I am developing and android application in mac using Eclipse for android-ndk. I have already given NDK path in Eclipse. At the end when I am giving this command to build my application using android-ndk but getting the following errors:
command: ndk-build
ndk-build-bash: ndk-build: command not found
My Terminal Commands:
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:~ UsmanKhan$ cd downloads
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:downloads UsmanKhan$ cd 26thMarch2014
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:26thMarch2014 UsmanKhan$ cd a2zLatest
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ ls
AndroidManifest.xml gen proguard-project.txt
Thumbs.db ic_launcher-web.png project.properties
assets libs res
bin lint.xml src
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ ls bin/classes/
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ ls bin/classes/com/testing/ndk
BuildConfig.class R$dimen.class R$string.class
FibLib.class R$drawable.class R$style.class
MainActivity.class R$id.class R.class
R$attr.class R$layout.class
R$color.class R$menu.class
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ mkdir jni
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ javah -jni -classpath bin /classes/ -d jni/ com.testing.ndk.FibLib
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ ls jni
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ ls jni
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ javah -jni -classpath bin/classes/ -d jni/ com.testing.ndk.FibLib
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ javah -jni -classpath bin/classes/ -d jni/ com.testing.ndk.FibLib
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:a2zLatest UsmanKhan$ ndk-build
-bash: ndk: command not found
At the end i am getting ndk-build error.
Instead of ndk-build command, simply type ~/Desktop/AndroidNDK/android-ndk-r10d/ndk-build in your terminal.
I didn't give any explicit values for ANDROID_NDK_ROOT and ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, i just give the location of my NDK in my eclipse preferences. Can you please guide me in this thing
According to the Android folks on the Android NDK group (see Recommended NDK Directory?), uou should always provide values for ANDROID_NDK_ROOT, ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and ANDROID_SDK_HOME. Here is what they are used for:
ANDROID_NDK_ROOT → installation dirctory of NDK
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT → installation dirctory of SDK
ANDROID_SDK_HOME → location of SDK-related user files, defaults to ~/.android/ on Unix.
Put the tools on-path and export the env vars. Here's my .bash_profile for OS X.
$ cat ~/.bash_profile
export PS1="\h::\W$ "
# Android
export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/opt/android-ndk-r10d
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android-sdk-macosx
export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=~/.android
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home`
export PATH="$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools/":"$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools/":"$PATH"
Then, source your profile changes (or log-off and then log-in).
How can I cross compile from my MacOS to Android native binary.
I read this, that I've to do:
export NDK_ROOT=~/dev/ndk-toolchain
./android-ndk-r10c/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh --platform=android-16 --install-dir=$NDK_ROOT
export NDK_CC=~/dev/ndk-toolchain/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
CC_FOR_TARGET=$NDK_CC GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 ./make.bash
export NDK_TOOLCHAIN=~/dev/ndk-toolchain
export CC=$NDK_TOOLCHAIN/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
export GOROOT=~/dev/go
export GOPATH=`pwd`
export GOOS=android
export GOARCH=arm
export GOARM=7
export CGO_ENABLED=1
$GO build -x main.go
I installed NDK from Android Studio, but could not find the mentioned path /dev/ndk-toolchain/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
In my device I've:
$ cd /Users/hajsf/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64
$ ls
arm-linux-androideabi bin lib share
$ cd bin
$ ls
arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line arm-linux-androideabi-elfedit arm-linux-androideabi-nm arm-linux-androideabi-size
arm-linux-androideabi-ar arm-linux-androideabi-gprof arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy arm-linux-androideabi-strings
arm-linux-androideabi-as arm-linux-androideabi-ld arm-linux-androideabi-objdump arm-linux-androideabi-strip
arm-linux-androideabi-c++filt arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib
arm-linux-androideabi-dwp arm-linux-androideabi-ld.gold arm-linux-androideabi-readelf
Not sure if this is correct or no, I tried the below and it worked with me the way I want.
In my mac:
$ GOOS=android GOARCH=arm64 GO build -x main.go
Then I saved the file at GDrive, then from my mobile, I downloaded it, then shared it with the Tramux and got it saved at folder ~/Downloads I gone there and made it executable as:
$ chmod +x server
Then run it as:
$ ./server
And got it working with me!
I downloaded NDK, extracted it, and found the correct path as:
And was able to compile as:
$ export NDK=~/Downloads/android-ndk-r21e
GOOS=android \
GOARCH=arm64 \
$ GO build -x main.go
In this, there is this line, but it gave me an error, and witout it, I was able to compile correctly
Android Studio is too slow for my computer so I took it upon myself to learn how to build android apps manually. I finished with this script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm -rf bin
rm -rf gen
mkdir bin
mkdir gen
# Set your application name
# Define minimal Android revision
# Define Java compiler command
JAVAC="${JAVA_BIN}/javac -classpath ${ANDROID_SDK}/platforms/${ANDROID_PLATFORM_REV}/android.jar"
JAVAC_BUILD="${JAVAC} -sourcepath src -sourcepath gen -d bin"
# Generate R class and pack resources and assets into resources.ap_ file
${ANDROID_SDK}/build-tools/${ANDROID_REV}/aapt package -v -f -I ${ANDROID_SDK}/platforms/${ANDROID_PLATFORM_REV}/android.jar -M AndroidManifest.xml -A "assets" -S "res" -m -J "gen" -F bin/resources.ap_
# Compile sources. All *.class files will be put into the bin folder
${JAVAC_BUILD} src/com/mycompany/mygame/*.java
# Generate dex files with compiled Java classes
${ANDROID_SDK}/build-tools/${ANDROID_REV}/dx --dex --output=${path}/bin/classes.dex ${path}/bin
