I am using the LinearLayout and inside there's button I am making visibilty gone based on supported states. SupportedStatuses are true then making Button as Visible but SupprtedStatuse are false then making button as Gone.
This is in a header and Button is Gone but still takes up the space.
Here is the Layout which I am using.
Anybody have a good solution then it helps me a lot.
You could use a FrameLayout around whatever layout you are using
For example:
<FrameLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content">
<!-- put your views here -->
This will ensure when using View.GONE the FrameLayout collapses on the space.
Try to wrap your button in another Linear/Frame layout and change their visibility as well.
I am using Android Leanback library for creating TV application. I have a layout which inflates Fragment (which is RowsSupportFragment) and below that there is button. So, when I scroll down to list of items in RowsSupportFragment after reaching to last item focus doesn't goes to button.
I already have tried setting focusable(true), nextFocusDown(buttonId) etc.
I can see that RowsSupportFragment uses VerticalGridView internally to inflate list of items.
Do anybody has any idea about it?
here is my layout:
android:text="Hello Next"/>
<// other items>
Focus works correctly if I left/right align button.
In My case this was work when i need focus on the any views
In My case,i need focus on the any views on right outside of RowSupportFragment item so Working around with focusOutEnd,focusOutFront and other focus features in the Leanback Style solved my solution.
like for requesting the focus to outside Button widget from RowSupportFragment, setting <item name="focusOutEnd">true</item> in style worked for me.
I have a question regarding the android layout transition framework. In particular i want to achieve an effect that a certain part of an layout slides down or up depending on the visibility of another view(s).
Imagine the following layout. (And please overlook the nested LinearLayouts here ;) )
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
Now what i want to achieve is that when changingView1 and changingView2 change their visibility that movingView slides up or down.
By enabling the LayoutTransition.CHANGING for the parent layout the sliding part works fine so. But this has the side effect that the movingView will also be animated when there are being items added or removed because this layout changes its bounds. And here lies my problem because this results in a very strange looking animation.
So back to my question. Is there a way to keep the sliding animation without animating layout bound changes on the movingView?
Disabling layoutTransitions on the movingView obviously does not help because this only effects the animations of the child views. I also tried playing around with enabling and disabling different LayoutTransitions on the parent layout but so far without the desired effect.
If i can add more details please let me know otherwise i hope someone can help me out.
Thanks in advance!
I know it's late but hope it can help someone. Since android:animateLayoutChanges is the property of the direct parent, you can wrap your View/Layout in a FrameLayout (or some other ViewGroup) and set android:animateLayoutChanges="false" on the new parent.
To avoid unwanted animations you can remove the animate layout changes by code when needed, something like this:
//removing the animate layout changes to prevent the default animation for the newly added items
/* do some logic to add the new views */
//add the animate layout changes back so the over changes will be still animated
new Handler().post(() -> {parentLayout.setLayoutTransition(new LayoutTransition());});
I hava a problem that can be presented like this : I have a RelativeLayout filling the screen and inside it a Button. Under this layout I have an other Button (this is like a layer structure).
<Button android:layout_marginLeft="133dp" id="button_single"/>
<RelativeLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent">
<Button id="button_inside"/>
When I keep pressed the button button_inside it gives the focus to the layout so the button_single is no more clickable.
How can I disable the layout focusable ability ?
Thank you in advance
NOTE : in reality, in my project, the button_single is a GLSurfaceView filling the screen but the problem is the same.
android:focusable="true" or "false"
in the xml file at your component
Im trying to have a searchbox on the top of my list view. But I want this searchbox to disapear sometimes and the listview to resize to regain space. Is there a way I can do that without reloading another and different layout ???
is there a way to add and remove a component from the current view ?I have been playing with setvisibility but it doesnt resize anything.
Please, if you know, give code example ! :)
I did this with a layout like this
<RelativeLayout android:id="#+id/editFrame"
<EditText android:id="#+id/editText"
<ListView android:id="#+id/ListView01"
Then, in the code, do the following:
to free up the space, or
to show the search box.
Instead of the EditText, one can as well use any other single control or a layout for a combination of controls.
Setting its visibility to GONE will make the surrounding editFrame layout (can as well be a FrameLayout) shrink to zero size and reclaim the space for the ListView (which is set to be layout directly below the editFrame layout).
How does Android determine whether to move the layout up when showing the softkeyboard?
Note: I am aware that the activity property android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize|adjustResize|adjustUnspecified"
exists, as described here http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html#wsoft
, but in my case it doesn't seem to have any effect. This is my problem:
I have two activities, pretty much the same layout, but the first one is using a ListView that holds a list of buttons. The second activity holds a scrollview with buttons.
The rest is the same, same number of buttons, same height of elements, etc.
Now, when I press the search button to open the search input bar, in my first activity, the entire layouts gets moved up.
While on the second activity, the layout is not being moved up but the softkeyboard just displays on top of it. This is actually how I want it to behave. How can I achieve the same with my activity that's using the ListView?
In my manifest, initially I didn't specify any android:windowSoftInputMode attribute, but even if I do, it doesn't make any difference; I tried all three values (adjustPan, adjustResize, adjustUndefined, without any difference).
This is my layout:
1) http://pastebin.com/5zzVxjbK
2) http://pastebin.com/KFtPuHvP
Interestingly though: when I set my ListView visibility in my layout 1 (left) to View.INVISIBLE, then the layout doesn not get moved up!
I can achieve this with a RelativeLayout and setting android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" like so:
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" >
<include android:id="#+id/Header" layout="#layout/header"
android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
<ListView android:id="#+id/android:list" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_below="#id/Header"
android:layout_above="#+id/Footer" />
<include android:id="#id/Footer" layout="#layout/footer"
android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" />
You may be able to achive this by setting the footer gravity (or layout_gravity) to "bottom", if you want to keep the LinearLayout, but I am not sure.