SQLite how to sum the values of column in `GridView` - android

I've had a look around and found a few similar cases but none where there is a need for specificity in the entries to sum. So here I am.
I have a method filterPayments that returns all entries in my PayTable based on a specific GroupID and is then displayed in my GridView. From there I want to sum the values of 2 of the 5 columns in PayTable, specifically my Interest and Due columns. I'm not sure how to do this in a query, let alone do it only for specific columns.
How do I add the values of all entries in a specific column.
Is it possible to do this in a SQLite query? If so how do I use the returned value of filterPayments and perform the summation only on specific columns? If it isn't then how can I do this?
Below are my code snippets.
Cursor filterPayments(String Payment) {
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
String[] columns = new String[]{"_id", colGroupID, colPayBal, colInterest, colDue, colDateDue, colPaid};
Cursor c = db.query(viewPmnts, columns, colGroupID + "=?", new String[]{Payment}, null, null, null);
return c;
public void Paygrid() {
dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(this);
String Payment = String.valueOf(txt.getText());
Cursor a = dbHelper.filterPayments(Payment);
String[] from = new String[]{DatabaseHelper.colPayBal, DatabaseHelper.colInterest, DatabaseHelper.colDue, DatabaseHelper.colDateDue, DatabaseHelper.colPaid};
int[] to = new int[]{R.id.Amount, R.id.Interest, R.id.Due, R.id.DateDue, R.id.Paid};
SimpleCursorAdapter saa = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.paygrid, a, from, to);

I suggest pulling all the data from column and then sum them in Java or android. That would be the simplest way.
There are no core sqlite functions that does it.
You can however create custom sqlite functions. Look below.
How to create custom functions in SQLite

I hope I get your question right. But if you have two columns with the column names interest and due you can get the sum of both columns with the SQL query
SELECT interest + due FROM PayTable;
This also applies for multiplication (and its inverse counterparts). Unfortunately it gets more tricky for non-integer exponentiation (like square root). As far as I know, you need the already mentioned own SQLite function. If you are lucky you can load a module wrapping the math.h from the C standard lib (search for extension-functions.c)
For other ways of summing in tables look at this question for PostgreSQL (It's the same for SQLite)


Imported sqlite database is missing data and mixing columns

I have put an sqlite database in my assets folder and imported it onto the phone.
I created an object with multiple properties and when I create a list of that object and assign each property a value from a column of the table they get mixed up
Below is my code
public ArrayList<Exercise> getExercisesFromQuery(String Query) {
ArrayList<Exercise> ExerciseList = new ArrayList<Exercise>();
Cursor cursor = mDb.rawQuery(Query, null);
// looping through all rows and adding to list
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
Exercise e = new Exercise();
// Adding contact to list
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
return ExerciseList;
The current problem is when I do object.getName it gives me the muscle and if I do object.getmuscle it is blank and there is no value but if I do object.getDescription it works fine.
It is not a problem with the database it works fine in any sqlite manager.
Any ideas as to what is wrong?
The reason why the columns are not being returned in the order you expect is not clear. They should come back in the order specified in your query or in the order they are on the table if you are doing SELECT *. However it is not really necessary to address that specific puzzle.
A more defensive and maintainable coding approach is to request each column's index from the cursor by using the getColumnIndexOrThrow method instead of hardcoding them. For example:
int ID_INDEX = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id");
int NAME_INDEX = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("name");
If the column doesn't exist you'll get an exception. If it does, you now have its index within the cursor which you can use in the calls to cursor.getString:
So you no longer need to worry about what order the columns come back in and you won't need to change any hardcoded index values if your query changes in the future.
Make sure that the columns in the database are in the correct order - column Name should be the second column, column Muscle should be the third column.

Using MergeCursor and a SimpleCursorAdapter, What's Missing?

No matter what I do, the following throws an error that one of the columns contained in the cursor_counterparty does not exist. When I checked the merge_cursor, I can find the column in there, here's my code, what am I doing wrong?
cursor_invoices = Invoices.getInvoicesCursor(counterparty.getId());
Cursor cursor_counterparty = Counterparties
/* Joins cursors akin to doing an SQL join */
MergeCursor merge_cursor = new MergeCursor(new Cursor[] {
cursor_invoices, cursor_counterparty });
int[] listview_columns = new int[] { R.id.textview_invoice_number,
R.id.textview_counterparty_name, R.id.textview_amount,
R.id.textview_account_name, R.id.textview_invoice_date,
R.id.textview_date_paid };
String[] listview_fields = new String[] { App.INVOICENUMBER,
App.COUNTERPARTYNAME, counterparty_amount_field,
SimpleCursorAdapter cursor_adapter_invoices = new SimpleCursorAdapter(
this, R.layout.listview_invoice_item, merge_cursor,
listview_fields, listview_columns);
The error I get is:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column 'counterparty_name' does not exist
When I debug the App, I can see 'counterparty_name' as a column in one of the cursors in the merge_cursor.
Any help would be great, thanks!
Are you wanting to join the cursors vertically (adding rows) or horizontally (adding columns)?
This is theory, as I haven't peeked at the code, but it makes sense to me...
MergeCursor concatenates cursors vertically (fact), one after another. So for part of the cursor you have one set of columns and for the other you have a different set of columns (supposition).
Your adapter is trying to find a column that doesn't exist in one portion or the other for the row being displayed.
If you changed to a CursorJoiner, which concatenates the columns, I think it would work more like you expect, although how you would line up the rows appropriately I don't know.
A good explanation here
I see you use the same ID to fetch each cursor, so my concern about lining them up is irrelevant. I think you do want CursorJoiner rather than MergeCursor.

