Overlap first position view by second position in android scrollview - android

Inside ScrollView I am adding textview dynamically to look like list view but now on scroll I want first position textview to be overlap by second or next textview item.
ref: List view with custom view items with partially overlaps (Android)


How can i change viewType in recycler view of center item while scolling

I want to change the layout of the center item of the recycler view while scrolling.
For example - If we have a horizontal recycler view of images, I want to show text along with the image for the center item visible on the screen, and the rest of the items will only contain the image. While scrolling also I want such behavior. So implementing CustomScrollListener for recycler view is not helping.
Right now I am changing the viewType of the center item in the CustomScrollListener when it stops scrolling. It is working but I want such behavior while scrolling.

Animate item in RecyclerView to another view in different layout

I have a RecyclerView and a EditText in different layout. Now, I want to animate an item in RecyclerView to the EditText, in the end of the animation, the item will be invisible. Can someone tell me how to do this
I did the way in this link but it didn't work
Animate a view from one Layout to other Layout

List view footer should be attached to bottom but at the end of list view it should be fixed at some height

I want to display a footer at the end of list view but when list becomes scrollable footer should be displayed at bottom and visible.Currently when I add footer view it is at the end of list view always and when list view has more items footer is not visible.,for showing footer I need to scroll down till the end of list view.
what you can do add a footer layout to listview and also add it to the end of the listview and implement the AbsListView.OnScrollListener in your activity and in onScroll() method method you can disable the footer layout in this way you can achieve what you desire

Let view visible at scrolling

I have a view that contains
On top a header - view 1
Under the header a radiogroup
Under the radio grup a listview
At scrolling in list I want that radio grup to be visible all time in top
If the user starts scrolling I don t want to see the view 1 , just scroll through list and see on top the radio group , if he scroll back to the top then I want to see view 1+ radiogroup + listview
If your view1 is a header for your listview, you can check the function addHeaderView of a ListView, and add a custom xml view for that. This way, you will be able to scroll the view1 + listview, and have your radio group on top.
Look at that tutorial to implement a custom header :

Using ScrollView

I try to implement following behavior of my app:
I've got list of views and show them in scrollview partly.
If user scroll and reaches bottom of scrollview, I add one more view below last view;
If user scroll up and reaches top of scrollview, I add view above the first view.
My problem is that when I add view above the first view it shift all views in layout down.
My question is: how to add view above view in hidden area, so user could have a look by scrolling up?

