Android - animate View object - specific XML <set> - android

I'm new to Android application programming, and using search i've so far solved all of my problems (stackoverflow being one of the best search hits !)
Now i have a problem i don't know how to solve :
When separate animations are required, i could do it in code, but using XML files in anim folder would be much better for me.
Is it possible to play an animation of a single <set> inside XML file ?
I mean is it possible to "compress" animations from mulitple XML files into one file and still use them individually ?
Example for normal animation of TextView widget :
TexView exampleTextView = (TextView) findViewById (;
Animation animatorSequence = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (this, R.anim.example_animation);
exampleTextView.startAnimation (animatorSequence);
XML code with two example blocks that i would like to use separately
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--first independant animation segment -->
<set xmlns:android=""
android:fillAfter="true" >
android:duration="1400" />
<!--second independant animation segment -->
<set xmlns:android=""
android:fillAfter="true" >
android:duration="1400" />

You can't.
But you can divide them to multiple files, load the in run time and add them all to a single AnimationSet (You can also define the empty set itself in a XML file so you won't have to configure it programmatically).


Define xml animation into Java

Is it possible to write slide_out_left animation using java?
Here is my animation xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
<translate android:duration="300" android:fromXDelta="0%" android:toXDelta="-100%" />
yes it is possible:
view.animate().translationX(_amount_).setDuration(_time in ms_).start();
So, you will have to calculate translation distance by yourself.
Note: if you translate to 0 later, after some other translations - it will move to starting position.
To complete slide in effect try to use withStartAction also.

Android Animation to be done from bottom towards up but will be invisible in center like this i have to develop,please check this link only on Chrome .
What I'd do is an Animation Resource File (a file in the res>anim directory of your project. If you don't have the anim directory you can simply create it.).
The content of this file (named as you wish, like myanimation.xml) should be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
android:toAlpha="0.0" />
android:toYDelta="-50" />
The tag means that the object will animate from completely opaque (1.0) to completly trasparent (0.0)
The tag means that the object will animate from its starting position to the same X coordinate and 50 pixels above.
To use this animation from an Activity simply use:
Animation myAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.myanimation);
for more complex animations look at this link:
EDIT: I think the question should have more details, in this case something like the piece of code where you want to applicate this animation, or what you want to animate (like an ImageView, or a Layout ...)

Translation animation of large image from top to bottom Android

I'm trying to develop a splash screen with a large image scrolling (Animating) from top to bottom.
I dont think using ScrollView would be good since I dont want the user to scroll the image.
This is what I would like to achieve:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
create this animation as slidedown.xml in an anim folder in the project and use the code below in the java file that has the view.You may change the values of "android:fromYdelta" according to your need.
For example if your imageview is 250 px use :
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myImageView, "translationY", 250);
And in xml set on your imageview :

Android, make an animation text scroll up on the screen like first part of Star Wars

I'm trying to create an animation in my android app.
I want the animation like the credits of Star Wars the movie, where a text goes up gradually. If there is another way to do it than I'd like to know.
Try this :
Put this piece of code in an xml file in res/anim/animationfile.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
android:interpolator="#android:anim/linear_interpolator" >
android:duration="5000" ---> set your time here
android:toYDelta="100%p" /> </set>
Now to set the animation, do this :
Animation translatebu= AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.animationfile);
tv.setText("Some text view.");
This is how you do it roughly.
here is a very good example of animation for u

Android tween animation blinks fast and doesn't work

I am trying to make a TextView scale and fade out. My TextView is inside a layout file that is included into my activity's layout with
<include android:id="#+id/hud" layout="#layout/hud" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"/>
Now, I can apply a scale animation from within the Java code like this:
TextView multiplier = (TextView)findViewById(;
ScaleAnimation s = new ScaleAnimation(1.0f, 3.0f, 1.0f,3.0f);
And it works nicely, but I want that animation (and a bunch of others) from an xml file. So I made this file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
I am trying to apply the animation with this code:
TextView multiplier = (TextView)findViewById(;
AnimationSet an = (AnimationSet) AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getApplicationContext(), R.anim.multiplier);
What happens now is that the TextView blinks for a fraction of a second and nothing actually happens.
I've tried:
removing the alpha animation - no change
removing the start offset - no change
change the animation with one from the android documentation - no change
change AnimationSet to Animation - no change
change getApplicationContext() to this, MyActivity.this - no change
change getApplicationContext() to null - kills the application
What am I missing?
The project is targeted at Android 1.6 and I'm testing in a 2.3 emulator.
This seems to make a difference, for me anyway!
Change shemas to schemas in the Set element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
try this:
an = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, android.R.anim.fade_out);

