DrawerLayout.openDrawer sometimes not working - android

I have a DrawerLayout that usually works perfectly. I am using a button that opens the drawer by calling this method:
As I said, everything works fine but sometimes when the activity comes back from background the openDrawer method does nothing.
By using
before and after calling the openDrawer method, I can see it is always closed.
I have spent several hours on this. What is going on? Any clue is appreciated!

Open and close the drawer using it's gravity like this
if (mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(Gravity.START)) {
} else {
or use View.VISIBLE and View.GONE in place of Gravity.


How to show "up" / "back" button in Xamarin.Forms?

I am trying to work out how to show the "up" arrow in Xamarin.Forms without a pushing a page onto the stack. I.E. I just want to perform an action when the back button is pressed. I am completely stuck on this so any help would be appreciated.
I have tried creating a custom renderer which handles a view property called DisplayHomeAsBack. Which in the renderer calls the following:
FormsAppCompatActivity context = ((FormsAppCompatActivity)Forms.Context);
Android.Support.V7.App.ActionBar actionBar = context.SupportActionBar;
if (actionBar != null)
Unfortunately it seems this does absolutely nothing, even though all online tutorials and stackoverflow question for android suggest this method.
The plan is that I can then use the "OnBackButtonPressed" override in MasterDetailPage, which should allow me to perform this action. Unfortunately displaying the back button has been the larger hurdle so far!
Any idea of a better way to do this or how I can get the current mechanism to work?
I have created a project and uploaded it to this question on the Xamarin support forums, if it helps.
Sorry to keep you waiting so long!
Warning that I did not actually run this code and changed it from my own so I would be surprised if it worked perfectly without some changes.
So below should add a back button where there was not one before (so like when there is not really a page to go back to) and then we will add a custom action to perform when it gets pressed.
I would suggest you push a new page onto the stack without using animation so it is transparent to the user and also makes all of this much simpler, but if you absolutely do not want to do that, the below method should work.
//Use this to subscribe to the event which will create the back button
public override bool OnCreateOptionsMenu(IMenu menu) {
if(menu != null && App.AppMasterPage != null) { //You will need this to make sure you are on your MasterDetailPage, just store a global reference to it in the App class or where ever
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<string>(this, "CreateBackButton");
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Subscribe<string>(this, "CreateBackButton", stringWeWillNotUse => { //Use this to subscribe to the event that creates the back button, then when you want the back button to show you just run Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Send<string>(this, "CreateBackButton")
ActionBar.DisplayOptions = ActionBarDisplayOptions.ShowTitle | ActionBarDisplayOptions.ShowHome | ActionBarDisplayOptions.UseLogo | ActionBarDisplayOptions.HomeAsUp; //You may need to play with these options to get it working but the important one is 'HomeAsUp' which should add the back button
} else {
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<string>(this, "CreateBackButton");
return base.OnCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
Now the next step is do do a custom action when it is pressed. I think you can either override OnBackPressed() or OnOptionsItemSelected() in MainActivity or maybe you can override the MasterDetailPage method. I am not sure.
Which ever one works for you, inside of that override, I would simply check to see if you are on your App.AppMasterPage like we did above, and if so, send a MessagingCenter message which your App.AppMasterPage has already subscribed to in order for it to handle the custom action.
If you get stuck let me know!
I know it sounds like a bit of a hack, but the best "solution" I have found so far is to add a page behind the current page (behind the root) so it is not visible. Then when the user presses the back button, handle it by removing that page.

Android DrawerLayout.setDrawerLockMode() not working

I have a Navigation Drawer (appcompat v7) in my app which is working perfectly fine.
Now I want to disable it, until the user buys an in-app-purchase to unlock additional functionality. So in my Activity.onCreate(), after initializing the drawer and populating it, I am calling this function:
This function is not doing anything. The drawer continues to open and close as normal after tapping the drawer carat in the actionbar. I tried calling this function in Activity.onResume() without any difference.
What is the correct way to use this function?
(I tried looking online for answers, but couldn't find anything which addresses my issue). Any help is appreciated, as I am stuck on this issue for quite sometime now.
is only disabling the opening drawer layout by swiping till you click navigation drawer icon
keep a boolean variable
write mDrawerLayout.setDrawerLockMode(DrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED); in onStart() and also write below lines of code
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(android.view.MenuItem item) {
if (item.getItemId() == android.R.id.home) {
if (mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(mDrawerLinearLayout)) {
} else {
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
this will work for sure
When you call setDrawerLockMode(DrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED) it locks opening and closing drawer only by swipes.
The drawer continues to open and close as normal after tapping the drawer carat in the action bar because your drawer will still respond to calls to openDrawer(int), closeDrawer(int) although a drawer is locked.
You need to add some logic in your action bar menu button listener and not to call openDrawer(int) when you don't want it to open.
Btw, it is okay to call setDrawerLockMode(int) in onŠ”reate
There is a bug with DrawerLayout and used gravity. I have reported it here:

