Insert, Update and Delete from a SQLite Database (Android) - android

I already have a SQLite Database setup which I am using as cache for the Android application. The application does a HTTP Request and gets back a List of objects which I can insert into the db. After the first request, if I do anymore requests, how do all of the following in a better way:
1) insert all new objects from the list
2) update all objects that were already in the db
3) delete all rows that were not there in the latest list of objects.
I know that options 1 and 2 can be done using the "INSERT OR UPDATE" query. How can I manage the 3rd option efficiently?
Right now my approach is to delete all from table and then insert all. But that isn't very efficient. Any ideas how to improve it?

For that you can use the ids of the rows. For doing that first retrieve all the rows which you want to delete using SELECT query and add it a temporary arraylist, then use for loop over the arraylist to delete all those rows by using DELETE query.

You should do your operations using the applyBatch() method of the ContentProvider (
You can perform this method in a separate thread asynchronously so that you do not block anything else. You will have to create a list of ContentProviderOperations. In fact, you only need to specify the ones you need to insert or update within the ArrayList and implement the applyBatch() method such that it will automatically delete the rest of the entries in the database.
To answer your question about how to delete the entries not in the table, the logical assumption would be to search through your data sequentially and then delete the ones that do not need to exist.

I guess the intention is to refresh the Http request result set saved in the database. So I think the most efficient way is do a transaction or batch operation to delete all rows from the table first and then insert the new rows. A transaction might be better so that the result rows are either all new or all old, but not mixed.


How to reset previously updated rows and update the selected rows with only one query?

I have table that for the specified rows with specified ids need to change the value, while for previously selected rows should be reset.
Do I need to reset the whole table and then update for specified rows. is there any option to update table with only one query.
I'm using room persistence on android
Like any database standard, Room Update and Delete are separate operation types.
Then maybe you can try to execute Trigger if you need mixed operation (thread about trigger).
But for what reason do you have to execute this two operations in a same query ?

Display SQLite query result in Listview in Android

In my Android app I have an activity with a listview that displays about 4000 items that are stored
locally in a SQLite Database. If I make an edit to an item, how can I get only this change in the listview,
without having to refresh all the item list (which means a new query for 4000 results)? This query slows down the performance.
I would like something like NSFetchedResultsController of ios.
Strategy should be -
As you are editing the contact, if the update is successful you just fetch the latest info from db for this specific contact only.
Update the edited contact object in your adapter's source List/Array's specific position.
Invoke your adapter.notifyDataSetChanged().
you must have an id for each contact in your SQL lite database.
when you edit a contact update that specific record in your database on basis of the id.
if update is successfull means the information you sent to database is stored successfully .
now you can use the same informtion to update your ArrayList/HashMap whatever you are using to populate your listview.
Ex:- suppose you edited 3rd index contact in your listview on successfull update you add like yourarraylist.add(3,contact);
and the fire notifydatasetChanged.
Try these steps if possible:
Try to fetch the data from db, but do it in different thread which won't effect the main UIThread.
Then you can call the adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() on adapter object. It will do the job i hope :).

Update SQLite table of Android application optimally

I am working on an android application using android:minSdkVersion="14". The application receives data as JSON from a server. The data received need to be added to an sqlite table. If a row exists, all fields except for two have to be updated. If a row does not already exist in the table, it has to be inserted. I am looking for the most efficient way as regards performance.
The function insertwithonCoflict() has been considered but it is not an option since in case of update, it updates all the fields including the two that should not be updated.
The function replace() is also not suitable.
I would opt for a SELECT to check if the row exists and then an INSERT or UPDATE but I was wondering if I could optimize the procedure somehow .
Two approaches:
Change the database structure so that the table has only the server data. Put local data (the two columns) in another table that references the server data table. When updating, just insert to the server data table with "replace" conflict resolution.
Do the select-insert/update logic.
For performance in any case, use database transactions to reduce I/O. That is, wrap the database update loop in a transaction and only commit it when you've done with everything. (In case the transaction becomes too large, split the loop into transaction chunks of maybe a few thousand rows.)
A nice solution I use is as follows:
long id = db.insertWithOnConflict(TABLE, null, contentValues, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_IGNORE);
if(id!=-1) db.update(TABLE, contentValues, "_id=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(id)});
This ensures the row exists and has the latest values.

Android Sqlite - update multiple rows with multiple values

I need to update multiple rows in sqlite where each row gets a different value.
Currently I'm just looping on the update statements. (I'm using SQLStatement and replacing the parameters).
I know that with MySql there is an option to use the CASE command to execute one update that will update all rows with the matching values.
Is there any similar thing in sqlite?
If you know how your query should look like you can use either query() or rawQuery() methods instead of update

Android SQLite - Update table only if different

I currently successfully use a SQLite database which is populated with data from the web. I create an array of values and add these as a row to the database.
Currently to update the database, on starting the activity I clear the database and repopulate it using the data from the web.
Is there an easy method to do one of the following?
A: Only update a row in the table if data has changed (I'm not sure how I could do this unless there was a consistent primary key - what would happen is a new row would be added with the changed data, however there would be no way to know which of the old rows to remove)
B: get all of the rows of data from the web, then empty and fill the database in one go rather than after getting each row
I hope this makes sense. I can provide my code but I don't think it's especially useful for this example.
On starting the activity, the database is scanned to retrieve values for a different task. However, this takes longer than it needs to because the database is emptied and refilled slowly. Therefore the task can only complete when the database is fully repopulated.
In an ideal world, the database would be scanned and values used for the task, and that database would only be replaced when the complete set of updated data is available.
Your main concern with approach (b) - clearing out all data and slowly repopulating - seems to be that any query between the empty and completion of the refill would need to be refused.
You could simply put the empty/repopulate process in a transaction. Thereby the database will always have data to offer for reading.
Alternatively, if that's not a viable solution, how about appending newer results to the existing ones, but inserted as with an 'active' key set to 0. Then, once the process of adding entries is complete, use a transaction to find and remove currently active entries, and (in the same transaction) update the inactive entries to active.

