView = switch
if(selectedCatalogIsEmpty ||
selectedCatalogs.contains(catalog.catalogId) ) {
menuItem.isChecked = true
switch.isChecked = true
switch.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, isChecked -> menuItem.isChecked = isChecked }
val menuItemSettings = menu.add(, Menu.NONE+ 5000, Menu.NONE, "Settings" )
Now, what i'd like to do is change the color of the thum when in the selected state. In order to achieve that, I've added the following to the styles.xml file:
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<!-- Customize your theme here. -->
<item name="colorPrimary">#color/colorPrimary</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">#color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
<item name="colorAccent">#color/colorPrimary</item>
<item name="colorControlNormal">#color/colorWhite</item>
<item name="colorControlActivated">#color/colorPrimary</item>
Unfortunately, I'm still getting the wrong color during runtime. Instead of the blue. I'm getting a greeny thumb:
It's clear that I've completely missed the point...I've run a couple of searches and people suggest using the SwitchCompat instead of the Switch. I've tried doing that, but I must also be missing something because I've ended up seing the text in really small caps (instead of the thumb I get with the Switch view).
Ok, so after more than 3 hours, I've finally found my bug: I was using the applicationContext to initialize the Switch and application's theme isn't initialized: it's only used to apply a default theme for the remaining activities. So, updating the Switch instantiation to something like this solves the problem:
val switch = Switch(this#MainActivity) //kotlin ref to my activity

Disabling Android O auto-fill service for an application

Android O has the feature to support Auto-filling for fields. Is there any way I can disable it for a specific application. That is I want to force my application not to use the auto-fill service.
Is it possible ?
To block autofill for an entire activity, use this in onCreate() of the activity:
Is there any better method than this ?
Currently there is no direct way to disable the autofill for an entire application, since the autofill feature is View specific.
You can still try this way and call BaseActivity everywhere.
public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
private void disableAutofill() {
You can also force request autofill this way.
public void forceAutofill() {
AutofillManager afm = context.getSystemService(AutofillManager.class);
if (afm != null) {
Note: At the moment autofill feature is only available in API 26 Android Oreo 8.0
Hope this helps!
I believe the accepted answer is incorrect:
So I have my own class which is extends the and all I did is overwrote the following method with the following value:
public int getAutofillType() {
no other solutions worked, not even android:importantForAutofill="no".
getAutofillType() comes from the View class, so it should work for every other class such as TextInputEditText too!
I ran into this too. It turns out the issue was caused by setting the hint text on the EditText nested inside the TextInputLayout.
I did some digging and found this nugget in the 26.0.0 Beta 2 release notes.
Andorid Support Release Notes June 2017
TextInputLayout must set hints on onProvideAutofillStructure()
That led me to try setting the hint on the TextInputLayout instead of the nested EditText.
This resolved the crashing issue for me.
android:hint="Some Hint Text""true""true""16dp">
Seems to be a bug that needs to be fixed :
In the meanwhile a workaround for now is to disable the AutoFill feature for the whole project.
You can add in the values-v26/styles.xml file the following style or you can edit your BaseEditTextStyle if you are using a specific style for your EditText views.
<style name="App_EditTextStyle" parent="#android:style/Widget.EditText">
<item name="android:importantForAutofill">noExcludeDescendants</item>
and in the values-v26/themes.xml file you can simply add to the default theme that you are using in your app the items editTextStyle and android:editTextStyle like following :
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<item name="android:editTextStyle">#style/App_EditTextStyle</item>
<item name="editTextStyle">#style/App_EditTextStyle</item>
this way you can apply this changes for all your EditTexts without needing to change your layout files or Activities (and later on you can easily remove it when the bug is fixed).
Is it possible ?
Not that I am aware of. Certainly, nothing is documented.
Is there any better method than this ?
Not that I am aware of.
In your EditText attributes add android:importantForAutofill="no"
This should be a temporary fix and will only apply to api 26+
Create custom EditText style and set android:importantForAutofill to no.
