I want to test an application but it's too large to do by static approach.
I started googling. I found a interesting tool called Xposed Framework.
I read a lot of documents / examples. But I cant find the theads about getting method name of application.
My purpose is to log current method name when I press a button in app. Which parameters are sent when the methods are called?
For more information, the application I want to test is a chat application. I want to check that is it secured to use ? Is it true that developers claims the application uses blah blah blah encryption ? Is it real end-to-end encryption?.
According to the large of application, I need some tools to help me analyse this. When I send a message what methods are called ? what values are sent along with ?
If it is opensource you can easily insert a few logs in the source code and recompile. Some code coverage tools allow you to log the executed methods but i am unsure about the parameters (e.g. EMMA coverage).
If it is closed-source then you can do it with Xposed, but it has some challenges. Xposed allows you to hook Java methods, if it is opensource you can lookup the specific methods you want to intercept and print their parameters. If it is closed source, you can always check the method names through decompiling the app with apktool.
Check the Xposed tutorial on how to register hooks. Assuming you created your class that extends XC_MethodHook, the following methods should do the trick for primitive parameters:
protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
String threadname = Thread.currentThread().getName();
String d = _dateFormat.format(new Date());
Class<?> cls = param.this.getClass();
//Extend XC_MethodHook to receive the mthName in the constructor
//and store it as a static field.
Log.v("MethodInvocation", "[A][" + d + "]"
+ "[" + cls.getName() + "."
+ mthName
+ "(" + args(param) + ")" + " = " + result(param)
+ "]" + " [" + threadname + "]");
public boolean shouldPrintContent(Object o) {
if (o.getClass().isPrimitive()
|| o.getClass().getName().contains("java.lang"))
return true;
return false;
public String args(MethodHookParam param) {
String args = "";
int counter = 0;
if (param != null) {
for (Object o : param.args) {
if (counter > 0)
args += ",";
// argument can be null
if (o == null) {
args += "null";
} else { // if it is an object lets print its type and content.
args += printclean(o.getClass().getName());
if (shouldPrintContent(o)) {
args += ":" + printclean(o.toString());
} else
args += ":nonPrimitiveOrJavaLang";
return args;
//avoid identation chars in strings
public String printclean(String str) {
char[] res = str.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
if (res[i] == '\n' || res[i] == '\r' || res[i] == '\t'
|| res[i] == '[' || res[i] == ']') {
res[i] = '*';
return String.valueOf(res);
public String result(MethodHookParam param) {
String res = "";
Object retobj = param.getResult();
if (retobj == null) {
res += "null";
} else {
res += printclean(retobj.getClass().getName());
if (shouldPrintContent(retobj)) {
res += printclean(retobj.toString());
} else
res += "(nonPrimitiveOrJavaLang)";
return res;
Note that printing any object is not trivial. Here I printed only known types like primitives or other java.lang objects. More complex objects (including collections) you can try using Gson to represent them but this also comes with limitations (e.g. can't often handle reference loops).
Finally, be careful with what method you hook as hooking and logging methods that are called often will impact the performance of the app.
Good luck!
A new Xposed module called Inspeckage does (among many other useful inspections) what you want to do: you can use it to hook any method and view and even change its input and output.
From what I have read so far, it seems that there is no way to style Google Maps via the Android API.
Has anyone seen differently or know a way to style Google Maps on Android (change feature colors, etc.)?
From what I have seen, the only alternative to a full map library for Android (or iOS) is Mapbox, but their Android library is still under heavy development.
Google introduced Cloud-based Map Styling (however it is in Beta now). Using this feature, it is possible to set up a Map Id and a Map Style in Google Cloud Platform and to use it in the Android App (the only thing you need to do in the app is to specify the Map Id).