Android how to query huge database in android (cursor size is limited to 1MB)

I'm working to develop an application that has to query at some time, a database with over 4k rows, and each row has 90 fields (Strings). The problem is that if I select * from database, my cursor gets really big (over 4MB). And the cursor in android is limited to 1MB.
How can I solve this, or what's the most elegant method to workaround this?
It is possible to split database in smaller chunks and query them out?
I found a way to handle this and I want to share with all who need it.
int limit = 0;
while (limit + 100 < numberOfRows) {
//Compose the statement
String statement = "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER someField LIMIT '"+ limit+"', 100";
//Execute the query
Cursor cursor = myDataBase.rawQuery(statement, null);
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
Product product = new Product();
limit += 100;
//Compose the statement
String statement = "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER someField LIMIT '"+ (numberOfRows - limit)+"', 100";
//Execute the query
Cursor cursor = myDataBase.rawQuery(statement, null);
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
Product product = new Product();
The main idea is to split your data, so you can use the cursor as it should be used. It's working under 2 s for 5k rows if you have indexed table.
Well as a rule you never do select *. For a start each row will have a unique identifier, and your user will want to select only certain rows and columns - ie what they can see on an android screen. Without appearing to be rude this is a pretty basic question. You only return the columns and rows you want to display for that screen on the phone - otherwise you consume unnecssary battery life transfering never to be diaplayed data. the standard approach is to used parameterised stored procedures. Google parameterised stored procedures and do a little reading - by the by - you cant update any table unlees you return the unique row identifier for that table.
Do you need all these rows at the same time? Can you fetch them in parts? This question has been asked several times: Android SQLite and huge data sets
Here's one more suggestion: If you have 90 fields that you need to modify, split them into 10 different views. On each view have a left arrow and right arrow so you can horizontally traverse across screens. Hence each view will show 9 fields. Or some strategy like that. Essentially these are all the same views except for column names so you shouldn't have to modify much code.

Queue SUM of SQLite column - android

I have a listview populated from an SQLite database. I have several items that I successfully populate into the listview, however I'm having trouble with one last thing.
I'm trying to queue the sum total of the column KEY_CONTENT6 which is a string type, however it only contains numbers. I'd like to keep it as a string, so to add it up I'm using Double.valueOf(). The problem is this code force closes on queue and I cant figure out whats wrong:
public Cursor queueAll(){
String[] columns =
new String[]{KEY_ID, "sum("+ Double.valueOf(KEY_CONTENT6) +")",
Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.query(MYDATABASE_TABLE, columns,
null , null, KEY_CONTENT10, null, KEY_CONTENT9+ " DESC");
return cursor;
simply use SUM, no need to use anything else..
String[] columns =
new String[]{KEY_ID, "sum(KEY_CONTENT6)",
It is valid for SQLite. Because, no matter what you set data type in SQLite, it stores values as string. So, type conversion is somewhat built-in in SQLite.
You can't use java in a SQL statement, either stick to strait sql or iterate over the cursor and use java to do your calculation.
You can find everything there is to know about sqlite here http://www.sqlite.org/docs.html
SQLite is basically typeless, so you might be able to use SUM on your column even though it is a string. However, if it's meant to be a numeric column, why not give it a number type??

How to go through every record in SQLite db?

I think it's kinda easy one but still I'm new to android programming so please have patience. I want to know how can I get the number of records (rows) in a specific table in my db. I need this so I can create a loop to go through every record and add each one of it to the specific Array and display it later on. This is the source:
db.openDataBase(); // open connection with db
Cursor c = db.getTitle(5); // loop here through db, right now I'm fetching only one record
//adding areas to the list here
Area o1 = new Area();
o1.setOrderName(c.getString(1) + c.getString(2));
Does anyone can help me with this please? Thx in advance!
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename
To get the number of rows in the cursor, use getCount.
To get the amount of total rows in a table, either use reinierposts solution, or do a select which select all rows in the table and get the count from the cursor. I'm guessing his solution is quicker though unless you actually need all the rows in the table.
Such a query would be:
SELECT * FROM footable;
You don't really need to get a count of how many first; instead, create a db.getTitles() function that returns all of the rows and returns a Cursor, then loop over the Cursor. Right now you probably have a query that looks something like SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB FROM Titles WHERE id = 5; just copy the function, remove the parameter and take off the WHERE clause so it looks like just SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB FROM Titles.
Then your code would look something like this:
db.openDataBase(); // open connection with db
Cursor c = db.getTitles();
//adding areas to the list here
if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) {
do {
Area o1 = new Area();
o1.setOrderName(c.getString(1) + c.getString(2));
} while (c.next());
We check if the function returned a cursor at all, then move to the beginning of the cursor and start looping, going to the next item each time through. For more information on the Cursor interface see the API here, or to learn more about database access and related design practices better in general I suggest going through the Notepad tutorial.