<style name="EditTextStyleWithoutAutoFill" parent="Widget.AppCompat.EditText">
<item name="android:importantForAutofill">no</item>
Then in your activity theme set this style for editTextStyle.
<item name="android:editTextStyle">#style/EditTextStyleWithoutAutoFill</item>
In my case, our app targets SDK version 21 but newer devices (26+) were still popping up the autocomplete. Pretty big problem if the app runs on devices that are shared between people. Using just android:importantForAutofill="no" did not work for me.
The only solution that I found to work in my case was:
android:autofillHints="AUTOFILL_HINT_SMS_OTP" ...
The reason I added android:autofillHints="AUTOFILL_HINT_SMS_OTP" was because if you long-pressed on the EditText it would still bring up autofill. Basically, I told the field's autofill that it is waiting for a text message that will never be sent. Bit of a hack, I know...
Note: you may have to add xmlns:tools="" to your schemas' if it is not there already.
Had the same problem with API 28+ and disable Autofill. For me the only solution was to disable long click for my views.
With reference to Google issue tracker, it has been fixed.
This is fixed on Android 8.1
If any issue persists, please report at Google issue tracker they will re-open to examine.

Change TimePicker text color

I've been trying to change the textcolor of my timepicker. But I can't find where the parent style is located. I've tried both
<style name="MyTimePicker" parent="#android:style/Widget.Holo.TimePicker">
<item name="android:textColor">#color/text</item>
<style name="MyTimePicker" parent="#android:style/Widget.TimePicker">
<item name="android:textColor">#color/text</item>
My minSdkVersion is 15. My targetSdkVersion is 20. I have rebuilded and cleaned my project.
I think I've been through every similar question on SO and none of them really have provided a solution for me. The only answer that might work is using some sort of library, but I'm not a big fan of that solution. Is the path to the parent something different from what I'm using, because I'm pretty sure I should be able to access it somehow?
This is how the theme is applied;
android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" />
On a note this is the error I receive (forgot to place it before):
Error:Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '#android:style/Widget.Holo.TimePicker'.
Edit 2
A couple of the questions I've viewed to try to solve this:
How can I override TimePicker to change text color - I think this question gets as close to an answer, but I'm not entirely sure what I need to do? Do I need to import the android TimePicker style into my project? - No answer is given.
How can i change the textcolor of my timepicker and datepicker? - Tried the 0 votes answer, but it didn't work.
How to change the default color of DatePicker and TimePicker dialog in Android? - Again can't find the TimePicker in a similar way.
Android - How do I change the textColor in a TimePicker? - Again, can't find the actual TimePicker parent.
These are probably the best questions/answers to my problem, but none of them help me. It would be nice to get a definitive answer on this.
I have combined Paul Burke's Answer and Simon's Answer to succesfully edit the text colour of the TimePicker.
Here's how it is accomplished:
TimePicker time_picker; //Instantiated in onCreate()
Resources system;
private void set_timepicker_text_colour(){
system = Resources.getSystem();
int hour_numberpicker_id = system.getIdentifier("hour", "id", "android");
int minute_numberpicker_id = system.getIdentifier("minute", "id", "android");
int ampm_numberpicker_id = system.getIdentifier("amPm", "id", "android");
NumberPicker hour_numberpicker = (NumberPicker) time_picker.findViewById(hour_numberpicker_id);
NumberPicker minute_numberpicker = (NumberPicker) time_picker.findViewById(minute_numberpicker_id);
NumberPicker ampm_numberpicker = (NumberPicker) time_picker.findViewById(ampm_numberpicker_id);
private void set_numberpicker_text_colour(NumberPicker number_picker){
final int count = number_picker.getChildCount();
final int color = getResources().getColor(R.color.text);
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){
View child = number_picker.getChildAt(i);
Field wheelpaint_field = number_picker.getClass().getDeclaredField("mSelectorWheelPaint");
catch(NoSuchFieldException e){
Log.w("setNumberPickerTextColor", e);
catch(IllegalAccessException e){
Log.w("setNumberPickerTextColor", e);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
Log.w("setNumberPickerTextColor", e);
Please note that this answer might be outdated by now. I ran into this a while ago with something that might have been buggy (see my question for more details). Otherwise you should probably follow Vikram's answer.