Here are the details:
PS Here is the description of the 'old' option where you need to create a special json file and use it in the Android app to get a styled map:
We can create styled maps as follows in android:
public class StyledMapDemoActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnMapReadyCallback {
private GoogleMap mMap = null;
private static final String TAG = StyledMapDemoActivity.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String SELECTED_STYLE = "selected_style";
// Stores the ID of the currently selected style, so that we can re-apply it when
// the activity restores state, for example when the device changes orientation.
private int mSelectedStyleId = R.string.style_label_default;
// These are simply the string resource IDs for each of the style names. We use them
// as identifiers when choosing which style to apply.
private int mStyleIds[] = {
private static final LatLng SYDNEY = new LatLng(-33.8688, 151.2093);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
mSelectedStyleId = savedInstanceState.getInt(SELECTED_STYLE);
SupportMapFragment mapFragment =
(SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.map);
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
// Store the selected map style, so we can assign it when the activity resumes.
outState.putInt(SELECTED_STYLE, mSelectedStyleId);
public void onMapReady(GoogleMap map) {
mMap = map;
mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(SYDNEY, 14));
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.styled_map, menu);
return true;
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
if (item.getItemId() == R.id.menu_style_choose) {
return true;
* Shows a dialog listing the styles to choose from, and applies the selected
* style when chosen.
private void showStylesDialog() {
// mStyleIds stores each style's resource ID, and we extract the names here, rather
// than using an XML array resource which AlertDialog.Builder.setItems() can also
// accept. We do this since using an array resource would mean we would not have
// constant values we can switch/case on, when choosing which style to apply.
List<String> styleNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (int style : mStyleIds) {
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setItems(styleNames.toArray(new CharSequence[styleNames.size()]),
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
mSelectedStyleId = mStyleIds[which];
String msg = getString(R.string.style_set_to, getString(mSelectedStyleId));
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Log.d(TAG, msg);
* Creates a {#link MapStyleOptions} object via loadRawResourceStyle() (or via the
* constructor with a JSON String), then sets it on the {#link GoogleMap} instance,
* via the setMapStyle() method.
private void setSelectedStyle() {
MapStyleOptions style;
switch (mSelectedStyleId) {
case R.string.style_label_retro:
// Sets the retro style via raw resource JSON.
style = MapStyleOptions.loadRawResourceStyle(this, R.raw.mapstyle_retro);
case R.string.style_label_night:
// Sets the night style via raw resource JSON.
style = MapStyleOptions.loadRawResourceStyle(this, R.raw.mapstyle_night);
case R.string.style_label_grayscale:
// Sets the grayscale style via raw resource JSON.
style = MapStyleOptions.loadRawResourceStyle(this, R.raw.mapstyle_grayscale);
case R.string.style_label_no_pois_no_transit:
// Sets the no POIs or transit style via JSON string.
style = new MapStyleOptions("[" +
" {" +
" \"featureType\":\"poi.business\"," +
" \"elementType\":\"all\"," +
" \"stylers\":[" +
" {" +
" \"visibility\":\"off\"" +
" }" +
" ]" +
" }," +
" {" +
" \"featureType\":\"transit\"," +
" \"elementType\":\"all\"," +
" \"stylers\":[" +
" {" +
" \"visibility\":\"off\"" +
" }" +
" ]" +
" }" +
case R.string.style_label_default:
// Removes previously set style, by setting it to null.
style = null;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fragment xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
class="com.google.android.gms.maps.SupportMapFragment" />
I have a hangman-app which I fetch a random word from Db i created, then I save it to randomedWord and then i make another String for holding randomedWord but replaced with only "_". This hiddenWord is displayed so the user knows how many chars there is.
When a user hits Enter a onlicklistener fires guess() method:
I have following code which initates a local String which has the value of a TextView(userInput). Then if randomedWord contains the guess I want to put in guess into the same position as it is in the randomedWord, but now to hiddenWord and then update the TextView again.
Guess method:
public void guess()
String guess = userInput.getText().toString();
hiddenWord = hiddenWord.replaceAll(guess, guess);
} else
The problem I think is this line:
hiddenWord = hiddenWord.replaceAll(guess, guess);
because hiddenWord just contains "_" and therefore I can't replace with (guess, guess) where the first is WHAT to be replaced and last is WITHWHAT.
How do I replace the same POSITION as it is in randomedWord with guess into hiddenWord?
