Copy on steroide incompatible - android

I'm using Android Studio and I want to copy my code keeping the highlighting of my text. I found this plugin for IntelliJ Idea : (copy on steroide) but when I try to install it I've got this error :
"Following plugins are incompatible with current IDE build : 'Copy' on
Does someone know how to fix it? Or know another plugin to copy text with colors?
Thank's in advance !

"'Copy on steroids' plugin functionality is bundled with the platform now - available for testing in IDEA 14 EAP."
It works out of the box in Android Studio 1.2


Error MSB4044 - Getting this error when building Xamarin android project

Error MSB4044: The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task was not given a value for the required parameter "DesignTimeBuild"- From visual studio for Mac
Tried cleaning the project and and removed all the obj files.
Any help appreciated.
Thank you
Clean your Project and Build individual Components like right click on your common/Droid/iOs individually and click build,instead of doing build all,see if this works
1.) Check in your Build - Configuration manager that iOS project is not selected while Droid project is being build.
2.) Check the packages version that you have installed are compatible, i.e Xamarin.Forms package version should be compatible with Droid other packages and version should be same for your PCL project.
Hope this may solve your issue.
when I replaced the file with another in the Android.coomon.targets, this error was fixed and the project got build successfully.

Android studio 2.0 preview 4, cannot not find jni function

this project can build & run,but c file always show Cannot find 'jni.h'.
other jni function also not found.
What should I do?
Try to use classpath '' instead of 0.8.0-alpha3.
I got a same problem on Android Studio 2.1.2, I tried another version, it works.Sorry for my bad English, hope it can help you :)
It is the bug in Androind Studio 2.0 Preview, please wait for the bugfix.
Issue 195483: Android Studio cannot find jni.h, but compilation still works.

Android Studio always excludes build/source folder

I'm using an annotation processor to generate code in android studio and ran into t
he problem that with every build android studio re-adds (i manually delete it every now and then) the following line to the module's .iml file:
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build/source" />
Does anyone know a setting or a way to prevent this?
I'm maybe thinking of a gradle task to delete this line from the file but i've never done anything like this. Can someone point me to the right direction?
I'm using the latest android studio version in beta update channel, which is 0.8.2
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Just to clarify: everything builds fine, but android studio shows a lot of errors in the editor and i can't use functions like "find usages" and "jump to definition" properly.
Thanks for guiding me in the right direction, the answer is to use a different source folder or in my case to update android-apt to a version >= 1.3 in build.gradle, like this:
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.3+'
I still had 1.2.+, see this link to the author's git for more details:

Intellij IDEA doesn't show up available suggestions for android resources in Kotlin files

I have a Kotlin file where I want access some Android resources through file. In this case Intellij IDEA doesn't show up available suggestions kinda like R.layout.main
Please look at this screenshot
Is it an issue in IDEA/Kotlin plugin or I have to configure something?
Kotlin plugin
Intellij IDEA IC-135.1019
Andorid API 19
Java 7
Android Build tools 19.1
Looks like a bug in Kotlin plugin. Please report bugs to our issue tracker:
Long shot but, I would recommend following the docs for android
I can see, for example, in your screenshot you don't have separate folders for kotlin and java with /src/main/java /src/main/kotlin
Maybe seeing your gradle file could be of some help.
Right now I'm using kotlin 0.10.195 with android 1.1, build tools 21.1.2 and gradle plugin 1.0.1 , and suggestions are working fine.

CordovaResourceApi import unresolved phonegap

I am using phonegap-2.9.0 with file plugin. When I build project for android platform it creates two packages within the src/ folder:
I get below errors within these two packages:
1 - org.apache.cordova.file.FileUtils
Method testSaveLocationExists() from the type DirectoryManager is not visible
Method getFreeDiskSpace() from the type DirectoryManager is not visible
Method testFileExists() from the type DirectoryManager is not visible
2 - org.apache.cordova.filetransfer.FileTransfer
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi unresolved
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi.OpenForReadResult unresolved
Could someone please tell me what I should do to resolve these?
You have two problems.
1) Version of Phonegap is outdated
2) The way to install a plugin is:
-> phonegap plugin add "urlofplugin" or "/path""
-> phonegap platform add android
-> phonegap prepare
-> phonegap build
sometimes the plugin has a different default installation, the files need to change the platform.
Well, I dont know if I can help you, but I had similar problems. When I installed exactly those two plugins I got an error too. A different one, which I dont perticularly remember, something to do with a missing file that I can easily find in the file manager. Anyway, what helped me was:
I updated to a more recent version, if you are able to I advice for it.
After installing the plugins through cordova cmd api (.nodejs command prompt ... you know what I mean) I was forgetting to build in the api itself. It sounds stupid but I was using wp8 and thus using a template for visual studio. The studio gave me the error, the building process (in cmd) also gave errors, but it was fixed by updating to the newer version.
You need to configure you build path and then add library from external source and select the library then it will resolve or u can make copy and paste cordova library .jar file in your lib folder. then it will remove, if not happen then tell me .......
I am not sure if that will work but first uninstall these plugins using phonegap/cordova CLI and than reinstall it in the root of application folder using the CLI only like this:
phonegap local plugin add <required plugin>
This worked for me after reinstallation.

