the cannot be resolved - android

I have a project using open c v . and I get a error with import .org . open c v cannot be resolved . can you help me ?
I already clean project but not working.

Check whether you have imported your own projects R class rather than android's default R class.
For example:
And then do a "clean project".


Android studio hides R class

I was searching about R class in my project to get look on it without editing it.
When I press ctrl and click on R Android studio opens the resourse file instead of R class
Where does it exist in my project structure?
This is not about understanding R class in Android, It is about finding it the project for just having look inside it.
You can find R class by searching it with "shift + cmd + o" or "double shift".
I guess new android studio update directs to the xml source of the resource.
Please check in this path "app\build\intermediates\incremental-verifier\debug\your.package"

Error in when create new activity

i am trying to insert new activity in my android application,after inserting the new activity it gives error in the file,
String class
public static final int =0x7f050009;
it erase the variable name,and don't allow to update variable name. Is this problem occurs because i inserted new activity in the application,or problem is other ? is generated by android automatically. You don't(shouldn't) write/modify it. Just delete it and then clean and build the project again.
Try to clean you project from Project>Clean.. and build again.
When you create a new activity and after adding it in android manifest xml file, then building an application in eclipse should re generates the
If 'Build Automatically' enabled in eclipse, then on saving manifest file itself will trigger re generating Don't do anything in its automatically generated.
if u create the different packages for your project Like Activity, Fragment,Bean.
In such case R will show in red color at setContentView that time keep cursor at R and press ALT + ENTER it will show for import R.
click on it..
it will resolve your problem.

setContentView not working in my android code

I have an error in my android setContentView is not working.
my code is setContentView(R.layout.secondlayout);
Error is secondlayout cannot be resolved or it is not a feild.
Make sure that you placed the secondlayout.xml file inside res -> layout folder. Also make sure there is no error in this file. If the below line is there in your import statements, remove it.
import android.R;
Try this
import com.example.appname.R
Then, in eclipse go to project>clean , choose your project and press OK. Then wait until it is done. The clean operation regenrates R.

Eclipse: Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1

This happens instantly when I make a new project in Eclipse.
I only have 1 jar file in the project, I have tried to remove it, and add it again, several times, and cleaned the project after this.
I have updated ProGuard (I think), downloaded the new version, and replaced the lib folder as the threads on here said.
My file looks like this:
# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
# To customize properties used by the Ant build system use,
# "", and override values to adapt the script to your
# project structure.
# Project target.
So can't comment anything about ProGuard which was also mentioned in another thread.
I feel I have tried everything, and still this bug.
One thing I have noticed though if I go to:
window -> preferences -> android -> build. And uncheck "Force error when external jars contain native libraries". Then I get: "Can't resolve R" instead of the Dalvik error.
There is no import named android.R either.
Anyone with some help please?
This doesn't look like the issue with proguard, since it's not even enabled in your file. Try the following:
Uncheck "Force error when external jars contain native libraries" option (just as you did)
Select "Project -> Clean…" from the menu
If that won't help ensure you have the correct R class imported. As stated at
Eclipse sometimes likes to add an import android.R statement at the
top of your files that use resources, especially when you ask eclipse
to sort or otherwise manage imports. This will cause your make to
break. Look out for these erroneous import statements and delete them.
Have a look also at this thread: "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" on external JAR.
Check the following answers (link will bring you directly to the answer):
michel's answer
user408841's answer
Mido's answer
Joe's Apps' answer
I had mistakenly added a reference to a copy of android.jar, which was not required as it is an android dependency, I removed this and the error went away.
I started having this problem as well... The only thing that fixed it for me was manually downlaoding the newest version of ProGuard (currently 4.6) and replacing the SDK's version of Proguard's bin and lib folders with the newest verison.
After that everything started working again. This is apparently a logged bug...
Do you have the new Android SDK? If you do, you have to download the proguard.jar from the proguard website and replace it on the SDK directory.
I just was fighting with this problem myself what I ended up doing is editing the proguard.bat file and the problem vanished
it's in: [Android SDK Installation Directory]\tools\proguard\bin\proguard.bat
call %java_exe% -jar "%PROGUARD_HOME%"\lib\proguard.jar %*
call %java_exe% -jar "%PROGUARD_HOME%"\lib\proguard.jar %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
I tried tons of other stuff but this is what did it for me.
You have to clean your project every time if you use CVS update.
I have had this problem occasionally and the fix for me is to switch off 'Build Automatically'. In my experience, Eclipse sometimes gets confused when building apks when automatic building is switched on.
If none of the solutions work for you try to do the following:
Stop looking for online help.
Turn to your project. It can be something in the code that Dalvik interprets in wrong way even if there are no reported errors during the run of application.
I had such a problem. Multiple runs/builds/exports of application with Proguard disabled were successful and only after enabling Proguard an error 1 appeared.
Following steps can help you to resolve the problem:
Create a new project.
In order to detect the suspicious class, begin adding your classes one by one every time running the export signed application tool.
Narrow the search in that class by adding blocks of code to it also one by one.
In my case the error was caused by:
float[][] array1 = null, array2;
for(int i = 0; i < someVal; i++){
if(array1 == null){
array1 = new float[row][col];
array2 = new float[array1.length][array1[0].length]; // ERROR 1
// it was assumed that array1 is still null
When I replaced it with:
float[][] array1 = new float[1][1], array2;
for(int i = 0; i < someVal; i++){
if(i == 0){
array1 = new float[row][col];
array2 = new float[array1.length][array1[0].length]; // ERROR 1
// it was assumed that array1 is still null
the ERROR 1 disappeared.
I've tried many solutions on stackoverflow but nothing worked for me.
I just open the file in project folder and appcompat library was added twice here like
I just removed one line and this worked for me :)

Getting error in

I am getting error in file.
The error is
"The type R is already Defined."
I have tried deleting the and Cleaning the project.
step i have wrote if this situation raise ::
dont delete it, clean it.
goto Windows >>show view >>console and try to solve error?
goto Project >>click -> build automatically
remove import of R from import section
goto layout file and check that is there any id is same name ?if yes then change it
in layout file delete any single space,save and refresh and run.
Reason is that you have checked two Builders that try to generate the same class.
You just have to uncheck the Java-Builder from Project->Properties->Builders.
May be there are two builders for the project.check it in project->properties->builders. I too had the same problem.
Chk this out: Fairtec: Type R is already defined