I would change your approach slightly. When a user inputs and guess() is called, find all occurences of that guess in randomedWord and then set the characters in hiddenWord to guess. Using StringBuilder and String.indexOf(), it would look something like this. Also, guess will need to be a char:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(hiddenWord);
int index = word.indexOf(guess);
while (index >= 0) {
builder.setCharAt(index, guess);
index = word.indexOf(guess, index + 1);
hiddenWord = builder.toString();
My solution to the problem looks like this:
public void invWord()
hiddenWord = randomedWord;
hiddenWord = hiddenWord.replaceAll(".", "_");
public void guess() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
char guess = userInput.getText().charAt(0);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(hiddenWord);
String j = ""+guess;
int index = randomedWord.indexOf(guess);
if (randomedWord.contains(j))
while (index >= 0)
builder.setCharAt(index, guess);
index = randomedWord.indexOf(guess, index + 1);
hiddenWord = builder.toString().trim();
if (hiddenWord.trim().contains(randomedWord))
Problem is that I would need to add a +" " to the hiddenWord = hiddenWord.replaceAll(".", "_"); to make the word be like _ _ _ _ _ and makes the user see how many ketters the word is. In my solution it will only be long ____, but it works. If I set index*2 at builder.setCharAt(index, guess); the formatting will be good but then winner(); is never run, I guess because the " " makes the hiddenWord no longer = ranomedWord.
How can I solve this?
Got it all solved! The feeling when everything works smoothly.... :)
Heres the code:
// Set listener to enter-button and do guess when textfield is not empty and toast that input need if it is
enterLetterButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View arg0) {
if (!(userInput.getText().toString().isEmpty()) )
} else if (userInput.getText().toString().isEmpty())
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "You need to insert a letter", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
// invWord() method. Converts the randomedWord to a string of "_".
public void invWord()
hiddenWord = randomedWord;
hiddenWord = hiddenWord.replaceAll(".", "_" +" ");
//guess() method. Puts the guess(char) at the index fetched and if the hiddenWord contains no more "_" winner() is called
public void guess() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
char guess = userInput.getText().charAt(0);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(hiddenWord);
String j = ""+guess;
int index = randomedWord.indexOf(guess);
if (randomedWord.contains(j))
while (index >= 0)
builder.setCharAt(index*2, guess);
index = randomedWord.indexOf(guess, index + 1);
hiddenWord = builder.toString().trim();
if (!(hiddenWord.toString().contains("_".toString())) )
Html List tag not working in android TextView. This is my string content:
String str="A dressy take on classic gingham in a soft, textured weave of stripes that resembles twill. Take a closer look at this one.<ul><li>Trim, tailored fit for a bespoke feel</li><li>Medium spread collar, one-button mitered barrel cuffs</li><li>Applied placket with genuine mother-of-pearl buttons</li><li>;Split back yoke, rear side pleats</li><li>Made in the U.S.A. of 100% imported cotton.</li></ul>";
I loaded it in a text view like this:
The output looks like a paragraph. What can I do? Is there any solution for it?
As you can see in the Html class source code, Html.fromHtml(String) does not support all HTML tags. In this very case, <ul> and <li> are not supported.
From the source code I have built a list of allowed HTML tags:
So you better use WebView and its loadDataWithBaseURL method. Try something like this:
String str="<html><body>A dressy take on classic gingham in a soft, textured weave of stripes that resembles twill. Take a closer look at this one.<ul><li>Trim, tailored fit for a bespoke feel</li><li>Medium spread collar, one-button mitered barrel cuffs</li><li>Applied placket with genuine mother-of-pearl buttons</li><li>;Split back yoke, rear side pleats</li><li>Made in the U.S.A. of 100% imported cotton.</li></ul></body></html>";
webView.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, str, "text/html", "utf-8", null);
I was having the same problem, and what I did is overriding the default TagHandler. This one worked for me.
public class MyTagHandler implements TagHandler {
boolean first = true;
String parent = null;
int index = 1;
public void handleTag(boolean opening, String tag, Editable output, XMLReader xmlReader) {
if (tag.equals("ul")) {
parent = "ul";
} else if (tag.equals("ol")) {
parent = "ol";
if (tag.equals("li")) {
if (parent.equals("ul")) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
first = true;
} else{
if (first) {
output.append("\n\t"+index+". ");
first = false;
} else {
first = true;
and for displaying the text...
myTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml("<ul><li>I am an Android developer</li><li>Another Item</li></ul>", null, new MyTagHandler()));
Kuitsi has also posted an really good library that does the same, got it from this SO link.
