Gradle tests report for Android Tests - android

Can I have gradle tests report for android tests? I want to have the report directly in the terminal. Every time a test is passed, failed or skipped I want to have the report printed in the terminal with the name of the test and the status.
For Unit tests I can add this to the gradle file to have the reports:
tasks.withType(Test) {
testLogging {
exceptionFormat "full"
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
I didn't find any solution to the android tests.

You can try this (add to app/library build.gradle)
tasks.withType( { task ->
task.doFirst {
logging.level = LogLevel.INFO
task.doLast {
logging.level = LogLevel.LIFECYCLE

There's a bug filed to the Platform tools team that is still not resolved:
You can vote it to help. The workaround didn't work for me, but if you use Gradle Plugin >= 1.5.0 you can run the command with info logs enabled like this:
./gradlew cC --info
and then you'll see the tests being printed with no extra configuration.
Hope it helps!

Have you tried looking into app/build/reports/tests/debug/index.html or app/build/test-results/?
By using the new test support library you should find your reports there, with no extra-configuration needed.

I've made some investigation, and universal variant to show unitTests and AndroidTests in the terminal is put '--debug' option on the gradle terminal command.
./gradlew cleanTestDebugUnitTest testDebugUnitTest cleanConnectedDebugAndroidTest connectedDebugAndroidTest --debug


Not able to Run test for Baseline profile using Gradle Managed Device

I have created a benchmark module and within its build.gradle file I have added a managed device as following:
testOptions {
managedDevices {
devices {
pixel2api30 ( {
device = "Pixel 2"
apiLevel = 30
systemImageSource = "aosp"
require64Bit = false
Whenever I run the command gradle :benchmark:pixel2api30Setup its working
But when I run the command gradle :benchmark:pixel2api30BenchmarkAndroidTest
It throws the following error:
Task 'pixel2api30BenchmarkAndroidTest' not found in project ':benchmark'.
Which version of AGP are you using?
I was getting similar error but after upgrading AGP to 7.3.0-alpha07 from 7.2.2, I can now run the benchmark instrumentation task.
As stated in the release preview notes:
Make sure your project is using AGP version 7.3.0-alpha07 or higher.

Android Robolectric Exception

I am facing a problem with Robolectric library. I am writing unit tests using Robolectric, it's working locally but when I merge my code, it crashes on pipeline(remotely).
I am using 'org.robolectric:robolectric:4.0.2'
It fails by only adding this line to my test class: #RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class)
And the exception is:
Caused by: org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.MultipleArtifactsNotFoundException
I had the same issue: Robolectric was working fine locally, but once pushed to Jenkins the gradle task to execute the tests fails.
You can execute the gradle task to run the tests with -i -d flags to see more debug output.
./gradlew -i -d test
For me this revealed that Jenkins was unable to download Robolectric dependencies:
13:58:43 13:58:42.904 [DEBUG] [TestEventLogger] > my_test_case STANDARD_ERROR
13:58:43 13:58:42.904 [DEBUG] [TestEventLogger] Downloading: org/robolectric/android-all/9-robolectric-4913185-2/android-all-9-robolectric-4913185-2.jar from repository sonatype at
I could solve it by telling gradle to use our corporate proxy when running on Jenkins. One way to achieve this would be to add the following to your
---- EDIT ----
Actually I found a cleaner solution for my use case then configuring a proxy: Robolectric offers a way to configure the repository it uses during runtime (see This way I was able to tell it to use our corporate repository.
android {
testOptions {
unitTests.all {
systemProperty 'robolectric.dependency.repo.url', 'https://local-mirror/repo'
systemProperty '', 'local'
In my case the issue was (./gradlew -i -d testDebug printed it):
Caused by:
org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.MultipleArtifactsNotFoundException: Missing:
1) org.robolectric:android-all:jar:10-robolectric-5803371
Robolectric tried to fetch a dependency from the remote repository, but it couldn't.
As the output suggests, I have:
Manually downloaded org.robolectric:android-all:jar:10-robolectric-5803371 jar from the Maven repository.
Located it in /home/user/jars
Installed Maven on my machine: sudo apt install maven
Linked the jar with Robolectic: mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.robolectric -DartifactId=android-all -Dversion=10-robolectric-5803371 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/home/user/jars/android-all-10-robolectric-5803371.jar
Now ./gradlew testDebug works fine.
Also check the issue on Github, maybe there will be some more useful information for you.
As #Christian.D said, Robolectric tries to download dependencies from external repository, but we need that it uses internal one. Below the fix:
1) Create a custom RobolectricTestRunner:
public class CustomRobolectricRunner extends RobolectricTestRunner {
public CustomRobolectricRunner(Class<?> testClass) throws InitializationError {
static {
2) Annotate your test class:
#Config(manifest = Config.NONE)
Good coding!

How to get code coverage report for android instrumentation tests

How do I find the code coverage for instrumentation test case, the run tests with code coverage button is disabled.
Please help.
Before that you need to enable Coverage in gradle file at app level .
buildTypes {
testCoverageEnabled = true
Once done you can run below command in Terminal
gradlew createDebugCoverageReport
You can check it at below path
and check index.html file in your browser.

Add lint to CI and mark a build fail when lint produces errors for Android Studio projects

I need the Gradle build to be marked as a failure and it should be stopped automatically if running lint gives me an error. I made the changes in code as required but it did not result in any change.
lintOptions {
// set to true to turn off analysis progress reporting by lint
quiet true
// if true, stop the gradle build if errors are found
abortOnError true
// if true, only report errors
ignoreWarnings false
Also apart from it, I need to add lint to CI. The CI software I use is Jenkins. SO I need to configure their android linting plugin of Jenkins such that the build is stopped and marked Failure if Lint gives an error.
I am very new to lint and CI, so please provide a detailed answer.
You don't need the Lint Jenkins plugin. Just put something this in your JenkinsFile.
try {
sh './gradlew lint'
} finally {
step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: 'app/build/reports/staticAnalysis/lint/', fingerprint: true])
ArtifactArchiver is just to collect artifacts after lint check.

How can I ignore test failures with the gradle robolectric plugin?

I'm using the robolectric-gradle-plugin for robolectric unit tests. I don't want to fail a build on failed tests. Is there a way in DSL or a property not to fail a test on the build similar to -DtestFailureIgnore=true on the Surefire Maven plugin?
I've tried:
robolectric {
ignoreFailures = true
robolectric {
ignoreFailure = true
and -DignoreFailure=true on the command line.
I can't seem to find any documentation of how to do this, or any reference to ignoring tests in the source code.
answering very old question, so that it might help others who bump into here
testOptions {
unitTests.all {
I would suggest not to continue building an APK if there are any failing tests. But if you want to build an APK without testing the only way right now is to use gradle build -x test[1]. This will run build and not run any tests.
try without '='
robolectric {
ignoreFailures true