Not sure why you would need to dive into Java Reflection API for this. Its a simple styling matter. The attribute that you need to override is: textColorPrimary.
<style name="AppTheme" parent="#android:style/Theme.Holo.Light">
<item name="android:textColorPrimary">#ff0000</item>
If you're using the TimePicker inside a Dialog, override android:textColorPrimary in the dialog's theme.
That's about it.
A TimePicker is really just two NumberPickers. Looking into the Widget.NumberPicker style and layout, you'll find the it uses
Unfortunately, TextAppearance.Large.Inverse.NumberPickerInputText doesn't use one of the attributes that you can set in your theme. So you have two options:
Copy the necessary classes to make your own version of NumberPicker and TimePicker. (You might be able to extract something from libraries like HoloEverywhere)
Use hacks.
If you want to go the second route, you can do this:
private int mNumberPickerInputId = 0;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Resources system = Resources.getSystem();
// This is the internal id of the EditText used in NumberPicker (hack)
mNumberPickerInputId =
system.getIdentifier("numberpicker_input", "id", "android");
// just used for full example, use your TimePicker
TimePicker timePicker = new TimePicker(this);
final int hourSpinnerId =
system.getIdentifier("hour", "id", "android");
View hourSpinner = timePicker.findViewById(hourSpinnerId);
if (hourSpinner != null) {
setNumberPickerTextColor(hourSpinner, Color.BLUE);
final int minSpinnerId =
system.getIdentifier("minute", "id", "android");
View minSpinner = timePicker.findViewById(minSpinnerId);
if (minSpinner != null) {
setNumberPickerTextColor(minSpinner, Color.BLUE);
final int amPmSpinnerId =
system.getIdentifier("amPm", "id", "android");
View amPmSpinner = timePicker.findViewById(amPmSpinnerId);
if (amPmSpinner != null) {
setNumberPickerTextColor(amPmSpinner, Color.BLUE);
private void setNumberPickerTextColor(View spinner, int color) {
TextView input = (TextView) spinner.findViewById(mNumberPickerInputId);
Upon further investigation, this hack doesn't really work well. It won't allow you to change the color of the NumberPicker above/below values. The color also resets after the use interacts with it. It seems that your only option will be to create your own copies of the necessary classes (option #1 above).
Adding to Vikram answer , Set the theme to timePicker do not set it as style
in styles.xml
<style name="timePickerOrange">
<item name="android:textColorPrimary">#color/orange</item> <!-- color for digits -->
<item name="android:textColor">#color/orange</item> <!-- color for colon -->
<item name="android:colorControlNormal">#color/orange</item> <!-- color for (horizontal) delimeters -->
and for timePicker
app:fontFamily="#font/hero_regular" />
#Vikram is right
This is so simple.You can try this way
<style name="abirStyle" parent="#android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.Dialog.NoActionBar">
<item name="android:textColor">#color/colorPrimary</item>
<item name="android:background">#null</item>
<item name="android:textColorPrimary">#color/colorPrimary</item>
You can try to set android:textColorPrimaryInverse and android:textColorSecondaryInverse. That should do the job without using Reflection.
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<item name="android:textColorPrimaryInverse">#android:color/black</item>
<item name="android:textColorSecondaryInverse">#color/colorLightGrey</item>
For those using the spinner, this is an easy way to change the colors and even provides the appropriate shadow effect of the previous and next numbers. Spinner requires a theme because most of the default xml attributes for colors only effect the clock mode.
<style name="timepicker">
<item name="android:textColorSecondary">#color/white </item>
<item name="android:textColorPrimary">#color/white </item>
xml layout file
android:timePickerMode="spinner" />