Full sample project is located at https://bitbucket.org/Kuitsi/android-textview-html-list.
Sample picture is available at https://kuitsi.bitbucket.io/stackoverflow3150400_screen.png
This solution is closest to masha's answer. Some code is also taken from inner class android.text.Html.HtmlToSpannedConverter. It supports nested ordered and unordered lists but too long texts in ordered lists are still aligned with item number rather than text. Mixed lists (ol and ul) needs some work too. Sample project contains implementation of Html.TagHandler which is passed to Html.fromHtml(String, ImageGetter, TagHandler).
Edit: For wider HTML tag support, https://github.com/NightWhistler/HtmlSpanner might also be worth trying.
A small fix to Aman Guatam code. The function above has problem of rendering newline character. For example: if before <li> tag is a <p> tag, 2 newline characters are rendered. Here is upgraded code:
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.text.Html.TagHandler;
public class ListTagHandler implements TagHandler {
boolean first = true;
public void handleTag(boolean opening, String tag, Editable output, XMLReader xmlReader) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (tag.equals("li")) {
char lastChar = 0;
if (output.length() > 0)
lastChar = output.charAt(output.length() - 1);
if (first) {
if (lastChar == '\n')
output.append("\t• ");
output.append("\n\t• ");
first = false;
} else {
first = true;
As of Android 7 android.text.Html actually supports li and ul tags and uses a basic BulletSpan(), which means in the latest versions of Android the Html.TagHandlersolutions posted here will be ignored
Make sure your code handles this change. In case you want a BulletSpan with a larger gap than the default, you can can replace it with another span:
val html = SpannableStringBuilder(HtmlCompat.fromHtml(source, HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT))
val bulletSpans = html.getSpans<BulletSpan>(0, html.length)
bulletSpans.forEach {
val spanStart = html.getSpanStart(it)
val spanEnd = html.getSpanEnd(it)
val bulletSpan = BulletSpan(gapWidthInDp, context.getColor(R.color.textColorBlack))
html.setSpan(bulletSpan, spanStart, spanEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
Different solution using LeadingMarginSpan. Handles ordered and unordered lists as well as nesting.
public class ListTagHandler implements TagHandler
private int m_index = 0;
private List< String > m_parents = new ArrayList< String >( );
public void handleTag( final boolean opening, final String tag, Editable output, final XMLReader xmlReader )
if( tag.equals( "ul" ) || tag.equals( "ol" ) || tag.equals( "dd" ) )
if( opening )
m_parents.add( tag );
else m_parents.remove( tag );
m_index = 0;
else if( tag.equals( "li" ) && !opening ) handleListTag( output );
private void handleListTag( Editable output )
if( m_parents.get(m_parents.size()-1 ).equals( "ul" ) )
output.append( "\n" );
String[ ] split = output.toString( ).split( "\n" );
int lastIndex = split.length - 1;
int start = output.length( ) - split[ lastIndex ].length( ) - 1;
output.setSpan( new BulletSpan( 15 * m_parents.size( ) ), start, output.length( ), 0 );
else if( m_parents.get(m_parents.size()-1).equals( "ol" ) )
m_index++ ;
output.append( "\n" );
String[ ] split = output.toString( ).split( "\n" );
int lastIndex = split.length - 1;
int start = output.length( ) - split[ lastIndex ].length( ) - 1;
output.insert( start, m_index + ". " );
output.setSpan( new LeadingMarginSpan.Standard( 15 * m_parents.size( ) ), start, output.length( ), 0 );
If you only need to format a list, keep it simple and copy/paste a unicode character in your TextView to achieve the same result.
