Indoor Maps for IOS/android - android

I want to create indoor map for a mall. I am using Beacons for getting positions and navigating for shortest paths. I dont need gps or any other wifi. What i need is:
I need to know how to create maps which can zoom in and zoom out like google maps.
I want to draw paths dyanamically when the user searches for it, so i need to keep in mind this functionality while creating maps.
Any body helps, Thanks in advance.
[Note: I studied google maps , but i cant use google map indoor functionality for some reasons. I also dont want to use any API which needs to be subscribed]

I want to create indoor map for a mall.
For creating an indoor map for any specific place (your example: mall store), you can draw your map and include it as a background image. Then using beacons you have to calculate your distance from them and draw your path based on x and y coordinates.
I need to know how to create maps which can zoom in and zoom out like google maps.
You can implement zoom on pinch on your image (map image)
I want to draw paths dyanamically when the user searches for it, so i need to keep in mind this functionality while creating maps.
As i mentioned above, you have to draw your path based on x and y coordinates. You can suppose that image's top-left corner is the intial coordinate(0,0) and assign that to x=0, y=0. While you are moving, you make a calculation based on those coordinates and update UI

One alternative to Google's tools for drawing and rendering maps (indoor or otherwise) would be Mapbox, who just recently updated their mobile SDK offering.


Creating custom maps over Google Maps is possible nowadays?

A few years ago we wanted to add a custom map over Google Maps (like the World looks like Midearth), but back then it was not possible. Now, I can see multiple apps that have their own overlay over Google Maps.
I tried creating my own map via Google Maps using their suggestions, but this was only for pins and routes.
What I need is to have the real cities on the map (like Rome, London, Paris), but with my own custom graphics for everything (map tiles, pins, etc.).
What document shall I read for this? I am sure I missed something on Google Maps.
Yes! It is possible with Google Map V2. You should consider using TileOverlay.
Essentially, every time GoogleMap wants to draw tile for specific coordinate - it asks you to provide this tile. You can use either static tile (see TileProvider) or you can provide URL, so GoogleMap goes to your web server and downloads this tile automatically (see UrlTileProvider)
I think what you want is GroundOverlay which can be any bitmap image that will be displayed on top of the basemap. You can even control the translucency of your map.
You most likely want to have your map image oriented north up and be scaled according to Mercator projection if the scale of your map is large enough to include Rome, London, and Paris. But if your map covers a smaller area, you don't need to worry about Mercator projection.

I have an application where I have loaded an image on google Maps

I am creating an application in android used for indoor mapping, where I have loaded an image of building floor plan on google Maps using GroundOverlay.
When the user taps on image, I need to capture the X,Y coordinates of the image.
I can do this by doing some Math using Latitudes and Longitudes. But as it as indoor application I cannot depend on lat and long.
Could you please suggest any other approach to get the XY coordinates of the building when the user taps on it.
Thanks in Advance.
You need to create a transformation formula between the latlong you will get from google maps and your building's internal coordinates, or the other way around - map points of interest in your building to latlong, and then use google.
The adjustment between your building locations and latlong is called geo referencing, and it can be done using 2 points on the map
Hope this helps

Create and display indoor map on Android

I'm developing an Android application and I would like to display an internal (indoor) map of some buildings, but I don't know where to begin: I want to create a custom kml file (how it's possible to create it? with which tool?) and display it in a fragment.
I already have it working with external maps (simple GoogleMap in MapFragment), so it would be super to have the kml file placed 'over' the GoogleMap, like real indoor maps.
My project is also about indoor maps. I want to share my experience:
First, I tried to use google map but google does not support all countries and my country is not supported. Therefore, I was not able to use google maps although it could be an easy way.
Second, I tried to use open street map which does not render indoor elements. It would be crazy because you have to use lost of other gis tools in order to do it.
the last, I thought why do I need geographical data. All of them - google, osm - are geographical maps which has geographical data. So I do not need this. I rendered my map and I used x,y coordinates of my map's jpg file. I added all of important place's x,y coordinate so I can search them. And it is most easy. And you can use tileview library which is so easy.

Is it possible to get the route network from Android Google Map?

I am trying to find a way to get the map of the road network currently visible on the the screen, while using the Google Maps API v2 for Android. I want to place some markers along roads, but I don't know if that is even possible? I can get the addresses, or the path between two addresses(using the route manager), but I need to know if I can paths of...all the roads visible?
That want you want, is to get the route as vectors (as poly line of latitude, longitude) coordinates.
But, No you can't. (although there is an inofficial Google API that gest the route as coded and compressed vector, but the usage is not legal.)
The vectors are "owned" by TeleAtlas/TomTom and they are not public availble, nor has Google the right to give them out.
If you need vectors, then you have to use OpenStreetMap routing Service, which potentzally provides vectors of a route (via an OpenStreetmap API)

Adding a custom Google map in Android development

Hey I am trying to find a way to create a golf cart map for android devices using the Google API's and Google Maps. I have an API key from google and did the basic tutorial already. I create a custom Google map that I want to implement in the application (all i really had to do was turn the bicycle map on). So what I am trying to do is program my custom map into an android application so people can use it as a GPS while driving on Golf Carts. I would greatly appreciate any advice to get me started because I haven't been able to find out how to do this in the Google API reference.
You will have to create your own extended version of MapView. override the onDraw method when you extend and apply your logic. :documentation link which can help you creating a custom control.
I would suggest extending the MapActivity class and use Overlays to draw any additional 'Golf' features you want to add e.g. the location of the user. As they move about in the golf cart you could keep their position static, with respect to the screen e.g. keep them centered, and scroll the map in whatever direction they are travelling. An additional aspect to keeping them centred is to also keep the map with North pointing upwards, and provide some additional directional feedback to the user such as an arrow showing their direction of travel e.g. if the user was travelling east, an icon showing their location would be in the center of the screen with an arrow pointing east, with the map scrolling from right to left.