# Recources file need to be copied. This is needed for signing.
mv "${path}/bin/resources.ap_" "${path}/bin/${APP_NAME}.ap_"
# Add generated classes.dex file into application package
${ANDROID_SDK}/build-tools/${ANDROID_REV}/aapt add ${path}/bin/${APP_NAME}.ap_ ${path}/bin/classes.dex
${ANDROID_SDK}/build-tools/${ANDROID_REV}/zipalign -f -v 4 ${path}/bin/${APP_NAME}.ap_ ${path}/bin/${APP_NAME}_unsigned.ap_
# Create signed Android application from *.ap_ file.
${ANDROID_SDK}/build-tools/${ANDROID_REV}/apksigner sign --ks ${path}/keystore/etamagotchi-release-key.keystore --ks-key-alias "mykeystore-alias" ${path}/bin/${APP_NAME}_unsigned.ap_
cp ${path}/bin/${APP_NAME}_unsigned.ap_ ${path}/bin/${APP_NAME}.apk
# Delete temp file
rm bin/*.ap_
rm bin/*.dex
It builds successfully. If I try to run adb install mygame.apk it says:
[INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.mycompany.mygame-1: Package /data/app/com.mycompany.mygame-1/base.apk code is missing]
If I manually try to install it says "The package appears to be corrupted". What's wrong with my build script?
I added -source 1.7 -target 1.7 -bootclasspath "${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/rt.jar" to my $JAVAC build rule
Please help me. I try to build PJSIP library in Windows for Android by using Cygwin terminal. I follow steps exactly, but when I write $ ./configre-android I get this error - >
$ ./configure-android
./configure-android: line 3: $'\r': command not found
./configure-android: line 5: $'\r': command not found
./configure-android: line 71: syntax error near unexpected token `$'do\r''
'/configure-android: line 71: ` for i in `$NDK_OUT`; do
I used this steps to build sources are
Download sources from PJSIP site. Pay attention if you will compile
on Windows machine download .zip file, if on Unix machine (including
OS X) then download .bz2 file.
Go to pjlib/include/pj/ from the downloaded sources. Create (or
overwrite) a file called config_site.h. Copy the following code
#include <pj/config_site_sample.h>
Open Cmd or Terminal
Go to pjsip root folder (the downloaded sources)
$ cd /path/to/your/pjsip/dir
Export bash var ANDROID_NDK_ROOT as a environment variable.
Variable value should be the path of android ndk directory.
$ export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/path_to_android_ndk_dir
Perform build for target armeabi
$ ./configure-android
If you need to perform build for target arm64-v8a do $
TARGET_ABI=armeabi-v8a ./configure-android --use-ndk-cflags
target armeabi-v7a do $
TARGET_ABI=armeabi-v7a ./configure-android --use-ndk-cflags
target x86 do $ TARGET_ABI=x86 ./configure-android --use-ndk-cflags
Compile sources
$ make dep && make clean && make
This fixed problem for me:
tr -d '\015' < configure-android > configure-android2
After this launch configure-android2, not configure-android
I have successfully generated .h file using javah, now i want to build my android-ndk hello world project. But it says command not found
nespl#nespl-pc:~$ ndk-build
ndk-build: command not found
this is my path
nespl#nespl-pc:~$ echo $PATH
Your PATH should include the root directory of your NDK:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/nespl/android-ndk-r8
instead of your current:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/nespl/android-ndk-r8/ndk-build
How can I build my source for android with NDK.
Already I download ndk and I don't know how can I set arch compiler path.
This is my "build-for-android.sh" code:
if [ -d /usr/X11/share/aclocal ]; then
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /usr/X11/share/aclocal"
./autogen.sh --host=arm-linux-androideabi --prefix=$MOONLIGHT_PREFIX --with-manual-mono=yes --with-testing=no --enable-browser-support --disable-desktop-support --with-unwind=no --with-ffmpeg=$ffmpeg --with-alsa=$alsa --with-pulseaudio=$pulse --with-opensles=$sles --with-pal=$pal --with-curl=$curl --with-cairo=$cairo --with-gallium-path=$gallium --enable-sdk=no --with-egl=$egl --with-glx=$glx CFLAGS="-DPLATFORM_ANDROID -I$MOONLIGHT_PREFIX/include $CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="-L$MOONLIGHT_PREFIX/lib $LDFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="-fno-rtti -DPLATFORM_ANDROID -I$MOONLIGHT_PREFIX/include $CFLAGS"
make $#
when I run it I get error below:
checking for arm-linu-androideabi-g++... no
checking for arm-linu-androideabi-c++... no
checking for arm-linu-androideabi-gpp... no
checking for arm-linu-androideabi-aCC... no
checking for arm-linu-androideabi-cc... no
I can see them in ~/Android/android-ndk-r8b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuild/linux-x86/bin/* directory.
OK. I found it.:
First, a standalone toolchain is created to make the configure script easier to use
~$ android-ndk-r5b/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh --platform=android-8 --install-dir=android-8-toolchain
Next, the toolchain's bin directory is added to the PATH.
~$ export PATH=$PATH:~/android-8-toolchain/bin/