• Unicode Character 'BULLET' (U+2022)
I came here looking for TagHandler implementations. Both Truong Nguyen and Aman Guatam answers are very nice, but I needed a mixed version of both: I needed my solution not to overformat it and to be able to ressolve <ol> tags, since I'm parsing something like <h3>title</h3><ol><li>item</li><li>item</li><li>item</li></ol>.
Here's my solution.
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.text.Html.TagHandler;
public class MyTagHandler implements TagHandler {
boolean first = true;
String parent = null;
int index = 1;
public void handleTag(final boolean opening, final String tag,
final Editable output, final XMLReader xmlReader) {
if (tag.equals("ul")) {
parent = "ul";
index = 1;
} else if (tag.equals("ol")) {
parent = "ol";
index = 1;
if (tag.equals("li")) {
char lastChar = 0;
if (output.length() > 0) {
lastChar = output.charAt(output.length() - 1);
if (parent.equals("ul")) {
if (first) {
if (lastChar == '\n') {
output.append("\t• ");
} else {
output.append("\n\t• ");
first = false;
} else {
first = true;
} else {
if (first) {
if (lastChar == '\n') {
output.append("\t" + index + ". ");
} else {
output.append("\n\t" + index + ". ");
first = false;
} else {
first = true;
Note that, since we are resetting the index value whenever a new list starts, it WILL NOT work if you nest lists like in <ol><li>1<ol><li>1.1</li><li>1.2</li></ol><li>2</li></ol>11.11.22
With that code, you would get 1, 1, 2, 3 instead of 1, 1, 2, 2.
You can simply replace the "li" with unicodes
public void handleTag(boolean opening, String tag, Editable output, XMLReader xmlReader) {
if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("li")) {
if (opening) {
output.append("\u2022 ");
} else {
Sure, there ise a way of showing bullets in Android TextView. You can replace <li> tags with (which is HTML code for bullet).
If you want to try other list icons, use the preferred one from the table is this link;
You can use Html.TagHandler. Below can be used for kotlin
class UlTagHandler : Html.TagHandler {
override fun handleTag(
opening: Boolean, tag: String, output: Editable,
xmlReader: XMLReader
) {
if (tag == "ul" && !opening) output.append("\n")
if (tag == "li" && opening) output.append("\n\t•")
textView.setText(Html.fromHtml(myHtmlText, null, UlTagHandler()));
Lord Voldermort's answer is a good starting point. However I required ol tag to display ordered list 1. 2. 3. .... instead of bullets. Also, nested tags need special handling to work properly.
In my code, I have maintained stack(parentList) to keep track of opened and closed ul and ol tags and also to know the current open tag.
Also, a levelWiseCounter is used to maintain different counts in case of nested ol tags.
myTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml("your string", null, new CustomTagHandler()));
private static class CustomTagHandler implements TagHandler
int level = 0;
private LinkedList<Tag> parentList = new LinkedList<DetailFragment.CustomTagHandler.Tag>();
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> levelWiseCounter = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
public void handleTag(boolean opening, String tag, Editable output, XMLReader xmlReader)
if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("ul") || tag.equalsIgnoreCase("ol"))
if (opening)
if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("ul"))
if (!parentList.isEmpty())
//remove counter at that level, in any present.
if (level < 0)
level = 0;
else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("li"))
if (opening && level > 0)
//new line check
int length = output.toString().length();
if (length > 0 && (output.toString().charAt(length - 1) == '\n'))
//add tabs as per current level of li
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
// append dot or numbers based on parent tag
if (Tag.UL == parentList.peek())
//parent is OL. Check current level and retreive counter from levelWiseCounter
int counter = 1;
if (levelWiseCounter.get(level) == null)
levelWiseCounter.put(level, 1);
counter = levelWiseCounter.get(level) + 1;
levelWiseCounter.put(level, counter);
output.append(padInt(counter) + ".");
//trailing tab
* Add padding so that all numbers are aligned properly. Currently supports padding from 1-99.