ActionBarActivity back button not popping from backstack

I'm using this template https://github.com/kanytu/android-material-drawer-template just to try out material design so I've implemented a few fragments some have webviews some have not.
My problem is when switching between the fragments I can see them being successfully added to the backstack
getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(R.id.container, new FAQ()).addToBackStack("FAQ").commit();
But when I press the back button it just closes the app.
When I change it to use Activity instead of ActionBarActivity the navigation works fine but I lose some other functionality.
There is an override on the back button
public void onBackPressed() {
if (mNavigationDrawerFragment.isDrawerOpen())
but even if that's removed it still happens. I think the problem lies somewhere in the super.onBackPressed
Is there any reason ActionBarActivity would break the back button?
I recently read a post about this, sorry I can't find it anymore... But basically, it explained that the primary function of the back button is to finish the current Activity.
In fact, according to the onBackPressed() official documentation:
Called when the activity has detected the user's press of the back key. The default implementation simply finishes the current activity, but you can override this to do whatever you want.
And it would appear that even though the back button used to pop the backstack before 5.0, Google would have changed this behaviour with the new ActionBarActivity.
For my part, I used some workarround that works for me but that might not work for everybody, depending on your navigation implementation.
But in case it could be helpful to somebody, here it is :
public void onBackPressed()
if (mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen()) {
} else if (getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) {
} else {
This way, ActionBarActivity.onBackPressed() is only called when the backstack is empty, in which case it destroys the ActionBarActivity.
You should check "getFragmentManager" & "getSupportFragmentManager" is matched your activity & actionbaractivity or not.
Because, in Activity:
public void onBackPressed() {
if (!mFragments.popBackStackImmediate()) {
in FragmentActivity:
public void onBackPressed() {
if (!mFragments.popBackStackImmediate()) {
We can see the same code which already handled pop fragments backstatck.
In my situation, I used actionbaractivity(extends FragmentAcvitiy), but I also used "getFragmentManager" , so I got the same error as you. After I have replaced "getFragmentManager" to "getSupportFragmentManager", that's ok! You also can replace "actionbaractiviy" to "Activity" to fix this problem.
Must ensure "getFragmentManager" match "Activity", "getSupportFragmentManager" match "FragmentActivity(ActionbarActivity)".
If you want add actionbar On API level 11 or higher, You can see below:
On API level 11 or higher
The action bar is included in all activities that use the Theme.Holo theme (or one of its descendants), which is the default theme when either the targetSdkVersion or minSdkVersion attribute is set to "11" or higher. If you don't want the action bar for an activity, set the activity theme to Theme.Holo.NoActionBar.

Webview back button is killing all activity

i know that may duplicate some threads but i can#t figure out what i wrong. I have slider dreawer where are fragments and in fragments there are webview. Everything is working fine at least one thing, namely when i press back button it closes the app. I have tried some other possible solutions but anything is not working. I even don't get any errors. I even tried this easy solution but without any progress
public void onBackPressed() {
My Main activity:
And this is one of my fragments:
By default back button shall close the app, if you are at the main/landing activity(there are other ways as well). If you want to override backbutton behavior, you should be overriding onBackPressed(), which you are doing right, but you should avoid calling super.onBackPressed() (since this gives you the default behavious, i.e. closing the activity OR finish(), with this you're closing the activity yourself. which is what you want to avoid.
Hope it helps.
public void onBackPressed() {
if (mSlidingDrawer.isOpened()) {
} else {
Toast.makeText(MyTestApplication.getAppContext(), "Closing application", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Landscape + navigation drawer animation + new activity = bug?

Here's what's happening.. from my navigation drawer I select an item that then starts up a new activity. Now the thing is I want to close the navigation drawer before opening the new activity, but I don't want the delay to be too long so what I do is start the new activity with a postdelayed handler of about 200ms after a call to closeDrawer(). SO, the drawer is still closing when the new activity gets initialized. The problem kicks in when I go back to the original activity: the layout is shifted about halfway up the screen and tiled in a weird way. Doesn't seem to get fixed until you interact with it (so I'm assuming it gets fixed with the onDraw() call).
Conditions that make this crop up:
Device is in LANDSCAPE mode (doesn't happen on portrait)
The navigation drawer is animating out of view when startActivity() is called
Any insight? Bonus question: is there an easy way of making the navigation drawer close without the animation?
EDIT: Turns out the same thing happens if I'm in landscape and use startActivityForResult(). It's not an issue with only startActivity() though..
In your onAuthenticatedResume() of DrawerActivity, try configuring the DrawerManager & Toggle for drawer properly. The code looks like the snippet below ( I just added some dummy lines like 'YourDrawerManager' means whatever the manager you have )
protected void onAuthenticatedResume() {
//Configure NavigationDrawer
navigationDrawerManager = new YourDrawerManager();
mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout)findViewById(R.id.your_layout);
mDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, mDrawerLayout,
R.drawable.logo, "OK",
"Close") {
public void onDrawerClosed(View view) {
public void onDrawerOpened(View drawerView) {
mDrawerLayout.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
I've figured out what the issue was.
The problem was that in my AndroidManifest.xml I declared the new activities as having screenOrientation="portrait" and only enabled orientation changes in the onCreate method for them if certain conditions were met.
I'm still not 100% clear on what was happening but it seems that the device would try to rotate to portrait on activity change, then go back to landscape before drawing the new activity (since it was enabled in onCreate) and then that somehow messed up the previous activity so that when I went back to it, it would get shifted weirdly.
Still an Android bug IMO, but at least I know what it stems from now.
Changed screenOrientation to "landscape" and it works fine now (this problem doesn't arise when the first activity is in portrait and the second is locked to landscape in the manifest... what???)