* #param num
* #return
private static String padInt(int num)
if (num < 10)
return " " + num;
return "" + num;
private enum Tag
How about the next code (based on this link) :
public class TextViewHtmlTagHandler implements TagHandler
* Keeps track of lists (ol, ul). On bottom of Stack is the outermost list
* and on top of Stack is the most nested list
Stack<String> lists =new Stack<String>();
* Tracks indexes of ordered lists so that after a nested list ends
* we can continue with correct index of outer list
Stack<Integer> olNextIndex =new Stack<Integer>();
* List indentation in pixels. Nested lists use multiple of this.
private static final int indent =10;
private static final int listItemIndent =indent*2;
private static final BulletSpan bullet =new BulletSpan(indent);
public void handleTag(final boolean opening,final String tag,final Editable output,final XMLReader xmlReader)
else lists.pop();
else if(tag.equalsIgnoreCase("ol"))
olNextIndex.push(Integer.valueOf(1)).toString();// TODO: add support for lists starting other index than 1
else if(tag.equalsIgnoreCase("li"))
final String parentList=lists.peek();
start(output,new Ol());
output.append(olNextIndex.peek().toString()+". ");
else if(parentList.equalsIgnoreCase("ul"))
start(output,new Ul());
else if(lists.peek().equalsIgnoreCase("ul"))
// Nested BulletSpans increases distance between bullet and text, so we must prevent it.
int bulletMargin=indent;
// This get's more complicated when we add a LeadingMarginSpan into the same line:
// we have also counter it's effect to BulletSpan
final BulletSpan newBullet=new BulletSpan(bulletMargin);
end(output,Ul.class,new LeadingMarginSpan.Standard(listItemIndent*(lists.size()-1)),newBullet);
else if(lists.peek().equalsIgnoreCase("ol"))
int numberMargin=listItemIndent*(lists.size()-1);
// Same as in ordered lists: counter the effect of nested Spans
end(output,Ol.class,new LeadingMarginSpan.Standard(numberMargin));
else if(opening)
Log.d("TagHandler","Found an unsupported tag "+tag);
private static void start(final Editable text,final Object mark)
final int len=text.length();
private static void end(final Editable text,final Class<?> kind,final Object... replaces)
final int len=text.length();
final Object obj=getLast(text,kind);
final int where=text.getSpanStart(obj);
for(final Object replace : replaces)
private static Object getLast(final Spanned text,final Class<?> kind)
* This knows that the last returned object from getSpans()
* will be the most recently added.
final Object[] objs=text.getSpans(0,text.length(),kind);
return null;
return objs[objs.length-1];
private static class Ul
private static class Ol
I had the problem, that I always got an empty line after a list with #Kuitsis solution. I added a few lines in handleTag() and now the empty lines are gone:
public void handleTag(final boolean opening, final String tag, final Editable output, final XMLReader xmlReader) {
if (UL_TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) {
if (opening) { // handle <ul>
lists.push(new Ul());
} else { // handle </ul>
if (output.length() > 0 && output.charAt(output.length() - 1) == '\n') {
output.delete(output.length() - 1, output.length());
} else if (OL_TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) {
if (opening) { // handle <ol>
lists.push(new Ol()); // use default start index of 1
} else { // handle </ol>
if (output.length() > 0 && output.charAt(output.length() - 1) == '\n') {
output.delete(output.length() - 1, output.length());
} else if (LI_TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) {
if (opening) { // handle <li>
} else { // handle </li>
lists.peek().closeItem(output, lists.size());
} else {
Log.d("TagHandler", "Found an unsupported tag " + tag);
this is a confirmation to what kassim has stated. there is fragmentation. i found how to resolve this. i have to rename <li> and ul to a custom tag. so:
//likewise for li
then in my handler i can look for that customTag (which does nothing) and make it do something.
//now my handler can handle the customtags. it was ignoring them after nougat.
public class UlTagHandler implements Html.TagHandler {
//for ul in nougat and up this tagHandler is completely ignored
public void handleTag(boolean opening, String tag, Editable output,
XMLReader xmlReader) {
if (tag.equals("customtag2") && opening)
if (tag.equals("customtag2") && !opening)
this should make it work for all versions of android.